Happy Birthday

Syman was standing on the balcony, smoking a cigar when Alphonso entered the room. Syman asked, "How are you, Alphonso?" Alphonso asked startled, "How do you know I'm here?" Syman asked, "How's JK? Heard he got a little bruised?" Alphonso replied, "Yes, certainly bruised but good. He sends his wishes." Syman dragged his cigar and released a huge puff of smoke out of his mouth, "I don't need his wishes. I need him. Here." Alphonso smiled, "He wanted to, but I denied. You know he is not keeping himself fresh and being here will only make him feel subordinated." Syman said, "He was my finest man and now he feels subordinated being at my birthday party. Not a good thing." Alphonso said, "Time changes. Jimmy always said that nothing beats harder than time." Syman smiled and turned. He picked his phone and dialed a number. After few moments, a man came rushing in. He asked, "You want to something, my Lord?" Syman replied, "Yes. I want you to show Alphonso his room and keep good care of him. He is our special man." The man accompanied Alphonso to his room and went away. Alphonso sighed, "I should have brought JK with me." He went inside the bathroom to freshen up and when he came outside he saw two young girls in kimono waiting for him near the bed. Alphonso asked, "How can I help you, girls?" The girl in blue kimono said, "No, sir. We are here to help you relax." Alphonso asked, "You two are masseurs?" The girl in red kimono said, "No. But we can give you other services." They opened their kimonos and stood naked before Alphonso. Alphonso looked at them and said, "You two are quite young to give such services. How old are you two?" The blue one came near him and said, "Old enough to give you immense pleasure." She touched his dick and started rubbing it. Alphonso said, "Wait. Let me be a little cosy with you." Alphonso went near the wine table and asked, "Red or white?" The girls replied, "Red." Alphonso smiled, "Good choice." He poured three wine in three glasses and went to them. He said, "I never been any woman before, so don't forgive me if I do something silly." The blue one smiled, "You are quite funny, sir. How can we judge you?" Alphonso said, "No, you should. It's your right to say if you're not satisfied." He signaled both of them to sit on his two thighs and said, "I only saw my mother in photos as she left my father soon after she gave birth to me. My father said that she wanted to live with someone else who was rich and from high background. My father was just a summer fling she couldn't resist. My father brought me up alone and I still remember when he would come home tired from work and make food for two of us. I saw my father getting rich and getting involved with flithy people like Jimmy and his circus band and eventually getting killed by them. My father never wanted me to be like him, but here I am." The girls looked at him and said, "You need a good fucking tonight." They opened his robe and one started kissing his lips and another his dick. Alphonso closed his eyes as he finally found some relief from his problems.

Syman was sitting on his sofa reading a book when his servant, Jim came inside and said, "Sir, I have send the girls in Sir Alphonso's room." Syman said, "Good. Is he enjoying?" The servant replied, "Yes. It's likes so." He waved him to go and the servant quietly closed the door behind him. Syman picked up his phone and dialed a number and after few minutes, the other end answered, "Yes, sir?" Syman said, "Keep the guest list limited. Days are not that good and only few important guests are invited. So, keep any well wishers out of my precincts." He disconnected the call and continued reading the book.

Charan was sitting near the mantelpiece warming his hands, while Vivek was curiously looking at the blueprints of Syman's new castle. Vivek said, "The palace seems quite secured with every possible entry point sealed. I think we should abandon the plan for now." Charan said, "No. He won't stay here forever. Once, he finishes his birthday celebration, he will flew back to Italy and will take it back. His tale should end here for the good of all of us." Vivek asked, "How are we gonna attack him if we have no entry inside the palace?" Charan replied, "Where there is a will, there is a way." Vivek looked at his watch and saw it already past 12 and they have to rise early if they want to go with the plan. He said, "Come on. Let's go to sleep." Charan smiled, "You go. I will sleep here." Vivek wished him goodnight and went to his bed. Charan kept looking at the flames dancing on the surface of the burning wood. He was feeling quite alone and was remembering his family, Arman, Liam and his beloved Alia. A tear rolled down his face and he wiped his tears and mumbled, "I am going make every fucking bastard pay for what they have done to my family. Syman, you are going to celebrate your last birthday tomorrow and also your last night on the Earth. After that, there will be no Black Emperor nor his empire any more." He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

