Balancing The Unbalanced

The sun was a little mild today and the big clouds were arriving with the signals of heavy rain. Trainer Mario was sitting on a tree stump, looking at us chopping wood for fire. Even though, my hands have become very much tough than before, but the heavy axe was giving me a hand sprain. I wiped my sweat and put the axe on a pile of chopped logs and went to the water tank to quench my thirst. A spectacled man near the tank forwarded a wooden mug towards me. Looking at the condition of the mug, my inner doctor flinched. I cupped my hands and signaled him to pour water. Trainer Mario was looking at me and cried in his loudest voice, "Hey, boy. What are you doing? Take the mug, you idiot. Every single drop of water is essential here." The man smiled and filled the mug with water and gave it to me." I smiled and gulped the water. Though the taste of the water was not that bad, but it was very smelly." I asked, "Why is the water so smelly?" The man replied, "It's river water. We tried our best to cleanse it and make it drinkable. But, the smell remained." I said, "I hope it doesn't make us sick." The man smiled, "You are the guy from U.C.I.D, right?" I replied, "Yes."

The man smiled, "I knew it from the moment you started chopping those woods. Soft hands and slender build, you aren't surviving one day on the battlefield." I said, "Practice and patience makes the man survive any battlefield." The man smiled, "Don't talk big. Do big. That is all that matters here." I went away and started chopping the logs. The humiliation has enraged me a little and my strikes became a little stronger. I chopped double wood than before, but was also double exhausted than before. Trainer Mario came near me and said, "Enough for today. Go and eat your lunch." I put down the axe and went to the kitchen tent. The food was mainly non vegetarian and instead of roti or rice, they gave me a loaf of bread. I sat on the ground and started eating my lunch. I was about to take my first bite, when someone kicked me on my back. I turned and saw that a blonde man was standing there. He said, "This tent is for high quality people only. Low quality people like you don't deserve to sit here. Go and sit outside and eat." I rose and said, "You are calling me low quality person, while you are behaving like one yourself." The man said, "Don't forget who are you. We ruled your country for centuries. Learn to obey your master." I smiled, "You should learn history first, you idiot. There is a difference between British and Americans." The man said, "That's still doesn't deny the fact that you are inferior than me." I smiled, "Just because you have a fairer skin and blonde hair, doesn't mean you are superior than me. Barack Obama was your president and he is both has black skin and black hair. Go and finish your school first, stupid." All the people started laughing at him. He said, "Enough of the talking." He threw a punch towards me, but before he could touch me; Trainer Mario hitted his back with a steel baton. He said angrily, "There is no place for racism in the army. All are equal and all are capable. Joss, go and stand outside till the sun sets. There will be no lunch for you." Joss went outside the tent and stood there with his hands raised.

Trainer Mario came near me and said, "Well done, my boy. You kept your cool and didn't indulge in unnecessary scuffle. You earned a holiday tomorrow." He patted my shoulder and went away. I again sat on the ground and started eating my lunch. Two boys came and sat near me. The right one said, "Well done, comrade. You taught that arrogant bastard a good lesson today." The left one said, "You may have avoided a clash with Joss today, but he will avenge his humiliation." I asked, "What are your names?" The right one replied, "Edward Norton." The left one replied, "Harry Swanson." I said, "Hello. My name is Harsh Bhardwaj." Edward said, "I will have difficulty pronouncing your name, so I will call you Hamster." I smiled, "That's a good name." Harry said, "So, Hamster. What brings you so far from your native land?" I replied, "It's a very long story which will definitely bore you. Anyway, what were you telling me about that Joss?" Harry said, "Well, Joss is kinda superior to most of us. He is the son of American billionaire, Adam Westsphere. His father is one of the largest donator of the army and that's why Trainer Mario is bearing that useless shit." I smiled, "So, he is a narcissistic person. Don't worry, friends. He has nothing to harm me." I finished my lunch and went to my small tent.

