300 Bpm

While Jin was unconscious, on the iron bank, Nero was concerned.

"Those bastards are still around the bank, but what do they want anyway?" Nero muttered as he circled the large audience hall.

"They are fanatics, don't try to understand them, maybe their leader had a" prophecy "where, killing you, their God would be happy and he would be rich. If you know what I mean." Titor spoke next.

"You used to make a lot of enemies, maybe that's just the result." Jan, who was also present, said.

Nero continued to walk in circles and asked:

"Do you have news from Raeq or Jack?"

"I heard rumors saying that a small boy was seen being chased in the suburbs of Braavos by the masked men, that boy had green eyes and black hair. I also heard rumors saying that he is actually a small demon." Titor said with a bitter smile.

"Raeq was last seen in the port of Hagman, probably fled Braavos." Jan said angrily and added:

"Who would have thought that that woman would be involved with these bastards ..."

Nero then stopped walking and asked:

"What is the lord of the sea waiting to do?"

"Things seem to be more complicated than they appear to be, the lord of the sea is trying to avoid a total conflict with the temple of those bastards." Titor responds

"But why? Doesn't he see that they are just some religious people who came from afar? He could destroy their temple and it would be over." Nero refuted

"Believe me, many kings and wealthy men have already thought that and they are dead." Jan shook his head.

After hearing this, Nero frowned and asked:

"What is so dangerous about them?"

"They are good at guerrillas, and at killing important men. There are also rumors of magicians and sorcerers serving their God."

"After all, who is this God?" Titor sniffed

"Nobody knows, but I know the name of their cult, Church of starry wisdom." Jan responded with a sigh.

"Wait a minute, isn't this the same cult as that ancient legend of Yi Ti?" Nero asked confused.

"Yes, it looks like they really do exist after all." Jan spoke with a bitter smile.

Nero then sat down and sighed.

"I don't think I have a choice, Jaqar!"

"My Lord." A boy suddenly entered the room and bowed.

Nero took some small bags of coins from his pockets and tossed them to the boy named Jaqar.

"Go to the house of the black and white, tell them to kill the bastard behind this mess, also say that I don't know his name and I'll pay more for it." Nero explained.

Jaqar secretly swallowed his own saliva and withdrew as he bowed slightly.

"Faceless men ... They never failed before, I hope they don't fail now."

"The fanatics will notice our movement, I doubt if they will let the boy get close to the black and white house."

"Don't underestimate that boy ... He can get there." Nero shook his head.

"Aren't you worried about little Jack? Nero." Titor suddenly asked.

"That boy is not going to die so easily." Nero responded briefly to Titor and Jan's surprise.

"He's just a 3 year old, how can you have so much faith in him?" Jan asked.

Nero did not answer and shook his head.

"I heard that he learned to speak the Braavosi language when he was just a year old, when he already spoke the common language well." Titor spoke as he frowned, seeming to understand Nero a little.

"No matter how smart he is, he's still just a boy." Jan shook his head.

The three then fell silent, and continued to think about what to do next.

A week later, it appeared that the masked men were retreating from the vicinity of the iron bench, and they received the news through Jaqar that the faceless men had successfully murdered the masked leader.

The trio then acted quickly and left for the palace of the sea lord, there they gathered a force of mercenaries and asked for the help of the sea lord to attack the cult.

The Lord of the Sea, however, refused and advised Nero not to do so, and, when questioned, he said that the dangers of Church of starry wisdom go beyond masked men.

Nero, however, did not follow this advice and went to the tower that is the headquarters of the cultists with the mercenary force, and attacked the temple.

To his surprise, however, the temple was empty, with no men or anything.

Enraged, Nero ordered the mercenaries to destroy the tower, but the building appeared to be made of extremely hard black rock that was difficult to break and the men were unable to bring down the tower.

With no choice, Nero decided to give up and then ordered the mercenaries to search for Jack throughout Braavos.

It took a whole week, but they finally found the boy in an alley, passed out and with his belongings.

