The Final Strike: Part One

Charan was sitting in the small yet erotically designed room of Karim. Two glasses of sherbet was lying empty before him on the table. He was reading a book written in Urdu. He really didn't understand Urdu language, but the pictures were quite fascinating and has instigated his interest. Anna came near him and sat beside him and kissed his cheek. Charan looked at her and said, "Karim is being too late. I usually don't stay such long time waiting for someone, but for you I'm staying." Anna replied calmly, "He is already here, but the meeting with Blanchet's lawyer is consuming his time." Charan said, "Antonio is stupid to think that getting out from the prison will keep him alive. No one respects him and will certainly try to kill him to capture power. Antonio is safe in prison lest he gets into some fight with his fellow cell mates." Anna said calmly, "Their problem is their problem. We should focus on our problems."

Charan smiled, "Don't worry, dear. Alphonso will fade away like dust once I get my hands on his neck." Anna said softly, "His neck is still miles away from your hands. Karim wants you to give him the money to buy arms and other essentials for the people, he will gather." Charan sighed, "Money is something I'm very much in crisis of. Vivek had always kept the financial reins in his hands and now that he is dead, the money is lost." Anna asked, "So, you are totally penniless, right now?" Charan replied, "No. I have enough money to buy food and guns for my own. But, feed and arm a whole platoon. No chance." Anna said, "Karim too have not enough money to maintain a group of sixty men. Looks like we are in a dilemma."

Charan said shocked, "Sixty people? What is he planning to do? Rob a country?" Anna replied, "Don't you need an army to take back your artifact?" Charan said angrily, "Yes, but still sixty people. We don't need such huge number of people eating and shitting on our money. We have to be as stealthy as possible if we want to take back my artifact." "Taking back your artifact is not my prime concern. Antonio is screaming his ass out to release him out of the prison and as far I see, sixty men is a good amount for the job." Charan smiled, "Then, finance them yourself. Why are you telling me to finance them?" Karim sat beside him and said smiling, "I don't want to waste the treasure on that worthless pig. Francis and his scumbag friend should have killed him as they killed his brother, Eton. Now, Antonio has become a bone in my neck."

Charan said shocked, "Sixty people? What is he planning to do? Rob a country?" Anna replied, "Don't you need an army to take back your artifact?" Charan said angrily, "Yes, but still sixty people. We don't need such huge number of people eating and shitting on our money. We have to be as stealthy as possible if we want to take back my artifact." "Taking back your artifact is not my prime concern. Antonio is screaming his ass out to release him out of the prison and as far I see, sixty men is a good amount for the job." Charan smiled, "Then, finance them yourself. Why are you telling me to finance them?" Karim sat beside him and said smiling, "I don't want to waste the treasure on that worthless pig. Francis and his scumbag friend should have killed him as they killed his brother, Eton. Now, Antonio has become a bone in my neck." Charan said, "Then, throw him out." Karim smiled, "It's not that easy, my friend. Antonio has the way to the French Mafia treasure and killing him without taking that treasure will be a fool's plan." Charan smiled, "So, you want to kill him out of the prison and that's why you are being so desperate to suck his cock." Karim said, "Vivek was right. You do have a foul mouth. Anyway, after Antonio has been released we will have to make sure that he doesn't know anything about you. He doesn't like halfwit gangsters." Charan smiled, "He will not. But, are you sure he will guide us to the treasure so easily?" Karim replied softly, "That is the part where Anna will come handy."

Charan asked, "What do you mean?" Karim replied, "Antonio as many say, is indeed a man full of lust and wickedness. Anna will have sex with him and drunk him so much that he will spill out the way to the treasure and then we will kill him." Charan said angrily, "But why Anna? Any girl with a decent amount of seduction can spill any truth out of the old hag." Karim smiled, "Old hag? That guy is nothing like his age when it comes to sex." Charan smiled, "You seem experienced." Karim said grimly, "Shut up. He will not go for any lady and I know his choice. Anna is the perfect woman." Charan looked at Anna and said, "You can pleasantly deny. We will not say a word about it to you." Anna said, "If it is a matter of one night, I will give him all the pleasure before I slit his throat." Charan sighed, "Okay. But, if this plan fails, Karim will get a streaming hot rod up his ass." Karim smiled, "And you will hanging on the top of the palace naked." Karim rose and said, "Don't be too dramatic, guys. If Antonio dies, French Mafia will extinct and people of France could finally sleep peacefully." He went away and closed the door behind him. Charan looked at Anna and smiled, "You should start practicing how will you seduce Antonio." Anna smiled, "Naughty boy."

Karim came outside and said to one of his guards, "Keep an eye on this guy and his chick. They don't much trustable to me." Karim went upstairs and opened a door and went inside. A lady was sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigarette. She looked at Karim and said, "I have read all the documents and Antonio will out of prison in just a couple of days." Karim said, "Good. We need him here more than in prison. French Mafia is jolting with uncertainty and we can't anyone else to capture Antonio's place. Atleast not someone who we can't control." The lady came near Karim and kissed his lips, "You are one straight bastard. Aren't you?" Karim smiled, "Yes, with pleasure. I have rubbed my ass after Antonio for so many years and now the time has come to eat the fruits of my hard work and years of tolerating humiliation at the hands of everyone." The lady said, "Yes, darling. But, be careful in choosing your friends. I have no trust in this Charan guy. He is infamous for scapegoating people close to him for his nefarious interests." Karim asked, "How do you know that?" The lady said, "Someone close to my heart loved him more than anything and all Charan gave in return was a painful death." Karim said grimly, "Okay. I will be extra careful around him." The lady kissed him and said, "Okay. I have to hop to the court for an urgent case. See you at dinner." The lady went away and Karim took a long breath. Karim looked at his watch and mumbled, "I hope they will take an excuse." He quickly ran towards his car and speeded away in the city.

