The Traitor

Richard was preparing omelette and pasta for Lisa, who was sitting near the mantelpiece. Richard and Lisa were not that close right now but things are somewhat romantic between them. Richard was a little skeptical about her as she readily accepted his offer to stay in his house when asked, but he later let it go thinking it was because she has trust on him. Lisa wasn't much talkative and doesn't talk unnecessarily and Richard too never asked much personal questions. For him it was like 'if it's ain't broke, don't fix it' situation and moreover all her information turned out to be true and they managed to catch the dirty manager and Lisa got her job back and in fact, she is the new manager now. The current unstable situation in Germany was also a reason for them staying together as Lisa is now connected with them and keeping her away could be dangerous. Richard put the omelette, tomatoes and chopped onions with mustard sauce between the bread and took it near Lisa. Lisa was shivering a little as she caught a cold working late nights and Richard was taking care of her. Lisa thanked him and slowly started eating the burger. Richard asked, "Would you like some soup?" Lisa waved her hand and said, "Don't bother. My stomach is already full." Richard said, "But you have barely ate anything." Lisa smiled, "I will tell you when I'm hungry." Richard picked up the thermometer and put it inside her mouth. He said calmly, "It's looks quite normal now. Take some rest and you will be in perfect health in no time." Lisa smiled and came near Richard and kissed his cheek. She said softly, "Thank you so much for taking care of me in hard times." Richard said, "It is a sign of basic humanity." Lisa smiled, "Yes, it is."

The sound of the doorbell brought their attention towards the door. Richard went to the door and looked through the peephole and saw Igor waiting there. He quickly opened the door and Igor came inside. He looked at Lisa and gave her a smile and Lisa smiled back. Igor looked at Richard and said, "Keep the door open. Alisha is coming." Richard turned and looked at the plainly dressed Alisha came inside. Her cologne hitted Richard's nose and Richard sneezed. Igor looked at him and asked, "You okay?" Richard smiled, "Yeah. Just a little allergic to lavender." Alisha smiled, "OK. I will keep that in mind." Richard smiled. Igor coughed a little and brought everyone's attention towards him. He said, "The purpose of my late night visit is to give all of you some important news. Francis called a couple of hours ago and said that he had done a sudden yet effective attack on Syman to which Syman hasn't done anything in return which is risky for that many of our enemies are now secretly plotting against us. Francis has decided to stay in Russia and plan things there with Dmitry and has advised us, particularly me to see the affairs here. Shayana has already locked herself inside the palace and stays completely under tight security. Alisha and I have some responsibilities in and out the palace and therefore we may not be in the palace all the times. So, I want Richard and if required Lisa to stay in the palace and keep the things running in the palace. I'm not forcing anyone as it both tiring and risky, so if you two agree, we can shift your belongings to palace by tomorrow." Alisha said, "Well, if Lisa stays in the palace. She have keep an eye on Hamida as Shayana is not a responsible parent and also a lazy person. A thing she rejects on the excuse of inherited royalty habits. So, Lisa will you do that?" Lisa looked at Alisha and then everyone and said calmly, "I don't really have a nursing experience, but I will try my best." Alisha smiled, "You don't have to be a nurse there, just take care of Hamida and do some errands for Shayana and you would be good to go." Lisa nodded in approval. Igor looked at Richard and said, "Let the ladies do their gossips. Let's go to the bar to have a drink." Richard replied, "OK. Alisha, Lisa has a little fever so keep giving medicine in time." Alisha smiled, "Don't worry, sir. Mission Lisa is my responsibility now." Igor and Richard went outside the room.

Alisha observed Lisa carefully. She was indeed quite beautiful and attractive. Her nose was a little red as she has cold, but it only seems like a cherry on a milk cake. Her hair were of medium length and the were loosely dangling above her face. Though Alisha was no stranger to beauty herself, but even she felt threatened by her beauty. Looking at her body, one could easily assume that she belongs from a well to do family and have seen good days. Alisha slowly asked, "Lisa, what is your full name?" Lisa looked at her puzzled and slowly replied, "Lisa Martinez." Alisha asked, "Spanish?" Lisa replied, "No, Argentine." Alisha asked, "Really. Why did you come here so far from home?" Lisa replied sadly, "Long story, big sister. My father was a wealthy businessman and we had a large estate in Buenos Aires Province, but like many wealthy people my father was too addicted to drinking and gambling and one day came home losing much of the money and also had a scuffle with a local gangster. Though it was not a big deal, but the gangster started harrasing my father and ultimately reached our house. He saw me and instantly asked for my hand in marriage as a sign of truce between him and my father. My father and mother quickly sent me to an uncle in France in overnight. My uncle had a flithy and useless son who he wanted me to marry to return his favor done on me, but I rejected and somehow managed to escape to Germany. I somehow got a job as a waitress in a local hotel and I brought a room for myself. But, then the manager changed and the rest is history." Lisa started sobbing and Alisha comforted her. Alisha asked, "What about your family?" Lisa replied, "I could never contact with them again and only God knows whether they are alive or not." Alisha asked, "But why did you lied to Richard about your mother?" Lisa replied, "He was a stranger then." Alisha said, "My story is similar to yours. But, it was my choice. I wanted to pursue a life in London and I got one when I was called for a job in one of the prominent multinational companies in London, but it was a Mafia run company and things started getting nasty. My boss was good and kind, but one of his friend was a loose character. He drugged and raped me, but my boss didn't do anything for me. Francis is an enemy of him and Shayana was my boss's friend's wife, so he kidnapped her and me and brought us to Germany. Then, the rest is what it is."