Nero, Titor and Jan sighed in relief and Nero started to rebuild the mansion that was burned by the fire.

He called several doctors to examine the condition of Jin, who was passed out, and none of them managed to explain what was wrong with the boy.

Months passed and Jin remained unconscious, Nero, desperate, decided to call maesters of westeros to examine him.

The maesters, however, were also unable to explain the boy's situation.

Almost six months have passed since Jin was found, and Nero was wondering if the boy would really wake up.

Titor and Jan already thought of the boy as in a deep coma and that he would hardly wake up.

One day Nero stopped by the boy's bed and stared at him for a while, saying slowly:

"I don't believe you are just going to be knocked out like that forever. Your destiny doesn't stop there." He then put his hand on Jin's forehead.

"I heard interesting news about the shipwreck boat expedition, they seem to have had some fruit and stopped at Volantis to refuel."

"Don't you want to see old Julio again? I think you remember him, even though you were a baby when he left." Nero then removed his hand and sighed.

Looking at the unconscious boy, Nero shook his head and left.

A short time later, Jin's eyes opened.

Sighing, Jin stood up.

"It looks like I blew a little bit" He said while bleeding a little through his nose.

Wiping the blood away, Jin laughed bitterly.

He was able to completely absorb the souls of men and purify them, making his soul grow considerably.

But his body seems to be showing signs of not supporting it, even though he is not even using soul energy.

"Still, it was worth it. The memories, even if fragmented, are very useful." He murmured with a cold sparkle in his eyes.

Jin then stretched and stretched for a while.

In that time, Jin's musculature suffered a lot and he will need to recover before moving seriously.

He also ended up thinking of a way to improve his fitness more efficiently so that he can withstand the pressure of the soul.

He will need to focus on the physical more than he planned if he wants to continue being able to use his soul energy without collapsing.

After stretching, Jin then left the room and started down the main stairs to the lounge, he was in Nero's room while unconscious.

A maid noticed this and quickly went to help him.

"Little sir, are you all right? I must warn Mister Nero of his awakening!"

Jin went to the kitchen and said to the cooks:

"I haven't had a meal in months."

The cooks looked at each other and started to do something for their little master.

Nero soon arrived in the kitchen to see Jack sitting at the table with his hand on his chin.

"You little kid, when did you wake up?" He said as he hugged Jin.

Jin smiled bitterly and said:

"I just woke up, I'm glad you're all right, Mr. Nero."

"Hmph! Do you know how worried I was? Do you know what I felt when I imagined that all that fortune could have been wasted?" Nero said as he pinched Jin's cheek.

Jin continued to smile bitterly.

Soon, the meal was ready and Jin ate uneducated, hunger was eating at his mind.

Seeing the boy eat, Nero asked:

"What did you do after escaping the mansion? After all, why did you part with us at that time?" Nero asked confused. He remembers the guards pulling him away as Jin ran for somewhere.

Jin stopped for a moment and said:

"Sorry about that, but I had something important that I couldn't leave there."

"What is something important?" Nero asked.

Jin thought for a moment and thought he could show Nero the gray book, he then asked a maid to fetch it.

After a while, the maid returned to the kitchen with a gray book in her hands.

Nero looked at the book with interest and asked:

"A book? What's so important?"

"That book ... It was Raeq who probably gave it to me that night." Jin explained.

Nero frowned and took the book, seeing his writing, his eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Do you know what language that is? Mister Nero." Jin asked.

Nero stood up and started to walk in circles while looking at the book.

Jin then decided to continue eating, the food was delicious. The cooks were pleased to see Jin eating with pleasure.

After several minutes, Nero stopped and said:

"I will take this book to a place ... Then I will return it to you." After doing so, he left.

Jin smiled bitterly, anyway it was his book so Nero should at least have asked.

After that, Nero didn't return to the mansion for three days, and when he did, he looked a little ugly.

"Call Jack!" He said to a maid.

After a while, Jin appeared in the great hall and saw Nero, with an ugly expression, sitting.

"Sit down Jack" Nero said while drinking tea.

