The Burn Of Revenge

Charan was applying some ointment on his injured arm, when the old man came inside and said, "You should have been more careful earlier. If I was in your place, I would have learned first my enemy's weaknesses and then attack him in the right opportunity." Charan smiled, "Don't teach me what I already know. Alphonso is sitting on my treasure like a snake and also he has acquired an army of stupid and delusional people who think my forefathers have looted their ancestors and that treasure is theirs." The old man asked, "Do you know where the treasure is located exactly?" Charan replied, "It is somewhere in the graveyard and if I'm not wrong, it is buried under the grave of my father's first love." The old man said, "Then, let's go and take it." Charan said, "We need an army." The old man said, "Don't worry about the people. They won't be even near the graveyard when we will be digging." Charan asked, "Why?" The old man smiled, "I have a plan."

Charan slowly walked towards the door and said, "I don't know what plan you have, but listen we have to act fast. Alphonso is already quite near the treasure and now he will fasten the work rate than before." The old man said, "Don't worry. He may have acquired an army but his army is still pretty much untrained in compared to my retired buddies." Charan asked suprised, "Retired buddies?" The old man said, "They may be retired, but they can still finish those illiterate people easily who have only a rifle and some TNT as their only weapons." Charan said, "If you so much faith on your men, then call them. We will attack this evening." The old man quickly went outside and started his jeep and speeded towards the his destination. Charan looked at his leg and said, "Damn. This is hurting like hell. I have to end this as fast as possible." Charan quickly packed his bag and went downstairs and went towards the graveyard. After sometime of rigorous walking and a little auto ride, Charan stopped near the mouth of the road that leads to the graveyard. He slowly walked towards the forest and stealthily walked hiding himself behind trees and after sometime he reached a newly formed checkpoint.

As expected, the guards were local people with old rifles and a machete in their waists. Charan took a long breath and wore Vivek's handkerchief on his arm and mumbled, "This is for you, my brother." He loaded Vivek's favorite revolver and started shooting at the guards. The element of suprise killed the two guards, but the heavy noise alerted the other guards and they started running towards him. Charan rolled and took the machete from the sheath and threw it on a guard. The guard fell on the ground and Charan shot another bullet in other guard's head. Charan quickly hid behind the wooden barrier and threw a grenade on the ground. Three guards exploded in the air and the heat generated from the grenade lit fire on the dry trees. Charan threw another grenade and several other guards died a terrorizing death. Charan picked up a machete and started running towards the deep of the forest, cutting down the half burned guards on his way.

Alphonso heard the cries and blasts near the graveyard, but didn't dare to go there as he perfectly knew that Charan was waiting for him. He screamed, "Anyone who doesn't want to fight can back away and get out by the safe route. I won't be forcing anyone to stay here and risk their lives for a war in which they don't believe. That guy is stealing not only the treasure, but also the right and future of us and our future generations. I am not going to let him do that, not only because he is my old enemy but also because he is your new enemy and I as your tribal leader will try my best to keep you safe. So, does anyone want to leave?" No one raised their hands. Alphonso said, "Well done, my people. Now, Charan will know the wrath of the people he considered worthless and weak." All the people, girl or boy, old or young took a weapon in their hands and started marching towards the graveyard. Alphonso was at the last with Vandana and Vyjanthimala in a jeep. Vandana said, "I don't know how to thank you. You are doing so much for us even after being a foreigner." Alphonso smiled and said, "Just love me." Vyjanthimala looked at Alphonso with a little hope and fear, but Alphonso said, "Don't worry. I will keep your daughter as my queen." Vyjanthimala said, "God bless you, my son." She waved her hand on Alphonso's head and smiled. But, her smile was short lived as a bullet pierced her head. Alphonso and Vandana crouched and Alphonso cried, "He is using snipers." Vandana slowly opened her eyes and started screaming as she saw her mother's face covered in blood. Alphonso took her and jumped from the jeep and entered in between the mob. Several gunshots were heard and many bodies fell on the ground dead. Alphonso looked at Vandana and said, "Stay here. I will go and take care of that monster." Vandana slowly kissed his lips and then hid in the bushes along with some local children and women.

Alphonso looked around and saw that many people were dead and only few people were there. He quickly ran towards the graveyard and soon reached the gate of the graveyard. He pushed it open and went inside and saw that Charan was sitting on a grave. Charan looked at him and said, "Monica. She was the first girl to slap me. I was feeling quite horny that day and she was here to pick up her brother who was Vivek's playmate. My parents were not at home and Vivek and her brother were busy making nuisance upstairs. So, I made her unconscious and then took her to my room. That day, I became a man. I was so horny and excited that day that I didn't realized when she woke up and saw my on her. Her slap still rings my ears and I was so angry that time that I strangled her and then buried her here. I don't why but her slap changed me quite and I never tried to fuck any other woman without consent. But, Vivek saw me that day and then he kind of became a sex addict and the rest are his doings. Father knew about his addiction and even performed circumcision on him. But, it only increased his addiction much more and we had to leave India because of it. But, Shirley changed everything for him. He considered her to be an angel and considered cheating on such angel a sin. You were asking me yesterday that how can I be so evil? No one is evil, especially me who devoted his entire life to fulfilling other's wishes." Alphonso asked, "But, why are you telling me this?" Charan replied, "To kill the time. Look, my army has come." Four trucks came speeding towards the graveyard and crushed the people who were standing near the gate. The rest were killed by the heavy gunfire. Alphonso turned and saw Charan was standing in front of him. He tried to reach for his gun, but Charan kicked him in the stomach and then pushed him on the grave. Charan looked at him and said, "You think that I'm some ordinary person who you can just throw away like a pebble." He kicked him on the leg and then kicked him on the lower back and stomped on his ankle.

