Tough Love

Shayana was sitting in the dining room, looking at Lisa feeding Hamida. Lisa has been able to connect with Hamida in no time and Shayana was quite happy with that, as now she has two people looking after her daughter and she is now more free to think about taking back the place which she calls her home. Shayana said, "Don't overfeed her. She may vomit." Lisa said apologetically, "Sorry, I am not much familiar with taking care of babies." Shayana smiled, "No woman is until she becomes a mother herself. I was also quite unfamiliar with the concept of giving birth to babies, in fact, no one, even my mother gave me the gynecological knowledge. It was my mother in law who told me all this stuff while I was pregnant with Hamida." Lisa gave an awkward smile and kept feeding Hamida. Alisha came near Shayana and said, "Igor is calling you." Shayana looked at Alisha and asked shocked, "He called me? That guy wants to talk with me?" Alisha nodded in approval. Shayana stood up and went towards Igor's room. Lisa looked at Alisha and said, "She talks a lot." Alisha sighed, "Yes. She is a gasbag." Lisa asked, "How do you tolerate her?" Alisha smiled, "By not engaging in arguments with her." Lisa and Alisha bursted out laughing.

Igor was looking outside the window, when Shayana came inside and asked, "What's the matter, Igor?" Igor turned and looked at Shayana. She was wearing a pearl colored dress and a small nose ring. Igor said, "You look beautiful sometimes." Shayana blushed and said, "Thanks for the compliment. But, what's the matter?" Igor replied, "Francis called this morning and said that he would take a month or two to return to Germany and we, particularly I have to see things here." Shayana said, "Good thing. You got promoted." Igor smiled, "And from now till Francis returns, you and your lady gang have to ask for permission from me before stepping out of the palace." Shayana said, "Anything else, sir?" Igor replied, "No. Go and do your stuff." Shayana smiled and went outside the room. Igor looked at her direction and murmured, "It was quite smooth than expected. I thought she would start an argument with me, but she agreed easily. Damn, this girl is unpredictable." Igor took out his phone and called Alisha. She picked up the phone and asked, "Yes?" Igor replied, "Emergency meeting. Need to rush to the hotel. Be ready in five minutes." Alisha replied, "Okay." Igor put the phone in his phone and quickly wore his coat and went outside towards his car. Alisha quickly came near the car and said, "I'm here." Igor opened the door of the car and said, "Come. Let's introduce you to some of my old mates." Alisha went inside and Igor took the driver seat and they quickly rushed outside the compound.

Alisha looked at Igor and asked, "Where are you going?" Igor replied, "Old Mount Town." Alisha said, "But that's quite far from here." Igor replied, "Don't worry. We will be back by night." Alisha said, "But, I didn't informed Shayana about it." Igor said grimly, "You are not her servant and moreover she got Lisa now, so I don't think she will be missing you anyway." Alisha said, "But, Hamida." Igor shushed her and said, "Learn to care about people who genuinely cares about you. Shayana is just a dirty monster, she will throw you away once she gets bore of you. But, I will be always alongside you, nuture you and keep you happy." Alisha looked at Igor and said, "I am not eligible for you. You are a good man, an honest and loyal mate, but I am..." Igor looked at her and asked, "You are?" Alisha replied sadly, "A cheater. I cheated the man who once made me his life, his everything and I left him for a silly ambition that gave me only misery and despairity rather than glory." Igor hold her hand and said, "We all do mistakes. But, it is always wiser to move on and live one's life." Alisha smiled and kissed Igor's cheek. Igor smiled, "Now, that's the spirit, girl." Alisha smiled and kissed his cheek again.

Shayana was lying in the tub, submerged in soap water, when Lisa came inside the bathroom and asked, "You called for me?" Shayana opened her eyes and said, "Yes. Come here, dear and scrub my back with this loofah." Lisa picked up the loofah and started scrubbing Shayana's back. Shayana said, "Your hands are soft like feathers. No wonder Alisha picked you up for me." Lisa asked confused, "What do you mean, madam?" Shayana pulled her inside the tub and said, "You'll know." Shayana pulled her closer and kissed her lips and then started licking her neck like a hungry dog. Lisa pushed her and said, "I'm not that type of girl." Shayana smiled, "But I am and you have to be." She pushed her towards the wall and then ripped her clothes off and started suckling her body. Lisa's eyes were filled with tears, but she was helpless and has to tolerate the assualt on her. Shayana pulled her panty down and started suckling her genitals and then threw her on the ground and started kissing her. Shayana smiled, "Sometimes I think that I should have been a boy. I would had then made you scream so hard that the whole palace would have ringed with your screams." Lisa said sobbing, "Please, let me go." Shayana laughed, "No, my love. Let me give you the pleasure." Shayana took a nearby brush and inserted it inside her vagina and slowly thrusted it deeper. Lisa screamed hard and in a fit of raging pain kicked Shayana over her in the tub and then quickly ran outside the bathroom. Shayana injured her right arm and slowly crawled outside the room and then slowly wore her clothes. She clenched her fists in anger and mumbled, "Next time, I'm gonna make you suffer, bitch." She looked at her arm which got small bruises on it, but her bones survived the collision. She sighed and lied on her bed, falling sleep minutes later.

