The Sudden Attack

After leaving Germany, Francis went to ask for help to one of his oldest and currently the most trustable friend, the crown prince of Russian Mafia, Dmitry Zhukov. Francis has been in gloves with him from the early stages of his dominance over Germany and this relationship provided both of them a good amount of political and economical benefits. While, Francis became the uncrowned king of Germany Dmitry rose to a supreme position in the Russian Mafia and after the demolition of the High Table, became the sole most influential gangster in the Underworld. Francis seldomly goes to Russia and Dmitry never went to Germany but they occasionally call each other to ask their daily affairs. Though the visit was not unexpected but the time was a little unsuitable for discussing this matters as Dmitry's father was unwell and would most probably won't survive long. Francis stopped his car near the gate of the large and magnificent castle whose gates alone were taller than most houses of Germany. The gatekeeper came near the gate and looked at the nicely dressed Francis. It was not like he has seen him the first time but he hadn't expected him here particularly when Francis had not shown his face in the last three years. The gatekeeper politely opened the gate and Francis went inside the compound. The whole castle was plain grey in color and solitude and coldness could be felt coming from the walls. Francis went near the door and a scanner scanned him and minutes later, a lean young man wearing professor glasses opened the door. He looked at Francis with both wonder and excitement and hugged him. Francis smiled, "How are you, my old friend?" The man replied, "Just as always. Tired of managing the castle myself and things have become more annoying since Lord Ivan fell sick." Francis laughed, "That's your job." The man smiled and said, "Come in. Let me update you with some of the new things in the castle." Francis and the man went inside the castle.

The man showed Francis the seating room and went outside. Francis looked around and saw many trophies and medals on the wall. All those medals were earned by Dmitry for his excellent archery skills and tactical combat skills. Francis looked at a potrait of a young fair lady made with oil pastel colors. Beneath the potrait was embedded in bold, 'Lady Sansa. The queen mother and the guiding light of the empire.' The lady was Dmitry's late mother who laid her life to save Dmitry's life when the enemies tried to kill him when he was only mere eleven years old. Jimmy Law was the mastermind behind that plan as the Russians were heavily supporting the Dortmunds and Jimmy wanted to show them his power and the consequences for not obeying his words. Though, Dmitry got no external damage but the untimely death of his mother had a great impact on his mental health. The once jolly Dmitry became strict and silent. Dmitry never managed to avenge his mother as all the culprits were killed by other people and the main culprit, Jimmy died in the hands of his best friend, but he was too mature to feel sad for such things. In fact, these events actually benefited him as he didn't have to go anywhere and all his enemies gradually finished and he became an influential power in no time. Francis also lost his mother at the hands of his enemies, but he don't care about that as he was a baby then and he doesn't believe in unnecessary killings.

The man came inside and this time he was carrying a tray on which there was a cup of hot coffee and a plate full of cupcakes. He put it on the table in front of Francis and said in an apologetic tone, "Sorry. The coffee is the only beverage permissible in these hard times." Francis laughed, "Don't worry. It will be good if I discuss matters in a sober mood." The man asked, "What matter?" Francis smiled, "Nothing serious. Just the usual business talks." The man smiled, "OK. Dmitry is on his way and will be here any moment. Please excuse me. I have some work to do." Francis gave a smile. Minutes later, a tall, well built man came inside the room. He was well dressed with fur coat and rugged jeans and a golden Rolex watch was shining on his left wrist. He came and tightly hugged Francis and asked, "How are you?" Francis replied, "Almost as always." Dmitry asked, "Almost?" Francis gave a weak smile and replied, "You already know my situation so I won't waste our time and come straight to the point. Syman is trying his best to convince the Malaysian families to turn against me, but the intense fear and distrust in Syman has barred the families from that privilege. I personally don't mind his advances but other powerful enemies are also starting plotting against me, particularly the recent attack on my hotel." Dmitry carefully listened his words and thought for a moment. He said grimly, "You are right. We cannot leave this matter like this. Syman may not be an immediate problem for us but his courage can inspire other people to take a chance against us and that will be far destrous than ever. But, I may have a proposition that can stop the matter for a year or two." Francis asked, "What is it?" Dmitry smiled, "Everyone knows that you are Draco's son and that relation has kept your boat sailing for all this years, but now people are thinking you to be a clown and are laughing behind your back. It's time to show who you are and take back Malaysia just like your uncles did." Francis thought for a moment and answered, "The plan's good. That's why I always ask you for help whenever I get in trouble." Dmitry smiled, "Come with me. Let's show you the estate." Francis and Dmitry went outside laughing and reminiscing their childhood.

