Baking The Cake

Syman was looking at the blue sky with unblinking gaze, when one of his lieutenants came and said in a low voice, "Sir Alphonso has sent a letter for you." Syman turned his gaze and looked at the envelope in his lieutenant's hand. He smiled, "I didn't know he is an old fashioned guy. Who sends letters in the age of emails?" Anyway, give it to me and bring a bottle of fine scotch for me." The lieutenant left the scene and Syman looked at the envelope carefully. He opened it and took out a white paper. He looked at the letter and read it, "I hope you are okay and have atleast convinced one family to join you and even if you haven't, I have a pleasant news. Charan and his swine brother is in London and as I can see right now. An enemy family of them is in pursuit of them and I see a golden opportunity here to extend a hand of help to them. I personally suggest that it will disappoint you." Syman looked at the bottle of scotch and handed the letter to his lieutenant. The lieutenant after reading the letter said in a low voice, "If he so sure, I support his request." Syman said with a long sigh, "The problem is that I'm not going anywhere, atleast still that scumbag Francis is alive. If I had to do a meeting with anyone, he has to come to Malaysia." The lieutenant sighed, "And they will be fools to come in a foreign country in such difficult times." Syman said in a grim voice, "Nevertheless, we cannot ignore my friend's request like that. Go and prepare some of the boys. They will be send to the London to see the atmosphere there." The lieutenant nodded his head and immediately went away. Syman took out his phone and dialed Alphonso's number. After, a few rings, Alphonso said, "I hope you got my letter." Syman replied in an apologetic tone, "You know that I can't come out for such trivial meetings. You go on behalf of me." Alphonso said, "That's why you don't get allies." Syman said, "I am tired of meeting peoples. I pay for their whole voyage and yet they don't sprinkle a single drop of respect on me." Alphonso smiled, "Okay. I will see what I can with those people. But, I think it's time." Syman asked, "Time for what?" Alphonso replied, "Time to strike at the honeycomb." Syman rebuked, "Are you stupid? You want to strike first in such complicated situations." Alphonso replied, "Sometimes the stupidest acts make you win the war." Syman said, "Let's leave the stupid acts for our enemies. Focus on making allies. It is what will make us outlive our haters." Alphonso said, "You are hoping for something that might happen. I am seeing what will surely make us outlive our haters, in fact it make us invincible." Syman said, "You know Alphonso, Jimmy always saw something in me, which he didn't even saw in his own son. A hunger, an insatiable hunger for power, but what amazed him the most was that I was patient and always calculated my steps. He would say that I'm a parasite, easily disposable if noticed, but if I stay silent and wait for the right time, I can survive for years and years." Alphonso said, "Jimmy is dead. His philosophy killed him. I don't the same fate for you. Now, listen to what my father used to say "Life is like baking a cake. We have to bake it for the right amount of time, taken out early, remains raw; taken out late, gets burned." Syman said, "Okay. Just don't get yourself killed." Alphonso smiled, "Same to you." Syman disconnected the call and went outside his room.

Alphonso looked at Jo, who was sitting near him. Jo asked, "So, what did he say?" Alphonso replied, "That we have to wait for his command and that he is currently busy in other works and doesn't want to disturbed for such trivial matters." Jo looked at the clock and said, "Come on. Let's head out and reach the meeting place. They aren't the waiting ones." Alphonso asked, "Do you have complete knowledge of them?" Jo replied, "Don't worry. The place is too busy to create any scenes." Alphonso loaded his gun and they went out. After, two taxi changes, they reached near a hotel which was full many people and no seats were available. Alphonso took out his phone and dialed a number, "We have arrived at the spot." The voice said, "Good. See the car. Go near it and our guy will check you." Alphonso and Jo went the car and the guy came forward and started checking them throughly. Alphonso and Jo surrendered their weapons to him and followed him to a door. He opened the door and they went inside and he closed the door behind them. Alphonso and Jo looked at a small group of people wearing sweaters sitting in a round table drinking coffee. Alphonso and Jo took their seats and a waiter put two cups of coffee in front of them and put three sachets of sugar near the cup. Alphonso looked at Jo and asked lightly, "Should we drink it?" But, before Jo could say anything, a loud and intimidating voice came, "Drink it, fellas. We don't deceit the people who trust us." Alphonso looked and saw a strong guy of 6 feet smiling at him. Alphonso gave a nervous smile and drank it in one go. The man asked, "Where is your leader?" Alphonso replied mildly yet with confidence, "He is a busy man and has sent us to talk with you." The man gave an angry look but said, "Anyway, I can't force someone to come." Alphonso sighed in relief. The man said, "Okay. I am sure you two might be quite surprised that why am I interested in such wrecked guy's gang. Well, the thing is that we want to be a known family in the Underworld and get some fear and respect from the bottom feeders." Alphonso said, "You called Syman a 'wrecked' man, even when he is the crime lord of Malaysia, a renowned drug smuggler and a dreaded gangster. I think he deserves more than that." The man smiled, "I am guessing that you are either new to the game or an idiot. Syman, whom you are praising so much, I am the one who made my empire by killing the likes of him." Alphonso said, "Sorry sir. But, I am new to the game." The man smiled, "I liked your honesty. Peter, tell him about me." A thick, semi old man stood up and said, "If you ever find a newspaper of some ten years ago, you will find the headlines mentioning about a guy called 'Black Hood'. He is that guy." Alphonso asked, "So, you mean you were a mercenary?" The man replied, "No. A bounty hunter." Alphonso asked, "So, why a bounty hunter wants to befriend the bad guys?" The man replied, "Time passes, the man turns old." Alphonso said, "Syman's gang ain't no old age home." All of the guys, including the big guy bursted out laughing. The man smiled, "I am impressed by our witty lines."

