Happy New Year

I was sitting near the mantelpiece warming my hands, when a soft but cold hand touched my bare neck. It sent shivers down my spine and as I looked back to see, I saw Naina standing there with a coffee mug in her hand. A small droplet of coffee was about to fall from her pink lips and then slowly slipped from her lips and fell on her white sweater. She asked sweetly, "You want some coffee, Harsh?" I replied, "No. Actually I'm planning to sleep, so taking caffeine won't be a good idea." She said sadly, "Hmm. I thought we could spent the last night of 2021 talking and exploring each other. But anyway, have a good sleep." I felt bad and said, "You know what. Saying no to such a beauty on New Year's night will bring bad luck. You have another mug of coffee?" Naina looked and said, "Caffeine won't be a good idea for this night. Come on. I make Naina's special for you tonight." I follow her to the balcony where she already decorated the sofa and railings with flowers and lamps. I sat on the sofa and saw Naina making her special drink. She first poured two bottles of Sprite in a large bowl, then mixed one bottle of Bourbon whiskey and then two glass full of ice in it and gently mixed them.

She brought two wine glasses and poured the drink in them and brought them to me. She sat close to me and said, "Sometimes I think why we celebrate New Year? What's so special about it?" I smiled, "Happiness and hope. The celebration of New Year is to wish happiness and hope to others. We make new resolutions, new friends, forget grudges and make love to each other." Naina smiled, "Love? Funny thing, isn't it?" I asked, "Why?" She took a sip of her drink and said, "I always thought that I will love only one man for all my life. Be loyal to him, care him and keep him happy." I asked, "But?" She sighed, "But, this Guru Nayak ruined everything. His madness, obsession and cheap ways to win me never let my dream prince come near me." I said, "This Guru guy seems to love you very much. See, Naina many people, particularly boys of my age finds it quite difficult to hear no, when we know that our love is true." She laughed, "Every boy thinks his love is true, that's why they go an extra mile to get it. But, what's matters the most is what the girl wants." I asked, "What's does the girl want?" She replied, "Trust. Every girl finds trust in her companion and when she finds it she stays with him for the rest of the life." I smiled, "How can we win this trust?" She replied, "By being yourself. I like you because you like to be stay like yourself and not change to impress others." I asked blushing, "You like me?" She smiled, "Every girl will. You are such a darling." I smiled and thanked her. She pulled my cheek and said, "Promise me, you won't say anything about tonight to anyone." I asked nervously, "What do you mean?" She pulled me towards her and kissed my lips. I pushed her and said, "It's wrong." She said, "I need it. If not you, then someone else." I pulled her closer and kissed her lips and said, "Okay. But, no strings attached."

She smiled and we kissed each other passionately for some moments. I took her up and went to her room. I gently threw her on the bed and opened my tshirt and went on her. She started licking my neck as I untied her tshirt and then she threw me down and started kissing my chest. I slowly opened her bra and she pressed her chest on my chest and I kissed her. I slowly took her down and pulled her jeans down. She said softly, "Not so soon, darling. Let me make you happy." She pulled me down and opened my zip and took my gun out and started shaking it. I closed my eyes as she slowly massaged my genitals. She took off her pants and then panty and put my dick in her vagina and slowly jumped on it. I looked at her and smiled, "She definitely likes this position very much." She started moaning and after sometime I lost control and all the juice went inside her. She smiled and said, "Happy New Year." We cuddled each other and soon fell asleep both from intoxication and fatigue.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. My head was paining immensely and I looked at Naina who was sleeping peacefully beside me; her quite face was covered with her silky hairs. I pushed the hair behind her ear and looked at her carefully. I don't know if it's right or wrong but I really didn't wanted to share her with somebody else, not even Captain. Her innocent face reminds me of Survi, the girl who touched me heart like no one did before. I don't have any romantic feelings for Naina nor I had for Survi, but something was attracting me to them. I looked at my phone and saw a message from Cathy. It reads, "Happy New Year, my love. I hope we stay together for all the years to come and never leave each other alone like this year." Another message was flashing below it. It was from Captain. He wrote, "Hey, champ. Happy New Year. Sorry for not staying with you tonight. Had an urgent work tonight. Good night." I smiled and put the phone on the table and looked at Naina. I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "Happy New Year." I pulled the blanket on her and closed the gaps to ensure she remains warm and wore my clothes and went outside as I slowly closed the door. Naina slowly opened her eyes and smiled, "Happy New Year."

I woke up in the morning with red eyes and sleep deprivation. I slowly wore my gown over my tshirt and went to my bathroom. I took the brush and took the toothpaste in my hand. I smiled, "Pepsodent. Long time no see." I applied a pea amount on the bristles of the brush and started brushing. I came outside and saw Captain was helping Naina's father making barbecue. Naina was sitting near the oven, turning the meat over timely. I greeted them new year and looked at Naina who was too sleep deprived and I assumed she had a little cough as she occasionally coughed vigorously. She might have turned and made gaps in the blanket which got her cold. I was feeling bad not turning the heater last night. Naina came near me and said, "Meet me near the garage after two hours." I nodded and went to the bathroom and washed my mouth.

