Two Sides of A Woman

I slowly opened my eyes as my blurry vision slowly started to become normal. The hard hit on my head has left a huge lump on my head and it was very painful. I was afraid it might have caused some internal problems. I saw Naina was standing near the same poor boy that she was torturing that day. My hands and legs were tied tightly and I decided to stay still to avoid attention from Naina. She was kicking that boy hard and cussing him. She was angrily screaming, "Stupid bastard. You are bad luck. I should have never trust you, you incompetent moron." I looked around and saw a couple of goons standing near me and it was not the same house, but some warehouse. I was unable to move but soon an idea struck my mind. The thing was that since I am an agent of U.C.I.D, I have a personal tracker in my necklace. I slowly used my tongue and pulled the necklace out and then pressed the button on the necklace. It had certainly send a message to my people, but still I need to remain alive till the help arrives.

I slowly tried to untie me but the ropes were too tight and the immense pressure on my wrists were pressing my veins hard. I saw Naina coming towards me and I pretended to be unconscious. I heard Naina saying, "I have to go bury my father's body before the police comes to my house sniffing like dogs. Shift this motherfucker next to Guru. I will burn them both together once I return." She kicked me in the liver with the strong wedges and I painfully endured the pain without giving any reaction. She soon left and a fat guy came near me and pulled me near Guru and threw me on him. Our heads collided and I still showed no signs of pain. One of the guys said, "Go and check if he's dead or alive." The fat guy put his fingers near my nose and said, "He is breathing. Looks like you hit him harder than usual." The man said, "Leave them. Let's go and eat something before that bitch returns." All the men went outside and I slowly whispered, "Guru. Guru, are you listening? Please respond, brother." Guru slowly and weakly said, "You know my name. Do I know you?" I replied, "I am someone who wants to help you right now. Tell me, who is she?" Guru asked, "She? Who, she?" I answered, "Naina Sathe. That crazy woman who is going to burn us in the near future." Guru slowly said, "She is a psychopath. A fucking psychopath. Stay away." I asked, "Can you tell me why is she going to burn you or why is torturing you?"

Guru replied, "I rejected her proposal. I rejected to marry her." I looked around and saw a broken glass piece lying near Guru's hip. It was probably the bottle which Naina broke on Guru's head and now Guru was losing his senses slowly. I said, "Take the glass piece and cut the rope." Guru slowly picked up the glass piece and cut the ropes. I quickly ran and hid behind a huge pile of boxes and watched the men coming back to Guru. All the men were startled to see me missing and started looking for me. Guru was unconscious by then and I took a breath of relief. I searched here and there and found a rod lying on the ground. I slowly waited for a guy to come near me and saw the same man who hit me coming towards me. I mumbled, "I am going show you how hard it pains." I hitted him on his head with all my might and he fell on the ground. I took his pistol and went near Guru, he was bleeding heavily and if not treated well, will be dead in few minutes. I picked him up and put him behind the pile of boxes. I took out the phone from the man's pocket and dialed a number and then disconnected it. I looked around and saw a man coming near me, I quickly rolled and put a bullet in him.

The sound attracted the others and soon a gunfight started. I dodged some bullets and managed to kill all the men and only the fat guy was alive. My bullets were finished and he fired a bullet which hit my shoulder. I ran towards a fallen man and took his gun and fired three bullets in him. I was just taking a breath of relief when a bullet pierced my leg. I fell on the ground and saw Naina was standing near the entrance. With a big, evil devilish smile, she advanced towards me and said, "Hey, buddy. Feeling not so well now?" I asked, "Why are you doing this?" She smiled, "Love, my darling. I gave, but I never got and now I will end it forever." I asked, "But why did you killed your own father?" She smiled, "My old man got to know the whole truth, the house, Guru and the stupid man who you buried in the forest. He wanted to go to police, so I had to make myself an orphan." I screamed, "You are a crazy bitch. You cannot escape the law for too long. You will repent for your sins." She smiled, "Thank you for the lecture. Happy journey to the afterlife." She took out her gun and was about to shoot. I closed my eyes and heard a gunshot, but I was unharmed.

I opened my eyes and saw Captain was standing there, smoke coming out from his gun. Naina was lying near me, blood coming out from her stomach. I rose and picked up her gun and said, "Happy journey to the afterlife, psychopath." I ended her tale with a bullet and looked at Captain standing still there. I said, "We have an injured there. Please call an ambulance." After a few minutes, paramedics were treating my wounds. I asked, "How is Guru?" She replied, "He survived and has gained consciousness. He is currently in the ambulance heading to the hospital." I smiled. The doctor said, "You need rest and should be awry of the injury on your head. Though you managed to survive without any major injury, but you should not let another attack to happen as it may damage your brain nerves." I touched the lump and the pain came again. I stood up and went near Captain, who was standing near Naina's body. I said slowly, "She choosed it herself, no one to blame." Captain gave no response and I said, "She killed her father because he found out her evil motives." Captain said, "Lorenzo called yesterday. He wants us to be in Italy by the day after tomorrow, but since you are injured, you will get a week leave before flying to Italy." I said nothing and soon we reached Naina's house to take our stuff back. The place was crowded with people and police. We secretly smuggled our stuff in our car and I went inside to give a last look to the house. I looked around and saw few letters on the table.