Charan slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on the bed. Anna was not there and he was all naked. He rose and wore his clothes and got down from the bed. He washed his face and went outside. His stomach is growling with hunger and he is looking for someone to guide him to food. He looked around and saw that there was no one and the house was empty. He went outside and saw that the streets were deserted and shops closed. He looked at the phone and saw it was past 7. He mumbled, "I didn't know that French people sleep so early." He walked up the alley and searched for any shop or stall to get some food. He stopped near a beggar who was sleeping on the footpath. He was shivering with cold and will most certainly die in the cold weather. Charan looked around and then strangled him to death. He mumbled, "Sorry brother. This is the least I can do for you." He picked up the begging plate and took all the coins in his pocket and threw the plate away. He walked around and saw a bakery was open. He went near the shop and saw that the cakes and sweets were sold and the owner was just cleaning the shop before closing. He said, "I am hungry. Is there anything you can offer to feed my stomach?" The man raised his head and asked, "Are you a tourist, brother?" Charan replied, "Not specifically a tourist. But, yeah. I'm new here."

The man replied, "Can't feed you now. But, I can give you a free pass for free breakfast tomorrow morning." Charan smiled, "Don't you feel hungry in the midnight? You should have something for me." The man said, "I have some burned biscuits and half a kilo old buns which I am going to give to my pet cats." Charan smiled, "Okay. No problem. I can eat burned biscuits." The man gave him a look, but then smiled, "You must be very hungry. Okay, let's see if there is any less burned biscuits." Charan smiled. Charan went inside and sat on the chair. A minute later, the man came with a tray full of peculiarly shaped semi burned biscuits. Charan looked at the biscuits and said, "Thank you." The man asked, "What is your name?" Charan replied, "Charan Khatri. What is yours?" The man replied, "Marcus Lewin. My family moved to French after the local Mafia destroyed our house." Charan asked, "Which Mafia?" Marcus replied, "Gonzalez Family. They killed my father after he refused to pay them money. I left with my wife and mother and started a bakery here." Charan said, "Okay. But, remember the more you fear this bastards with guns, the more will they try to suppress you." Charan rose and took out his wallet. Marcus said, "No need to pay for burned biscuits." Charan smiled, "No. Keep it as a friend." He paid Marcus and went outside the shop. He walked slowly towards the house and went inside.

On entering he saw that Anna and others were sitting on the dinner table eating dinner. Anna asked, "Where have you been? We have been searching for you for the last half an hour." Charan smiled, "Nothing. Just found that I was alone and hungry and went outside for something to eat." Anna said, "We were here but inside the secret basement, where we plan new strategies." Charan smiled, "No problem. Anyway, I had my dinner. You enjoy yours." Charan went upstairs and closed the door behind him. Anna looked at others and said, "Don't mind him. He is just a little homesick and will eventually adjust to the surroundings." All continued eating and a minute later, the door opened and Karim came inside and put his hat on the shelf. Anna asked, "How did the meeting went?" Karim replied grimly, "Don't ask. Now, I know why Antonio and Eton were so annoying whenever they returned from any meetings. These shitheads don't listen to any facts and just want to blow their own trumpet. They want Antonio to exile in Cuba and run the business from there. After his death, they will appoint someone of their choice to take his place. I will just remain a mere adviser whose advice they will not listen to anyway." Anna said, "So, that means all the plan is just useless now." Karim said grimly, "No. If we can kill Antonio in the prison amidst the prisoners and high security personnels, we can prove a point to them."

Anna said, "Antonio is being shifted to the containment zone tomorrow morning. If we want to kill him, tomorrow's the chance." Karim said, "But, who will kill him amidst those brutal soldiers?" Charan replied, "I will. Antonio has it coming anyway and I will punish him for helping Alphonso." Karim smiled, "But, be careful. Antonio still has some supporters out there who will save his life at any cost." Charan smiled, "You don't know me. But, you will tomorrow morning." Charan smirked and went inside the room. Karim and Anna looked at each other and shrugged. Karim said, "Okay. Everyone sleep well. Tomorrow we will change the history of French Mafia." All went inside their room. Karim took out his phone and called someone. After few rings, the other end picked up and said, "I will be there tomorrow. Don't worry, Antonio won't make it." Karim smiled, "Thanks a lot." The other end asked, "What about Charan? Is he in?" Karim replied, "Of course, he's in." The other end smiled, "Good. After, we kill Antonio. Charan will also join his brother in whatever hell hole he is in." Karim smiled, "Don't worry. Tomorrow every bad element of the society will get erased." The other end replied, "Amen to that." Karim disconnected the call and went to his room. Little did he knew that Charan was eavesdropping his conversation from the beginning. Charan smiled, "Whenever I think that I have someone on my side, he either dies or betrays me. And they say I'm the bad guy." He sighed and went inside his room and closed the door, as the night deepen....