I took have bath and came to my room. I wore my clothes and went to the dining room. I took my seat next to Captain, who was sitting beside Naina, while Naina's father was sitting parallel to us. The meat was little raw and also had not been properly prepared with the spices. Naina suddenly bit a chilli and was coughing, Captain gave us water and gave her a sweet. Naina's father gave them a look and continued eating. After finishing the breakfast, Captain pulled me in my room and showed me a red box. He said happily, "I am thinking of proposing Naina." I replied, "Yeah. That's a great idea." He said, "Don't just stand there. Come tell me something to make tonight special." I said, "I know as much about Naina as much you do. I think you should not be too expensive nor too simple, just make it a night that she remembers." He said, "This ain't helping, dude. Suggest something. Okay, tell what would have you done if you wanted to propose Cathy tonight?" I thought for a moment and answered, "Wear good, take her to a good place, if possible her favorite and be calm and real. Girls don't like pretentious boys." Captain hugged me, "No wonder all girls like you so much." He went outside. I smiled, "That's the problem, dude. Everyone likes me too much." I sighed and looked at the clock. It was two minutes past 9 in the morning and I hurried to the garage. Naina was standing near the man who unfortunately died last night due to cold. She asked, "Where will we bury him?" I looked around and saw a plain surface near the mouth of the small forest on the north side of Naina's house. I said, "We should bury him near those bamboo trees." We took him near the trees and then I digged the ground and then buried him there. I said, "Poor man." Naina looked at the grave and spitted on it, "Poor man, my foot." She went away and I kept looking in her direction.

I took Naina's car and went to the market. She told me to return before 12 as she has to go and meet some of her old friends. I stopped the car near a slum area which was filled with loud music and people celebrating the first day of 2022. I walked towards a small house and knocked on the door. Few minutes, a pregnant woman came outside and asked, "What do you want?" I replied, "Can you please tell me the address of Guru Nayak?" The woman looked at me and said, "He is missing. Police say that he is hiding, but we know that he is not in hiding." I asked, "Then where is he?" The woman replied, "Probably dead. Most people don't survive the thrash of the Underworld. I warned him, but he never listened. I heard some people came to take him to his boss and from then he never returned." I said, "Okay. Thanks for the help." She smiled and closed the door. I walked around and saw a small hotel selling samosas and hot chai. I couldn't resist the aroma and went near the hotel. The man looked at me and asked politely, "How many sir?" I replied, "Three, with cutting chai." I sat inside and he brought my order and served it before me. I hungrily devoured the samosas and sipped the chai in seconds. I went near the man and gave him a hundred rupee note. He said, "I don't have change, son." I smiled, "Keep it." He smiled and blessed me. I asked, "Do you know anything about this Guru Nayak?" He replied, "Yes. Guru. He was such a good boy, always came to my stall to drink chai and would discuss his life with me. Sad thing, he got with that gir. She ruined his life, got him involved in bad habits and soon he turned into a criminal." I asked, "Which girl?" He smiled, "How can I know that, son?" I asked, "Guru never told you about her?" He replied, "He never told me and I never asked." I asked, "Was the girl name Naina?" He said, "Yes. The girl name was Naina. But, how do you know?" I replied, "That's not important. Anyway, thanks for the help." I went away and sat in the car and rode to the nearby police station.

The police station was not so crowded and the constables were gossiping. I asked, "Can I get some information about Guru Nayak?" The constable looked at me and said, "He is missing. We are currently looking after him and if we don't find him till the last of this month, we will declare him fugitive." I gave him a two thousand note and said, "A treat for your family." He smiled and said, "I can give you the file of him if you want." I smiled, "Of course." He went inside and came outside with a thick file in his hands. He gave it to me and I gave him another two thousand note but he declined, "I have a small family." I went outside and saw some rogue boys puncturing my car. I put the file deep inside my tshirt and fastened my gloves. I slowly started walking towards the alley and stopped near a wall and quickly jumped over it. The boys started running after me and I quickly ran towards the road. I then looked around and went inside an autorickshaw and told him to go to my hideout's address. He speeded the autorickshaw fast and soon I reached near the house. I quickly went inside my room and hid the file in my briefcase which was secured by a special password and then put it inside the almirah. I then came outside and took an autorickshaw and went to the police station. I then contacted the tow department and after a while the tow department took the car away. I then booked a taxi and went to Naina's house.

I went inside my room and saw Naina was sitting there on my bed. Some tears were evident in her eyes and she looked at me. She came and almost jumped on me. I asked, "What happened?" She replied, "My father..my...fathe...r.." I asked, "What happened to him?" She replied, "It was all my fault. I should have told you earlier." I asked, "What do you want to say?" She replied, "My father is dead. Somebody killed him." I asked shocked, "Who killed him?" Naina looked at me and said smiling, "I did." I looked in horror and as I was about to ask something, something hit my head hard and my vision got blurry and I saw Naina smiling devilishly as I fell on the ground, unconscious.....