The True Identity

Vivek slowly opened his eyes and looked around slowly. His hands were tied tightly to a chair and a small hole in the top wall was the only light present there. He was completely drenched with water and was feeling cold. He was unharmed, but had a pain on his forehead which happened when he fell on the floor of the jet. He heard the sound of door opening and he pretended to be unconscious. A young nurse entered the room and turned on the light. She came near Vivek and checked his pulse and then opened his shirt and pinched his nipples. Vivek woke up with a scream and hitted her with his head. The nurse fell on the ground and her nose started to bleed. "This technique works all the time. So, you are finally wake, Vivek." Vivek looked around and saw a man entering the room. He picked up the nurse and wiped the blood out of her nose. He landed a strong punch on Vivek's face and Vivek lost one tooth. He cried, "That's what she's feeling right now." Vivek asked, "Who the fuck are you, bastard?" The man replied awed, "It's a strange thing that you don't know me, even after damaging half of my country." Vivek asked, "Francis Dortmund?" Francis smiled, "Right, motherfucker. I'm Francis fucking Dortmund. You and your mad brother have been a trouble in my ass for the past one year. You destroyed my palace, killed my fiance and then killed my dream to kill Syman."

Vivek smiled, "And soon I'm going to kill you too." Francis chuckled, "Oh, really. How are you gonna do that?" Vivek asked, "Where is your boss?" Francis asked, "Who?" Vivek replied, "That bitch who don't have guts to meet me face to face." "He has far more important things than wasting time with a pathetic creature like you." Vivek turned around and saw JK was standing there. Vivek smiled, "Monsters like you don't die easy, do they?" JK said laughing, "Listen everybody. Mr. Vivek is calling me a "monster". Look at the mirror, idiot. You and your brother are the biggest monsters among us. I did what I did to feed my stomach and cover my naked body, but you two brothers had everything, but you choosed to gamble everything on the line for nothing, literally nothing. Your brother thinks he is a mastermind, a genius who has all the backup plans, information about his enemies and et cetera. But does he have knowledge of what were his sisters last words, his mothers last words, was he able to save his girlfriend or were you able to save your girlfriend? The answer is no. You know what? It's not your fault, it was your father who taught you to be like this. You two brothers are just a duo of two stupid, brainwashed morons." Vivek remained silent. Francis looked at him and said, "Sins of fathers always haunts the children. Nor did you managed to survive nor did I." JK said, "Enough talking. Let's go and eat something. It's worthless to guard a worthless pig." Francis and JK went outside, turning the light off and locking the door behind them.

Vivek's mouth was still bleeding but that pain was much lesser than what JK's words had done to his heart. Vivek looked around and saw a butterfly coming from outside through the hole in the wall. The butterfly landed on Vivek's face and he blowed it away. The butterfly flew outside through the hole and Vivek again became alone. Vivek looked around and saw a glass lamp was on a shelf. He pulled his chair towards the shelf and hitted it with his shoulder. The lamp fell down and broke into four pieces. He then threw himself down and tried to reach to the broken pieces.

He took one in his hand and slowly teared the rope. Once he freed his hands, he quickly hid behind the door. After sometime, the door opened and the same nurse came inside. Vivek caught her from behind and broke her neck. He slowly put her down and searched her and found a SIG Sauer P365 in her back pocket and a photo of a three year old child with her. Vivek sighed, "You choosed your fate yourself." He took the gun and slowly creeped outside. There were almost no guards and the coast was clear. He looked through the window and saw that he was not on land, but on a floating house boat which was anchored on the sea. He looked around and saw a jet ski was there. He put the gun inside his pocket and rolled towards the jet ski. He started the jet ski and speeded towards the coast. The sound of the jet ski alerted the guards and they started shooting at Vivek. Vivek somehow dodged the bullets and reached the coast. He quickly ran inside the forest and disappeared. Francis looked at the scene and said, "Go and find that rascal. I want him alive." The guards quickly ran towards the forest.

JK came near Francis and said, "He has called his death on him. We don't need to give Alphonso an explanation." Francis asked, "Why are you so scared of him?" JK replied, "People like him bring fear with themselves. Alphonso is very smart and ruthless, something which even I reckon to." Francis said grimly, "Once he does my job, I will show him what real fear looks like." Vivek was running in the forest, grasping his gun tightly in his hand. He ran towards an opening and found some water flowing there. He was about to drink some water when a bullet flew past him. He rolled and took out his gun and shoot down three guards at once. He hid behind the rocks and looked around slowly and then rolled on the ground and then hid behind a tree. He saw two guards coming towards him and he shoot them down. He slowly creeped towards the guards and took their guns. He slowly walked towards the tall tower visible through the thick of the forest. He quickly ran towards the tower but a bullet injured his shoulder and he fell on the ground. He looked around and saw two guards coming towards him. He pretended to be unconscious and when they came near him, he rolled and shoot them down. He slowly walked towards the tower and finally reached the tower. Francis and JK were alone in the tower and were looking for Vivek in the forest. The thick of the forest covered their sight and Vivek easily climbed up the tower. But, a guard spotted him and shot a bullet in his leg.

