The Final Step: Part One

Alphonso has finally landed on Indian soil and was ready to go and dig up the treasure that the Khatri family have buried somewhere in Mumbai. Alphonso was not alone, but with hired help whom he promised a fair share in the treasure in return of protection. Bhanu, a local labourer asked, "So, where do you think is the treasure hidden, boss?" Alphonso replied, "We have to find Ramlal Khatri's old house first and then the way to the treasure will become more clearer." Bhanu said, "It is a big city, sahib. Finding a house without proper location is very difficult. It will take much time and money." Alphonso smiled and threw a bundle of cash in his hands, "If you help me find the treasure, I will make you so rich that you will bath in money." Bhanu said, "Okay. I will see what my boys can do." Alphonso smiled, "Whatever you do, remember that the treasure won't come so easy. Many people have their eyes on it and will give us a tough time taking the treasure." Bhanu said, "Don't worry, sahib. Bhanu and his men have killed many troublemakers and they won't be any different." Alphonso mumbled, "But, he is different." Bhanu said, "Okay. We will meet you when we have the location." Bhanu and the boys went away in their jeeps. Alphonso looked around and called for a taxi. He went inside the taxi and soon reached in front of an old house. Alphonso has not such heavy luggage and he went inside the house and turned on the lights. The house was very dirty and was covered with cobwebs and dust. Alphonso brought this house as a subsidiary home if he ever decides to retire from criminal activities. He sighed and cleaned the house. After half an hour of vigorous cleaning, the house sparkled with cleanliness.

He sat on the floor and opened a packet of cup noodles and boiled some water for the noodles. He added a little sauce and then ate it with great pleasure. He threw away the cup and then lied on the floor and closed his eyes. Charan's face flashed before his eyes and he quickly opened his eyes. Alphonso knew that Charan was not the last person who he will have to kill if he wants to remain at the top of Underworld, but Charan was his biggest threat as he is just like Alphonso. Alphonso looked at his watch and saw that it was only 9 pm. He rose and went outside for a walk. He walked around and saw a couple of policemen standing near a pole. He went near them and asked, "Can you show me the way to Shanti Nagar?" One of the policeman said, "You are too far away to go to Shanti Nagar. There is a bus that will take you to Gopi Nagar and then you have to get on the bus to Shanti Nagar." Alphonso smiled, "Thank you, sir." The policeman asked, "You look foreign to me. Why do you want to go to Shanti Nagar?" Alphonso replied, "I have a relative there." The policeman said, "Okay, but don't roam around like this at the mid of night. Burglars and muggers are prime at this time of the night." Alphonso smiled, "Aren't you there for us?" The policeman laughed, "Yes. We are but not everywhere. Personal security is the best security." Alphonso smiled and went away. Alphonso went inside his room and slept on the floor. Tiredness and jet lag soon put him into deep sleep.

Alphonso slowly opened his eyes and saw that it past 10 in the morning. The sunlight was softly touching his face. He rose and looked around the house. The house was shining with sunlight and the soft sweet breeze has made the whole atmosphere cool. He had the best sleep of his lifetime yesterday night and was feeling a different kind of energy beaming in his body. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and took a nice and refreshing bath under the cold water. He wore his clothes and went outside the house. He locked the door and saw the house one last time and went to catch a bus to Shanti Nagar. He reached the bus stop and leaned on the seat. A small boy came near him and tried to say in broken English, "Sir. Peanuts hot. Masala and Namak. Want you?" Alphonso smiled, "How much for a packet?"

The boy showed ten fingers. Alphonso gave him a ten rupee note and said, "Don't mix too much roasted salt. It affects the kidneys." The boy gave him a packet of steamed peanuts mixed with a minimal amount of roasted salt. Alphonso started eating the peanuts when the bus arrived. He folded the packet and boarded the bus. The bus was very crowded and mostly filled with people of blue collar jobs. He put his wallet deep inside his shirt and grasped a hanging handle and stood still. The bus started moving and slowly rode towards Gopi Nagar. After a minute, a young girl came and stood just in front of him. Alphonso quietly moved back. He got down from the bus and went to find an autorickshaw for the rest of the journey. He found one autorickshaw and asked, "How much for going to Shanti Nagar?" The driver said, "150 rupees." Alphonso said, "Okay. But be fast. It's urgent." The driver said, "Don't worry, sahib. I will take to Shanti Nagar in a jiffy." The autorickshaw started and after a few rounds and turns, they reached Shanti Nagar. The auto driver asked, "Where should I drop you, sahib?" Alphonso replied, "Near the old Hanuma Mandir." The auto driver stopped the auto near the temple and said, "Sahib, if you want. I can stay."

