Bromance To Forget Romance

Charan was lying lazily on the sofa, munching cookies and drinking coffee, while watching 'Tom and Jerry' on the TV. Charan was about to fall asleep when a knock on the door broke his sleep. He quickly put the cup on the table and took out his gun and carefully walked towards the door. He peeped through the peephole and saw Vivek and Arman were standing there. He took a breath of relief and opened the door. Vivek came and hugged his brother tightly and Arman went inside the toilet. Vivek looked around the house and said, "It looks quite expensive. Why did you choosed it as a hideout?" Charan replied, "Liam arranged it and moreover the house is bulletproof and also many weapons are hidden behind each wall." Charan went and pushed a lamp on the table and suddenly the wall slided right and Vivek saw numerous shelves packed with guns of all ranges. Charan brought the lamp to its original position and the wall slided back to normal. Vivek asked, "What does Liam do? He seems quite rich and also from his way of behavior and personality, he doesn't seem to be the hardcore Mafia type." Charan smiled, "Liam is a chameleon. Understanding him is not so easy, but one thing he has the purest is his friendship and honesty. So, you don't have to worry about him." Vivek yawned and said, "I'm going to bed. Don't wake me up till 6 in the morning." Charan asked, "You OK, brother?" Vivek asked, "Yes, why?" Charan went near Vivek and hugged him, "Liam told me about Shirley's condition when you saw her. It must be hard for you to forget that sight, no matter how hard you try. But, remember one thing, her love will always be with you and this will give you strength to face the world without her by your side." Vivek said sadly, "She was really great. An angel. She never let me or anyone know that she knew about us. Her utmost love always washed my sins, but I couldn't do anything for her. It creeps me out, whenever I think about the pain and humiliation she had to suffer in the hands of that monster. She must have waited for everyday, even on her last day. But I couldn't and now I can't." Charan patted his shoulder and said, "You know the day, I heard about Alia's death, our mothers's death, Ejaz's death, I couldn't feel sadness inside me. In fact, I couldn't feel anything that day, I felt like a doll without emotions, relations and life. But, I couldn't show my numbness to anyone, especially to you and Arman. Because I know if you see sadness on my face, it will damage you badly and I would never want that." Arman came from the toilet and asked, "I need to fill my stomach. Do you have anything ready?" Charan replied, "There is some bread and butter in the fridge. You and Vivek go and eat. I'm upstairs if you need anything." Charan slowly climbed the stairs and went to sleep. Vivek and Arman filled their stomach and went inside their respective rooms to call it a night.