Alphonso said grimly, "Thanks for the comment, sir. But, I ain't joking." The man smiled, "So am I. See, old age not only brings tranquility and less responsibilities, but also a lack of security, especially for those who had no running income in their working ages." Alphonso said, "The hotel is quite crowded even on a winter morning. It seems to give a quite to you." The man said grimly, "I am not talking about money, but the security of life. I need some allies who can give me protection and you need allies who can give you money. I see a healthy relationship blooming between us." Alphonso smiled, "So do I." The man said, "Okay, we will meet you tomorrow at the docks. The things that you need will be found there." Alphonso shaked hands with him and asked, "What is your name, sir?" The man replied, "Harley Davies. But, many call me 'Captain Dave'." Alphonso and Jo came outside and took their weapons back and soon rode to their hideout.

Alphonso stopped at the gas station and said to the attendant, "Fill the tank full." Then attendant nodded and started filling the tank and soon Alphonso and Jo reached their hideout. Alphonso's phone suddenly beeped and he looked at the screen. He looked at Jo and asked, "Want some action?" Jo replied, "Na. Not in the mood for girls." Alphonso smiled, "Not girls. Boys." Jo looked at Alphonso wide eyed and said, "I am a straight guy." Alphonso smiled, "One of my informant told me that he saw Arman and Liam near the Clock Tower. They can be quite a good bait to get those scum brothers." Jo smiled, "Do you think that they will come so easily?" Alphonso smiled, "I have a plan. Just want to know you are in or not?" Jo replied, "I'm definitely in." Alphonso smiled and took out his phone and dialed a number. After a few rings, he said, "Keep the lads in your radar. We are coming to catch them." Alphonso turned the car and went towards the Clock Tower.

Arman and Liam were walking around, shopping things for the house. Arman asked, "What type of gift does Natalya likes?" Liam looked at him and asked, "Why do you want to know?" Arman giggled, "No, just thinking about giving her a gift. She is taking so much care of Hamida and I'm sure she will be good mother in the future." Liam smiled, "Don't even think about her. She is way out of your league." Arman said, "Hey, I'm the crown prince of Sultanate, a handsome and caring person and moreover I love her truly." Liam raised his eyebrow, "You really do?" Arman replied, "You have my word." Liam smiled, "I heard about your broken love stories, they never got a good and happy ending. I fear for Natalya as she has a soft heart and I don't want it to be broken or stopped." Arman said, "Yes, my stories never got any happy ending, but you know I didn't earned it, circumstances and my enemies took all I had dear to me. I still cry for Survi as she was pregnant that time. We could have a family, a good future but all went away in a jiffy." Liam smiled and patted his shoulder, "If you really love her and is responsible to her, I have no problem." Arman smiled and hugged him.

Alphonso stopped near the alley and met his informant and asked, "So, they are still in the market?" The informant replied, "Yes, they do." Alphonso smiled, "Good. We will give them the element of surprise." Alphonso took out his gun and went to the market. He turned his eyes and saw Arman standing near a stall, buying a packet of dried apricots. He slowly creeped and thrusted the gun on Arman's back and said, "Stay silent, dear. You don't have to die in a market." Arman didn't turn and said, "You are sticky, aren't you? You followed us to London." Alphonso smiled, "And you it's your friend's turn to follow. Walk, motherfucker." Arman and Alphonso walked towards the alley and soon Alphonso took Arman inside the car. But, just as Jo was to enter, a bullet hit his stomach and he fell down. Alphonso and others looked back and saw Liam there. Arman kicked Alphonso and rolled out of the car and took cover behind the car. Liam killed the informant in one shot, while Alphonso survived by taking cover behind the car. Arman said, "Alphonso, surrender yourself. I promise that I will not kill you." Alphonso said, "Fuck you, rascal. I am not dying without taking you and your scum friends down." Liam was about to shoot when a lying Jo shot a bullet in his abdomen and another one in his leg. Arman angrily shot down the lying Jo, ending his tale forever. Alphonso took the opportunity and rolled and shot a bullet in Arman's leg and another in his hand. Arman cried in pain, but stayed down. Alphonso slowly walked towards him and laughed, "Not so tough now, ha. You had a choice, motherfucker, but now you die." Arman rolled and shoot two bullets in Alphonso's abdomen, but unfortunately this were his last and Alphonso put a hole in Arman's head. Alphonso said in pain, "Bastard." Two bullets were fired in his direction by Liam, but only one hit him in the leg and Alphonso jumped inside the car. Alphonso looked at the lying Liam and speeded the car towards him. Liam gave a smile and showed his middle finger as Alphonso crushed him under the car. Alphonso managed to drive the car away from the spot, but a slowly fainting Alphonso crashed his car near a lamp post and soon lost his consciousness.

Alphonso slowly opened his eyes as he saw a dim ceiling lamp and a young nurse standing near him. He asked weakly, "Where am I, dear?" She replied, "Sir found in an unconscious, dying state and brought you here." Alphonso smiled and said, "Thank you, I hope I can help you someday." The nurse smiled and a man came inside and asked, "Is the patient okay?" The nurse replied, "Yes. You can see him now." The nurse went out and the man came near Alphonso. Alphonso looked at him. A half burnt face, a prosthetic arm and a walking stick. Alphonso asked, "Do I know you, sir?" The man smiled, "Yes. You do." Alphonso looked one more time carefully and said surprised, "JK. You are alive." JK smiled, "People like me don't easily die." Alphonso said, "But, does get burned sometimes." JK said grimly, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Alphonso said, "Yes. The fire is in you." JK said in an angry tone, "And now, my enemies will taste this fire." Alphonso smiled, "Yes. It's time to bake the cake.".....