The End Is Near

Alphonso and Bablu were sitting under the shade of the tree and were discussing how they will distribute the treasure. Alphonso said grimly, "I cannot believe that you are asking for so more even after I have promised you a decent amount from the treasure." Bablu smiled, "I'm not asking for me alone, but for all the people who will be waiting eagerly for a share in the treasure. Think it like this. You give us money and we will become your people, your strength." Alphonso said after some thinking, "From one end, your offer is not bad, but the thing is that we cannot openly distribute it to your people. Many people will have their eyes on us, especially the police and that damn organization U.C.I.D." Bablu said in a low voice, "They are mostly illiterate people. They don't understand the complexities of the business. For them, it is a day's work for a day's meal." Alphonso smiled, "We will have plenty of time to discuss the plans further in the future. For now, our main concern is killing that Charan. Once, he's dead, there will be no one to oppose my rule."

Bablu smiled, "Don't worry, Sahib. Once, he gets here, he will regret his very existence." Alphonso rose and said, "I think we should end the lunch break now. The faster we dig, the sooner we will get rich." Bablu smiled, "You have just stole my words." Alphonso smiled and went towards the workers. He looked at them and clapped. He said in a little commanding tone, "Get to work, guys. We don't have enough time to waste lying around. The sooner we dig up the treasure, the faster we can make money." One of the workers, Manohar said, "You haven't gave us any exact location. We have already digged twenty twenty feets soil in various areas. We need some clearer details."

Alphonso looked at Manohar and said, "Look, buddy. If I knew the exact location, why the hell would I waste both your and mine precious time?" Manohar said, "I understand your dilemma. But, the plot is quite acres large and if we go in such headless direction, we will be spending days finding the right location." Alphonso sighed, "The map says that it is hidden somewhere that is quite related with Charan and Vivek's childhood. They have spend most of the time in that part of the plot and also have left their most loved toys buried there." Bablu said in a low voice, "It's been quite a while now. We will never find it." Alphonso smiled, "I think I know that place. Charan and Vivek were rascals from the beginning and if I'm not wrong, their favorite spot must be somewhere in the deep of the forest." Alphonso and Bablu went on inside their jeep and started going deep inside the jungle and soon reached a muddy, yet stony road leading to the town.

There was a sign on a tree pointing towards the end of the road. They speeded towards the opening and reached a small graveyard. Alphonso stopped the jeep and went towards the gate of the graveyard. He looked at a sign on the gate and smiled, "Graveyard of Love." He opened the gate and went inside. Bablu asked, "What's so special about this graveyard?" Alphonso replied, "Charan and Vivek left the place in their late teenage and Vivek was a lustful person. These all graves are of the girls he killed after raping them. The toys that was mentioned in the map were these girls." Bablu said aghasted, "I wonder how can someone be so evil and disgusting?" Alphonso smiled, "Welcome to the world of Mafia." Bablu said, "We cannot dig up someone's grave. It is very disrespectful to the soul of that person." Alphonso said, "Don't worry. They must be tired babysitting the treasure for so long. We are only relieving them from that burden." Bablu said, "Okay. But, we will have to conduct a tribal ritual before touching their graves." Alphonso said, "Be my guest." Alphonso went towards one of the graves and looked at the stone, "Lucia Martin. Buried 2004." Alphonso looked around and saw that all the graves in that row were digged in the year 2004. Alphonso smiled, "Shirley would have committed suicide if she had seen her boyfriend's heinous crimes. Poor soul, she died living in an illusion." Alphonso went to a distance and lit a cigarette. He took the first sip and blowed out the smoke. He looked at Bablu and his fellow laborers who were sitting around a circle made of turmeric and saffron. They were chanting some mantra and were holding each other's hands tightly.

Alphonso looked around and saw that a common krait in the dry grass. He took out his gun and shot at a distance and the snake quickly coiled itself in defense. Alphonso laughed, "My boa constrictor can swallow you whole, but again your poison will kill him right away." Alphonso quietly went towards Bablu and whispered, "It's getting late. The sun is also setting and if I'm not wrong, your people won't like digging graves in the dark of the night in a thick forest." Bablu said, "Don't worry, sir. We can do the digging tomorrow. But, if we don't complete the ritual properly, the ghosts of the girls will create hindrances in our way." Alphonso said, "As you think right." He stormed away and sat in the jeep. He threw the last bit of his cigarette and said, "Stupid superstitious fools. They don't value the time at all." He started the engine and went towards the small village.

Alphonso stopped his jeep near the gate and walked inside the grain house. One of the woman working there said, "Sir. Your room has been shifted to the small bamboo house built newly for you." Alphonso smiled, "Thanks a lot." Alphonso went towards the small yet lavish looking bamboo hut and opened the door. He went inside and saw that a man was sitting on the bed made of bamboo tied together with jute ropes. Alphonso asked, "Who are you?" The man replied, "My name is Vanaram. I'm the security chief here and trains young members of the tribe to fight and protect their own kind." Alphonso said, "Nice to meet you. But, how can I help you?" Vanaram said, "By telling me the truth." Alphonso said puzzled, "What truth?" Vanaram said, "I know that you are hiding something from our chief. Tell me the truth or else I have order ways to make you spill out the truth." Alphonso smiled, "What will I gain by lying to you? I am telling the truth."

