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I was sleeping on my bed, when my door was knocked heavily by someone. I jumped up from my bed and took my gun in my hand and walked towards the door. I peeped through the peephole and saw Cathy's brother waiting outside. I opened the door and looked at him. He pushed me and came inside and turned on the TV. I walked near him and asked sleepily, "What are you doing here, sir?" He looked at me and said, "Wake up, boy. See the news." I looked at the TV and saw an anchor saying, "The recent attack on the Dortmund castle is pointing towards a heavy unrest inside the Germany. Police are searching for the culprits and assured us that they will be successful soon. But, the local gangs found opportunities in it and has started riots in the city, which has exaggerated the situation a lot worse." He turned off the TV and said, "Cathy has flew away to London and has advised you to go back to India. But, don't worry, I will accompany you as I'm assigned as your supervisor and also Cathy thinks that we should know each other better." The last line was a little hesitated. I said, "OK. But, she could have atleast informed me about it." He said, "Pack your bags, boy. We don't have time for this talk." I quickly assembled my belongings and he helped me in packing and also brought my towels and toothbrush for me. I quickly took a bath and wore my best clothes and we quickly ran towards the exit. The outside of the hotel was already crowded with numerous foreigners rushing to leave the hotel after the breakdown of riots on the streets. Petty thieves have already looted numerous people and some lecherous bastards have kidnapped and raped many young girls and many policemen have lost their lives trying to stop them. Captain took my hand and pulled inside his Range Rover and started the engine. We quickly went outside the compound, but some people started chasing us, probably seeing our expensive cars. Captain increased the speed and we managed to avoid the cars, but only for a short time as more cars started chasing us. Captain said, "It's time to kill rather than escape. Take the wheels." Captain lowered his seat and jumped backside, while I managed to keep the car going. Captain took out a briefcase from under the backseat and took out his FN SCAR and opened the sunroof. He said, "The front screen is bulletproof and you won't have any problem till someone damages the windshield heavily. So, keep it safe." I nodded in approval. He rose up and started shooting at the incoming vehicles. He took a shot at one of the men driving the car and then the petrol tank. The car flew in the air and crashed down on another. I speeded the car and avoided the turns and corners from crashing the car and finally we reached the airport. Captain and I went down from the car, but more men were thre in the airport. We quickly wore our armor and took out positions. Captain said, "Think this to be your trial. I want to see if you are eligible enough to be my partner." I smiled, "I won't disappoint you." I took out my gun and ran towards the checkpoint. I threw a grenade on the ground and the whole checkpoint blasted in pieces. I shot two of the men coming towards me and signaled Captain to come behind me. I threw a grenade near the pillar, but no screams were hurt. I went there when suddenly bullets came flying near me but I somehow managed to get to safety. I looked and saw a couple of men were waiting there for any activity. I signaled Captain to throw a grenade towards them and when they came running in the opposite direction to avoid the blast, I and Captain shot them.

I slowly walked near the counter and walked near the runaway. The whole place was quiet and we easily went near a helicopter and went inside it. Captain started the engine and the rotors started rotating as the helicopter started uplifting. Two mini trucks came running on the runaway and started shooting at us. I took out a gun and shot down a shooter and then threw a grenade near the car. The men jumped from the car and started running here and there. Captain and I quickly went up in the air and soon got out of the periphery of the airport. I said, "This helicopter won't take us to India. We need something bigger." Captain laughed, "Don't worry, brother. I have made all the arrangements beforehand." We soon landed in an abandoned airplane graveyard where there was already a jet was waiting for us. Captain and I went down from the helicopter and went near the jet. A white man was waiting there and as soon as we arrived, he said, "You are late, young boys." Captain said, "You know the situation right. Riots have delayed our time." He said, "Let's not delay it anymore." We quickly went inside the jet and took our seats. Captain gave me a phone and said, "Look it's illegal to use a transmitter apart from official work, but since Cathy is my sister and she might be worrying about you. You can make a call if you want, but end it within five minutes." I took the phone and called Cathy and after just one ring, she asked, "Are you okay?" I replied, "Yes. Safe and aboard. What about you, dear?" She replied, "Just got off my plane. Situation in Germany is getting worse and worse, the death of Shayana and the absence of both Francis and Igor has caused mayhem in Germany. Many small gangs are in the illusion that Francis has left Germany for good and now they can rule freely. This is why they are causing such havoc. Anyway, the police will be able to take that down, but the real concern now is that a heavy gang war is edging towards us." I said, "Okay. You take care and don't take unnecessary risks. I am here waiting for you." Cathy smiled and blowed a kiss through the phone, "Okay, my love. You too take care and don't bother my brother." I laughed, "It's quite the opposite." Cathy smiled, "He can be little irritating sometimes but he has a golden heart like you." She disconnected the phone. Captain came near me and said, "Buckle up your seat belt, boy. We are going to take this beauty in the air." I sat down on my seat and wore my seat belt and the plane started running on the runaway. Gradually the speed increased and soon we went into the air. Captain gave me a packet of fried peanuts and a can of orange soda. He said, "We have this on the plane for now. Once we land in India, you can have your Indian food." I smiled and said, "So, you are not that harsh as they say." Captain asked, "They who?" I replied, "I read about you on the page of U.C.I.D. They say you quite unfriendly and highly dislikes working in pairs. But, your excellent work technique have promoted you to a high rank easily." He smiled, "Good. I liked that. It's a good habit to know the people around you. But, one thing is written wrong on the page." I asked, "What?" He replied, "That I got promoted easily. In fact, I was in a very insignificant position for twelve years and have been promoted as your supervisor just on the request of Cathy." I smiled, "It was expected from her. She has her reasons." Captain laughed, "I know her way earlier than you. She wants us to know each other." I said, "Yeah, that reminds me. Tell me something about yourself."

