Expect The Unexpected

Vivek and Omar had just landed on the French airport and were standing near the exit, looking for a taxi. Omar asked, "You sure this plan will be good? French jail is not a children's playground. They have strict guards and sophisticated security systems. Again, there will be many other hurdles on the way." Vivek said, "I don't know what you saying. We are not here to kill Antonio but to meet him." Omar asked shocked, "But, he is our enemy. You were instructed to kill him, right?" Vivek smiled, "I have told you earlier that I am a businessman and not a killer. I am here to do business with Antonio." Omar asked, "Why would he do a meeting with you or anyone? He's in the prison." Vivek smiled, "Then why are we outside?" Omar looked and waved his hand at a taxi. The taxi stopped near them and asked, "Where to sir?" Vivek replied, "To La Santè Prison." Vivek and Omar sat in the taxi and soon they reached the prison. Omar paid the fare and asked, "How are you gonna enter inside?" Vivek replied, "I have a friend in there." Vivek entered inside the prison and went to the visitor room. A woman came near him and asked, "Whom do you want to meet, sir?" Vivek gave her a file. She looked at it and said, "So you are here to meet Uncle Barkley. Wait here till you hear your name." Omar asked, "Who is Uncle Barkley?" Vivek replied, "Russell Barkley aka Uncle Barkley. He is a man who can arrange a meeting with anyone, even with God." Omar asked, "If he is so sly, then why is in jail?" Vivek replied, "Old age. He is waiting for his heavenly call and jail provides him some food and shelter." Omar said, "Doesn't he have a family?" Vivek replied, "People like him don't have the privilege to stay with their family." Omar sighed, "Same with the soldiers." Vivek patted his shoulder. A voice on the microphone announced Vivek's name and Vivek went inside the visiting cell. Vivek sat on his end of the telephone and Uncle Barkley sat on his end of the telephone. Uncle Barkley was quite old with most of his hair gone and some teeth missing. Loose skin and weak voice has totally hidden the excellence that once this man had on his face. Vivek asked, "How are you, Uncle Barkley?" Uncle Barkley asked, "Do I know you?" Vivek replied, "Yes. We met in London. I'm Charan's younger brother." Uncle Barkley asked, "Is he dead?" Vivek said, "Definitely not." Uncle Barkley chuckled, "I knew he is a tough lad. You have changed much from the day I met you. Long uncut beard, strong alcohol smell from your mouth and signs of depression on the face. You seem like a total opposite person." Vivek said grimly, "Shit happens. Anyway, I want you to arrange a meeting with Antonio Fabrio Blanchet." Uncle Barkley said, "Antonio is not doing much great back there. Apparently some prisoners had introduced him to 'doggy style' and also plucked all his nails out." Vivek said, "He deserved it anyway. But, I really have a great offer for him. Just talk to him once." Uncle Barkley said, "Antonio is no use to you right now. But, I know a boy who apparently is Antonio's 'special friend" and is taking care of whatever is left of the French Mafia." Vivek asked, "Where does he live?" Uncle Barkley replied, "He used to live in Awkford Lane. Don't know if he there or not?" Vivek smiled, "Thanks, Uncle Barkley. I hope the heavens call you soon." Uncle Barkley chuckled, "You will need me in the future so let's hope the heaven doesn't call me soon." Vivek came outside the room and took a long breath.

Vivek sighed, "Why don't they put an AC inside? It's boiling hot in there." Omar asked, "What did he say?" Vivek replied, "He said that Antonio is not in a state to talk with us. He apparently has someone outside who is managing his business for him and we should talk with him." Omar and Vivek went outside and waved for a taxi and soon one stopped near them. The taxi driver asked, "Where to, sir?" Vivek replied, "Awkford Lane." The taxi driver said, "It is not safe to go there. Many illegal stuff happens there and also I heard that many policemen were killed there." Vivek said, "Okay. Then drop us on the closest lane." The taxi driver said, "Hop in." Vivek asked, "Why didn't the police investigated the matter?" The taxi driver said, "They wanted to, but the powerful people intervened and the case got suspended." Vivek said, "You seem to be quite worried about the situation. Would you like to offer some help?" The taxi driver asked, "What help?" Vivek said, "I will give you a bag full of cash and then you wait for us in the car. When we call you, then come inside with the money." The taxi driver asked, "Why should I trust you? You two are complete strangers to me." Vivek said, "If you do this for me, you will never drive a taxi anymore." The taxi driver looked at them and said, "Okay, but remember that I am a member of the Driver's Association, so if anything happens to me, the police will come knocking at your door." Vivek smiled, "Deal." Soon, they reached Awkford Lane and Vivek gave him a bag full of cash and said, "There is a transmitter bomb in the bag which will explode if it goes 100 meters away from me, so if greed jumps on your mind, death will jump on your body." The taxi driver said, "Don't worry. I will die but won't steal a penny." Vivek gave him a gun and said, "And don't let others steal too." Vivek and Omar went inside the lane.