The whole palace was shining with glamour and pomp as guests from all the big crime families came to attend Syman's birthday. Waiters were roaming around, serving drinks and bartenders were entertaining the fellows near the bar. Though many people have some grudges with each other, they covered their emotions with a big fake smile. Everyone was having their time in the party, when Syman took the mic and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" Everyone looked at him and Syman said with big smile, "As you all know, I'm turning 38 today and is currently at a prestigious position in the Underworld. You all know, my life was somehow unstable always, turning from good to bad and many of my trustable friends gave me the cold shoulder in times of need, but I never felt any grieve nor I ever complained. Many say I'm Jimmy's valued treasure, a prodigy, but to tell you the truth he never wanted me to be like him. He would say that our future are decided by our own choices. He made his choice and I have to make mine all by myself. I didn't really know what I wanted then but right now, I want Italy, I want my home back from the lecherous bastards who took them. LASCIA CHE LA GLORIA SIA MIA!!" Everyone looked at him and rose their glasses up. Alphonso came near Syman and whispered something in his ear and Syman went outside the hall. Alphonso looked at the audience and said, "Sir Syman has called for some neccessary work and will be absent for sometime being. He has extended his dearest apologies to you all." Alphonso went inside his room and washed his face. He mumbled angrily, "This Syman is a fool, a big fool. "I want my Italy back." There is a high chance of Malaysia slipping away from his hands and he wants to jump back to Italy. Damn, I really don't understand what Jimmy saw in Syman. Anyway, he is neccessary for my success in the Underworld and I'm not going to lose it for anything." He came outside and went towards the bar. The bartender asked, "What do you want?" Alphonso replied, "A plain vodka will do." The bartender made his drink and gave it to him. Alphonso said to bartender, "I want you keep an eye on the people of Mexican and French families. I don't have an iota of trust on them." The bartender replied, "Okay." Alphonso gave him a gun and said, "Things can get hostile. Keep this for safety." He quickly went upstairs in Syman's room.

Syman was sitting on the sofa alongside two other men with whom he was discussing some important matters. One of them was Kinimoncho Nakata, a representative of the Japanese Mafia and the other one was Howard County, an old friend of Syman and nothing special profession-wise. Alphonso said, "The guests are expecting you. Let me handle the matter from here." Syman looked at his guests and said, "Okay. As I said, no one should be treated as an outsider. If we live divided, it will only destroy us." He quickly went outside and Alphonso asked, "What's the matter, guys?" Howard rose and shaked Alphonso's hand and said, "It's a pleasure meeting you, sir. We have heard much about you from Syman." Alphonso blushed and said, "I do what I have to do. It's nothing praiseworthy." Kinimoncho said, "Humbleness is a rare material in the Underworld. It's good to see such a humble human between us." Alphonso smiled, "Thank you, sir. But, I am not greater than you. You singlehandly united two hostile families which seemed impossible to all." Nakata smiled, "The young generation wanted to unite, but the old assholes wanted the enemity to go on. I eliminated those rusty thorns and it ended good for all." Alphonso shaked his hands and said, "There is still much to learn from you." Nakata hugged him and said, "Listen, Alphonso. Being a bridge is not a good thing in the Underworld and I always recommend to keep your eyes open to any changes, as any collision between two families will kill us first." Alphonso smiled and said, "Okay. Enjoy the party. I will see the other guests." He quickly went outside and saw Syman was sitting on the sofa discussing matters with other people. Alphonso took out his phone and dialed a number. He said, "Don't let Syman go for a single moment from your sight." He put the phone down and went towards the balcony. He took out his binoculars and scanned the whole perimeter, but saw nothing. He mumbled, "Where are you people? I am waiting to kill you two brothers." Alphonso put the binoculars down and went outside the hall to the security room.

