Shipwreck boat.

In a busy port, sailors circulated non-stop between the docks, and with loads of products, several wagons came and went.

Among the various alleys, an elderly man was walking stealthily with a hood covering his head while pulling a horse.

"You there, where do you think you're going?" A soldier that has a lion engraved on the armor asked.

The old man then stopped and turned calmly while saying:

"I am a traveler, I came to board a ship to the north ..."

"I don't care what ship you plan on boarding, if you want to get to the docks, you need to pay a fee." The soldier scoffed.

Julio then asked:

"And how much is that fee?"

"30 bronze coins."

Julio was then silent and started to make his way back.

"Where are you going now, old man?" The soldier stood in Julio's way and asked.

"Sorry, noble soldier of the Lannister house, but I don't have enough money to pay that fee and get on board."

Julio then continued to leave, until the soldier took his arm and said:

"Seeing that you really look miserable, I'll charge you 15 bronze coins. Unless you want to spend a few more days going to another port, I think you'd better pay now."

Julio then smiled secretly and pulled 15 bronze coins out of his pocket.

"Thank you, noble soldier of the Lannister house, may the gods guard you" Then he made his way towards the docks

The soldier, receiving the coins, looked satisfied and looked at Julio while frowning, but decided to let the old man go.

-These parasites remain insistent as always.

Julio cursed in his heart.

After walking for a few minutes, Julio finally arrived at the docks and looked for a ship bound for Essos.

"What? Do you want to go to Essos? I think you're on the wrong side of Westeros, old man." Some sailors responded to Julio in ridicule.

After searching for several minutes and without finding a single ship, Julio was about to give up when, suddenly, a man tapped him on the shoulder and said:

"I hear you want to go to Essos, old man."

"That's right, who are you?" Julio asked

"I am the lieutenant of a ship, and it turns out that we need a new cook, I get to know that you have good hands in the kitchen ..." The lieutenant said while to Julio with a smile

Previously, Julio, while asking some sailors, offered services as a cook as a way to try to win a free trip to Essos.

It seems that it was not in vain.

"Yes, I can cook a fish or two ... But only if you are going to Essos." Julio spoke as he slowly put his hand on the sword.

"Hah! We are not going to Essos right now, old man." The lieutenant spoke while noticing Julio's movement

"But we plan to go there after passing through the iron islands, our captain has some business in that heap of bird shit."

Julio and the lieutenant then looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Listen, old man, it's hard to find ships going to Essos on this side of Westeros, if you let this opportunity pass, you might regret it ... These wounds of yours are proof that you were in trouble." The lieutenant said and pointed to the baby in Julio's embrace.

"Besides, this baby may have an unusual origin to make an old man like you want to go to Essos. Others here also think the same thing" the lieutenant said as he looked around.

Julio then began to sweat, how could he not understand the lieutenant's words. Perhaps, if he stays in that port for a long time, he will end up being stolen or even killed.

Who would care about a old commoner?

But if the child had a noble origin, they could end up profiting.

"How do you know, that I'm going to Essos because of the baby?" Julio asked nervously.

-Does the BlackGold already know?

The lieutenant then tapped Julio on the shoulder and said seriously

"I didn't know, it was a kick, old man."

"Do you understand now? You are at risk every second here, if you are not supported by experienced men, you may never reach the other side of the narrow sea alive."

After hearing the lieutenant's explanation, Julio went pale.

After seeing Julio's expression, the lieutenant hit the steel while it was hot and said:

"We can give you a free pass to Essos if you come with us, and we can also guarantee the baby's safety. Come with us, old man"

Julio then gripped his sword hilt and said:

"You don't understand, this child ... he is not going to die, I am worried about my own life. How can I believe any sailor just because of words?"

The lieutenant was surprised by Julio's words and said:

"You don't have to and you can't believe us, but from the moment you entered these docks, you have no choice but to come with us. It's the old fate, even though the child, as you said, cannot die, who will take care of her if you die? "

The lieutenant then turned and started walking.

Julio hesitated for a brief moment and, after looking at the little baby in his arms, sighed and followed the lieutenant.

After a few minutes, the two arrived in front of a large ship.

"The lieutenant is back!" One of the men on the ship screamed

"Finally, where did that miserable go?" A middle-aged man asked stiffly.

Seeing the middle-aged man, the lieutenant smiled and said:

"Who are you calling miserable? Miserable"

"Bastard! Is that a way to talk to your captain !?" The middle-aged man shouted

"Hmph, I brought a cook for us, while you masturbated thinking about the mermaids of the iron islands."

The men around them started to laugh.

The captain then drew his sword and said:

"I admit to masturbating before, but I don't accept that you say that I imagined those beasts from the iron islands." And then he went after the lieutenant.

The lieutenant then looked at the captain with disdain and said:

"I think you forgot what happened the last time we fought, captain."

The captain then stalled and the men around him started to laugh.

"Look, this is the cook I found." The lieutenant said as he tapped Julio on the shoulders.

"This looks more like an old soldier, look at his injuries. I don't think we need to fear the Kraken anymore, men!"

"Wonderful! Absolutely fantastic, the Greyjoy fleets will tremble before you!"

"With such a fantastic cook, I think we can fight the iron men while we fuck their monstrous wives with plenty of energy."

The men started to make fun of Julio while laughing.

Julio remained silent, and the captain suddenly shouted:

"Shut up! Have you forgotten what happened to the last cook we mocked so much?"

Everyone then shut up and sweat cold.

"Haven't you learned yet that sailors without a cook are just animals thrown overboard?" The captain went up in front of Julio and said:

"Welcome to the Shipwreck Boat, I hope you are a really good cook. What's your name?"

