Man On Mission

I had finished doing my packing and was finally ready to go. Ash was not there from the morning and though, it looked peculiar at first, she was later found to be with teary eyes in the bathroom. Ash hugged me tightly and gave me a goodbye kiss. I took a long breath and clicked a photo of me and Ash and soon entered into the taxi. Ash waved me goodbye and soon she went inside and closed the door behind her. I took out my phone and dialed Captain's number, but it was unavailable. I looked around and saw the streets of my birth land running backwards. I soon reached the airport and saw a man was already ready with my ticket and greeted me on arrival. I shaked hands with him and soon I was in my seat, waiting for the plane to take off. I got a text from Ash wishing me luck on my further journey. I replied with a thumbs up and turned my phone to airplane mode. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw an air hostess shaking me gently. She said politely, "We are in Milan, sir. Please unboard." I smiled and walked outside and found Captain was waiting for me at the terminal. I hugged him and he asked, "So, how was Ash?" I asked, "Pardon?" He smiled, "I mean how was her hospitality?" I replied, "She took care of me like a mother. She does her job with outmost specification." Captain said, "Okay. But, don't tell all of these to Cathy or else we will have to send you hospital." I laughed, "You sure know all the tricks." He smiled and took my bag to the car and closed the back door and sat inside. I sat with him and he said, "Okay. We are good to go." The driver started the engine and we were soon outside the airport parking lot. I looked at Captain and asked, "Everything good in Italy?" Captain replied, "Yes. Petty thieves are still a little nuisance, but overall no new Mafia house has risen after Syman fled Italy and after his death, I don't think any more Mafia house will be there in future." I asked surprised, "Syman died?" Captain replied, "Yes. Malaysian people revolted against him and killed him brutally. Asians don't tolerate oppression for too long. That's history." I smiled, "Yes. That is." I asked, "So, how's your sister? Does she miss me?" Captain looked at me and said coldly, "I'm still your supervisor. You should remember that, boy." I smiled, "I was just joking, sir." Captain laughed at me and said, "You are still very much raw. Anyway, my sister is very busy with the professional work to care for her personal life." I asked, "Is it that serious?"

Captain replied, "It is more than serious, it's life ending. Two days ago, our diligent officer, Julie was killed mercilessly by some high profile rogue she was watching on." I asked, "Who was that rogue?" Captain replied, "Currently, we have his name and face, but his whereabouts is still unknown." I looked at the photo and said, "He looks very handsome for a guy who has done such terrible things." Captain laughed, "He nothing compared to Ryan Gonzalez. He was the most handsome criminal I ever met." I asked, "Who's he?" Captain replied, "He was...just read his file someday at the record section." I smiled, "So, he is your toughest case, then." Captain replied, "Not the toughest, but he was tough. Son of a rich crime lord, Jimmy's valued boy and an evil sadistic man himself. He was the real deal." I looked outside and saw a young girl walking on the street with a blue umbrella. Her blue skirt was slowly flowing with the wind and her fair legs were captivating. I looked at Captain and said, "I sometimes miss Naina. That woman fooled two high ranking officers like nothing." Captain said coldly, "I don't want to talk about her anymore." I smiled, "Yes. It's better to forget her as a bad dream." Captain put on his headphones and I closed my eyes for a power nap

We reached U.C.I.D headquarters near 4 in the evening and saw that most of the office was empty. Captain said, "Go and meet my sister. She must be in her cabin." I smiled and walked towards the door. The guard said, "We don't allow visitors after 3 pm." I smiled, "You got it wrong, pal. I'm a member of U.C.I.D. Here see my ID." I gave him my ID and he said, "You are not a desk officer. Only desk officers are allowed inside." I said, "But my girlfriend is inside and I want to surprise her." The guard said coldly, "Surprise her outside." I went away and sat on a chair nearby. The weather was a little chilling and a cold breeze gave me goosebumps even inside my thick jacket. I looked around and saw some sparrows were picking on some half eaten bread. I yawned and soon fell asleep. Minutes later, a tap on my shoulder woke me up. I looked and saw the same guard saying, "It's time to close the building. Please go and sleep somewhere else." I looked at the watch and saw it already past 10. I asked, "Has everyone left?", The guard said, "Yes. We are the last two left."

