Court Martial

I was doing push-ups on the ground when Trainer Mario came near me and said in a stern voice, "I heard you had complained about the food that we are providing to the soldiers. Would you like to tell the reason for such behavior?" I stood up and said politely, "Sir, the food they are providing us is basically both unhealthy and little or not nutritious at all. Most of the vegetables are either raw or improperly cooked and the soup that they are providing is only boiled water mixed with turmeric." Trainer Mario hitted me on the head with his baton lightly and said, "You should learn to respect your circumstances. If you don't leave behind your taste looking tongue, you will not survive one day in the real war." I said, "But, sir. The gross food is making the soldiers sick and weak only. That day, Peter was vomiting continously as a result of consuming stale vegetable soup." Trainer Mario said calmly, "I am getting what you are trying to say. But, no one likes whiners, especially the ones who complain against the system. Your complaint reached me instead of the food provider. Do you know why? Because, he will stop giving us the food materials and then let alone good food, you won't even get any food at all." I said wondered, "It is mere injustice. We stake our lives for the sake of people and they don't even feel responsible enough to keep their protectors healthy." "You seem more like a politician than a soldier, young man." I and Trainer Mario turned and saw an elderly, well dressed officer standing there. Trainer Mario saluted him and said, "I really didn't know that you have come here or else I would have greeted you the first."

The officer came near me and said, "What is your name, boy?" I replied, "Harsh Bhardwaj." He asked, "And what is your rank?" I replied, "I'm a new recruit in the squad and I currently undergoing training." Trainer Mario said, "He is the one that Sir Gravenberch recommended." The officer smiled, "Oh, I see. If he has recommended you, then something must be very special about you. Let's solve your problem today." He patted my shoulder and went away. Trainer Mario came near me and said coldly, "You always bring trouble on you." I asked, "What do you mean?" He replied, "He is Sir Stuart Stevenson. A very ruthless and demeaning person. He is known to torture people in the name of training. Only God knows what punishment he has for you." I said, "We should complain about him." Trainer Mario said, "Just be strong." He quickly went towards Officer Stuart. I looked at him and saw Sir Stuart was pointing towards me and a wicked smile was flashing on his face.

Minutes later, Trainer Mario came near me and said, "Sir Stuart is calling you." I followed him and soon we entered a large tent. The tent was large enough to accommodate all the squad and five people from the training community. Sir Stuart was sitting in the front with a red and a green flag on both his hands. He looked at me and said, "Since you so troubled with the food and living condition here, I want to give you a chance to earn a chance to change the conditions according to your comfort." I said, "I'm grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to keep my point forward." Sir Stuart smiled, "But to earn that chance, you will have to prove that you are stronger than your opponent." I asked, "Opponent?" Joss stood up and came forward. Sir Stuart looked at him and said, "Your fellow comrade, Joss Westsphere has some problem with your problems. He likes this old system and won't like to see a change in it. So, since we have to opposing people before us and I'm obligated to respond to both of you. I have decided to conduct a small fighting competition between you two. The winner will be the man who will get the chance to decide the continuation or stoppage of the current fooding system." I said, "We should have an election, sir. Fighting will only hurt both of us." Joss smiled, "Let it be, sir. He is afraid that I will beat the crap out of him."

Sir Stuart smiled, "Okay, Harsh. We will have an election. But, to decide whether there should be a fight or an election." The majority rose their hands for fighting. It was definitely not a wonder, everyone likes watching people fight, that is why wrestling entertainment earns billions every year. Joss gave me a pity look and went opened his uniform. He was wearing a red vest and a golden boxing short with a vertical red strip on the left leg. He asked, "Did someone forget to bring his vests and shorts?" I slowly opened my uniform and changed my clothes to a simple tank vest and a simple gym shorts. I opened my shoes and climbed inside a cage which was basically barbed wire with all its sharp edges tightly bent. Joss looked at me and said, "My brother told me all that happened that night. I will beat you so hard that you won't be getting out of intensive care for months." I smiled and said, "Your brother tried to cross his limits. I did what your mother should have done years ago." He ran towards me with rage. I quickly turned and he hitted himself on the wires and injured his face. I took the opportunity and took him on the shoulder and threw him face first on the wet sand. He moaned and then caught my right foot and pulled me. I fell on the ground and he quickly came on me and started punching my face repeatedly. I managed to block the vital punches, several punches shocked my teeth.