He smiled, "There's nothing much to know about me. All of that I have already told you." I smiled, "No, my buddy. Tell me something you have told to nobody, not even your sister." He looked at me and said, "You are not that trustable till now." I smiled, "Do you wanna know something about me?" He waved his hand, "Nah, buddy. I already know enough about you. Knowing people is what I do." I asked, "So, you are a detective?" He replied, "Yeah. Kind of. But, usually people call me a spy." I asked, "So, you are a spy?" He replied, "Was. Now, I'm your supervisor." I said, "Tell me something more about yourself." He asked, "Such as?" I said, "Ahh. Tell me something about your love life." He smiled, "To be honest, I never had one." I asked shocked, "Why? Don't you love girls?" He laughed, "I do. But, I never got any chance to meet one. My father was also a spy and my mother was a simple mother of two. At that time, spying on someone was not that easy, as there were no sophisticated gadgets that time and also crime was still at it's raw stage. My father used to stay away months and months, while we lived in a small house in the suburbs of Texas City. The place was quite violent at that time and the frequent invasion attempts in our house, forced us to move to Dallas. That is the place where most of our childhood passed, Cathy was always the smart one and excelled in her studies and when she got in her teens, she decided to join the Library. She also excelled there and soon got promoted to the desk section of U.C.I.D. I whereas, served as a spy for twelve years as my father did and now on Cathy's request, I am appointed as your supervisor. So, no girls for me." I smiled, "No girls even at school and college?" He smiled, "School love didn't last long and I went to the U.C.I.D academy after I finished my school." I asked, "What about your school love?" He smiled, "She got lost in the pages of time." I asked, "What was her name?" He replied, "Seo Soo-hyun, or something like that. She was a dreamy, cute Korean fairy who blessed my little moments of life with her presence. We would spend time gossiping about silly childish things, shared tiffin in recess and sometimes quarrel on small things. But, she left me alone in fifth standard, as her father got transferred into some different country. Then, life went on and no girl pleased my heart." I asked, "Wasn't it love?" He smiled, "Probably was or probably not. But, the time spent with her was indeed special for me. Maybe, I will do it again, if I get a chance." I asked, "Why didn't you tried to find her?" He replied, "Because there was no point in doing so. Anyway, I'm feeling sleepy. Let me sleep. We will talk further about this later." He closed his eyes and turned his head to the other direction.

I looked at him and sighed. I got up from my seat and went towards a shelf where different kinds of alcohol was kept. I took out a bottle and looked at it. It was a bottle of finely blended, smooth whiskey. I broke the seal and drink it in one gulp and after finishing half the bottle, I took it and went to my seat. I usually don't drink, but the immense pain of separation from my family has made my heart broken. I looked at the clear dark night sky out of the window and saw the whole sky was filled with darkness. My life was also like this, filled with clouds of uncertainty and regret. I sometime think that I should have never left my old life behind, of course, it was plain and boring but it was secure and somehow less tiring. I used to spend my whole day seeing patients and then have a drink and go to sleep and the next day, the same routine. But, sometimes I also feel satiated that I chosed this life, I got love, adventure, seen different places and most of all I found Cathy, the special one of my life. I had the news about my family and I was indeed devastated, but I couldn't go near them as it will only give them more pain as they think I'm dead. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but the intense effect of the alcohol made me quite warm and horny. I looked at Captain and saw he was fast asleep. I quietly tiptoed inside the bathroom and closed the door. I lowered my pant and start masturbating. To make it more enjoyable, I tried to remember Cathy's body, her face, her breasts, her thighs and her warm kiss, but I couldn't imagine her, as my mind played games with me. All I can imagine was the moments that I spent with my first girlfriend, her memories were floating my mind like the clouds in the sky. I cannot do that now, Cathy loves and I can't betray her. No, I want to end this or else my love for Cathy won't be genuine. I need to have a proper closure with her, my first love, my Alisha...