The Final Mission: Part One

I was sitting in the lobby room, where the officers who have no necessary work to do usually comes to gossip about the worldly affairs. I was too involved with them, but I had an important work, which was to wait for Cathy while she finishes attending the meeting with the high bosses. I was sipping coffee from my cup, when a pat on my shoulder made me spill some drops on my pants. I looked up and saw Sir Lorenzo was standing there. A thick file pressed in his hands and with a big smile on his face, he hugged me and said, "Congrats on becoming a field player. I knew you have the passion to climb up in the ranks and I know you will climb much further too." I smiled, "Thanks a lot, sir. To be frank, I didn't knew that I'm now a field agent now." Lorenzo asked confused, "Why? Didn't Patrick told you that?" I asked, "Patrick?" Lorenzo replied, "Your supervisor." I laughed, "Yes. He must have forgotten. Also, we don't talk too much anyway." Lorenzo said in a concerned manner, "But, you should. Having a healthy relationship with the supervisor has its own advantages." I asked, "Advantages?" Lorenzo giggled, "Yes. Advantages. You can take a rain check from any boring meeting and your supervisor will have to attend instead. You can go on anytime vacation with only your supervisor's approval. If your supervisor is lenient, you are immune to many small and annoying punishments, which are usually given for petty mistakes." I said wondered, "I really didn't know about such rules." Lorenzo smiled, "Not rules, but some tiny loopholes." He patted my shoulder and went away saying that he is getting late. I threw the empty cup in the dustbin and went outside for a smoke. I looked around and saw the place was very green with both real and artificial plants and shrubs, but people smoking near them was a bad scene. I guessed it to be the common smoking room and the plants are purifiers of the room. Though the amount of the people were less, the whole room was filled with smoke. I went to the vending machine and bought a classic Malboro. I lit it and puffed a huge smoke out of my mouth. I looked around and saw many unfamiliar faces until my eyes fell on Jim Moseley, a decorated and inspiring man of U.C.I.D.

He has been in the department for 18 years and have accumulated many praises from people, both senior and junior. Although, he looks quite aged, he is mere 48 years old, thirteen years older than me. I went near him and asked, "How are you, sir?" He looked at me and said, "Fine. How about you?" I replied, "Good." He smiled, "Nice. Do I know you?" I replied, "I have joined U.C.I.D one and a half year ago and I pretty much sure that you have heard about the Italian Mafia investigation. I was there." Jim said, "Oh. So, you are Patrick's boy, right?" I replied, "Yes." He smiled, "Good. What's your name, lad?" I replied, "Harsh. Harsh Bhardwaj." Jim said, "Good. Okay. I have to go. Hope we meet again." We shaked hands and he went away. I quickly put my cigarette in the dustbin and went away. I reached the lobby room and found Captain was already standing there and was constantly looking at his watch. I went near him and said, "You are late." He looked up and said, "Unlike you, I have some duties. The squad is ready and soon we will be flying in the sky and dropping bombs on our enemies. I looked at him with innocent eyes and said, "I want to join the squad, too." Captain laughed, "It's not that easy, boy. You have to pass three tests, shooting, guerrilla warfare and unarmed fighting." I asked, "But, isn't that a military thing?" Captain replied, "Precaution is better than cure. Anyway, criminals know no boundaries and we should be ready for anything they throw at us."

Captain's words were quite inspiring and full of vigor, no wonder he is the first choice for the squad. I said, "But, I will be better useful in the battlefield than in the office work." Captain laughed, "No one is giving you office work. You will be still fighting with the local criminals and as you prove your worth, you will get promoted and if all good, in the next five years, you will be in my shoes." I said, "I'm in a hurry right now. Me being in this team is more personal than professional." Captain asked, "What's personal?" I said, "Not here. Let's talk in private." We went to the parking lot and I narrated the whole story of Shirley, Vivek, Charan and their heinous crimes. Captain was shocked throughout the whole narration, but at the end became calm and said, "I understand you want to purify your sister's name and avenge her murderers. But, U.C.I.D doesn't believe in personal vendettas and you are both young and ineligible for the squad. Sorry, I can't do anything for you on this case." I smiled, "No, problem. You have done already too much." Captain patted my shoulder and went away.

Captain didn't understand my real concern. I was more worried about the fact that Shirley is my sister and if her name comes out in the light, not only will it damage our family's reputation, but also I will be kicked out from U.C.I.D or worse, executed or imprisoned for life. Shirley is dead and she ain't coming back anyway, so it is in the interest of all of us to keep the secret buried along with Charan. I have tried every legal and possible way to convince Captain to recruit me, but it looks like he will no use to me and I have no other option but to take the dirty path. I quickly ran towards my car and quickly drove to the U.C.I.D records department. I was still not allowed to go inside and dig old files, but being Captain's protégé I had immunity to bypass the security and borrow twenty minutes in the department on his name. I quickly accelerated upstairs and went inside the old and dusty room filled with old files of both deceased and alive criminals. I searched through the racks and almirahs and after ten minutes of covering myself with dust and cobwebs, I finally found a file thick enough to be an important file. There was written in bold letters 'History of Criminals of Indian Origin', I quickly opened the thread and started searching for a name until I found a name 'Ramlal Khatri'. There was no photo but it was marked as an important criminal. I looked around and saw a cabin of old dossiers. I opened it and the fifth dossier was of Ramlal Khatri. I opened it and read it.