Four mini trucks stopped near the backside of the palace and sixteen men quickly went down from the trucks and took their positions. A medium heightened man in black attire and wearing balaclava said in a low voice, "Boss ordered us to take the asset and finish the liabilities within a span of half an hour. Go, take your positions and meet me here after the mission." All the sixteen men quickly climbed the wall and stealthily tiptoed behind the backside of the palace. Any guard that came in their way lost his life and slowly went inside the building. The inside of the palace was heavily filled with guards and in the crossfire, twelve of them lost their lives and the remaining four scattered and started looking for the asset. One of the black men barged inside the room in which Lisa was sitting beside the bed, sobbing and naked. The man pointed the gun towards her and asked, "Where is your madam?" Lisa suddenly looked at the man and was shocked. The soundproof rooms have turned disastrous for her. She said softly, "She is in her room." The man said, "Thank you." He fired three bullets in Lisa's body and went outside. Lisa's lifeless body was lying there, blood coming out it and turning the floor red. The man quickly climbed the stairs and kicked open the door. Shayana woke up with a jolt, but before she could sense anything, the man caught her and sprayed chloroform on her face. He picked her up on his shoulder and quickly ran towards his meeting point. The other man opened a door and saw a small angel sleeping on the bed. He went near her and picked her up and looked at the innocent face. He gently shaked her and she opened her eyes and saw a stranger looking at her. But, instead of crying, she kept looking at him and then smiled. The man took her and went downstairs to his meeting point. The medium heightened man said, " Okay. Let's go." They quickly went inside their cars and rushed towards their destination.

The trucks stopped near a warehouse and two men carried Shayana and Hamida inside. Richard was waiting in there and upon seeing the men said smiling, "Well done, my boys. Boss will be quite happy with your work." He threw a bag full of cash towards one man and asked, "Where is the other girl?" One of the men asked, "Which girl, sir?" Richard replied, "Lisa. A fair woman. The girl's nanny." The other man replied, "She didn't cooperated and I killed her. " Richard shot a bullet in the man's head and said, "Take his body and get lost. Boss will be arriving any moment." The men took their mate's body and went outside the warehouse. Richard punched the table and mumbled angrily, "Stupid girl. Why didn't you cooperated with them? We could have been happy and live the rest of our lives peacefully." Richard was thinking about the disaster, when a black Mercedes stopped near the warehouse and three men wearing black sunglasses and suit got down from the car and walked towards the door of the warehouse. The three men looked at Shayana and Hamida and then one of the men said smiling, "Well done, Richard. Well done." Richard smiled and said, "I hope you brought the money you promised." The man smiled, "Of course. How can I forget that. Senor, give him his money, he must be waiting desperately for it." The guy named Senor went near Richard and said, "Actually the amount was a little big, so I couldn't bring it with me. But, don't worry, I will send you there to retrieve your money." Richard asked, "Where?" Senor smiled, "Hell." Senor fired three bullets in Richard's stomach and then kicked him on the ground. Richard asked, "But, why?" Senor smiled, "We don't trust traitors." Richard took his last breath and lied dead on the ground. Senor came near Shayana and kissed her lips. He smiled, "Same as always." He then sprinkled water on the her face and as Shayana started to open her eyes, he slapped her hard. Shayana looked at the man and said, "ARMAN! What the fuck are you doing here or morely what the fuck am I doing here?" Arman put a finger on her lips and started, "Nothing. Just we had a little discussion to finish, so I had to kidnap you." Shayana asked nervously, "What discussion?" The other guy came near her and said, "I heard you have joined hands with Francis and is planning to attack the Sultanate." Shayana looked at the man and said angrily, "That is my home, Charan. My fucking home, which that bastard Sultan took by deceit and forced me to marry his sterile son." Arman slapped her and said, "He is my brother and your husband, bitch." She smiled, "Slap me all you want, but he was a fucking IMPOTENT!!!" Arman grabbed her jaw and said, "Oh really? Then, where from Hamida came?" Shayana got silent. Arman came near and said, "I impregnated you. See, how much I love my brother that I touched a flithy woman like you." Shayana spitted on Arman's face and Arman wiped it from his face and rubbed it on her face. Charan said, "Enough of this family drama. Let's get back to business. Shayana, you betrayed our trust and also planned on killing us. What should I do with you?" Shayana smiled, "Do what a misogynist does." Charan smiled, "As your wish." Arman took Hamida in his lap and Charan tied a time bomb around her neck. Shayana looked at Hamida and asked, "Can I give her a goodbye kiss?" Arman brought her near Shayana and Shayana kissed her forehead and said, "Take care of our daughter." Arman smiled and kissed her and said, "Stay happy and say hello to my father for me." Shayana smiled, "Don't worry, you three will come very soon." Charan and Arman smiled. Arman kissed Shayana's forehead and said, "Goodbye." Arman, Charan and Vivek went outside the warehouse. Shayana looked at the timer counting backwards and recalled her childhood, her youth, meeting with Ejaz, Charan, Arman and Francis. The birth of Hamida and Alisha as a good friend. A tear rolled out of her eye as the timer reached zero and she and the whole warehouse blasted into pieces.

Arman closed Hamida's ears as the warehouse turned into ashes. Charan patted Arman's shoulder and said, "She had it coming." Vivek smiled, "We all are culprits in someone's eyes." Charan smiled, "That's life, my brother. We can't be heroes all the time." Vivek asked, "So, Hamida?" Arman replied, "I will send her to my home. It will best for her now. Everyone will love her and she will be safe. The Sultanate is quite female friendly after Sultan's death, Shayana was living in the wrong world." Charan sighed, "OK. Now we are gonna wait for Francis to return and once he returns, we are gonna end his chapter for good." Arman said, "Amen to that." Vivek started the car and they rode away as the sun started to hide behind the horizon...