I lied on my bed and closed my eyes. Cathy's face flashed before my eyes and I opened my eyes instantly. I took out my phone and called Captain, but he didn't answered. He himself was too worried for his sister and the new tasks of U.C.I.D has kept him busy and now Cathy is all alone back in home. I was very worried about her as that Martin Doug guy didn't seem much good to me and even though Detective Mario is constantly keeping an eye on her, he won't protect her if she gets into any kind of trouble. I was feeling kind of low as I myself has pushed Cathy into this situation, but again if she is indeed on a wrong path, my toughness will only make her reform. I clicked on her name and called her. After few rings, she answered. I asked, "Are you okay, dear?" She replied, "Of course, I am okay. What will happen to me?" I smiled, "No. I just had a bad dream. So, I was concerned about you." She laughed, "Thanks for your concern, my love. But, why were you dozing in the noon?" I replied, "Just finished chopping some wood for night's fire. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep in the kitchen. My comrades woke me up when I was dozing on the table."

Cathy said sadly, "I know you must be wondering why I was accused of possessing drugs and if they are right or not?" I replied, "Not at all. I have full faith on you and U.C.I.D. They will soon remove all accusations and everything will be normal again." Cathy said, "I wish it could. But, it is way more complicated than it seems. Big people are getting involved in the case and if my fears come true, both Captain and you will get punishment too." I smiled, "I am ready to take any punishment with a smile for you." She said, "Okay. Bye, I have some work." She disconnected the call. I sighed and went outside. I looked around and saw most of the soldiers who were chopping wood were gone and only two horses were there. I went near one of the horses and touched it's fur. It was of a good breed and from its saddle and horseshoe it belonged to some officer or someone quite rich. "Keep your flithy hands away from Albright." I turned around and saw Joss was coming towards me with anger. I said, "I was just admiring your horse's beauty." Joss smiled, "You are more idiot than I thought. A trainee can't bring his horse to the camp. It is my brother's horse. He is the head of police here." I asked, "Your brother rides a horse to the police station?" Joss smiled, "You are a little funny, but no he doesn't ride Albright to the station. He came here to pay me a visit." I said, "Anyway, I just want to say that I also come from a wealthy background and I want to just say that here in the camp, there is nothing like rivalry or enemity, but only friendship." I extended my hand. Joss said, "I won't shake hands with you. But, yes you won't get any trouble from my side anymore." He stomped away. I looked at him going and mumbled, "Why does all the strange characters come in my life only?"

I went towards one of the parked cycles and took one from the stand. Those cycles were there for bringing any essential personal needs and were free of charge. I peddled away and soon reached a small grocery shop. I parked my cycle near the shop and said, "One cigarette and two packets of matches." The man said, "We don't give anything to the people from army. You better go away or else you will be killed." I asked, "Why you hate the army so much?" The man replied, "Your army killed my son. My little boy who had done no crime, but got into a scuffle with a drunk army man who misbehaved with my wife." I took my cycle and rode towards the camp. The man's words had pierced my heart like thorns. He was right, an army man can't kill a civilian and moreover when he is drunk and it is his fault. I came inside the base and kept my cycle in the stand. I came inside my tent and saw a muscular man was sitting on my bed. I asked, "Yes, how can I help you?" He rose and came near and said, "You should care about your help first." I asked, "Pardon?" He smiled, "You humiliated my brother this morning and made him stand for hours in the scorching heat and that too empty stomach." I said nervously, "But, Trai..." He slapped me hard and said, "Don't you dare do this again." He snapped his fingers and went away. I touched my cheek and looked at him with angry eyes. "You don't know what you have done, motherfucker. Be ready for the consequences."

