Reality Check

Francis was standing near the window, sipping coffee from the cup, when Kasper came inside and said, "Syman is dead. An angry mob killed him." Francis said grimly, "I know. He was a good competitor and a great opportunist who never took defeat as an answer. Anyway, I have one less enemy now." Kasper said, "But Alphonso's body was not found amongst the dead. I think he managed to escape." Francis asked, "Were there any prominent people amongst the dead?" Kasper replied, "There was Nakata and some good people of Mexican and Japanese Mafia. Many people managed to stay alive, but not without a loss of an organ. Many are blaming Syman's lack of control on his people as the contributing factor in that massacre . I think this is the time to go to our next step."

Francis said, "Wait till General Zhukov readies his army. Our attack should be so strong that all our enemies have no chance of escape." Francis looked at his watch and said, "Go and ready the food table. I will come join Dmitry in a couple of minutes." Kasper went outside and Francis finished his coffee. He took out his phone and dialed a number and after a few rings, a voice answered, "Yes, sir?" Francis replied, "I want you to call Ventalen from Germany and tell him to come here. I have a person for him." The voice replied, "Okay. I will do it at the earliest." Francis put the phone down and went to the dining hall. Dmitry and General were sitting there, eating their food and discussing matters. Francis sat near Dmitry and said, "Bob called from Germany. He wants some money to proceed with the second phase of the plan." Dmitry asked, "How much does he want?" Francis replied, "Fifty million." Dmitry said, "Tell him to show me his progress. Then only I will give him any money." General asked angrily, "Why the hell is Bob taking so long? We have been waiting for two months and one more month will destroy the entire plan." Francis replied, "It's not easy getting inside Germany. My whole palace is blown up and also the police and that shitass U.C.I.D is waiting for any movement from my side." Dmitry said, "Germany was your idea, Francis. I had already told to go to France first, that place will be a better place for us to launch an attack on the headquarters of U.C.I.D." Francis said, "France is not a cooperating country. Both the police and the criminals are delusive. They are not even of the same status as us. Dirty, lying scumbags. The whole French Mafia is a gutter and I don't want to jump in it." General asked, "Who is the head of the French Mafia?"

Dmitry replied, "Antonio Fabrio Blanchet." General said smiling, "I know that guy. Many people call him 'The Painter' for his exquisite painting skills. But he is infamous for his dirty politics and incest." Dmitry said, "He didn't know she was his cousin. But, otherwise he is good and well mannered and always ready to help us." Francis said, "But, tell General Zhukov about his condition." Dmitry said, "He wants a share in our family business." General said angrily, "That useless, shameless sister fucker is not eligible to take a share in our family business. Tell him to change his condition." Dmitry said, "I will speak with his brother, Eton. I think he will give a better response to us." General said, "Okay. Go and talk with him. Take Francis with you. I don't trust those people, especially Eton." Francis asked, "Why?" General replied, "He is a complicated man. He is just like his father, a backstabbing bastard. If the deal doesn't go as planned, I want you to end both of the brothers." Dmitry said, "Don't talk rubbish. Killing them will only make us smaller in the eyes of all." General said, "And killing you will make them powerful." Francis said, "Okay. I will keep his ass safe." General smiled, "You have to or else I will flay your ass." Francis laughed and went away. He mumbled, "Time will say whose skin gets separated from the body." He went inside his room and went for a bath.

Kasper knocked on the door and after a few minutes, Igor opened the door and said, "Come inside." Kasper pulled his hand and said, "No. You come with me." Igor went outside with Kasper and they sat on a bench in the garden. Igor asked, "What's the hurry? You pulled me outside to talk." Kasper said, "Francis and Dmitry are going to France and I want you to go with them." Igor said, "I cannot. Alisha is here and I cannot leave her alone here." Kasper said irritated, "No one is going to eat your Alisha. If Dmitry gets help from Antonio and Eton there, our whole plan to get rich and becoming the most powerful people will go in vain. I want you to sabotage that meeting by any means and if possible finish Dmitry there." Igor said, "Francis is having suspicion on me after my sudden arrival here. I somehow kept the truth buried in Germany, but now the truth is trying to come in light." Kasper said, "No way. The truth is what keeping us alive right now. Francis is a fun guy but his anger is well fearing and I don't want to taste his anger." Igor said, "Okay, I will go. But, remember Francis will somehow, someday know the truth and will come to behead both of us."

Kasper said, "Don't worry. He won't survive till that 'someday'." Igor rose and went away. Kasper mumbled, "I cannot trust this coward. He surely will threw me into trouble." He took out his phone and dialed a number and after a few rings, a voice answered, "Yes, Kasper. What do you want?" Kasper replied, "I want you to keep an eye on Igor and make sure he does what he is instructed." The voice asked, "What's the reward?" Kasper replied, "A position in the Royal Guard section. After Igor finishes his job, finish him." The voice said, "Okay." Kasper put the phone in his pocket and went inside the house.

Dmitry was sitting on his sofa, reading newspaper when Natalie, Dmitry old friend and estate manager came inside and said, "I heard you are flying away to France. Do you need me come with you?" Dmitry put the newspaper down and said, "If I take you with me and something bad happens, who will be my children's mother?" Natalie smiled, "You will find many women to help you with that, but only I have sworn to protect you at all times." Dmitry said, "I have told you numerous times earlier that I want your love and not your protection." Natalie said, "And I have numerously told you that I am sworn to celibacy."