It was evident from the letters that Naina was suffering from psychological trauma and these actions were a result of that. I looked at Naina's photo on the wall and waved her a final goodbye. Captain was sitting in the car looking at Naina's photo and the ring. I said, "Sharing pain is the best way to lessen the trauma, friend." Captain laughed, "I am not traumatized, just a little sad. She really touched my heart but on second thought, she was below my standards anyway." I smiled, "Of course. You deserve quite better than her." Though he was hiding it but deep down the bullet killed many emotions and dreams of Captain. I can only hope that he recovers soon. We reached the new hideout and Captain said, "Sorry buddy. We will now meet in Italy." He dropped me and went away.

I entered the house with my luggage and saw the house was vividly decorated with flowers and other decoration items and a huge boarding was hanging on the wall. It says, "Welcome, Agent H." "Did you like it, sir?" I turned and saw a young girl was standing near the door. I replied, "Yes. It is quite charming." The girl smiled, "I am glad you liked it. Anyway, I'm your housemaid cum bodyguard." I asked, "Bodyguard?" She replied, "Yes, sir. I'm trained in three different forms of martial arts and also I'm a pro shooter and have received gold in all tests and is a certified member of U.C.I.D."

I said, "Good. But I don't need a bodyguard. I'm an agent and is very much capable of protecting myself." She smiled, "No, don't get me wrong, sir. It's my duty to provide protection to you and anyone who is going to live here in the future." I asked, "So, that means you cannot leave this house." She replied, "Yes, sir. I am posted here to provide aid and treatment to any injured agents of U.C.I.D and if neccessary lay my life to protect you." I asked, "You trained to be an assistant rather than an agent. Why?" She replied, "Someone has to do it anyway. So what if I do it. Anyway, my mother was quite against violence and since I'm her only child and support in her old age, I killed my dream and decided to be an assistant." I smiled, "No. You have done a good thing. It takes a lot of courage to choose non violence in a violent world. Can you please help me take my luggage to my bedroom? I think a good sleep will rejuvenate me." She smiled, "Definitely." She took all my luggage upstairs as I slowly climbed upstairs. She helped me lie on the bed and even cleaned my wounds and applied medicine on it. I asked, "So, you have only your mother as a family?" She replied sadly, "No. I have a father and a stepbrother too. Father lives away from my mother because she refused to kill me in her womb and my stepbrother is a dirty monster who lusts on me. Suicide or murder was my only way to get rid of my stepbrother and I choosed murder. Police left me on the ground of self defense and Sir Lorenzo took me to U.C.I.D as he liked my courage. He trained me and made me a warrior ready to join the war, but my mother denied my job and I choosed this line of job. This is my small story, sir."

I smiled, "You can of remind me of my sister Shirley. Brave yet tender. She always stood by me and even fought with that bully in school for me. I really miss her. I wonder where is she is now and what is she doing?" She smiled, "She surely must be waiting for you." I smiled and hugged her. She patted my shoulder and said, "Sleep, sir. You need rest." I asked, "What is your name?" She smiled, "We are allowed to share names. You can call me Ash." She closed the door and the lights turned off. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I woke up from my sleep and went to the kitchen, where Ash was preparing food for me. I asked, "How do you live alone in this house? Don't you feel afraid sometimes?" Ash smiled, "Not at all. This house may look simple to anyone, but it is equipped with 15 secret rooms in case of any emergency and also the house is bulletproof and since it is sort of a vacation house, any attack on it is considered an attack on U.C.I.D and you know what U.C.I.D does to its enemies." I smiled, "I wasn't talking about that, girl. I mean was that living alone can make anyone mentally disturbed and I'm sure that you said you stay here till you don't get a transfer." She said sadly, "Actually, I won't get a transfer. I am here till death." I asked, "Don't your mother ever visits you?" She replied, "Sometimes. But at her age, traveling too much is not a good thing and moreover she doesn't like the climate here." I asked, "Where does she lives?" She gave me an annoying look. I smiled, "Okay, no more personal questions." She said, "Let's eat. The food is ready." We finished the dinner and went to our respective rooms. At midnight, I woke up on a knocking sound on the door. I opened the door and asked, "What do you want, Ash?" She replied, "Actually, I feeling a little scared now that you have awaken my fears." I smiled and said, "The room is all yours, madam." She gave me a smile and went and lied on one side of the bed and I lied on the other side. She said, "Good night, sir." I smiled, "Buenos noches, girl." I closed my eyes and soon feel asleep as the night deepen.....