
Francis and Dmitry were sitting quietly in the drawing room talking with Alfred, the manager of the French Mafia. Francis looked at him and said, "We want full cooperation from the French Mafia and we guarantee that the Russian Mafia will always be at your help when needed." Alfred looked at Francis and said, "We are not deaf nor stupid, Mr. Dortmund. We know the current problems you are dealing with now. I am not denying to help you but if there is any problem with you, we French people will be fucked." Francis said grimly, "Sorry to say, but you people are already pretty much fucked anyway. This relationship is going to mutually beneficial." Alfred looked at his watch and said, "Sir Antonio is here. You talk with him." He rose and went outside the room as a tall, mid aged man came inside and smiled at Dmitry and Francis. Dmitry rose and shaked hands with Antonio as Antonio looked at Francis and smiled. Antonio said, "I am sorry to hear about your father, Dmitry. My heart felt condolences to you." Dmitry asked grimly, "Then why didn't you come?" Antonio replied, "Because of our uncle. He dislikes me and would only want me to leave the moment I steeped in his house." Francis asked, "Why does he dislike you so much? You seem quite a good man." Antonio smiled, "I'm flattered. But the thing is that I am gay and your uncle doesn't like gay people. He doesn't want to associate himself with me in any manner."

Francis smiled, "Yet we are here." Antonio smiled, "I know what you want for me and my people. It's not easy to trust a man who doesn't like me and also he is a bad guy." Dmitry said coldly, "So are we. You have all these places, expensive clothes and jewelry because your ancestors have looted people." Antonio smiled, "Black and white, both are colors but still they are very much different from each other." Francis said, "But they can still be mixed together to create another color." Antonio thought for a moment and said, "Russia and France are enemies for many years and you know our current situation, both U.C.I.D and that fucking Mayor, Luis is making our lives miserable. I cannot take a risk." Francis said, "We will give you both protection and a share in our annual revenue." Antonio said, "But that only solves half the problem. We will need to deal with the Mayor." Dmitry said annoyingly, "Just put a bullet in his head." Antonio said, "As I have said before, we cannot take risks." Francis looked at Dmitry and Dmitry said, "Fine. He is our guest. But remember one thing, our guns are always loaded." They rose and went outside the room. Antonio looked at Alfred and said, "Call Eton and tell him to keep an eye on them."

Francis looked at the streets and said, "Antonio has pushed us into deep trouble. Killing the Mayor in this crowd will be quite dangerous." Dmitry said coldly, "You agreed to it yourself. No one to blame." Igor looked at the parade going in front of him and said, "There he is." Dmitry and Francis looked at an old man waving at the crowd standing on a slowly moving car. Francis said, "We don't have guns." Dmitry said annoyingly, "Do you think guns will help us in this situation? We have to blow up the car." Francis said, "This will kill thousands of people." Dmitry smirked, "It not something new for us." They took their car inside an alley and went upstairs. Dmitry unpacked his bag and started taking out the materials. He said, "Igor will throw smoke grenades in the crowd and will create distraction, while Francis will stick satchel charges on the car and run as fast as possible. After, getting at a safe distance, I will press the detonator and the car and Mayor will blow into pieces." Francis looked at the crowd and said, "The water fountain will be a good place to execute our plan."

Igor and Dmitry agreed and soon they went into their positions. Igor took out the smoke grenades and slowly dropped them on the ground. The smoke slowly engulfed the crowd and all the people started running here and there in panic. Francis quickly planted three satchel charges on the car and ran as fast as possible. Dmitry pressed the button hard and with a blast several bodies flew in the air. A bullet hit Igor's hand and he quickly ran towards the exit and jumped inside the car. Dmitry quickly put his foot on the pedal and went towards Francis's location. Francis also jumped inside the car and they speeded away towards the highway. Dmitry said, "We have people after us. Get rid of them." Francis and Igor opened the window and threw grenades on the road and three police cars exploded in the air. Igor shot a bullet on the tyre and the car rolled on the road and crashed with the railing. One policeman shot a bullet in the left tyre and Dmitry lost balance and the car rolled and it fell from the highway. Dmitry and Francis crawled outside the car and looked at Igor who was lying unconscious in the car. Francis ran for Igor but Dmitry pulled him. He cried, "Don't be stupid. Save your own life." Francis said, "Sorry Igor. I hope you forgive me." They quickly ran towards the bushes and then disappeared in the forest.

Igor opened his eyes slowly and looked at the empty seats and slowly crawled outside as police came running towards him. He raised his hands in the air and the police tied his hands with handcuffs. One of the policemen said, "Finding them inside the forest will be quite difficult as the sun is almost half sunken behind the horizon." They took Igor and went to their car and saw all their companions are lying on the ground dead. Several bullets pierced their bodies as they fell on the ground dead. Eton and his friends looked around and Eton said, "We need to find them and kill them." One of his men said, "But, boss. Sir Antonio told us to keep an eye on them and not kill them." Eton put a bullet in his head and said grimly, "Do what I said." All the men scattered around the forest and went deep inside the forest. Eton looked at Igor, who was breathing his last. He smiled and put a bullet in his head and went inside the forest.

