Once And For All

Charan was sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and munching cookies, when Natasha came inside and said, "My informant said that an Italian guy was seen here a couple of weeks ago at Mumbai coast. He was not alone but with some local henchmen. He can't say where he went but he said that he was talking about some treasure." Charan asked, "You have informants?" Natasha said annoyed, "That's is what you took from all the speech. Yes, Mr. Charan Khatri, I too have people under me. I am not an ordinary mercenary anymore, but an elite leader now." Charan rose and patted her shoulder, "Good for you. Anyway, Alphonso is definitely in Goa. I know him very well, he must have erased all the information till now." Natasha said, "Okay. So, when are we going to Goa, then?" Charan replied, "If it weren't for my ancestral property, I won't have put my foot there in my life." Natasha asked, "Why? Don't you like your old house?" Charan replied, "My father and grandfather have suffered very much there. Being rich was a curse back then. Many people tried to sabotage out business and even defamed us saying that all our money was illegal. My grandfather fought all his life and then when he was about to die, he advised my dad to go aboard and built his empire there. My father did fulfilled his wish but London was way more complicated than he thought and got entangled with bad guys and the rest is history."

Natasha said, "If your father wanted to settle in London forever, why did he leave so much treasure back in Goa?" Charan replied, "You are really a dumb bitch. Taking so much treasure by flight is both impossible and dangerous." Natasha said, "I am going to take a bath. It is so hot there. I'm feeling boiled." Charan smiled, "Sometimes having a little more melanin helps." She made a face and went away. Charan looked outside the window and saw the busy market. He took out an umbrella and went outside for a roam. Living in a cold place like London, his skin was not adapting to the high sunlight and he could feel what Natasha was feeling. He went towards a shop and asked, "How much for a packet of cigarettes?" The shopkeeper replied, "It depends on the brand, sir. Which do you want? Charms, Flakes, Malboro or Navy Cut?" Charan replied, "None of them. I have quit smoking." He went away to another shop and asked, "How much for a packet of cigarettes?" The shopkeeper replied, "It depends on the brand." Charan smiled and went away. After, doing this at every shop, he went to his room and opened the door. Natasha was changing clothes and she quickly hid behind the curtain. Charan said, "Don't worry, I haven't seen much." He went inside the bathroom and turned on the shower. After, few minutes of cold shower he came outside and sat on the sofa. He looked at Natasha and asked, "Do you know how to cook?" Natasha said angrily, "First of all explain to me what the hell was that uncouth behavior? Do you also go inside your mother and sister's room without knocking?" Charan replied, "I don't because they lock the door. Anyway, I said that I haven't seen much." Natasha said angrily, "I don't know how will did my sister tolerated a dick like you?" Charan replied, "She didn't because she knew me perfectly."

Natasha said, "I don't know how to cook. I can only make noodles and omelette." Charan asked, "So, you built this awesome physique by just eating noodles and omelette?" Natasha smiled, "Thanks for the compliment. But, as I have already said that I have people under me. They cook and feed their leader." Charan smiled, "You trust them enough to eat whatever they serve you. I'm still wondering how you have been alive till now." Natasha said, "I trust them because they aren't like you or your treacherous friends. They will kill themselves even before thinking about harming me." Charan said, "Then, call you "people". I have a job for them." Natasha smiled, "They won't listen to a puny like you." Charan smiled, "Tell them that this puny has killed many big gangsters." Natasha said, "Okay. I will talk with them. Now, go and bring noodles and eggs for the lunch." Charan rose and went outside.

Charan came inside the house with a packet of eggs and a cold soft drink bottle. He called Natasha's name, but didn't get any answer. He put the eggs and bottle on the table and went inside the kitchen. He was about to enter when someone hitted him on the head with a bat. He fell unconscious and four men took him and put him inside the van. They quickly started the engine and speeded away towards their hideout. After, a long drive they stopped near an old warehouse and took Charan inside the warehouse and tied him to a pole. They poured a bucket full of cold water on him and Charan quickly came to senses. He slowly blinked his eyes and looked around. He asked, "Who the fuck are you guys?" "Hello, hello. Charan. It's been quite a while since we met last time." Charan looked towards the source of the voice and was shocked, "Christopher? Why the hell have you kidnapped me? We are friends, aren't we?" Christopher smiled, "Friends? My brother befriended you and what did he get in return? A miserable death. I don't have any dying wish, Charan."

