Lost And Found

Alphonso was quietly sitting in his rocking chair. The small yet unpleasant cracking sounds of the chair were the only sound in the room. He was looking blankly on a painting of a man standing there with a Labrador puppy in his hand. A small boy wearing his best clothes was silently looking at the man. His eyes were longing for the affection that the dog is getting from the man. The man was Mr. Albert Luis Rubisco, the father of Alphonso. Alphonso rose and threw petrol on the painting and burned it down. Alphonso went outside and looked at the sky. He screamed, "I have became what you always wanted me to be. I am Alphonso Rubisco, the king of Underworld, but I am not your son. You don't deserve to be my father. I have burned all the belongings of you. This palace is mine." Alphonso walked outside the palace and after a few minutes, a blast broke the whole palace into several pieces. Alphonso didn't even looked back and went straight to the airport. He looked around and took out his phone and said, "I need an urgent flight to Germany." After few hours, a flight landed on the runaway and Alphonso went inside it. Alphonso sat on his seat and the flight took off. After hours of flight, the plane landed on the German airport and Alphonso quickly went outside the plane and took a taxi. After, traveling a mile away, Alphonso took out his phone and called someone. After. few rings the other end picked up the phone and asked, "Yes, sir?" Alphonso replied, "Forget the greetings. Tell me how is my friend doing in Russia?" The other end replied, "He escaped Russia last night after burning Mrs. General and poisoning General Zhukov." Alphonso smiled, "I knew this will happen. General shouldn't have told Charan so fast. Anyway, let that rat give his brother his final goodbye. I will send him to his brother as soon as he lands in Germany." The other end asked, "But, would he go to Germany?" Alphonso replied, "To collect something that he left behind." He disconnected the phone and said, "Take me to the Museum."

The taxi stopped near the Museum and Alphonso went inside the Museum and looked around. He walked around and saw a painting on the wall. It was a particularly not a good painting and from a common man's view, it was a mere rainbow of colors on the canvas, but the most intriguing thing about it was the price of the painting. It was donated by Ramlal Khatri, father of Charan and Vivek. The painting was made by some anonymous person who never revealed his name and Ramlal Khatri never disclosed why it was so expensive. Only, three people knew the reason and two of them are now dead and Charan is the only person who knows the worth of the painting, but to his dismay, now Alphonso also knows the story behind the painting. Alphonso went as much close as allowed to the painting and looked at it carefully. The whole painting was so abstract that every big art critic comes to see why it was so expensive and for that reason the painting was put in a highly secured place.

Alphonso kept looking at the painting for some moments and then went outside the Museum. He took a taxi and went towards Francis's palace. The palace has transformed into a heritage hotel or frankly speaking, a mock to the Dortmund legacy. The palace was nothing like before, no gravity nor any kind of respect for the Dortmunds. Alphonso went to the receptionist and asked, "How much for a fortnight stay?" The receptionist said, "We will say it when you will checkout from the hotel." Alphonso asked, "Any pre charges?" The receptionist replied, "No. An identity will be enough." Alphonso smiled and gave her the identity card and went to his room. He looked around and saw a young lady sitting in Francis's recreational room. He went towards the lady and said, "Ma'am, this place is not for guests. I hope you vacate this place now." The lady looked at him and said, "I paid for this palace and I can do whatever I want to do with it." Alphonso asked, "Who sold you this palace?" The lady asked, "Who the fuck are you to ask me?" Alphonso smiled, "Just out of curiosity." She rose and said, "Shove your curiosity up your ass." She stomped away. Alphonso sighed, "Once, I find the thing I'm looking for, I'm going to shove all my curiosity up your ass." He looked around and searched everywhere for something, but couldn't find it anywhere. Alphonso sighed, "Why did that Francis died so early? Those Khatri brothers has ruined my plan always, intentionally or otherwise."

Alphonso searched the table and found a small pen inside the drawer. He took the pen and put it inside his pocket. He quickly but stealthily went inside his room. He locked his room and took out the pen. He opened the pen and a small key fell out of it. He looked at the key and smiled, "Having a smart friend lessens one's problems halfway already." He pressed a button on the key and a small hologram map appeared before him. He saw a small red dot pointing to the northwest side of the palace which was the only place not occupied by the people. Alphonso quickly went outside and looked for the place. He went to the northwest side of the palace and saw there was only a small wall and nothing else. He was about to go to the wall, when he felt someone was standing behind him. He quickly dodged an incoming rod attack and caught the intruder with his hand. It was the woman who misbehaved with him earlier. He quickly took the rod from her hand and threw it away. The woman launched at him, but he quickly caught her and threw her on the ground and repeatedly punched her face. He asked, "Who sent you?" The woman replied, "I'm an officer of U.C.I.D and has been keeping an eye on the happenings of the palace." She kicked him in the chest and threw him on the ground. Alphonso quickly jumped and took the rod and tried to attack her, but she was quick and hit him with a stone near his eye. Alphonso looked dizzy and she took the opportunity and kicked him in his leg. Alphonso still kept standing and caught her by the neck and banged her head on the wall multiple times and then threw her on the ground. The woman took the rod and hit it on Alphonso's arm. Alphonso ran towards her and she quickly turned and suplexed him on the ground.