Alphonso went inside the small room filled with screens of various sizes showing the whole footage of Syman's house. Alphonso looked at each screen carefully and felt nothing worth worrying but his gut feeling was saying otherwise. He was the only person who was not wearing his best clothes as he wanted to be cosy if anything happens in the party. He said to one of the technician, "Keep your eyes glued to the screen and report even the slightest disturbance to me at the earliest." The technician nodded and Alphonso quickly went to his room when a huge blast tripped him on his bed. He quickly looked around and saw an angry mob rushing towards the palace and a helicopter landed another bomb on a platoon of guards. Alphonso quickly ran downstairs and saw a bunch of dead bodies lying around under debris. He took out his gun and ran outside where he saw many of guests running to their cars and running around madly. He looked up and saw a helicopter landing on the grass and a few armed guards came outside and opened fire on them. Alphonso quickly ran inside and after dogding some falling pieces of the roof, he stopped near the library. He saw a gang of guards rushing to the library and he threw a grenade near their feet and their bodies flew in the air. The blast broke one of the pillars and Alphonso quickly jumped out of the window as the whole balcony perished. He ran behind a wall and killed some guards as he slowly advanced towards the arsenal. He saw a couple of angry mob dragging lords of high families on the grass and killing them with knives and hammers. Alphonso quietly avoided them and went towards the arsenal and saw Howard lying near the door of the arsenal. He was bleeding heavily with a deep cut around his neck and a bullet pierced his stomach. He went towards him and asked, "Where is Syman?" Howard slowly said, "I saw him in the southern side of the palace last time." Alphonso said, "Thanks for the help, brother." Alphonso took out his gun and fired a bullet in Howard's head. He mumbled, "This is the least I could do for you." He quickly went towards the southern side and found a heavy gang of guards firing at the angry mob, but they kept coming towards them. One of them threw a molotov on the guards. The fire burned most of guards and some managed to run away.

Alphonso went upstairs and saw a couple of people chopping Nakata, Alphonso quickly ran in the other direction and saw a couple of angry mob running towards him. He took out a grenade and killed the majority of the mob. Alphonso looked at the situation and mumbled, "Every man for himself, Syman. Sorry buddy." He quickly jumped inside a car and speeded away crashing anyone coming in his way. Syman was currently fighting for his life with a gun and two bullets in his right leg. He slowly creeped behind a crate and went outside the hall. As he started running, a kick on his chest threw him down. Syman looked at the man and it was Charan standing there. Syman quickly stood up and started to run in the other direction but he felt a strong punch on his face and saw Vivek standing there. Charan grabbed him by the collar and punched him, Vivek caught him and punched him on the face again. Vivek threw Syman near Charan's feet and Charan stomped him on the feet. Syman begged, "Please forgive me." Charan picked him up and punched him on the face, "There will be no mercy on you. You the reason Alphonso got the courage to attack our family." Vivek grabbed him and kicked him and he fell tumbling down the stairs. Syman was bleeding heavily and he slowly started fainting. Charan picked him up and punched him on his nose. He caught Syman by his leg and dragged him upstairs on the roof and said, "Listen, my fellow Malaysian families. Here is your enemy, the monster who is keen on destroying your lives. I'm giving him to you all. Decide what punishment you want to give him." Charan and Vivek together threw Syman from the roof and he fell on the ground, crying in pain. The angry mob came and started beating him till he died. They took Syman's body and hanged it on the gallows.

Charan and Vivek quickly went outside the compound and started searching for Alphonso. But, there was no one like Alphonso amongst the dead bodies. Charan said, "He must have escaped. Bloody coward." Vivek said, "Anyway, now he has no one behind him and it is a matter of time before he will lying dead at our feet." Charan and Vivek went near the Malaysian people and said, "Thanks for helping us today. You have done a big favor on us by helping us and we promise to repay one day." The people smiled and said, "No. We needed it. Syman was a monster, a selfish man. Killing him is the best we can do. We should thank you." Charan and Vivek quickly went inside their car and soon reached the airport. They quickly boarded into the helicopter and soon went into the air. Charan asked, "What do you want to do next?" Vivek said, "Once we finish the Dortmund and his crazy Russian friends, the Underworld will know the power of this two brothers. We are going to rip every enemy of ours apart." They both laughed as the helicopter became a dot in the sky....