The mouth guard took the most damage, but still my gums were paining. I threw him over and rose. I gave him a chance to stood up and then caught him by his waist and suplexed him on the ground. I rolled over and then started punching him on the face. He caught my neck and wrapped his arms around my neck. I managed to stood up and ran towards the cage, but Joss suddenly released his grip and I went and hitted the cage with all my might. Though, releasing me suddenly injured Joss's arm, but my whole left shoulder became red with the impact. I grasped my arm and looked at Joss who was charging towards me like a bull. Before, I could even flinch, he took me with all his might and I hitted the cage once again with my back. The impact was so hard that a little pee got leaked on my shorts, but my sweat covered for it. Joss slowly walked towards me and stomped me on the back and started stomping me with all his might. His heavy boots left a black on my body. I turned and caught his leg and threw him over the wet sand. His face got inside the sand and I quickly jumped on his back. He started jerking with pain and beated his hands on the wet sand. I again jumped on him and this time he screamed. Sir Stuart raised his red flag and said, "The first round comes to an end. Take a five minute break." I slowly limped towards the exit and sat on a stool. Edward and Harry came near me and Edward said, "Drink some water." Harry looked at Joss and said, "You have injured him very much." I said slowly, "He deserved it." Sir Stuart raised the green flag and said, "Fighters. Go back inside the cage. The second round begins." Joss and I went inside and stood parallel to each other. Joss was trying hard to suppress his pain on the back just like me. I said, "If you can't fight anymore. Just quit. You should risk your life for such trivial matters."

Joss didn't reply. We both started looking at each other quietly and I rolled and kicked him on the stomach. Joss backed up a little and threw a punch towards me. I easily dodged the punch, but his other hand hit me hard on the right rib and then he quickly punched me in the stomach and then again on the jaw and a middle reverse roundhouse kick on my abs. I fell on the ground and moaned in pain. Joss started kicking me on the back with the tip of his boots. This time he was a little composed than before and his kicks were hurting very badly. I gathered the courage and rolled and rose, but a sharp pain on my lower back tilted me a little. Joss took the opportunity and kicked me on the chest. I once again hit the cage with my back. Joss gave me a pity look and then threw a punch towards me, but I dodged it and gave him an uppercut and then a right jab and left hook followed. I gathered all my might and then spinned and punched Joss on the face. I opened my eyes and looked at everybody with a victory smile.

But, everyone was looking at me with horror. Edward pointed me to look in the back. I turned around and my feet trembled. It was Joss who was lying on the wet sand with his head turned backwards. Edward and Harry took me outside and then to my tent. Harry said, "Listen, buddy. It's not your fault. Accidents like this happens often in the army. If someone says anything, then don't react." Edward said, "Don't listen to Harry. Accident or not, Joss is dead and you killed him. Now, you will get punishment and Sir Stuart will get both suspension and imprisonment." I said slowly, "I really didn't wanted to kill him. I was...." A tight slap fell on my face and I looked up and saw Sir Stuart was there. He screamed, "Idiot. Why did you kill him? It was just a competition and you have just made everything worse for all of us." Trainer Mario pulled Sir Stuart outside and then said, "I have told earlier only that you always bring trouble on yourself." Edward said, "Run away. Before anything happens, just run away." He gave me my bag and ripped open the backside of the tent. Since everyone was busy there, I could easily ran towards the exit of the camp. I just ran and ran till I reached a small bus stop. But, before any bus could arrive, Trainer Mario arrived in a jeep. He said, "Get in. It would be better to send you as much farther as possible, rather than making you a scapegoat." I went on the jeep and quickly we reached the exit from the main area of the camp and soon we were much farther away from the camp.

Trainer Mario said, "I really don't know what to say right now. I have mixed emotions right now. On one hand, you just killed our main benefactor's and thus putting as in a long verge of bankruptcy and on the other hand, you put an end to that evil Sir Stuart's reputation and life. Now, he will either commit suicide or spend his entire life as a disgraced imprisoner." I remained silent. Trainer Mario said, "You remind me of my best friend very much. He was an Indian too. Brave, just and honest, he was a perfect epitome of a good soldier. But, that Sir Stuart ended his life because he thought him to be a disease to his self made system." I asked, "Why did you tolerated him so much?" Trainer Mario smiled, "He is quite smart. He erases all the evidence of his evil doings and pretends to be a friendly and positive person in front of everyone. But, after today he is going to be stripped naked and all his sins will be counted." I said slowly, "But, Joss became the scapegoat." Trainer Mario said calmly, "He was a nuisance anyway. I don't think he would have gone to the battlefield anyway. He died a very honorable death today and he really didn't deserved it." We soon reached the outskirts of the camp and I got off the jeep. Trainer Mario gave me some money and then speeded away. I sighed and went towards the small gas station. Trainer Mario has a car here whose keys he had given to me a while ago. I pressed the unlock button and a white bettle car flashed its lights. I went inside it and soon was driving towards the highway.

I pulled up a cigarette from my bag and lit it. I released a huge puff of smoke and then took out my phone and dialed Cathy's number. Even after several rings, no one answered the phone. I dialed Captain's number and after some rings, a lady answered, "Yes. Who are you?" I replied, "Tell Captain that Agent H has called." The lady said, "I'm sorry to inform you that the man whom you are referring as Captain has just killed his sister and then shot himself too." I was speechless. The lady said, "We have sent the bodies for autopsy. Can I know your name, sir?" I disconnected the call and then threw the phone out of the car. I took a long drag of the cigarette and threw it on the road. I pressed the accelerator hard and speeded away as I knew that things aren't going to be easy from now on...