The whole place was a little shady but was silent as if no one lives there. Vivek and Omar didn't bring their guns with them as they wanted to as clean as possible. Omar whispered, "Do you really want to do it?" Vivek replied slowly, "There's no turning back now even if we want to." Soon some boys in their early twenties came running towards them with handguns in their hands. Vivek said, "Calm down, friends. We mean no violence. We are just here to deliver a proposal from our boss." One of the boys cried, "How can we believe you? Last time five of our boys were brutally murdered by the cops." Omar said, "We are not cops. We are just here to close a deal." Vivek said calmly, "Okay, you don't believe us. Fine. But atleast give this card to your boss." Vivek took out a card and gave it to the boy. The boy looked at the card and said, "Hey, George give it to the boss." Vivek smiled, "I hope it satisfies you." The boy said, "Down on your knees and hands behind your heads. We have to search you." The boys searched them throughly and found only a cell phone and two pills for headache. The boy said, "One of you have to stay here and the other one can come with us." Vivek rose and followed the boy and reached a small yet heavily guarded house. They entered inside and reached a room where there were four people were sitting drinking whiskey. The boy said, "He is the one who sent you the card." A slender young man with a patchy moustache and orange-dyed mutton chop beard. He was quite innocent looking for a man in this line of business and from his sitting posture, it can be easily observed that he had some rough time with Antonio in the past. He looked at Vivek and said, "I don't remember anyone who gives a 18 karat gold card on their first meeting. What is your boss's name?" Vivek replied, "Charan Khatri. And there is more than a 18 karat gold card in this deal." The man rose and said, "It is France, my brother. Unlike other European countries, we don't run after money to much. Here words have a higher value than any gold card. Is your boss willing to support us in our war against that cruel General Zhukov?" Vivek replied, "We all know who attacked first. General Zhukov is already quite notorious for what he did in the past and also Russian Mafia is quite risky at this time when they have all the resources at their back." The man looked at him and said, "I liked your honesty. You are a good diplomat." Vivek smiled, "I just try my best." The man shaked hands with Vivek, "My name is Karim Rashid. What's your name?" Vivek replied, "Akash Sharma." Karim smiled, "Indian. I like Indian people, especially the girls. They are very hospitable and soft heart people." Vivek smiled, "So am I." Karim hugged him and laughed, "Excellent. But, we need money. A lot of cash and weapons. Is your boss willing to pay huge amount of money?" Vivek replied, "Money is not a problem, but weapons are a little scarce." Karim smiled, "We can buy weapons with money." Vivek said grimly, "Don't even think about that. General Zhukov has already freezed the arms market and threatened everyone to keep both their shops and mouths shut till he says otherwise." Karim asked sadly, "Then how are we going to fight then?" Vivek replied, "We will defeat him using his own arsenal." Karim said, "I'm all ears."

Vivek rose and said, "I have beautifully explained how to execute the plan. General Zhukov won't even know what hit him." Karim smiled, "Don't worry, I will start the preparations from tomorrow itself." Vivek hugged him and said, "Okay. Now, I have to go." Karim smiled, "Khuda Hafiz, brother." Vivek smiled, "Khuda Hafiz." He quickly went outside and saw Omar was still on his knees and the boys were standing near him with guns in their hands. Vivek said, "Come on. The deal is sealed." Omar rose and they went towards the taxi driver who was sitting in the taxi, listening to French music. Vivek said, "Drop us at the airport. We have to urgently return to Russia." The taxi driver said, "You didn't called me for the bag." Vivek smiled, "Not all things are for money." The taxi driver said, "What about my fare?" Vivek replied, "Keep the bag." Vivek and Omar quickly went inside the taxi and stopped near a petrol pump to refuel. Vivek said, "I urgently need to take a leak." Vivek ran towards the toilet. Vivek looked around and then stealthily escaped through the back road. After walking to a safe distance, he pressed a red button on his belt and the whole petrol pump blasted into flames.

Vivek mumbled sadly, "Sorry brother, Omar. But, our journey ends here. I hope you find peace wherever you go and may God bless your soul." He walked slowly towards the airport. There he took out his phone and called Charan. Charan picked up the phone and asked, "Is the job done?" Vivek replied, "Yes." Charan smiled, "Good. Now, wait there as I sent a jet for you." Vivek said grimly, "Omar was a nice guy. He didn't deserved such death." Charan replied, "He is just a mere soldier with no fucking identity of his own. He is better dead than being alive and a pain in the ass." Vivek disconnected the call and mumbled, "And here goes my other friend." Vivek has always known that Charan has monophobia and this was the reason he never wanted any of his friends to be friends with others. Vivek himself was a little like his brother, but unlike him he was a liberal and had trust on his friends. It was a genetic trait they inherited from their father who himself kept his three wives together so they can't find other people to love. Vivek looked around and saw that a jet had just landed on the runaway. He waved and the pilot waved back. He quickly went inside the jet and closed the door. He took his seat as the plane soon went up in the air. He sighed and poured a glass of wine for himself and quickly finished the glass. He closed his eyes and put his head on the headrest. "Hello there." Vivek opened his eyes and turned. He was both shocked and enraged to see Alphonso standing there. He was about to rise when his head started to spin and he fell down on the floor. Alphonso came near him and turned Vivek's head with the tip of his shoe. Alphonso smiled, "Sleep, buddy. Have a good rest. A lot of pain is waiting for you at Hawaii." Alphonso started to laugh as the plane speeded in the sky, cutting through the clouds...