Alphonso took the opportunity and caught the rod, but before he could do anything, the woman kicked him in his face and he rolled on the ground. She again ran towards him, but this time Alphonso put the rod in her stomach and then punched her on the nose. He pulled her hair and kissed her lips forcefully, "I have been waiting for this from the moment I saw you." He wrapped his hand around her neck and strangled her to death. He saw a ID card falling on the ground and looked at it. He smiled, "It's been a pleasure killing you, Ms. Julie." He took the key and searched for a hole in the wall and saw a small brick a little raised and pulled it out. There was a hole and he put the key inside the hole and soon the wall slide open into two halves. Alphonso quickly went inside and the wall returned to it's original position. The noise has alerted many people and they came running outside. They were horrified to see a young lady's body impaled by a rod and few blood drops near the wall. One of them said, "This place is not safe for us to live. Let's leave early in the morning tomorrow." They quickly went inside the palace and utter silence once again took the reins.

Alphonso slowly walked downstairs as his arm was still quite swollen and probably his bone was fractured badly. He opened the door which was badly damaged due to old age and a small rat was the only visible creature there. Alphonso looked around and saw a small hole was made on a wall and some light was coming out of it. He quickly went towards the light and found a staircase there. He climbed the staircase and opened a vault above his head.

He climbed up and saw a big room full of gold, tons of cash, mostly outdated and a variety of ammunition enough to control a small island. He picked up a Thompson machine gun and took out the cartridge and saw it was full. He looked around and saw a good amount of bullets and a dusty yet shining overcoat. He went near it and saw it was stinking badly and many rats have made their houses in the pockets. He went to another room and found an almirah full of VCR cassettes and a small VCR player. He took one cassette and played it. It was a video of Draco raping a young girl who was screaming in pain. Alphonso took out the cassette and put it in its previous position. He mumbled, "He had his days." He looked around and saw some pages lying in dust. He picked them up and read them, "Hey, I'm Elena Deborah. I know you may not know me, but I should inform you that I'm currently pregnant with your child. Please, response to my letter or else I have to hang myself with shame." He picked up another letter and read, "Hey, I'm Mathia Marcus. The ebony woman you met at the boat in Hawaii. I'm currently pregnant with your child and my financial condition is not stable to endure a child's life. So, please respond." Alphonso took another letter and read it, "Hey, I'm Jennifer Lenner. I know you are quite busy and I'm extremely sorry to bother you, but the thing is that I'm pregnant with your child and due to my profession, I cannot keep the baby. Please contact me."

Alphonso threw the letters away and took the gun and bullets and went to the vault. He placed a time bomb on the ground and climbed down through the stairs and then went to the small room. He took out the key and opened the wall. He looked here and there and saw nothing else but the dead body of Julie still on the rod. He gave her a sympathetic look and went away. He couldn't return to the palace and walking alone in the dark of night with a dismantled gun and a bag full of bullets and gold is not a children's play. He quickly went towards an abandoned playground and saw a watchman was sitting on a chair snoring. He slowly went to the watchman and strangled him to death. He quickly exchanged clothes and took the watchman's scooter and went towards Francis's secret room in an apartment. He reached the apartment and saw it was it a strip house. He slowly went inside the room and saw it was already occupied by a hairy man. He asked, "Would you mind going to your room?" The hairy man didn't respond and Alphonso had no option but to leave. He came outside and a young woman came near him and asked in a sexy tone, "Would you like a good time, honey?" Alphonso smiled, "This honey has no money, girl." The girl looked at his bag and asked, "What's in the bag, then?"

Alphonso smiled, "Do you want good life, honey?" The girl smiled, "Everyone says that and leaves girls like me to beg and sell her body for money." Alphonso said casually, "Okay. Opportunities like this don't come often." The girl smiled, "It's better to die trying rather than crying." Alphonso took the girl on the scooter and went towards the girl's house. Alphonso asked, "What's your name?" She replied, "Maria." Alphonso smiled, "The name does have a charm of its own." Alphonso and Maria stopped near the house and they went inside the house.

Maria changed her clothes and asked, "Would you like some dinner?" Alphonso replied, "Anything will do." Maria brought a packet of biscuits and put it in front of him. Alphonso said, "I am highly grateful for your hospitality, but this biscuits are expired." Maria smiled, "I eat what I can get. Expired or not expired, people like us have no option." Alphonso sighed and rose up. He looked through the window and asked, "Would you like to eat pizza?" Maria said, "I don't have money." Alphonso smiled, "Don't worry, the treat is on me." Maria smiled, "Don't pity me, sir. I have accommodated with my fate." Alphonso said, "You know the funny thing about fate. It can always be re-written. Anyway, I am going to eat pizza, with you or without you." Maria said, "That's mean. Okay, I will have the green one they advertise on the screen." Alphonso smiled and after five minutes, he came back with five boxes of pizza and three bottles of Coke. Maria and he enjoyed the food and lied on the floor sleepily. Maria asked, "What's your name?" Alphonso replied, "Martin Lewis. Call me Marty."

Maria smiled and said, "I love you, Marty. Just for tonight." Alphonso smiled and said, "Love you too. Just for tonight." They closed their eyes and soon fell asleep and lost in the world of dreams, as the sun slowly started to rise from the horizon....