The End?

I just reached Cathy's house and stopped my car at a distance, so that my arrival remains a secret. I don't know why but I was feeling kind of suspicious about the whole situation, especially Captain killing his own sister, who he loved so dearly. I wore a mask and stealthily climbed up the wall and slowly walked towards the window. Cathy always keeps her bathroom window unlocked in case of any emergency exit. I slowly opened the window and went inside the bathroom. The whole bathroom was very clean with every single thing kept properly which instigated my suspicion much further as both Cathy and Captain were too lazy to keep things in such a proper manner. I tried calling Detective Mario but his phone was out of network from the day I left the camp and even when I called his agency, they told me that he was not reporting from that day too. I don't know what was happening, but something was way too serious and shady than it looks. I slowly tried to unlock the door, but it was locked, again something that never happens in this house.

I took out my gun and kicked the door open and rolled to avoid any open attack. I looked around and saw that the whole house was smelling of some unknown chemical, which was definitely not some disinfectant. I slowly climbed upstairs and went to Cathy's bedroom whose door was unlocked and I slowly went inside. The room was a little messy and I turned on the light and saw that some white powder was there on the floor and a bong was lying under the bed. It was half full of cannabis and a dildo was hidden under her pillow. I mumbled, "What the hell was she doing?" I slowly opened the cupboard and found that most of it was empty and the locker was broken. My eyes fell on the dustbin which had some crumbled paper inside it. I turned the bin and saw that most of the crumbled papers were electricity bills and some tissue paper. I was about to rise when my eyes fell on a small packet of cigarettes and that seemed the most suspicious as neither Cathy nor Captain smokes. I quickly ran towards the bathroom and quickly climbed out of the window and hopped in my car. I speeded towards Martin Doug's place and stopped my car near the drain. I climbed up a low wall and then slowly walked towards the gate. This time there were neither any drug addicts nor the guard who tried to stop me on my previous visit. I was feeling kind of angry and wondered as why nobody is here as places like this never remains without a crowd. I took a long breath and then called Sir Lorenzo as he is the only one right now with whom I can talk to freely. My call went unattended, but fortunately I knew the place of the U.C.I.D headquarters here. I quickly drove towards the headquarters where there was quite a crowd indicating some serious business happening there. I quickly ran inside and saw that Sir Antonio was there sitting on a desk talking with somebody on phone.

On seeing me, he quickly disconnected the call and came forward to me and said, "I know what you are going to ask. It will be better if we talk about the matter in some private place." He literally caught my hand and took me to his car and then said, "Don't even dare say no. After what happened back there and here, I can only say that you are in big trouble now and even I can't save you this time." His tone was a little threatening and I slowly said, "If you already know what happened in the camp, I'm sure that you know the reasons. But, I don't know what happened here." Sir Antonio said, "Death occurred. Two of our most elite agents died and the most saddening thing is that they died with a stigma on their names. Cathy died as a disloyal agent and Captain died as the brother of a disloyal agent. Their bodies are still flashing before my eyes and I know that soon you will be dead too." I asked, "Why?" Sir Antonio said, "Get in the car. You need to be in a safer place."

I quickly went inside his car and soon we were pretty much outside of the city and were driving through some country roads. Sir Antonio said, "I was in Switzerland when I heard about Cathy's dark secret and was about to tell you and Captain, but you went to the camp and Captain was too busy in his work. I don't know how would have he reacted anyway but I am sure both of them would have been alive now." I asked, "What secret?" Sir Antonio said, "She was working hand in glove with the Italian Mafia and the sudden turn of events put her in danger of both life and reputation. She couldn't handle the pressure and started taking drugs and also insisted on being a desk officer for the rest of her career. Things again started getting good and her life again started going smoothly with you by her side. But again, the recent drug scandal destroyed her everything and when her drug supplier, Martin Doug was arrested by police and after his confession, her whole history was out and that night, Captain killed her and then committed suicide." I don't know what to feel right now as I was a reason for both of their deaths and maybe if I wasn't so nosy, then maybe we could have handled the situation with a cold mind.

Sir Antonio stopped the car near a small petrol station and then got out of the car. I also went outside and then he looked at me and said, "Sir Stuart was arrested the day after you escaped, but your name too got involved in it. Trainer Mario gave a statement that you fled from the camp the night of the incident and now is currently on the run." I clenched my teeth and said, "I should have known earlier that he will bite me. Anyway, my main concern now is to nab the killers of Cathy and Captain." Sir Antonio asked puzzled, "Killers?" I replied, "Yes. Someone else killed Cathy and Captain and I have ample evidence to nab the culprits." Sir Antonio said, "Let me see the evidence." I said, "I have carefully hidden it in a safe place. Don't worry, once I get my hands on the culprits, I will myself hand them to the police." Sir Antonio said, "Be careful, son. Anyone who can kill two high ranking officers in their own home at the middle of afternoon can do anything to cover his footprints." I smiled, "Don't worry about me. The man who killed my Cathy is already dead, a bullet in his head will be his final goodbye." Sir Antonio giggled and took a packet of cigarettes and said, "Excuse me for a second." I looked at his hand and it was the same packet of cigarettes that I found in Cathy's room. I said, "It looks quite expensive. You should waste too much money on useless addictions." Sir Antonio smiled, "I get it free of cost. My friend is an owner of a local cigarette company and sends me a dozen packets in the end of each month." I smiled and walked towards the road. The road was quite deserted and our car was the only car here. I looked around and then pulled out my phone and saw that there was no network here and also my battery was quite low.