I rose and walked outside and saw a cab was waiting for me. I went inside the cab and after few minutes, the cab stopped near a house whose gate had a name plate hanging on it. It reads, "Home to Ms. Catherine, Head of the Internal Affairs and Desk Chief." I smiled and walked inside. The door was already opened and I walked inside and saw Captain was sitting on the sofa, drinking wine and Cathy was cooking food in the kitchen. I gave Captain a nod and went inside the kitchen. I hugged Cathy from behind and kissed her neck. She said, "Finally you got time for me." I smiled, "What can I say, babe? My responsibilities don't leave me alone." Cathy smiled, "Okay. Now, go and freshen up. The dinner is almost ready." I asked, "And about the dessert?" She smiled, "Patience pays sweeter." I smiled and went to the washroom.

I looked at the mirror and saw that face has become a little tanned and I quickly washed my face and then took a bath. After the bath, I came outside and saw Captain was already eating the dinner and Cathy was looking at me. I smiled and sat beside her and said, "Looks like you have learned to cook." Cathy smiled, "I had learned many years earlier, but couldn't use my culinary skills due to the unavailability of time." Captain laughed, "Do you know how to cook, boy?" I replied, "Of course. I usually lived alone in my home and therefore had to cook my own food." Cathy asked, "Oh yes. What about your family? I wanted to meet them from such a long time." I replied sadly, "My mother is dead and my father is also not in a good state." I started to weep and Cathy hugged me. She said, "We too lost our parents at a raw age. I know how it feels to be alone." Captain said, "Eat your dinner." I smiled and started eating. Cathy said, "Brother, I think Harsh should get involved with you and help you." Captain looked at me and said, "Nah. He is still young and also this mission is no child's play. Harsh can lose his life." I asked, "What mission?"

Captain replied, "As I have told you earlier, our officer Julie was killed by that scum, Alphonso Rubisco and also the death of General Zhukov indicates to some big crime war in the future. So, high officials of U.C.I.D have decided to select special and elite soldiers and make a special unit whose prime targets will be Alphonso Rubisco, Charan Khatri and Antonio Fabrio Blanchet. Antonio is currently in the prison and we are sure that his associates will try to take him out of the prison." I asked, "So, you are have been selected to be in that special squad?" Captain replied, "Lead the special squad." I asked, "How can I join that squad?" Captain replied, "Hold your horses, buddy. First of all, they won't select a newbie and second, I personally advise you to stay here with Cathy." I looked at Cathy and she shrugged. I said, "I want to be in that special squad. Just tell me, how can I impress my seniors?" Captain sighed, "Okay. But, U.C.I.D doesn't take recommendations, you will have to prove your worth." I smiled, "I will do my best." Captain laughed, "Okay. Now, go and enjoy the night." Captain finished his dinner and went outside. Cathy said, "Meet me in the bedroom....after you finish washing the dishes." I smiled, "As you command." She hopped upstairs and I looked at the dishes. I took them in the kitchen and started washing them one by one.

I finished washing the dishes and then dried my hands. I sprayed some cologne on me and went inside the bedroom. Cathy was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I went near her and kissed her lips and then put a blanket on her and turned off the light. I smiled, "Office desk work is both boring and tiring. I wonder how my love is cooperating with all this stuff." I went to the balcony and lit a cigarette and looked at the far away stars. The night was quite dark and most of the stars were covered with thick clouds, but the stars which were visible was gleaming like a diamond. I looked at the moon and took another drag from my cigarette. I don't why but I was missing both Ash and Alisha very much tonight. Both of them were thousands of miles away from me right now, but were still intact in my mind. I finished my cigarette and went inside and saw Cathy was looking at me with sleepy eyes. She gestured me to give her a hug and said, "Sorry, babe. I am too tired today and a kiss is the only love I can give to you today." She kissed me and we lied on the bed hugging each other.

She soon fell asleep again, but my brain was not yet ready to rest, probably because it has rested enough already. I slowly moved away and kept a pillow in Cathy's arms. I went downstairs and turned on my laptop and searched for Alphonso on the crime data section. Though, I was still not allowed to have a look at the criminal records, but I have enough immunity to dodge such petty offenses. I found nothing except his name and photo and a couple of incidents he is heavily linked with. I then searched for Ryan and all the details horrified me. He was definitely a monster. I looked for Charan and the result was same like Alphonso, but the photo of his brother was available. I was shocked to see the photo. It was the same guy whose photo Shirley showed to me and introduced him as her boyfriend. I searched for my sister and found that she too had a record but had nothing on it and was kept in the missing or dead person category. I was so sad that time that my whole body was shivering with melancholy. I controlled myself and searched for Antonio Fabrio Blanchet which had all the information and was currently termed as 'incarcerated'. I looked at the clock and it was past 2 in the night. I quickly shut the laptop and went upstairs. I saw Cathy was getting a little cold as she kicked her blanket away. I quickly put the blanket on her and slept beside her. I too soon fell asleep and the night deepen.....