Alphonso rolled and kicked him on the stomach and then threw him over one of the grave and then hit his head on the grave stone. Alphonso said, "The power, the money that you are trying so hard to get is my father's. Your father betrayed him and then killed him. He looted all my father's money and put a bad name on him. You know, how much disgraced I feel every single day because of your father's treachery. You don't deserve the throne nor you deserve this treasure." Alphonso was about to kick him, but Charan rolled and kicked him. Charan jumped over him and then took him on the grave and then threw him in one of the holes filled with muddy water. He then jumped and punched him on the face and then tried to drown him. But, Alphonso headbutt him and then punched him on his jaw and bit his ear. Charan screamed and then pushed him away. Alphonso quickly went outside the hole and threw a brick on Charan's face, but Charan saved himself and climbed from the hole. Alphonso kicked on his hand and then on his chest. Alphonso looked around and saw a machete and then ran to pick it up but Charan was quick and he caught Alphonso's leg and he tripped and fell on the ground. Charan took the machete and was about to stab when a bullet pierced his hand and the machete fell from his hand. Vandana roared and threw a grenade on one of the trucks, causing a huge blast that killed the old people in the truck and a huge fire started on the dry grass around the graveyard. Alphonso kicked Charan and then threw him in the hole. He ran towards Vandana to save her, but a bullet injured his leg and he fell on the ground. Vandana shot down the old man and then speeded towards the gate, but a bullet injured her leg and she crashed on the gate. Alphonso gathered all his strength and rolled and threw a grenade near the truck and the whole truck blasted in the air killing all the people near the truck.

The remaining people were chopped down by the women who came out from bushes. Though it was a brave move, but the fire of the forest ingulfed them and they soon turned into ashes. Alphonso slowly crawled towards Vandana who was lying near the gate. Alphonso looked at Vandana and said, "Stupid girl. Why did you came here? I told you to stay there in the bushes." Vandana slowly said, "I love y..." A bullet pierced her head and Alphonso heart skipped a beat. He started screaming in pain as his lover was lying in his arms dead. Charan laughed, "How are you feeling, Mr. Alphonso? Does it feel heartbreaking to see your love dead? I felt the same way the day my Alia was killed by you." Charan took out his gun and was about to shoot when Alphonso came running towards him. Charan fired three bullets in his chest and then his bullets ran out. Alphonso came and inserted the machete in Charan's chest and then pulled it out. Charan looked at him and smiled, "I have won. I have taken my revenge." Alphonso smiled, "So do I." Charan and Alphonso fell on the ground and looked at each other and gave each other a final smile.

The forest fire spread all the area and soon the whole forest was burning vigorously and huge puffs of smoke was coming out from the forest and people stopped their cars and started looking at the burning forest. Minutes later, fire brigades came and tried to enter the forest but the huge amount of TNT at the entrance of the forest caused a huge blast and two fire brigades vehicles blasted in the air, killing the firefighters and some local people standing near the mouth of the forest. After sometime, helicopters reached the spot and started spraying water on the forest which proved to be the best idea as the fire slowly started to diminish a little. After two hours of water supply, the forest became wet and black with the burned trees and corpses mixing with the soil and water. Police officers, media journalists, ambulances and paramedics all rushed inside the forest to see what caused such huge and disastrous wildfire which destroyed hundreds of acres of land and also took lives of the firefighters and local people. They were both shocked and disgusted at the sight of the forest. Corpses of dead people and debris of destroyed vehicles have made the whole atmosphere stinky and horrible with many journalists already calling it a huge massacre of both humankind and nature and is allegating the government and police staff for lack of proper care and inspection. Police officers didn't find anything convincing enough to know what exactly happened there with only one assumption that it was a gang war. The paramedics took whatever was left of the corpses and cleaned the land. As they entered further inside, more bodies were found which were already liquid and the blood getting hard on the ground gradually.

Remains of burned trucks and guns were also found there with mostly still red hot and melting on the ground. The policemen went inside and saw a burned graveyard there with a melting gate mixing with the body of a young girl whose eyes were still open. The paramedics carefully separated the melting iron from her body and then took her inside the van. The police looked around and saw two bodies lying on the middle of the graveyard and went towards them. They were the least burned as they were in the middle where the grass were the least and thus the fire couldn't reached that much. Both of their faces were burned beyond recognition, but one can easily see the satisfaction they had on their faces and that they died peacefully. The police chief said, "Take them and clean the place. I don't want any carelessness now." The paramedics took the bodies and put it in the ambulance and soon all of them speeded outside of the forest, as the tale of two of the most powerful and ambitious criminals of the Underworld came to an end....