We all were gathered that night near the bonfire and were singing and humming to the song. Joss's brother was also there as he was some kind of special guest. I didn't go too much in front of him and kept myself busy stuffing meat in my mouth. Edward came near me and said, "Keep some venison for us too." I smiled and said, "There is plenty more in the basket." Harry looked at me and said, "Joss's brother went inside your tent. Did he do something to you?" I showed him my cheek and said, "There is no justice in this world." Edward said, "Let it go. It's best to stay away from such bullies." I shaked my head in approval. Edward pulled my jacket and said, "Look there. The girls from the Elite Scouts has come here." I looked at them and said, "I am not interested in them. Cathy will kill me if she finds out that I'm ogling girls at the camp." Edward said, "I hope Elisa can change your mind." I looked and saw an extremely beautiful and fit girl dressed in a safari color shirt and black jeans. Her hair were tied in a bun and a small nose pin was shining on her nose. Edward shook me and said, "Beware, buddy. You don't wanna get your another cheek red." I asked, "What do you mean?" Harry said, "Brandon has his eyes on her and he won't tolerate your interference." I asked, "Brandon?" Harry said, "The brother who slapped you." I smiled, "I see. Don't worry, Brandon won't have any problem from my side, but you two do have something rising inside your pants." They both ran inside their tent.

I looked around and saw Elisa was coming towards me. She gently said, "You are Captain's student, right?" I replied, "Yes." Elisa shook hands with me and said, "It's nice to meet you. I hope you have no trouble here." I smiled, "The training gets a little tough sometimes and also this heat is unbearable." She patted my shoulder and said, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." She went away. I looked at Brandon who was looking at me angrily and was pretty drunk too. I slowly slipped away in the crowd. I bumped into Trainer Mario who asked, "Why are you running, my boy?" I replied, "Just a little warmup." He smiled, "Roar in the day, party at night. Don't stress too much. Go and enjoy the party." Edward pulled me and said, "I saw you talking with Elisa. What did she say?" I said, "Nothing. She just happens to be my supervisor's old friend. Nothing else." Harry smiled, "She atleast talked with you. We can just stare at her." I said, "Let's talk with her." I pulled them towards Elisa and introduced them. Edward and Harry at first shied and feared a little, but later became free with her. I slowly went towards a corner and took out my phone. I dialed a number and minutes later, the other end answered, "Yes. I'm keeping an eye on Cathy. She doesn't seem to have any significant visits or visitors at her door. All seems normal to me." I said, "Okay. I need you to do another job for me." Detective Mario asked, "What job?" I replied, "Keep an eye on Captain as well. He seems too worried about his sister and I'm afraid he will something bad." I disconnected the call and was about to put my phone in the pocket, when Brandon came and pushed me against the wall.

He screamed, "You don't seem to understand my warning. Looks like a beating will help you understand." I kicked him in the nuts and hit his head with my head. I pushed him down and kicked him in the nuts again. He screamed in pain. I pulled his belt out and started beating him mercilessly and his screams became louder, but the music was way louder and we were at a distance from the base. I took out all my tension and frustration on him and made his ass red like a baboon. He spitted on his face and said, "Stay in your limits, motherfucker." I threw the belt on him and went away. Edward and Harry were looking for me and when I reached there, Harry said, "Come on. It's time for the dance." I smiled and joined the dance. We danced till exhaustion and then slowly walked towards our tents and fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Harry and Edward standing near me. I asked, "What happened?" Harry said, "You slept with Elisa is what happened." I exclaimed, "What!!" Edward said, "Yes. But, don't worry nothing happened. But, you did earned a name today." I asked, "What name?" Edward said, "Lucky sleeper." I smiled, "Hamster, Idiot and now Lucky Sleeper. I don't know what else name I will get in future." Edward asked, "Who named you Idiot?" I replied, "Who else but that bully." Harry smiled, "Oh, yes. You should go and see your bully." I asked, "What happened?" Edward replied, "His ass has swollen up like a balloon. He didn't tell anyone who did it but one thing is for sure that he won't be riding his beloved horse for a long time." They laughed and went outside. I sighed and went outside to brush as a new day waited for me before...