Charan said angrily, "What are you saying, fool? Your brother was killed by that monster Alphonso and I'm trying my best to avenge him." Christopher came near him and slapped him, "You know what? His death has benefited me dearly. I got money, cars and power. But, one thing that I didn't get is protection. But, after killing you, that need will be fulfilled too." Charan asked, "What do you mean?" Christopher smiled, "Alphonso promised me protection if I kill you and sent your dead body to him." Charan's anger boiled to the maximum. He said furiously, "What type of foolish, shameless degenerate are you? Do you bloody think he will help you?" "He will. Because unlike you, he fulfills hid promises." Natasha came from inside and said. Charan looked at her and said, "You too." Natasha smiled, "Yes. He sent me money when I needed it the most. He bailed Christopher out of the prison and he showed us your real face, Mr. Charan Lal Khatri. You are just like your father. A treacherous bastard." Charan said grimly, "It's a real shame that you two are blinded by that trickster and you two have lost both intelligence and empathy towards your siblings." Christopher said, "Oh. Shut up. We are not believing your words." Charan smiled, "Okay. If you find peace in killing me, then go ahead and kill me." Christopher and Natasha looked at each other and shrugged. Natasha said, "Killing you would have given me so much peace, but I don't want peace. I want vengeance." She went towards Charan and tried to open his hands. Christopher pushed her and said, "Even if you are right, Charan. I cannot let you live. I'm sorry." Christopher pointed his gun towards him but Natasha jumped on Christopher and Charan got a chance to run away. Christopher stomped Natasha and shot a bullet in her chest. Christopher said, "Find that rascal and kill him." All the men scattered around and Christopher went towards the stairs.

Charan jumped over a small railing and caught a guard. He punched him on the face and took his gun. He shot him and ran towards upstairs. A guard came running towards him, he rolled and dodged his punch and kicked him on in the balls. He then threw him from the railing and continued running upstairs, when one muscled man caught him from behind and threw him on the ground. He stomped Charan and Charan screamed in pain. The man took him and punched his face, Charan headbutt him and then kicked him on the chest and then rolled and took the gun from the ground. He shot a bullet in his head and went upstairs. Charan looked around and saw that he was surrounded by multiple guards. His bullets have also finished and he threw the gun away. The men ran towards him and he dodged one punch but another punch caught him off guard. He punched him on the face and then threw him over the railing and another man caught him by his neck but he managed to free the choke and then punched him on the face. He started running towards upstairs and the men started running after him. Charan jumped over a railing and somersault on another and then quickly went towards the top. Christopher pushed him, but Charan caught his balance and kicked him on the leg and then threw him on the ground and stomped him. Charan took Christopher's gun and shoot bullets on the guards coming towards him. Christopher seeing the chance, started running towards the roof. Charan started shooting at him but the bullets missed him. Charan threw the gun and started running after him. Christopher closed the door but Charan broke it with his strength and Christopher fell on the hard concrete floor. Charan picked him up and punched him in the face and then kicked him on the stomach.

Christopher fell on the ground and tried to crawl away, but Charan pulled him and took him towards the edge. Christopher started crying and said, "Please, brother. Don't do it." Charan said, "You were right. Liam didn't mean much to me. But, he was my friend. This is for him and Natasha." He loosen his grip and kicked Christopher on the chest. Christopher fell from the roof and hitted a pile of stones. Christopher looked up and soon died. Charan looked at Christopher's dead body and mumbled, "I couldn't save your brother, Liam." He went downstairs and went towards Natasha's dead body. The whole floor was red with blood and some flies started sitting on the hole in her chest. Charan shooed away the flies and sat near her. He sighed, "Maybe, you were right. I'm cancer to my loved ones. I don't know what you thought about me, but in reality I do care for the people in my life, especially the ones who touches my heart." Charan bowed and kissed her lips. Charan rose and went away. He went inside the van and started the engine and went away.

Charan went back to the flat and saw that nothing has changed there, as if no man was kidnapped by attackers and taken away. He went inside his room and locked the door and looked at the packet of eggs and noodles. He prepared an omelette noodles soup and ate it. He stood up and kept the plate in the kitchen and went outside the room. He started the car and went to a petrol station to fill the tank. After, filling the tank he speeded away towards the Highway and soon was out of the city. After, an hour of driving He stopped near an old house and got down from the car. He went near the door and knocked on the door. After, a few seconds an old man opened the door and asked, "Who is it?" Charan replied, "I'm Charan Khatri. I called you a couple of weeks ago. I'm here to take my parcel." The old man looked at him carefully and said, "Okay. Come inside." Charan followed the man inside and they stopped near a hallway, where lots of dumpsters were kept line by line. The old man opened one dumpster and said, "These guns are a little old model, but still packs quite a punch."

Charan took out a rifle and said, "It's quite heavy. I'm sure it is not made for skinny people like me." The old man smiled, "You picked it up with a single hand and you are calling yourself skinny." Charan smiled, "Just kidding. Anyway, we had a deal. You will give weapons on credit and then I will pay you the money when I get that treasure." The old man said, "No, no. I'm 100 percent agreed on the deal. Your father helped me very much in my struggling days. Providing you with all the help will ease my burden." Charan smiled, "You are a good man. Finding good people in this line of business is very hard." The old man said, "Now, go before anyone tracks you." Charan took all the guns and went to his car. He waved the old man goodbye and speeded towards the airport. On reaching the airport, he called a number and a few hours later, a private jet landed on the runaway. Charan took all the weapons on the plane and soon was in the air, flying towards Goa. Charan looked at the photo of Alia and said, "It's finally time to end the tale for once and for all." He closed his eyes as the plane speeded through the clouds.....