Merry Christmas

Alphonso was standing near Arman's grave and smoking a cigar, when JK came near him and said sadly, "He was a jolly man. Bad news that he's no more and good news that we have one less enemy." Alphonso looked at him and said, "I'm a businessman, JK. I believe in assets and opportunities and Arman was a great opportunity for me to catch the Khatri brothers and eliminate them." JK patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we will eliminate them soon." Alphonso smiled, "Actually, I want them to live longer now as I want them to see their downfall with their own eyes." JK asked, "Why do you hate them so much?" Alphonso put a bouquet on Arman's grave and said, "I don't hate them. In fact, they amuse me quite a lot. Charan's determination, Vivek's obedience and their stupid belief that they could rule the Underworld kinda tickles my funny bones. Honestly speaking, they have only made my way easier by killing the 'big and high' lords of the Underworld and now I just have to wait for the right time and I'm the new king of the Underworld." JK looked at him and smiled, "Can I tell you something that I learned from my days in the Underworld?" Alphonso replied, "It will be my honor." JK said, "All the people just want the ultimate power, but no one ever thinks about the consequences of getting that power. A fear of death and deception, greedy friends and ruthless enemies. All of them just want to eat the fruit, but no one wants to climb the tree." Alphonso smiled, "I don't need to climb the tree, the fruits are already on the ground. Actually, you know what, let's climb the tree for once, just for your satisfaction." JK asked, "What do you mean?" Alphonso smiled, "You know what day is today?" JK replied, "It's 25th December. Christmas." Alphonso smiled, "Correct. We are going to wish some people 'Merry Christmas'."

Alphonso came inside his room and picked up his phone and dialed a number. After three rings, the other end answered, "Yes, sir. I'm working on it." Alphonso said, "Okay. I will meet you after an hour. Be ready with the stuff." The other end replied, "Yes, sir. We will be good to go by then." Alphonso disconnected the phone and went outside and saw the same nurse putting flowers in a vase. Alphonso asked, "So you work as a maid too?" The nurse looked at him and said, "No. Not a maid. I work as a caretaker of JK and sometimes as a concierge for him." Alphonso smiled, "You seem to be a quite a hardworking woman. What is your name?" The nurse said grimly, "There is no need to know my name." Alphonso asked, "What if I need you?" The nurse asked, "Need me for what?" Alphonso replied, "I'm not fully healed and I think having a good caretaker by me can be beneficial." The nurse said coldly, "You seem quite fit and moreover JK needs me all the time." Alphonso smiled, "I will talk with JK about this." The nurse said, "I have some work pending. I need to buy vegetables for making soup for JK sir." The nurse went outside the house and gently closed the door.

Alphonso looked at her direction and smiled. He went upstairs and knocked on JK's door. JK said, "Come in." Alphonso went inside and said, "Charan's old friends are celebrating Christmas at the Old Town Club. I think it will be a great opportunity to show them our power." JK said, "Cool. If you think that this right, then go on." Alphonso asked, "Won't you join us?" JK replied, "I would have liked to, but I am feeling feverish." Alphonso said, "Okay. Take a glass of turmeric and milk. It helps." Alphonso went downstairs and took the keys of JK's car and went outside the house. He pressed the key button and a blue Chevrolet Camaro's headlights beeped. He went inside the car and started the engine and went outside the compound. After one hour of driving, he reached near the Old Town Club, where a Camper van was parked. He went towards the van and knocked on the door. A thin man came outside and said, "The stuff is ready." Alphonso smiled and changed his clothes. He dressed up as Santa Claus and hanged a red bag on his back and went inside the club.

Alphonso went inside the club and saw a couple of people drinking ale and enjoying a good dance and nice song. He looked at one table and saw two people sitting there at the foremost table near the stage. Alphonso took out his phone and dialed a number and said, "Now." In a couple of seconds, five masked men ran inside the club and stood behind Alphonso. Alphonso took out his gun and fired a bullet in the air. All the men looked at him and took out their guns. Alphonso said, "It's showtime."

Alphonso jumped behind a table and started firing at the people. The people fired back and took cover behind the tables. Alphonso crawled and threw a grenade near one table and three people flew in the air. One of Alphonso's men also got killed in the blast and two people died with bullets. Alphonso shot down three other people and jumped over the table. A bullet pierced his elbow and the gun fell from his hand. He grasped the wound and hid behind a table. He peeped through a hole in the table and threw a grenade near the stage which started fire on the stage and smoke filled the air. Most of the people started to run outside and when Alphonso saw his two targets running away, he ran behind them. Alphonso ran towards his car and started following his targets. The targets speeded away towards the highway as Alphonso kept chasing them. One of the targets, which was Charan's old friend, Ethan dialed a number and said, "Some motherfucker has attacked us. Send backup. We are on the highway."

