Mortal Bodies

Alphonso was quietly sitting in a local bus seat and was traveling to the Museum. Though, Maria was a good human and had helped Alphonso, but Alphonso couldn't leave her alive. Alphonso was looking outside the window and sweet, cold wind massaged his face. He took out his phone and dialed Samuel's number. The call went unattended and Alphonso put his phone inside his pocket. He took out a small piece of paper out from his pocket and unfolded it. It was a handy guide map of Germany. He looked at the Museum's location and searched for any exit points.

Though, the Museum was highly secured, but it was situated near some very old buildings which were now being broken down to make new buildings. Alphonso perfectly knew that Charan will use these old buildings to make an escape plan and he can easily wipe Charan in these buildings. Alphonso made a red mark on the spot and then folded the map and put it in his pocket. The bus stopped a few walks away from the Museum as entry inside the Museum's compound I restricted to only official workers, certified members and trustees of the Museum. Alphonso being just a regular tourist was bound to buy a ticket, get his body checked and bound to leave fifteen minutes before the Museum closes. He went to the counter and brought a ticket. The cashier said, "Please, leave anything inflammable, sharp or hazardous belongings in the boxes on the right. We will give you a coupon which you can later return and can go with your belongings." Alphonso emptied all his pockets and went inside. The main thing that he needed was already inside the Museum. Alphonso went inside the Museum and looked at the walls. There were CCTV's everywhere and many guards were stationed at every nook and corner. Alphonso felt for the first time in his life, he had taken a challenge a little more than his capacity. His main motive was stealing the artifact so that he can lure Charan towards him and kill him. Alphonso quietly went to the bathroom and took out his phone. He opened an app and a view of the Museum's top became visible on the screen.

Alphonso had planted a drone on one of the buildings adjacent to the Museum earlier to help him in conducting his mission easily even after being inside the Museum. He brought the drone near one of condenser unit on the wall and started firing on it. The condenser unit soon caught fire and the fire alarm started ringing at full volume. The sprinklers on the roof started throwing water on them and the people started running here and there in frenzy. Alphonso quickly ran and hid inside the bathroom. He fired again on the condenser unit and it caught fire in the wires and the inside of the Museum caught fire. A guard came inside the bathroom to inspect and Alphonso got out from the bathroom and caught him and broke his neck. He quickly wore his clothes and took his handgun and taser. He quickly ran towards the outside and ran towards the painting.

Alphonso quickly took the painting in his hand and then ran towards the exit. But, the guards were there and started shooting at him. He quickly ran towards a wall and covered himself. He shot at them and one of the guards fell on the ground dead. He quickly teared the painting and found a map inside. He quickly put the map inside his pocket and then threw the painting on the ground and ran towards his predetermined exit. It was not the easiest way out but Alphonso managed to go on the roof. He looked around and saw some guards running towards him. He quickly ran towards the edge and jumped from the roof. All the guards were in shock when they saw that he had missed a bone crushing death by inches. Alphonso ran towards downstairs but found that the stairs were broken beyond repair and he looked around and saw a long rod was lying there. He took the rod and use it a pole and jumped down. But, this time his luck was not good and he fell down six feet and bruised his ankle. He somehow managed to limp outside and get to his getaway car. He pressed the accelerator hard and speeded away from the scene. Alphonso managed to escape the police but his face was recorded in one of the cameras and quickly circulated all over the police cars. Alphonso was in a very difficult situation as his ankle was too torn and he needed some emergency treatment. He stopped near a lake and went near it. He opened his shoes and dipped his feet in the cold water. He felt some relief and then looked at the map carefully.

The map was very forty years old and was not in a good condition. Alphonso looked at the backside of the map and there was a riddle. He read it, "Sometimes I go places I don't know, sometimes I go places, dear to my heart, but wherever you go, you are always with me." Alphonso mumbled, "It must be some code limited only to his family members and closest friends. Ramlal Khatri indeed went to many places, known and unknown, but who went with him the most? Vivek and Charan never had any trips with their father and Vivek's mom was only with him for ten years. Ramlal never gave a fuck about his other wives and daughters. What can it be? An object, a memory or someone?" He thought for sometime and then snapped his fingers, "Homeland. Whenever, I go, I keep my homeland memories in my heart. Ramlal Khatri went to London from his homeland, India. Yes, the treasure is in India and it must be Mumbai."

Charan was standing near under a lamp post just before Samuel's mansion. He was looking blankly in the direction of the building and didn't moved for a moment. His eyes were red with anger and all he had with him was a heart full of raging emotions and a gun full of bullets. He looked around and saw a truck was parked on the adjoining street. He went towards the truck and broke into it. He ripped out the wires and connected them to start the engine. He pressed the accelerator hard and speeded towards the mansion. The guards didn't even got a proper time to react and the whole gate was thrown on the ground like a ball. Charan jumped from the truck, which went and crashed with the generator and a huge blast blew the whole front side of the mansion into debris. Charan picked up a lying M16 and started shooting at the guards.