The next morning, Charan was brushing his teeth, while Arman was reading a book. Vivek opened the door of his room and slowly dragged himself to the bathroom. After using the toilet, he opened the door and looked at Charan and gave a smile. Charan nodded and washed his mouth and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them. Vivek looked at Arman and asked, "What are you reading?" Arman replied, "Nothing special. I found it in the shelf and started reading. It is a book on animals and their lifestyle." Vivek went outside and saw a newspaper lying on the door. He picked it up and read the front page, 'High damage to the German economy due to the rising cases of crime. Police is silent as usual and their detrimental silence is proving to worsen the matters beyond repair.' Vivek turned the page and read another news, 'Famous industrialist and philanthropist, Rajendra Bhardwaj lost a decent amount of wealth in recent years. The absence of his son and the recent death of his wife had shook him to the core. Peers claims that they even saw Mr. Rajendra trying to kill himself and now he is kept under rehabilitation center. Business rivals and crook partners looted enormous amount of his wealth and now he had to sell his belongings to survive each day.' Vivek took the newspaper inside and threw it on the table. He washed his mouth and drank a glass of lemon juice with honey in it. He looked at Arman who was reading each paragraph attentively and was disconnected with the outer world. Charan brought three plates of grilled cheese bread, small pieces of fresh tomatoes and nicely minced chicken meat. He prepared the food and distributed it on each plate. Vivek said, "Hey, Arman the explorer, come and eat." Arman put the book on the table and started eating the bread. Vivek asked, "Charan, what's the next plan?" Charan replied, "Nothing much. I have already punctured their boat and now we just need to wait till they fall in the water." Arman asked, "What about Shayana?" Charan replied, "She is enjoying the German cuisine." Arman said angrily, "I never liked that girl. Of course, she's attractive and all. But, she's still our enemy. Thank God, Ejaz never touched her." Charan narrowed his eyes and asked, "How do you know if Ejaz ever touched her not?" Arman silently sipped his coffee. Charan said, "Tell me." Arman sighed, "Aah. All right, I'm telling you. The thing is that....aaaa...I'm the father of her child." Charan and Vivek asked together, "WHATTT!!?" Arman continued, "I told you already that she is quite beautiful and attractive and moreover I knew about Ejaz's sterility. I really didn't wanted to defame Ejaz and our family, so I requested one of my friend to mix sedatives in both Ejaz and Shayana's drinks. After Ejaz fell asleep, I slowly went to Shayana's room and saw that she was asleep too. For sometime, I controlled myself, but her beauty was calling me. I slowly climbed up the bed and went near her. Her sweet smell and heavy breaths shivered me to the core. I took a deep breath and slowly kissed her neck, then cheeks and finally her soft lips. I slowly opened her clothes and then my clothes and wrapped us in the blanket. I swear, I didn't wanted to go that far, but my mind was not with me and I took her virginity. I don't know if it was the effect of her beauty or my lust, I kept on doing till early morning. At the end, I had no energy left to even move, but I somehow wore my clothes and dragged myself to my room. Ejaz never spoke about anything and the days went on." Vivek and Charan looked at each other and sighed. Vivek said, "I want to tour Germany. Why don't we go shopping? In that way, we could spend the day together." Charan smiled, "It's an awesome idea. What about you, Arman?" Arman replied, "Yes. I too have to buy some neccessary stuff." Vivek took the plates and went inside the kitchen. Arman looked at Charan, "I know it's my fault. But, now what?" Charan replied, "Congrats, my brother. You have a daughter named Hamida." Arman smiled, "It's just like its meaning. Praiseworthy." Charan said, "Don't feel guilty. Just think of it as a strange dream." Arman nodded slightly.

"But there is still one fault." Vivek said. Arman asked, "What fault?" Vivek replied, "Shayana is the royal mother and still has a heavy say in the daily affairs of the Sultanate. What are you gonna do about that?" Arman replied, "That's why I have to rescue my daughter from her and send her to a safe place far away from both the reaches of my enemies and the Sultanate." Vivek asked, "Why don't you want her to live like a princess?" Arman replied, "Because I don't want her to live like her mother. Become an object to relinquish enemity between two families." Charan patted Arman's shoulder and asked, "What if she ask about her mother when she grow up?" Arman replied, "The time will answer that question." Vivek said, "Let's go out. It's already 11 am." Arman and Charan changed clothes and all of them went out for shopping.