Vanaram said, "Okay. I believe you. But, you have to do something for me." Alphonso asked, "What?" Vanaram replied, "Bablu has been the chief for the last 15 years and will be till his death. I don't personally have any grudges against him, but the thing is that we want modifications in our tribe. Sticking to old and superstitious beliefs is keeping us from achieving our best and it's time now to do something." Alphonso asked, "What do you want from me?" Vanaram replied, "I want you to kill him and make it look like an accident. Whatever Bablu promised to provide you, I will give better and the most intriguing thing is that I will take half the amount of share than he is asking from you." Alphonso said, "Though your offer is not bad, but there is one problem." Vanaram asked, "What problem?" Alphonso smiled, "I can detect a scoundrel by just looking at his face. You want me to kill Bablu and then you will put all the blame on me and then kill me. You will become the new chief and then with the wealth of the tribe fulfill your own wishes." Vanaram laughed, "You foreigners are so smart. No wonder you ruled us for centuries." He took out a knife and ran towards Alphonso. Alphonso quickly dodged the knife and kicked him on the lower back. Vanaram fell on the ground and the knife fell from his hand. He rose and jumped on him, but Alphonso managed to threw him over the ground and then stomped him.

Alphonso rolled and took the knife and then threw it out of the window. Vanaram ran towards him, but Alphonso overpowered him and threw him on the ground. Vanaram was quite strong and this falls didn't hurt him at all. Vanaram threw a punch towards him but Alphonso kicked him on the groin and then punched him on the face. Hearing the noise, people gathered and someone pushed the door open. Alphonso quickly ran towards the door and said, "Look. This man is attacking me." Vanaram laughed and said, "He was instigating me to kill our chief. When I told him that I will tell chief about his evil intentions, he started attacking me." The man said, "Capture both of them and take them to the Judgement hall. Chief Bablu will decide who is right and who is wrong."

The judgement hall was quite cleaner than the other rooms, probably because the people considered it to a holy place of righteous justice. The stands were made of wood and the seat of the judge was made of fine bear fur. Alphonso and Vanaram were standing opposite to each other on parallel stands. Bablu was seating on the chair and alongside him were Pushtak, the chief cook and Vyjanthimala, the only literate woman in the tribe. Bablu looked at Vanaram and said, "So, you are saying that he called you inside his room and then offered you money to kill me. Isn't it so?" Vanaram said, "Yes. And he even said that killing you will benefit us." Bablu looked at Alphonso and asked, "Is it true that you told Vanaram to kill me?" Alphonso replied, "What can I achieve by killing you? He was already in my room when I entered the room." Bablu said, "Since there is no solid witness for verification. I declare the case as dismissed. But, Vanaram will now serve as a commander of our tribe in the eastern region and Alphonso is outcasted from us and whatever treasure he was talking about is now solely our possession and he is instructed to give us the map and any other information related to the treasure."

Alphonso smiled and quietly went towards his room. Vanaram was quite furious, but couldn't show his anger. He clenched his teeth and went outside. Alphonso gathered his stuff and packed his bags. He quietly took his bags and came outside from his room. Bablu was standing there with two guards and said, "I know that you are innocent, but since you have no evidence I am helpless and cannot let you stay with us." Bablu extended his hand for the map when a bullet entered his heart. He collapsed on the ground and all looked at the direction of the gun. Vanaram was laughing maniacally, "You think that you can just send me to the eastern region and ruin my life." He pointed his gun towards Alphonso, but Alphonso dodged the bullet and shot Vanaram in the chest three times. Vanaram fell on the ground and soon died from the gunshot wounds. People started encircling Bablu who was breathing his last. He said, "Sorry, friend. I judged you wrong. Promise me that you will protect my people and give them an identity of their own. I hereby declare you the new chief.." He fell dead on the ground. People started looking at Alphonso with hope and Alphonso said, "I will take care of my people." He raised his hand and all cheered for the new chief." Alphonso said loud, "We will use the treasure hidden in the graveyard to make our tribe both healthy and prosperous." All cheered and started chanting, "Hail to our chief." People started chopping Vanaram's body with their axes as a sign of vengeance and justice for Bablu." Alphonso was taken to the chief's room and then he was coronated.

In the evening, Alphonso and the people were standing near the pyres of Bablu and Vanaram. Alphonso went and lit the torch and set fire on both of the pyres. The people started praying for the salvation of both the souls and then each person threw a handful of salt on the fire. Alphonso was taken to the chief's room and two guards were stationed outside the room. Alphonso went inside the bathroom and dipped himself in the warm water to relax his body. He smiled, "Stupid Vanaram. He thought that he could trick me. Little did he know that I have made my whole empire betraying and looting people. He not only erased that moron Bablu from my way, but also gave me a whole army of loyal and blind supporters who will do anything on my command. Looks like even God wants me to rule the Underworld." He smiled and closed his eyes and started humming as the sun finally hide behind the horizon.....