Dmitry sighed, "Oaths, promises and duties. My whole life went hearing all this. Mother married my father as a duty to her father, father made her pregnant as a duty to her, he raised me as a duty of a father, I buried him as a duty of a son and now I am ready to fight as a duty of a king. But, why can't I love you, not as a duty but as a choice, a blessing?" Natalie laughed, "That's life, Dmitry. If life is a cycle, duties is the pedal. It keeps the life going." Dmitry asked, "You want to come with me?" Natalie smiled, "Yes. Someone has to keep your life inside your body." Dmitry said, "Francis is with me." Natalie laughed, "He is as useful as a statue. Just for show. He himself came to you to beg for help and you are relying on him for your safety." Dmitry said, "You don't have an idea about him. He can be quite heroic when it comes to saving me. He even stood up to fight a bear for me when we were children. We have together killed many big people's henchmen when we were teenagers. He didn't become a renowned man of Germany for no reason." Natalie smiled, "You are quite naive. When the right time comes, Francis will run for his life rather than risking it for you." Dmitry said, "He won't." Natalie said, "He will." Dmitry pulled her closer and said, "He won't." Natalie said, "He will." Dmitry pulled her closer and kissed her lips. She pushed him and ran outside the room. Francis was eavesdropping their conversation and said, "My doings are based on the direction of the time. So, I may or I may not."

Igor entered into his room quietly as not to disturb Alisha and slowly went to the bathroom. After taking a warm, relaxing shower he went to the bed and started cuddling with Alisha. Alisha said, "I saw Kasper pulling you outside hastily. What's the matter?" Igor replied, "Nothing, dear. I have to accompany Francis on his tour to France." Alisha smiled, "Paris. I like Paris. Can I go with you?" Igor said grimly, "I wish you could. But, things are not so good there and I don't want any harm to come on you." Alisha smiled, "Actually, I too have a request to make." Igor smiled, "Anything you wish." Alisha said, "I want to go to my birth land, India. I have an ancestral property to sell there and being the eldest child, my signature is very important."

Igor said grimly, "I won't stop you, but be careful. You're no longer that Alisha who left India years ago, now you are connected with some really wanted and infamous people. Both the police and the local criminals will be on your tail if they get a sniff of your identity." Alisha smiled, "I have nothing on me till now. They won't even notice my presence there. I will be back in two weeks." Igor kissed her lips warmly and said, "I think I have to give you a proper farewell." He pulled her down and covered them with blanket.

Kasper looked carefully in both directions and entered a poorly lit room, filled with old machinery and skeletons of broken guns and scattered glasses. Kasper turned and saw a man wrapped in a black blanket standing near the window. A small beam of sunlight made his bruised face shine in the dark room. Kasper said, "You shouldn't come here unnecessarily. People are behind your life and staying in the palace is dangerous for you and me." The man pulled the blanket down and said, "I'm bored of running, Kasper. Dmitry is enjoying there and I'm living like a beggar. I want my place back, my respect back and my throne back." Kasper said, "You will. Time is in our favor." The man said sadly, "It looks quite the opposite to me. Syman could have helped us, but he is now dead, just like our hope."

Kasper said, "There is no point talking about the deceased and besides I have a backup plan." The man said, "It won't work. They are quite smart to fall in this trap." Kasper said, "They will. I will personally ensure that Dmitry will be lying on the floor, dying." The man smiled, "If this happens, only a miracle can stop me from sitting on the seat that I deserve." Kasper said, "Okay. Now go before someone sees you." The man quickly wrapped himself with the blanket and disappeared in the dark. Kasper came outside the room and mumbled, "After, Dmitry dies, I will make sure you get all the blame." He went away smiling.

Dmitry was sitting on his sofa, watching the TV when Francis knocked on his door. Dmitry said, "Come in." Francis came inside and sat near him. Dmitry asked, "What do you want?" Francis smiled, "Just a friendly talk." Dmitry raised his eyebrow and said, "I know you from ages. You don't come without a reason." Francis smiled and said, "So, as you have guessed. I want some money. Not for me, but for my people in Germany." Dmitry asked, "You have a staff in a broken palace?" Francis replied, "They are rebuilding it." Dmitry asked, "How much?" Francis replied, "Thirty." Dmitry said, "Thirty is much. I can give only ten for now." Francis asked, "Don't you get tax money from the people?"

Dmitry replied grimly, "No. Taxes are for the government. We thrive on business money and business is not going smoothly and we are kinda on the brink of bankruptcy due to this stupid war." Francis asked, "That's why you were so keen on joining hands with the French?" Dmitry replied, "Kind of. They are definitely rich, but moreover they are hungry for recognition and we can use their hunger to feed our stomachs." Francis smiled, "You really are a very shrewd businessman." Dmitry smiled, "I'm learning from you only." Francis smiled and wished him goodnight. Francis went inside his room and lied on the bed. He mumbled, "You are very good man, Dmitry. I just wish you never get to know the truth about your father's death. I may have to kill you then." He closed his eyes as the night deepen.....