The market was filled with different shops and stalls, with people of different countries roaming around to buy stuff. Arman looked at a small shop selling belts, sunglasses and other grooming materials. Arman went to the shop and asked, "How much for a belt?" A young man, probably eighteen years old said in a smooth voice, "Five Euros for the normal ones, 50 Euros for the leather ones and 100 Euros for the crocodile skin ones." Arman looked at the material carefully and tested its quality. Those belts were of decent quality and also fits their mentioned prices, but the belt he was looking for was not in the shop. Arman asked, "Do have any spike belts?" The boy replied, "OK. Wait for a second, sir." He took out a box and showed some good quality spike belts. Arman said, "OK. I will buy the entire box. How much in total?" The boy looked at Arman with wonder and slowly said, "500 Euros." Arman looked at the boy and said angrily, "Don't try to deceive me. 350 Euros is my last offer." The boy said, "OK." Arman gave him the money and took the box. Arman then quickly joined Vivek and Charan in the crowd. Vivek looked at the box and asked, "What is that?" Arman smiled, "Spike belts. I bought them for a rainy day." Vivek smiled. Charan suddenly said, "Look guys. You see that man with other two guys coming towards us." Vivek and Arman looked at the direction and saw a fat man along with two other guys coming towards him. Vivek asked, "Yes, why?" Charan replied, "He is David Spencer, aka Rich David. He worked for Draco for many years and is even one of the few people to see Draco dying. But Francis never acknowledged his importance and relieved him from his position." Vivek asked, "But how is he beneficial to us?" Charan smiled, "In many ways. As I just said that he worked for Draco for many years and have been close to the affairs of the Dortmunds. He perfectly knows about the pros and cons of the Dortmunds and would help us in destroying them forever." Arman asked, "But why would he help us?" Charan replied, "That's my next plan. I got to know that he has a daughter of our age studying something in the local college. We have to kidnap her and then we can easily blackmail her father to spit out all the secrets." Vivek asked, "You know how his daughter looks like?" Charan replied, "No. But, you see the bald man in his right. He always picks and drops her to college." Vivek asked, "So, you are planning to kidnap her on her way to college?" Charan replied, "Definitely. But, don't worry, only this bald guy and the girl stays in the car and we have only this man to get rid of." Vivek and Arman nodded in approval.

After buying some trivial stuff, they went to a local bar to moist their throats. Charan, Vivek and Arman sat in the chairs and ordered malt, whiskey and gin respectively. Charan took a sip of his drink and said, "Things have changed so much that sometimes it gets hard to keep up with time. First, Survi, Alia, Geeta, Vanessa and now Shirley. I still hear their noises in my ears and whenever I turned around, there is no one." Vivek gave a weak smile, "I still remember the day when dad died. Everyone had tears in their eyes, some real and some fake, but my eyes were dry. Mom came and consorted me and tried hard to make me cry, but to no avail. You had been given temporary bail to cremate our father. Everyone saw you with gore, but you remain intact and cremated our father. Everyone thought that our father died in accident, but only I knew that he was killed by Mr. Gonzalez , with the help of Jimmy Law. I took an oath to find and finish the culprits and avenge my father, but instead I became a criminal in the long run. I never had many friends but one day, I met Arman in a party. He was bored like me and we shared a cigarette and couple of good memories. I got a motive, a friend and the only thing missing was love, but that was also completed in the most beautiful way possible. I still remember that one day I saw a young girl saving a small puppy and stopped my car to ask for help. That was the first time I saw her. Beautiful and full of life. Meetings gradually turned into moments and we became one." Arman looked at Charan and Vivek and smiled, "You two are very lucky. You got to spend time with your love, but me. I didn't even got the chance to propose her let alone make memories with her." Charan said sadly, "That bastard Ryan took everything from us, even after his death. He first killed Survi, then we killed him, his death brought us prestige, prestige brought us new enemies, new enemy killed Alia and our members, Vivek had to leave Shirley and the rest is history." Vivek sighed, "What's the point of repeating all this? Everyone knows our story already. The current problem in hand is to finish our enemies and make our lives easy." Arman asked, "How and when?" Charan replied, "Gradually and with surety." All raised their glasses and cheered.

After coming home, Arman immediately went to his bed to sleep. Vivek and Charan changed their clothes and freshen up. Vivek hugged Charan and said smiling, "Thank you, brother. Thank you so much." Charan asked, "What have I done?" Vivek replied, "You tried to lessen up my pain and has always been with me in my hard times. So, accept my sincere gratitude." Charan brushed Vivek's hair and kissed his forehead. Charan said, "Actually, I should thank you for being with me for all the time. I still remember, at times people used to say that you will betray me and become a headache for me as you are my stepbrother. But, you have supported me when I choosed crime over business. Even mom stopped talking to me for a long time, but you convinced her and family to be accept my decision. Without you, I would have never achieved all this. So, thank you, my little brother." Vivek smiled and asked, "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Charan replied, "Definitely." They both went to the bed and turned off the light and closed their eyes to sleep as the night grew darker.....