Alphonso smiled, "No need. Go and earn other fares." Alphonso went towards the temple and looked around. He opened his phone and looked at the photo of the map. He mumbled, "Twelve blocks from the temple on the right and the first house with a banyan tree is your first location." Alphonso walked twelve blocks from the location and stopped near the first house. Though the banyan tree was not there, but the condition of the house was evident that it has been there for a long time. Alphonso went inside the compound and knocked on the door. He asked, "Is anyone there?" There was no response. He roamed around the house and saw an extremely old woman sitting on a wooden stool. Standing near her was a woman in her late fifties. Alphonso asked, "Excuse me, madam? Is this the house of Ramlal Khatri?" The woman replied, "Ramlal Khatri? It's been ages since I heard that name. Rascal left for London with all the money, leaving behind his aunt and cousin sister."

Alphonso smiled, "That means this is indeed Ramlal Khatri's house." The old woman said, "Was. He gifted it to us years ago." Alphonso asked, "What else has he gifted you?" The old woman said, "Why should we tell you that? Who are you?" Alphonso replied, "I am a lawyer and has been sent here to calculate the property Mr. Khatri has accumulated throughout these years." The old woman asked, "Send? By whom?" Alphonso replied, "By your nephews. Charan and Vivek. They want to properly share the property amongst themselves." The oldest woman said, "No. Ramu gave it to us years ago and won't be given back." Alphonso smiled, "I'm just a lawyer, ma'am. Your family disputes or refutes are none of my concern. I am sent here to calculate the property and that will be done." Alphonso showed them a fake legal document and said, "If you cooperate without any hassle, my work will be much easier." The old woman said, "Okay. What do you want?" Alphonso smiled, "Let's talk inside." They went inside and Alphonso sat on the chair. He said, "A glass of cold water will be much appreciated." The woman went and brought a glass of water. Alphonso drank it and said, "First of all, let's start with your names."

The old woman said, "My name Banumati Khatri and she is my mother, Yashoda Khatri." Alphonso smiled, "Good. Now, can you enlighten me with your financial condition?" Banumati said, "I am a retired teacher and my mom is an uneducated housewife. I never got married and have no children. I get 45 thousand each month as pension and have little soil of our own in Kapil Nagar." Alphonso asked, "What other property did Mr. Ramlal Khatri has in Mumbai?" Banumati said, "As far as I have knowledge, he bought some three acres in the neighbouring colony." Alphonso smiled, "Good. I have got the information that I want to." Banumati asked, "What do you mean?" Alphonso smiled, "Your nephews have sent a gift for you." He opened his briefcase and took out a Glock 17. He shot three bullets in Banumati's chest and then looked at her mother. He said, "Sorry, Grandma. Your nephews are very evil, I'm sorry." He shot one bullet in her chest and then searched the house. He found nothing but some old woman stuff and other essentials. He walked outside and looked around. There were very fews people on the street and no one heard the sound of the gun. He quickly went outside and called for an auto. After a five minute journey, he reached the neighbouring Vikas Colony. He looked around and saw a plain of three acres. He went towards the plain and asked a passing man, "Is this Ramlal Khatri's land?" The man replied, "I don't know." Alphonso went inside the compound and looked around. The place was quite grassy with flowers falling here and there. He looked around and saw that there was only one Indian mandar tree amongst all the Yellow elder flower trees. He went near the tree and examined the tree carefully. It was quite old. He was looking around when his phone ringed and he picked it up. Alphonso looked at the screen and mumbled, "Give me some good news, Bhanu." Bhanu said, "Boss. We have located Khatri's old house. It's in Goa." Alphonso smiled, "Okay. We will leave for Goa tomorrow morning." He disconnected the call. He opened his briefcase case and took out a small chisel and started digging around the tree.

After ten minutes of digging, he found a small metal box. He took out the metal box and saw it carefully. He kept the box inside his briefcase and left the plain. He called for a taxi and then went to his booked room in the hotel Grand Mahal. He checked in and went upstairs in his room. He put the briefcase on the ground and then opened his clothes and lied naked on the bed. He mumbled smiling, "Now, I'm just one step away from the treasure. Charan, Charan, dear Charan. Hurry up, boy. I am getting restless to kill you." He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep as the clock struck midnight...