Your Life, My Rules

I and Captain were quite happy living there and Naina has been quite a good host to us. Naina's father didn't ask much about us, but was quite suspicious on us. He would often come to our room unexpectedly, probably to catch us off guard, but we remain alert and managed to keep our things from his careful eyes. Naina would sometimes come with coffee or call us downstairs for lunch. Captain was quite attracted by her charm and if my intuition is right, he started liking her. Cathy phones every night to check on me, a thing which gives both of us a peaceful sleep in the night, knowing that we both are safe. Captain would seldomly talk with her and even Cathy never asks to talk with her brother. I many a times asked Captain about the reason, but he always brushes it away saying it a personal matter. Guru Nayak didn't contact Naina nor Naina said anything about him to us. I once asked her about him but she said that he is currently underground or something. I laughed it out saying that he might have heard about us and decided to go underground. Naina and I seemed to have many things in common and would hours talking.

Naina was sitting on a chair on the terrace, taking Vitamin D from the sunlight; when Captain came near her and said, "It's a good thing to get sunlight, it helps strengthen bones and makes the skin fairer and healthy." Naina gave him a smile and put the sunglasses and closed her eyes. Captain asked, "So, the guy you said was torturing you, is he still torturing you?" Naina replied, "No. He's currently in hiding." Captain laughed, "Good." Naina opened her eyes and said, "Guru Nayak wanted to take me with him in the afterlife. Such a stupid thing, isn't it?" Captain asked, "How did this Guru Nayak saw you or meet you?"

Naina replied, "It started a couple of years ago, when I was in the National College of Engineering. I was quite the topper and thus was the most popular girl in the college. Many boys were fond of me and wanted to date me, but I rejected them. One of those boys, was Ravi Manjrekar, a drug addict and spoiled brat, who didn't take my rejection lightly. He threatened me that if I don't date him, he will cut his wrists and commit suicide . I still didn't respond and he committed suicide. After his death, his elder brother and former Don, Jayesh Manjrekar waged enemity with me and I had to leave the college and come home. But, Jayesh didn't stop and send goons after me and I went to a local gang for help and Guru Nayak was their leader. A dangerous and evil man, he went and finished the Manjrekar Gang in one night and asked my love in return. I asked for some time and escaped from there and is still escaping." Captain asked, "Why didn't you tell your papa about it?" She replied, "Because of Guru's nature. I don't want my father to go in that monster's cave."

Captain said, "But, now he is underground and no one knows anything about him." Naina closed her eyes for a moment and said, "I think I know a guy who can tell Guru's location. I don't know his name but he always comes at the Chameli Bar every night. He is dark and has a gaunt body." Captain asked, "How do you know him?" Naina replied, "Because he would often come with Guru's messages and also he is his special man." Captain said, "Okay. Tonight, we will catch that man." Naina smiled and thanked him. Captain asked, "Can I ask you for a favor?" Naina replied, "Whatever you want." Captain asked, "Can you give me a tour of the city, tomorrow?" Naina replied, "Sure. Call your friend too. We will have fun tomorrow." Captain smiled, "Of course. I will ask him." Captain went downstairs and Naina looked at his direction and smiled.

Captain came inside the room and looked at me. I gave him a smile and asked, "What happened, Captain? You look quite happy." Captain ignored my question and said, "Tonight, we have a mission. Get ready for it." I asked, "What mission?" He replied, "Naina told me that she knows a man who can tell us Guru's location and he comes at Chameli Bar every night." I looked at him and said, "Okay. But we cannot just go there and nab him. We need proper planning and also where will we keep him after we nab him?" Captain replied, "Don't worry about the planning. I have successfully executed more serious missions without proper planning and I have a place for him." I asked, "The backyard of the house?" Captain replied, "No one goes there and Naina will take care of her father." I smiled, "Okay. Sir. As you command." He said, "Naina wants to take us out for a tour of the city. Since, the man will need a custodian; I think you should stay with him." I looked at him and said, "Don't get too nervous around her. Girls like bold men." Captain said, "I know that." He quickly went outside and I took a long breath and smiled.

The night was cold and we were standing outside the Chameli Bar, waiting for the man to arrive. We didn't want to bring Naina with us with us, but she insisted and also we needed her to recognize that man. Naina said, "Be careful, boys. The bar is full of drunkards, thieves, pickpockets and goons, a single suspicion and the whole place will become a war zone." I smiled, "Don't worry about us. We have seen worse. Once, you recognize the man, you will go and wait for us in the van and no heroine stuff." She smiled, "Yes. Sir." Captain looked at his watch and said, "We must hurry. It's already 10 pm." I smiled, "The night is still young and gangsters usually comes late to avoid crowds." Captain looked at the entrance and went there and asked, "Where can I get the tickets?" The bouncer thinking that he must be drunk said, "The place where you got drunk." I intervened and said, "He is new and doesn't know about the Indian bars." The bouncer looked at me with doubt and I slipped a two thousand note in his pocket and said, "I hope we have the tickets now."