The guards quickly hid and started shooting at Charan, he threw a grenade at them and ran inside the mansion. Charan hid behind a pillar and shot down two guards on the mezzanine and slowly went upstairs. Charan hid behind a wall and threw two smoke grenades on the floor and waited there. After sometime, ten guards came running towards him. He quickly shot them down and went to them. He refilled his ammunition and looked upstairs and went upstairs, but his bad luck, a guard spotted him and shot at his shoulder. Charan quickly ran towards a wall and then aimed at the guard and killed him. He slowly walked towards a large door and kicked it open. He saw there was no one when suddenly a wooden vase hit his back of the head. He quickly rolled and saw Samuel was standing with a gun in his hand. He laughed, "What were you saying? You will bury me six feet under the ground. Guess what, the tables have turned." Charan smiled and kicked him on the thigh, but Samuel was quick and shot a bullet in Charan's shoulder. Charan cried in pain, but he used the distraction to tripped Samuel down. He quickly took the gun and shot a bullet in Samuel's leg. Charan was about to shoot another when a bullet flew past him. He turned and saw Joseph was standing there. Joseph said, "You won't be able to harm Samuel in presence of me." Charan smiled and put a bullet in Joseph's head. He said, "Learn to use a gun first." Samuel rose and tried to attack Charan, but Charan kicked him down.

Samuel rose and tried to run, but Charan shot a bullet in Samuel's back. Samuel fell on the ground and slowly pushed himself forward. Charan kicked him in the stomach and said, "This is for betraying me." He shot one bullet in his body. Charan again said, "This is for helping Alphonso." He put another bullet in Samuel's body. 'And this is for messing with me." Charan put the last bullet inside Samuel's neck. Charan slowly walked downstairs, but he tripped and fell tumbling down the stairs. His eyes slowly closed and the last thing he heard was a police siren.

Charan opened his eyes and saw that he was a hospital. His head was paining immensely and tried to rise, but the doctor said, "Relax, buddy. We just did your surgery and it was not so easy. Your shoulder was badly damaged and I am sorry to say but you won't be able to withstand another blow to it. We changed your shoulder blade and will take you some time to adjust." Charan smiled, "Thanks for the help, Doc." A policeman came inside and stood before Charan and said in a deep voice, "Charan Lal Khatri, we are here to arrest you. I hope, you will cooperate." Charan smiled, "Do I have any other choice?" The policeman said, "Looking at your current condition, I'm not going to put you in a prison cell. But, you have to shift to a prison hospital right now." The doctor said, "I don't mean to interrupt you sir. But, he is too much damaged to shift anywhere else. You can station two guards here for observation." The policeman said, "You won't have even saved his life if you had known the nasty actions he did." The doctor said, "I don't care about his identity. For me, he is my patient and his proper recovery is my utmost priority." The policeman said, "Okay, I'm leaving for now, but remember doctor, if he escapes, I will imprison you instead." He went outside in a angry gait.

Charan looked at the doctor and said, "I don't know how will I ever pay back." The doctor said, "Just get well soon." Charan smiled and the doctor went away. Charan was feeling a strange feeling that he never felt before. It was a mix of misery and gratitude.

First time, in his life he felt that he was out of plan, got busted and had to rely on someone else's compassion to avoid punishment. He looked at the people who were lying there, fighting to stay one day more on this world. Charan was feeling cold and lonely, a feeling he ran away from, all his life. He slowly rose and went to the toilet and sat on the commode. He looked at the window and saw that the panels on the window were broken. He thought for some moment and then discarded his plan of escaping. He came out of the toilet and lied on the bed. He was missing his home so much right now and moreover, he was frightened from the thought that Alphonso was still out there plotting against him. He closed his eyes and took a long breath. He mumbled, "Whatever happens, let it happen. Once, you become fit and well, you can kill that scum Alphonso." He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Charan woke up to some noises around him. He opened his eyes and saw the doctor was taking his bed towards the exit and three nurses rose his bed and put it inside the ambulance. Charan asked, "Where are you taking me?" One of the nurses said, "We have been sent by Karim." Charan asked, "Who, Karim?" The nurse replied, "Long story short, your brother had made a deal with him and now he is doing his part of the plan." Charan said confused, "Vivek. You know Vivek." The nurse said, "I don't know his name. I was just told that you are his brother and we have to rescue you." Charan asked, "Was the doctor involved?" The nurse replied annoyed, "Of course, silly man. Why would he help you then?" Charan was about to ask something, when the nurse said, "I have something for you." She gave him a wallet. Charan looked at the wallet and said, "Anna?" The nurse said, "Yes. She is waiting for you in France and have given me this wallet to return it to you." Charan slapped his forehead and said, "I almost forgot that I had a ticket to France. But, it is still a very odd thing that she found Karim." The nurse said, "Karim found her. The taxi she fared was one of Karim's. The driver recognized the wallet and took her to Karim and then the rest is history."

Charan smiled, "Definitely, Vivek, Arman and Alia are helping from the heaven." The ambulance stopped near the airport and then they quickly boarded a private jet and were in the air. Charan was still feeling immense pain in his shoulder and was panting in pain. The nurse came near him and said, "It will take time to heal." Charan smiled, "I know that." The nurse said, "So, please stop panting. I need a good sleep." The nurse went to her cabin and closed the curtains. Charan sighed, "Why do I always get the feisty girls?" He closed his eyes and tried to sleep as the plane speeded away in the dark sky....