"Julio" replied

"Okay, Julio, I hope you ignore those idiots, they just discount their frustrations that they never ate a good pussy in others."

The sailors looked a little irritated, but they didn't dare reply.

"Come, let me introduce you to the kitchen, it will be where you go to work and sleep." The captain started walking towards the vertical entrance to the interior of the ship.

The lieutenant then said:

"You better hurry up, Julio. The captain doesn't like to wait. Leave your horse with me, I believe these supplies won't be of use now that you're our cook, but I'll take them to the kitchen later."

"What do you want me to do with the horse?" The lieutenant asked

"Sell it" Julio replied

Julio then sighed slightly and followed the captain.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, Julio sighed again.

The kitchen could be said to be a little precarious because of the lack of care, but Julio believes he can do something acceptable.

After looking around every corner of the kitchen and seeing if there were all the necessary tools, Julio then asked the captain:

"The lieutenant said that you are going to Essos after passing through the iron islands, how long do you plan to stay on those islands?"

"As long as necessary, I have business with Balon Greyjoy."

Julio then opened his eyes wide and asked:

"Do you know Balon Greyjoy?"

"Bah! I never saw him before, but the wretch did business with certain bastards from Dorne. I was paid to take a shipment to Balon Greyjoy by the damn dornish."

"And the bastards ordered me to deliver it to Balon Greyjoy in person."

After hearing the captain's explanation, Julio thought:

-This should not be a common cargo. So that only Balon himself can receive ...

"Don't let your imagination overwhelm you. If you get too distracted, your babies may disappear." The captain said as he held the baby.

Julio was startled, he just didn't notice the captain taking the baby from him.

"It is a beautiful baby, those green eyes will give a lot of pleasure to many prostitutes out there." The captain then returned the baby to Julio and added:

"You better hurry up to clean up this mess, we will leave for the iron islands at dawn."

Julio nodded and asked other questions about food stocks and how long they would reach the iron islands.

The captain explained that, depending on weather conditions, they should arrive in about two weeks.

After the captain left, Julio then sighed and looked at the baby.

-But what a mess you got me in.

The baby just looked calmly at Julio.

"You must be hungry, right?" Julio then took some goat milk that he had bought in Lannisport and made the baby drink.

Although he didn't seem to like it, the baby swallowed the milk until his belly swelled.

"Hehe ..." Julio laughed foolishly.

He then started tidying up the kitchen, something that took about three full hours due to accumulated dirt.

After seeing the kitchen look at least 'decent', Julio sat on a chair and started to fall asleep, with the baby in his embrace of course.

Julio tied the little boy's leg with a small rope and fastened it on his arm, so that no one would take him while Julio slept.



Awake by the shrill noise, Julio looked around in fright.

"It's time to work old!"

"Where's breakfast?"

Several men were looking at Julio angrily.

Swallowing his saliva, Julio looked through the only window in the kitchen. The sun seemed to be about to appear.

"What kind of cook doesn't cook? We should throw that old man overboard!"

"I also think!"

"Silence!!" The lieutenant suddenly shouted

"No one is going to throw our cook overboard. Hadn't we left the dwarf in charge of waking him up? Why isn't the dwarf here?" The captain asked

"The dwarf filled his ass with wine last night, he must be shitting somewhere." A man without an eye replied

"What are you doing, old man? Why haven't you been cooking yet?" The lieutenant asked in an irritated voice.

Julio then got up quickly, causing the baby to hang.

"But how clumsy!"

"What if he drops poison into our food without realizing it?"

Taking a deep breath and calming down, Julio took the baby, who seemed to be looking at him angrily, and put him in a corner of the kitchen.

Julio then quickly started cooking a crab stew, much to the delight of the sailors.

"We are finally going to eat something besides dried meat, my tongue was about to fall because of the salt." One of the men spoke while swallowing his own saliva

"Come on old man, why the--" Before he could finish, a knife flew past the side of the man's face.

"Next time, I won't miss!" Julio shouted as he added vegetables to the stew.

The men were silent then, and the lieutenant and the captain smiled.

After an hour of waiting, the men, who were flushed from the delay, finally had their plates filled.

-If it's not good, the old man doesn't live to see the sun go down.

Everyone thought.

But right after taking the first spoonful of stew, everyone stagnated.

"Hey old man, didn't you say you only knew how to cook a fish or two?" The lieutenant spoke in a shaky voice.

"Hah? Who the hell doesn't know how to cook a fish in this world?" Julio asked

Everyone was silent, and Julio understood.

-These men ... Are they really sailors?

Julio thought as he pursed his mouth.

Everyone then ate in silence, but Julio realized that they seemed to be afraid of not being able to repeat, since they ate fast and constantly looked at the stew pot.

There were about thirty men on the boat, and the pot needed to do something for so many people needed to be huge. The stew pot had to stay on the stove because of its size and the men had to queue to repeat.

After finishing eating, Julio then fed the baby and asked the captain

"What happened to the last cook?"

Everyone then stagnated when they heard Julio's question.

"The last cook ..." The captain murmured darkly.

Everyone then stopped eating and waited for the captain's response.

"I killed him!" The captain sighed and said

Surprised, Julio asked why.

"He tried to poison everyone on the boat."

Julio was going to ask why the cook did this when the lieutenant said:

"Men! If we wait any longer, we will arrive late on the iron islands! Anyone who takes longer than he must, will have to wake the dwarf!"

Everyone then hurried to eat and to disperse to their posts.

Seeing this, Julio seemed to forget what he was going to ask and just sighed.

- It looks like it's going to be a long trip.