Three black Mercedes cars were speeding on the clear road. The first and second car were of the security and the middle car was carrying Mr. Yang one of the top distributors of arms in Malaysia and also a potential investor in Syman's newly established crime empire. Alongside him was sitting Misai, Syman's newly appointed manager. Though he wasn't the best for that position, but after Jo and Alphonso's departure to Germany, he managed to prove his worth and got appointed to that position. Currently, he is trying hard to convince Mr. Yang to do business with Syman and openly declare opposition towards Francis and his associates and become a key member of Syman Empire. But Mr. Yang is not agreeing with his terms. According to Mr. Yang, Syman is still weak and even if he joins him, there is a high chance that he will excluded and probably killed by his own partners and being a family man, he cannot take such risk. Misai said politely, "Please, sir. You already know he has grown up with some of best people in the Underworld and don't forget that Jimmy Law himself trained him. You should atleast give him a chance." Mr Yang replied, "It doesn't matter what he was in the past, but what is he now. Syman died in the hands of Francis and Syman did nothing for it. This already shows his ungrateful nature and also his incapability against Francis. He cannot be trusted." Misai said annoyingly, "But he destroyed the High Table." Mr. Yang replied, "Not destroyed. Captured and that too when they were in their lowest. I acknowledge his slyness and strategies, but we need someone who knows to take tough decisions." Misai said, "OK. I cannot force you any further. It's been a pleasure talking with you." Mr. Yang smiled, "Don't worry, young man. Syman is not worthy of anyone's time. He is just an user not a helper. So, be careful around him." Misai gave a weak smile.

Misai perfectly knows that Mr. Yang was right. Syman wasn't the best leader and certainly not even trying to be one. He had spent most of the time after the seizure of the High Table inside the building and seldomly comes out to give anyone a visit. Many may praise his smartness and knows to take advantage of other's weaknesses, but his silence towards the various voices raising against him was gradually making him a nuisance of his own people. But, Misai cannot deny the fact that Syman is capable enough to challenge a person like Francis and to some extent, can finish Francis too. With these thoughts in mind, Misai was looking out the window when he saw a gang of bikers following them. All of them were wearing helmets and from their appearance they seemed to be on a mission.

Misai was looking at them when a truck suddenly stopped in front of the first car and two men started firing on the car. Misai quickly took out his pistol and screamed, "Quickly turn the car." The driver quickly turned the car and rode towards an alley, but the bikers were continously firing on the back of the car. Though both the car's body and glasses were bulletproof, but the firing will definitely damage the speed of the car. Misai jumped on the front seat and threw the driver out of the car. Mr. Yang cried, "Are you insane?" Misai replied, "This is the only way to survive. Believe me." Misai quickly turned the car and started driving towards the bikes and in no time he crashed three bikes and went furiously towards the highway. As he had just took a breath of relief, the truck came from behind and hit the car from behind. Misai and Mr. Yang both of them flew in the air for a moment and came crashing down on the road. The crash was so violent that the whole backside of the car got damaged and Mr. Yang got crushed like paper. Misai's left arm was completely dead and he somehow crawled outside of the car. He was coughing blood and his blurred vision barred him from seeing the attackers. The truck stopped near the damaged car and three men wearing black leather jackets came near the dying Misai who was dragging himself on the ground. One of the men took out his gun and finished Misai's agony. He then took out his phone and dialed a number. After few rings, a voice answered, "Yes." The man said, "Boss. The work is done but Syman wasn't here, but some servant of his with Mr. Yang." The voice asked, "What about Mr. Yang?" The man replied, "Dead." The voice sighed, "I wanted him alive, but it is good too. Come back before anyone arrives." The man disconnected the call and quickly went inside the truck and rode away, crushing Misai's dead body.

Syman was sitting on his sofa when Chang came inside the room. Syman looked at him and asked, "You have something to say?" Chang coughed a little and said nervously, "We had no idea how it happened. It was totally unexpected. No one can blamed for the accident." Syman curled his lips and said, "Blaming, not blaming is a thing of future but for now, the real concern is what we are gonna tell the community and how will they react. Mr. Yang was not only a profilent businessman but also an aged leader of the Malaysian Front. You can't imagine the amount of prestige we would have get if he agreed to join our side. But that bastard denied our alliance and if that was not enough headache, he is killed within our territory. You can't even measure the enormous jeopardy, we are in right now." Chang asked, "You know who did this?" Syman replied, "We all do." Chang said, "OK. I will see if any further information can be get from the site of incident." He saluted Syman and went away. Syman looked at the clock and saw it was almost his sleep time and he quickly went towards his bed. He looked at his phone on his bed and saw a message from an unknown number. It says 'If you want to regain your lost respect and finish your enemy for good. Meet me at the Southern Gate at 11 tomorrow morning.' Syman put the phone aside and pulled a blanket over him. He was quite upset with today's incident and was angry at his helplessness. He looked at his phone and saw the message again and then dialed a number. The other end picked up the phone and asked, "Yes, boss?" Syman replied, "I'm sending you a number. Find all you can about it and report to me before 9." The other end disconnected the call and Syman closed his eyes to sleep, as the night deepen...