The bouncer smiled and said, "Next time I will charge double." We went inside and saw a crowd of shady people there dancing on the rhythm of 'Naja Naja' a song in the town. I hold Naina's hand and said, "This place definitely isn't women friendly and I think you should stick with me." Naina smiled, "You will protect me?" I replied, "Always." Naina smiled. Captain looked at a group of men sitting near the bartender table and drinking some cheap alcohol. Captain whispered, "Can you recognize him from them?" Naina looked at the men and said, "The thinnest man at the corner is that man." We looked at the man. He was nothing more than a skeleton with skin on it and from the way he was looking, I can say he is on drugs right now. I went near him and said, "Sir. You have drank too much and I think you should probably go home." The man turned and saw me there and said weakly, "I am not finished yet. Bring me another glass, waiter." I thrusted a handkerchief on his face and took him and said, "We have a drunk man here." The bartender said, "Throw him outside and take whatever you find on him. I am tired of these motherfuckers." I took him outside and searched his pockets and found a flithy 500 note and a silver key. Captain looked at me and said, "I think this key will lead us to Guru Nayak." Naina said, "I will try to keep father away from the backyard for a day. Be quick with your investigation." We loaded the man in the van and rode towards Naina's house and then hid his body in the backyard garage which was anyway closed for a long time. Captain tied his hands and legs and put a gag in his mouth. We went to our bed and Naina secretly smuggled a small amount of food to us which filled our stomach for the night.

We made our bed and lied on it. I asked, "Captain, do you think this Naina girl is hiding something from us?" Captain looked at the roof and replied, "Yes. She kinda looks a little easy on the matter. I don't see any fear or tension on her face. She definitely isn't what she looks." I asked, "What should we do now?" Captain replied, "Wait. I want to see what this girl is upto." I said, "I like she is attracted to me." Captain laughed, "Oh, really? Then I have to talk with my sister about that." I said nervously, "Please. Don't want Cathy to come all this way to kill Naina." Captain smiled, "Actually, she won't. She is quite busy for that and will probably hire some assassin." I asked, "You believe her story?" Captain replied, "Kind of yeah. I have seen much worse than what she said about Guru and I think we should atleast do it for her." I smiled, "You like her, don't you?" Captain blushed and said, "I also have a heart, idiot." I smiled, "Yes. You have." Captain said, "Sleep now, junior. We need to crack some bones tomorrow." I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

Naina was standing near the door and drinking coffee from her mug, while I was waiting near the guy. Captain came inside with a cane. Naina said, "That's my father's stick." Captain said, "I will buy you a replacement." He took the cane and hit it on the man's leg. The man cried in pain, but the gag kept his cries silent. Naina came near him and opened the gag and asked, "Where is Guru Nayak?" The man replied, "I don't know. He's been missing since the day you were attacked." Naina threw the hot coffee on his face and said, "I will ask one last time. Where the hell is Guru Nayak?" The man replied scared, "I really don't know. I am swearing on my mother." He started crying and I said, "Okay. Where did you saw Guru last?" The man replied, "He's usual place. Goncada Caves." I asked, "Where is it?" He replied, "I can't say precisely as I would always go there blindfolded. But, the place is somewhere near a river and is very dangerous." Captain asked, "How can you say that the place is Goncada Caves?" He replied, "Guru calls it that."

Naina kicked the man and said, "You perfectly knew what a devil he is. Yet, you shamelessly took me to him." He said, "I was helpless. Guru would have slaughtered me if I didn't listen to what he commands." Naina looked at him angrily and smashed the coffee mug on his head and said, "Next time, you take any girl to him. Remember this wound." The man's head started bleeding and he felled unconscious. Naina looked at Captain and said, "Clean him up and stitch him. I ain't finished with him yet." She walked towards the door and went outside. I said, "Damn. She looks dangerous." Captain smiled, "I like dangerous girls. She has increased my craving for her." I smiled and looked at the man. He looks quite poor and definitely not a special man of a dreaded gangster. This Naina was definitely hiding something from us and now what she did has only increased my doubts.

The night was quite windy and cold, along with traces of fog and a glowing moon in the sky. I was standing near the window and looking at the far, when my eyes fell on a person wrapped in blanket and holding a lantern in her hand, walking outside the compound of the house. I assumed from the body structure, that it was a girl and as only one girl is in the house, she must definitely be Naina. I slowly climbed downstairs and started following her. She was shivering a little as her feet were naked. She suddenly stopped and turned and I somehow managed to hide behind a wall. After, some time, she continued walking, but a little fast. I wanted to call Captain, but he was sleeping and also I can't wait for him anyway. I ran a little bit faster, but kept my distance from her. After, ten or eleven minutes, she stopped near a house which had not even a light on and she slowly opened the lock on the door and went inside and closed the door behind her.

I slowly creeped behind a dusty window and wiped it clean. A small yellow bulb was shining on a young boy, wearing dirty and half torn clothes lying with his back tied and inclined on a wooden crate. He had a scar on his left arm, probably a knife cut and from his appearances it looks like he was beaten badly. I saw Naina coming and sitting next to him and feeding him. After feeding him, she washed and wiped his mouth and then opened his pants and then her panty. She sat on his thigh and they had sex in the 'cowgirl' style. After, having a perfect orgasm, Naina stood up and washed her vagina and wore her panty and wore him his pants. After, giving him a long kiss she went away and after sometime, she returned with a whip. She looked at him and started beating him with the whip mercilessly. After, beating him till her pleasure, she gave him another kiss on his lips and wrapped the blanket on her and took the lantern in her hand. The man asked weakly, "Why don't you kill me, witch? I am fed up of this drama." Naina smiled and replied coldly, "YOUR LIFE, MY RULES!" She went and opened the door and walked away silently just like she came. I clicked a photo of him and called a number. The other end asked, "What is it, Agent H?" I replied, "Mark my current location as important." He said, "Done." I disconnected the call and went away towards Naina's house. I lied on the bed and closed my eyes as the night deepen....