Alphonso was having difficulty driving with one injured hand so he dialed a number and said, "Send backup." After a long chase, Ethan stopped near a large godown and ran inside it. Alphonso stopped a little far from the godown and slowly came outside the car. His hand was bleeding heavily and his vision has also turned blurry. He teared a piece of cloth from his tshirt and wrapped it tightly around the hand. He slowly creeped behind a window and peeped inside. Ethan was ready for him with his guards near the door. Alphonso took out his phone and said, "Hurry up, boys. The prey is crying to get slain." After a few minutes, the Camper van stopped near the godown and Alphonso ran inside it. He wore his armor and then wore a new Santa Claus costume and took a grenade launcher in his hands and went outside the van. He took a long breath and said, "Once again. It's showtime."

Alphonso threw a grenade near the door and a big blast ripped open the door and two guards near the door blew into pieces. Alphonso threw the grenade launcher in his man's hands and took a AK 47 in his hands and went inside the godown. He shot two guards in the front and took cover behind a pillar. He slowly went front gunning down the guards, as he entered a room filled with empty boxes. He slowly walked towards a pile of boxes when a grenade fell near his feet, he quickly jumped and managed to keep himself alive. He looked up and saw Ethan throwing under grenade at them. Alphonso quickly jumped over the boxes and climbed up the stairs behind a bullet pierced his thigh and lower abdomen and he fell from the stairs. A guard came running to inspect him, but Alphonso's men killed him and opened fire on Ethan's men by surprise. Ethan somehow managed to escape from there but his guards died. Alphonso's men took Alphonso out of the scene and to the nearby hospital. Alphonso was slowly fainting and soon went unconscious.

Alphonso slowly opened his eyes and saw the same nurse standing near him and taking his temperature. Alphonso asked slowly, "Where is JK?" The nurse said angrily, "Lie down silently. You won't be talking with anyone till you recover. JK ordered me take special care of you. So, from now on you only do what I tell you to do." Alphonso nodded fearfully. The nurse put a bowl of hot corn soup in front of him and went outside. He slowly poured the soup down his throat and lied down on his bed and looked at the roof. He took out his phone and called someone. After two call, the other end answered, "Yes. Sir." Alphonso asked, "Did Ethan died on the spot?" He replied, "No, unfortunately he escaped." Alphonso said, "Okay. Take care." He disconnected the call and punched the bed in anger.

He looked up and then again picked up his phone and called someone. After a ring, the other end answered, "Yes, sir." Alphonso said, "I want to track a guy." The other end asked, "Who?" Alphonso replied, "Ethan Glass. The leader of the infamous biker gang 'Skull Parade'." The other end answered, "It is both illegal and dangerous." Alphonso replied, "I will pay heavy." The other end replied, "He is currently in South Street Park Alley, House 102. The last call made by him was to Richelle Glass." Alphonso smiled and disconnected the call. He slowly walked towards the bathroom and lightened himself of the pressure. He then, slowly walked downstairs and then carefully opened the door and ran outside. It was cold and he was shivering with cold as he slowly went inside his car and went outside the compound. Alphonso mumbled, "You motherfucker, cuntlicker, piece of diarrhea shit. For you, I have to travel in such cold night in my pajamas. You better die this time." Alphonso speeded the car towards the address and parked the car near a lamppost and slowly walked towards the gate of House 102. He creeped behind the window and saw a man's silhouette on the curtain. He looked around from something to use as a weapon and found a hoe near the ground. He took the hoe and smashed the window with it. As Ethan came running towards the window, Alphonso gunned him down. Alphonso then quickly ran towards his car and soon left the scene. Alphonso has finally found peace in his heart and was melodiously whistling. He smiled, "Like this, one by one, all the friends, allies, loved ones and well wishers of the Khatri brothers will get punished for being with them."

Alphonso entered the compound and parked the car in the parking lot. He slowly walked inside the house and slowly tiptoed upstairs, but when he was about to enter his room he heard a small noise coming from a room. He slowly peeped inside and saw the nurse masturbating with the help of a dildo. Alphonso took out his phone and recorded the whole incident and went inside his room. Alphonso looked at his watch and saw it was already past 2 in the night. He quickly put the blanket on him and closed his eyes to sleep.

The nurse came inside to check him and touched his head to check for fever. After checking the temperature, she went outside and downstairs in the kitchen. After finishing her dinner and washing dishes, she took out her phone and dialed a number. After, few rings, the other end answered, "What's the news, agent N?" The nurse replied, "Both the targets are in my radar and one of them is totally dependent on me. But, the new guy seems quite smart. He's already asking me questions and I don't think he will remain idle for many days. We might have to increase our pace." The other end replied, "No. Too much pace will only damage the plan. Stick with the plan and I will see what I can do about this new guy." The call got disconnected. The nurse sighed, "Once, I'm finished with JK, I'm gonna make you suffer for what you did to my family, motherfucker." She smiled and went away to her room, as the moon started hiding behind the clouds...