Lisa looked at Alisha and asked sadly, "Why do we women have to suffer all the time?" Alisha hugged her and replied, "It's a patriarchal society where women are subjected to subordination. Take Shayana for example, she is one the most powerful ladies right now but only for the men centered policies of the Sultanate, she needs the help of Francis to take what she deserves." Lisa asked, "What do you mean?" Alisha replied, "Shayana is you don't know, is the sister of Al- Rasoori, a big lord of the past who had accumulated tons of money by looting people and trafficking. But, with time his large fortune also couldn't save his life when the Sultan attacked his empire and killed him. Apart from Shayana, her mother survived and Shayana was forced to marry Sultan's elder son, Ejaz. Ejaz died some months later in some small gunfight and three weeks later, the Sultan was also killed by some enemy. Shayana now is in a dilemma as she has to either marry Ejaz's small brother, Arman or remain a widow all her life. But, from inside news, she got to know that Arman wants to kill her as he doesn't like her. So, she is now aligning herself with Francis to become the queen of the Sultanate." Lisa smiled, "It all sounds confusing to me." Alisha smiled, "Don't worry. You'll learn."

Igor and Richard were drinking tequila in a local bar. Though there was a curfew and most of the shops were closed, the bar owner personally opened the bar for them. Richard looked at Igor and asked, "What are you thinking?" Igor looked at him and replied, "Sometimes Francis becomes reckless and does grave mistakes. He perfectly knows that we have more enemies inside than outside, but still he ran away to Russia like a fugitive. I am not much of a leader and also they thinks me as just a servant of Francis and in reality I am. Sort of." Richard smiled, "Same with me. Gangchun was so petty of a gangster that even his father didn't trust him to be a leader. He would usually sway away the matter saying that he wants Gangchun to enjoy life and not worry about business, but we all know the actual reason." Igor looked at Richard and said, "You did the good thing. He was a stupid man, he deserved to die." Richard said, "So, do Francis." Igor looked at Richard and asked, "What do you mean?" Richard filled his glass and said, "Power is everything. Francis has it and he is the best person in Germany. The princess of the Sultanate is herself offering her body to him, because she knows that he has the power to give her what she wants. Think if you were as powerful as him, then Alisha would readily offer herself to you. We can rule over the whole Germany by ourself. Just think of it." Igor looked at Richard and smiled, "You are a motherf****ring genius. I like your plan, but there is a slight problem to that." Richard asked, "What problem?" Igor replied, "Francis is not like Gangchun. He is quite clever and foremost he is a motherf***r himself. So, if you want to stay alive and have a family with Lisa, shut the fuck up." Richard said, "OK. Your wish. I was just saying for your own good." Igor smiled, "You are on the tip of the iceberg, so you don't know Francis's nature. But, you'll in one way or another." Francis laughed nervously. He looked at his phone and said, "It's already past 1am. Let's go back. The ladies must be waiting for us." Igor smiled, "Of course, they are." Francis and Igor went outside the bar.

Richard came inside the room and found it empty. Alisha and Lisa had already left for the palace and Lisa's stuff was also missing, that means she went at all. Richard filled a cup of water and drank it. He then went to the bathroom and then to his bed. He was quite drunk to keep his self awake for much long, but the loud phone tone broke his sleep. He looked at the screen and saw an unknown number flashing on the screen. He hesitated at first but then picked up the call. The other end asked in a rough tone, "Is the job done?" Richard replied, "I tried but this Igor is quite a devotee of Francis. You do your work, I will try to do my job as well soon." The other end said, "We don't have much time. Be quick. Boss is getting impatient." Richard said, "OK. Don't call often or else they will start suspecting." Richard disconnected the call and kept the phone on the desk. He looked at the roof and then picked his phone again. He dialed a number and the another end said, "Hello." Richard replied, "What's the status of Syman?" The other end replied, "Nothing worth mentioning. He is quite introvert nowadays and usually stays in the building. He sent some of his men to Germany to do some research. That's all I know." Richard said, "OK. Keep updating me and you will get a hefty reward." Richard disconnected the call. Richard said to himself, "All the things are sorted and if it stays this way, I will be on the high seat in the Underworld in no time." He smiled and closed his eyes, dreaming of his success as the night deepen....