"Name- Ramlal Khatri. Age- 47 years. Origin- Indian. Occupation- Businessman. Criminal History- Prime suspect in three murders, apparent connections with Jimmy Law, involved in illegal drugs and arms trafficking. Status- Exterminated. Report of the Investigating Officer- Ramlal Khatri is an influential and wealthy businessman who has numerous industries all over the world. He has three wives, four children and an old father residing in India. He has been frequently seen in hotels financially supported by Jimmy Law and also seen in places of heavy criminal activity. He has three main guys with him. But only one of them has been identified. Name- Albert Luis Rubisco. Wealthy and influential as Ramlal Khatri, he is the backbone of the illegal trafficking. Supply and manufacture is his forte and also involved in various high profile murders. Found dead along with the other two guys at the Western Port on 26th May, 1986. Ramlal Khatri becomes the prime suspect after the recent scuffle between them on unknown reason. Ramlal Khatri was found dead in a car blast three weeks later. Culprit still in search...."

I was quite shocked to know a big truth behind the whole case and took a long breath. I kept the dossier in its place and went outside the room. The time was short, so I couldn't dig further for any more crucial information, but I have already seen enough evidence to make myself a part of the squad. I quickly rushed towards the headquarters and found that Cathy and Captain has already left and so has everyone important. I still went upstairs and saw Sir Lorenzo was still there, gossiping about his days with some juniors. I gently escaped from his sight and went inside the conference room. The peon was cleaning the table and putting the used disposable cups in the dustbin. Looking at me, he asked, "Do you want something, sir?" I replied, "Yes. Where can I find the file regarding today's meeting?" The peon replied, "I don't know, sir. I'm just a peon." I gave him a 100 dollar and said, "It will certainly boost your memory." The peon replied, "I really can't say about the actual location, but all files are kept in the storage room. It is very much secured and won't open for you unless you are a member of the desk." I smiled and said, "Good. But, remember don't just sell yourself for a mere 100 dollar. You will get yourself in trouble." I quickly ran towards the toilet and on my way, I found Sir Lorenzo. He called my name, but I showed him my pinky finger and went inside the toilet. I finished my job and came outside and found Sir Lorenzo was standing there. He caught my hand and took me to a corner and said in a hush, "I have a news for you." I asked, "What is it, sir?" He replied, "The seniors have decided to select you for a trial in the squad." I asked, "What squad?" Lorenzo replied, "We are sending three squads to three potential crime hotspots. France, Italy and India." I asked, "India?"

Lorenzo replied, "Yes. India. When times comes bad, one always returns to their home." I smiled, "So, I guess I'm on the squad to India." Lorenzo smiled, "No. You are still not in the squad. You have to prove yourself first." I smiled, "Okay. Then when do I have to prove myself?" Lorenzo replied, "They will send you on a mission. I don't the mission yet, but one thing is sure that it will be not so entertaining." I smiled, "I like action more than entertainment." Lorenzo patted my shoulder and went away. I sighed and mumbled, "Government organizations are same everyday. Don't wake up till the thief runs away." I went to my car and rode towards Cathy's house.

I reached Cathy's house, but her car was not there. I wanted to call her, but I remembered that Captain was also not in the house, so they might be busy doing some "official" stuff. I took a packet of steamed rice and poured some chicken leg pieces on it and started eating it. After few moments, a car stopped in front of Cathy's house and two young men got off from the car. I looked at them and they were very nervous looking. They went inside the boundary and took out a bag and put it in the mailbox. They looked here and there and then ran towards their car and speeded away hastily. I went near the mailbox and opened it. The bag was tiny but heavy. I opened the velcro and saw two bags filled with white stuff and a letter attached to it. I unfolded the paper and read it, "As we have promised, the two bags of cocaine has been delivered to you. You know your part of the deal. Boss will be waiting." I took the cocaine and put it in the bag and then buried it in the garden. I leveled the soil and then went to my car. I phoned the police and said, "I have information that drugs is buried in the house of Ms. Catherine, the chief of Desk of U.C.I.D." The policeman asked, "Who is it?" I disconnected the call and started the engine and went to a restaurant for a proper meal.

After some minutes, two police cars stopped near Cathy's house and two dogs were let loose to sniff the drugs. After some through searching, they found the drugs and went inside the car and went away. Cathy is an officer of U.C.I.D and the local police cannot just arrest her even if she herself admits that she possesses drugs. U.C.I.D will first think of its name and will first suspend her of her position and then she will have to attend a trial where the jury will decide her fate. If found guilty, she will have to spend 10 years in state prison and will be banned from joining any police organization, both local and foreign. I don't want anything bad happen to Cathy, but if she really is guilty then she knows her fate. I looked at the sky which was turning slightly orange with the sun hiding behind the horizon...