Francis and Dmitry stealthily hid behind a small pit near a tree. Francis looked at Dmitry and said, "Police is searching us like crazy dogs. We better stay here till they don't go away." Dmitry said, "Don't be a fool. The police won't come here in such darkness to catch us. I heard Antonio saying Alfred to send Eton to keep an eye on us. Let's show them what we are." Francis and Dmitry took out their guns and scattered in the forest. Eton and his men started roamed around and found nothing. Eton said, "Search throughly. We need to end their chapters tonight." Eton looked around and saw some blood on the bark of a tree. He smiled, "Looks like we are very close to them. Come on." They ran towards the north side of the forest. Eton looked around and heard a gunshot at the distance and another a little far from him. He cried, "They have found us. Scatter quickly." They scattered and looked around with their torchlights. Dmitry slowly grabbed one by the neck and slit his throat. Francis threw a grenade near the feet of two people and a blast killed them in a jiffy. Eton looked around and cried, "Where ever you are, come out. I promise that I will give you an easy death."

Two more gunshots killed the last two people surrounding Eton and he also flew and hitted his shoulder on a tree. He rose and quickly started to run, but tripped on the ground. He was trying to stand when a kick in his stomach threw him on the ground. Francis picked him up and thrusted his dagger in his stomach and threw him towards Dmitry who hit him with the torch. Eton cried, "Antonio will kill you, if he knows you killed his brother." Dmitry kicked him in the mouth and said, "Your brother is already dead. He killed himself the moment he betrayed us." Eton smiled, "You don't know the power of us." Dmitry thrusted the dagger in Eton's heart and said, "A lion doesn't need to know the power of a dog." Eton fell on the ground and breathed his last. Dmitry looked around and saw Francis was not there. He cried, "Francis, where are you?" Three bullets pierced Dmitry's heart and he fell on the ground and saw Francis was standing there. He asked weakly, "Why?" Francis put a bullet in his head. Francis looked at his friend one last time and said, "Your sacrifice won't go void. The whole French Mafia will be erased." He went near Igor's body and sighed in grief. He looked around and saw a policeman of his size and exchanged his clothes with his and went in the police car and went away.

After going at a safe distance, he took the police transmitter and fired a bullet in his abdomen and said in pain, "Eton and his men have killed all our men and has ran inside the forest. I have been shot and may...." He fired another bullet and threw the transmitter down. He drove the car and crossed the highway and dumped the car near a wasteland. He took out his phone and called General Zhukov and said, "That bastard Antonio tricked us and have killed Igor and Dmitry. I somehow managed to survive, but can't say for how long. I....." He threw the phone away and smiled, "Now, it's my time to enjoy the show." He went inside a homeless shelter and borrowed a blanket and slept for the night.

Francis opened his eyes and took a long yawn. He looked around and saw the shelter was almost empty. He went to the small canteen and ate his breakfast. After returning the blanket, plate and glass, he went outside and started walking towards a telephone booth. He put a coin inside the coin box and dialed a number. He said, "It's Francis. Code red is activated." The other end asked, "Dmitry?" Francis replied, "Exterminated." The other end said, "The car will be there shortly." Francis put the receiver on the handle and came outside the telephone booth. Minutes later, a red Volvo stopped near the telephone booth and Francis said, "Code red General." He went inside and the car started to move. Francis took out a phone from the armrest box and opened the news.

It reads, "Today's latest news. Infamous gangster and head of the French Mafia, Antonio Fabrio Blanchet has been arrested last night on the charges of murder of our beloved Mayor, Luis Ernesto Wright who was strictly against organized crime syndicates and had been a thorn in the eyes of Antonio for years. Bodies of several policemen has been found on the highway and deep down the forest, the bodies of Antonio's ruffian brother, Eton has been retrieved. He was already involved in sixteen murder cases, thirty rape cases and numerous exortions cases has been filed against him. Another anonymous person's body was also found near Eton's body who is yet to be identified. For latest updates, stay tuned with us." Francis put the phone inside his pocket and got down from the car.

He went inside the private jet and soon the jet took off. Francis looked around and saw Kasper was standing near the bar cabinet and a young man was sitting on the chair drinking coffee. He turned and Francis smiled, "It's good to see you here." The man smiled, "Don't butter me, Francis. I know what type of person you are." Francis said, "That's why I'm still alive. Most of your 'dear' friends are already rotting in hell." The man smiled, "You are just like your father. A dirty opportunistic bitch." Francis smirked, "And you are like your father. A handicap who feeds on his brother's glory." The man smiled, "Atleast I'm not an unwanted child like you." Francis smiled, "Atleast I'm not a half-breed like you." The man threw a bottle towards Francis and he dodged it. He grabbed his collar and Kasper ran and separated them.

He said angrily, "No one is one, but only partners. If we start to quarrel among us, how can we achieve our dream goal?" Francis said, "Tell this to this thick-headed person." The man said angrily, "And what are you? Albert Einstein?" Kasper pulled the man inside his room and locked the door. A door opened and Alphonso came outside. Francis asked, "What took you so long?" Alphonso replied, "Got an upset stomach. Anyway, who were you fighting with?" Francis sighed, "Who else, Steven Zhukov?" Alphonso smiled, "Yeah. That half-breed is quite spicy." Kasper said, "Since Dmitry is dead, we should appoint Steven as the new head soon." Alphonso smiled, "Let him take his time. There is very much to happen before his coronation." Francis asked, "What do you mean?" Alphonso replied, "Just because you are wise, doesn't mean that others are fools. General Zhukov has already started digging your grave in Russia. We need to put him in his coffin before he puts us in ours." Francis said, "And you already have a plan." Alphonso smiled, "Yes, but I have some unfinished business to handle first." Kasper asked, "What unfinished business?" Alphonso smiled, "I have to pay some old debts." He put a bullet in Kasper's head and he fell on the ground dead. Francis asked shocked, "Why did you killed him?" Alphonso smiled, "I hate backstabbers." He went inside his room as Francis looked at the blood coming out from Kasper's head. He smiled, "Interesting." He poured himself a glass of vodka, as the jet speeded through the clouds.