Vivek screamed in pain and killed the guard. The sound of the gun alerted JK and Francis and they came running downstairs. Vivek heard the footsteps and as JK came down, he shot a bullet in his thigh. Francis quickly shot a bullet but missed it by an inch and before he could fire another one, Vivek shot him in his leg and fell down the stairs. Francis quickly rose and ran into the forest. JK jumped on Vivek and they lost balance and fell down twenty feet down. Vivek and JK both were heavily injured. Vivek rose and stomped JK on the chest and said, "You were right. We both brothers are monsters, the biggest monsters. But, you know what we never killed any innocent person nor did we raped young girls. You did, Ryan did, Draco did, Syman did. But, we are the monsters. If that is what a monster is like, then we are proud to be a monster." Vivek picked up a heavy rock and threw it on JK's chest. JK coughed out some blood and then he lied on the ground dead. Vivek spitted on him. Just about as he was to turn, a huge bamboo hit him on the face. He fell on the ground and looked at the person. Francis was standing there with a bamboo piece in his hand. He hit him on his knee and Francis fell on the ground. Vivek rolled and took the bamboo in his hand. He hit Francis on his genitals and Francis cried in pain. Vivek picked him up and kicked him in the stomach. He then threw him on the ground and stomped his injured leg.

He pulled his hair and hit his head on the iron stairs. Francis retaliated and punched him in his chest and then thrusted his finger in Vivek's injured shoulder. Vivek hitted him with his head and then kicked him in the chest. He took Francis's hand and broke it. He cried, "It's for Arman." He picked up the gun and emptied the whole magazine inside Francis's body. Vivek smiled and said, "Arman. I have killed your enemy. It is for you, my brother." Vivek's laugh didn't last long as three bullets pierced his chest. He fell on the ground and looked that Alphonso was standing there. Vivek wanted to kill him, but there was no strength left in him now. Alphonso came near him and said, "Looks like the party is over. Sad thing, we have to part in such a hurry. I have planned our last meeting to be epic, but anyway the outcome is still the same. Bye bye, give my regards to Arman and that loser who died alongside him." Alphonso took out a grenade and threw it near Vivek. Vivek looked at the grenade slowly tossing on the ground. His whole life flashed before his eyes, the childhood, the business, Shirley, Arman, Charan and his family. He gave a smile and the grenade took his soul out from his body.

Alphonso went near his helicopter and sat in it. He said, "Okay, pilot. Let's go." The helicopter took off and soon they were in air. Alphonso said, "Blast both the floating house and the tower. The pilot launched two missiles on the house and tower and soon they were fuming in flames. Alphonso said, "Land me at the Los Angeles." The pilot nodded and soon they landed on the Los Angeles Airport. He went down from the helicopter and walked towards the parking lot. He phoned someone and soon a car stopped near the parking lot. He went inside the car and said, "I want to meet your boss."

Alphonso went near his helicopter and sat in it. He said, "Okay, pilot. Let's go." The helicopter took off and soon they were in air. Alphonso said, "Blast both the floating house and the tower. The pilot launched two missiles on the house and tower and soon they were fuming in flames. Alphonso said, "Land me at the Los Angeles." The pilot nodded and soon they landed on the Los Angeles Airport. He went down from the helicopter and walked towards the parking lot. He phoned someone and soon a car stopped near the parking lot.

He went inside the car and said, "I want to meet your boss." The chauffeur nodded and said, "Welcome to Los Angeles, Sir Alphonso." Alphonso took a hundred dollar and gave it to him. The chauffeur speeded away to luxurious bungalow, heavily guarded by mobsters. Alphonso entered inside the compound and two guards came inside to check him. Alphonso surrendered his gun and went inside. The bungalow belongs to notorious gangster, Samuel Walker. Alphonso was in cahoots with him from the beginning and was his prime investor in his arms and clothes. Samuel came to him and greeted him, "So, finally you are here. Good. What will you have?" Alphonso replied, "A promise. I have almost crippled all the big crime families in the world and now you will have no problem in capturing the places. I want you to promise me that you will cover up whatever happens in Russia." Samuel asked, "You want to kill General Zhukov?" Alphonso replied, "Nah. That oldie is not my concern. I want to personally deliver a message to someone and then kill him." Samuel smiled, "Okay. You have my full support." Alphonso smiled and walked away. Samuel looked at him going and mumbled, "Comes like a tornado and goes like a hurricane." Alphonso came outside and the guard returned him his gun. Alphonso smiled, "Keep it." He called a cab and went to his house, as the clouds slowly started hiding the moon....