I went towards a small shop and walked behind it to have a pee. I looked at the grass and found a small bullet among the dry grass. I descended further and saw a gun was there, half sunken in the wet mud and a small ring was also there. I picked up the ring and looked at carefully. It was looking quite familiar to me and on more closer inspection, I saw that it was the same ring that I gifted to Cathy when I returned from India. I slowly climbed upwards and then slowly went towards the petrol station where Sir Antonio was sitting inside his car and two black Mercedes were standing near his car. Sir Antonio was talking with a fat guy who was standing near his car window and smoking cigarette. I kept looking at them, when the bodyguard of Martin Doug came out of the car and went towards the fat guy and whispered something in his ears. I assumed that the fat guy was Martin Doug and then I slowly hid behind the shop and saw that five people were running here and there looking for me. I slowly climbed down and took the gun in my hand which was fortunately loaded. I slowly climbed upwards and suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and threw me on the ground. I looked up and saw the same bodyguard and then he took me up, but I kicked him in the head and then kicked him on the stomach and he fell in the deep mud. Before, he could react I shot a bullet in his head and then ran towards the down where the high grass and hay hid me perfectly. The men came searching me and scattered around the area. I slowly rolled and caught one by the neck and fired a bullet in his head and then took his gun and shot down the remaining people. I myself got injured with my left arm bleeding heavily. I was about to turn when someone kicked me on my lower back and I fell down.

Martin Doug came near me and said, "I heard that you wanted to meet me badly. Sorry, I couldn't fulfill your desire earlier as I was restricted to meet anyone by Sir Antonio. Your girlfriend once came to me, pleading for your life in exchange of a night with her. You are only alive because she was good that night." I couldn't control my anger and rolled and kicked him in the testicles. Sir Antonio tried to come but I shot a bullet in his leg and another in his arm. I stomped on Doug's testicles again and said, "You dared touched my Cathy with your dirty dick." I shot a bullet in his testicles and he started screaming in pain. I shot another bullet in Sir Antonio's leg and said, "I don't know why you stooped so low to join hands with a drug dealer like him? But, I know that you are somehow connected with Cathy and Captain's murder." Sir Antonio said, "Martin Doug killed Cathy because she was going to spit up all the information about us and that would have been dangerous for us. Captain was the first person to know about me and Doug and he rushed home to have a chat with Cathy, but she was already dead by then and we had kill him too." I shot a bullet in his chest and said, "Justice always gets served, sooner or later." Sir Antonio fell on the ground and slowly succumbed to his injures. I looked at Doug and shot another bullet in his testicles and said, "Next time when you take advantage of some woman's helplessness, you will remember this lesson." I smiled and walked towards the petrol pump, where Sir Gravenberch and Sir Lorenzo were standing near the car with three constables near them. Sir Lorenzo ran towards me and said, "Thank God, you are safe. I don't know if I could have forgived myself if something happened with you."

I sighed, "You are late anyway." Sir Lorenzo said grimly, "It all happened so sudden that I couldn't save two of my best friends. I don't know how can I ever fill that void." Sir Gravenberch said, "Go and retrieve the bodies." The constables went near the shop and took Sir Antonio and Martin Doug inside the van and soon went away. Sir Gravenberch looked at me and said, "You are not alone, my boy. We all have encountered pain and hollowness in our lives. You will eventually adjust to it like I did." I said, "No. There is no adjustment to the pain that I have in my heart. Anyway, I'm tried of running away from my problems, it's time to face them and eradicate them." Sir Lorenzo asked, "What are you gonna do now?" I replied, "I don't know what I will do, but I know what I won't do. I had seen and done enough bloodshed and violence for one lifetime and now I am one of the hell tired of it." Sir Gravenberch smiled, "Good decision. But, remember once you have taken the gun, there is no putting it back." I smiled, "Everyone has a gun in their hands, you just have to know when to use it." Sir Lorenzo hugged me and said, "If you ever need me, you know you have an elder brother in me." I smiled and shaked hands with Sir Gravenberch and went inside the car and soon speeded away towards the highway. Sir Lorenzo looked at me going and said, "He learned a precious lesson at quite a young age." Sir Gravenberch smiled, "Yes. I have already told you that he is special." They smiled and went inside their cars and rode towards the city.

I looked outside of the window and saw the birds flying back to their homes as all travelers have to return to their homes, but I was not destined to return home as I have no home now or any family to call mine. I was alive, but was no different from a dead person who had no identity except his own body. I turned on the radio and listened to MGK's "End of The Road" as I speeded towards infinity, knowing no boundaries as my story slowly came to an end...