Jin then sat in a chair next to him and asked what happened.

"I took the book to an ... acquaintance." Nero said slowly.

Frowning, Jin just fell silent.

"This writing ... belongs to the language of a distant nation called Yi Ti, from the Golden Empire of Yi Ti."

"It is a region far to the east of Qarth ... I think you must have read about it in the library books before it was burned."

Hearing this, Jin asked:

"But what about the content of the book?"

After hesitating a little, Nero said:

"The content of this book is purely about witchcraft and a religion ..."

"The religion is called Church of starry wisdom, which is said to be older than Valyria herself."

"And this cult, is it the one that masked men serve?" Jin made a mental conjecture with the information he had gained and went straight to the point.

Nero nodded slowly.

"So this book is what they were looking for, huh?" Jin muttered as he put his hand on his chin.

"I think it's better to just burn that book." Nero suddenly said.

Jin understood his logic, since the book is about witchcraft and who knows what he can attract bad.

After thinking for a while, Jin asked:

"Is there still no news about Mrs. Raeq?"

Nero shook his head with some anger.

"Listen, little Jack, no matter why Raeq gave you that book, its content can be considered dangerous and it will certainly attract bad things. You better burn it." Nero said as he prepared to leave with the book.

"Hang on!" Jack suddenly shouted.

Nero looked at him confused.

"Please don't burn that book." Jin asked.

"And why not? I think he is actually the one who has attracted all this disgrace to us, that cult will certainly not give up on him and after some time they will come after him."

"Let them come because, in fact, I think this might be an opportunity to attract them in a predictable way. We should even leak the information that this book is in our possession." Jin tried to persuade Nero.

Nero frowned and asked:

"What do you have in mind?"

"This book must be something really important to them and, if we just burn it, they will come to be sure anyway. We should do this ..."

The more he listened to the boy's plan, the more Nero thought it was a good idea and looked at Jin with a surprised expression.

"Okay, well, I'm going to leave this book with you. I'm also going to hire some personal guards for you, don't forget the fortune I paid you to take classes with Syrio Forel!" After giving Jin the book, Neeo also said:

"Be careful with the contents of this book, don't try to learn anything from it, I heard that witchcraft eats away at men's minds." Nero then left.

Jin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the book.

He had some fragmented memories of the souls he absorbed, and in all of them the men spoke in a language unknown to him.

With this book and the information obtained from Nero, he can now learn their language and learn more about the witchcraft of this world.

-But where to learn that language?

Jin wondered, and then he remembered something.

-The Iron Bank's secret library.

He doesn't know if there he will be able to fully learn about this language, but at least he should be able to learn something.

He then decided to mention the library later to Nero.

Now he also has to think about trying to practice the method he thought of and see if it is really possible to improve fitness in such a way.

He plans to do this in training with Syrio Forel.

Day after day, Jin recovered, but even so, from time to time his nose was bleeding a little and his head hurt, signaling that his body was still not fully supporting his soul.

Jin could only smile bitterly and blame his carelessness. It will probably take years for your body to adapt, if the method it thought didn't work.

After two months, Jin's body was no longer skeletal and he could be considered healthy. Nero then forced him to go to practice with Syrio.

Jin was on his way to the sea lord's palace with five guards escorting him.

Suddenly, a large mansion that could really be considered a palace came into view.

The palace is in the northeast of Braavos, east of Purple's Harbor. It is north of Moon Pool and the Iron Bank.

The palace has domes and towers. A golden thunderbolt turns on a spire atop the palace.

Upon arriving at the entrance, Jin was stopped by palace guards but was soon released to enter.

Walking through the palace, Jin was impressed by the grandeur of the place.

Soon, Syrio Forel appeared in his line of sight, and he said:

"Look who decided to show up, how are you, little Jack?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Syrio." Jin spoke politely.

"Come, the children of the sea lord are looking forward to meeting you." Jin waved his guards to stay, he doubts that in this palace he needs protection.

Following Syrio, Jin soon noticed something in the palace.

"Is it my mistake or ... Is there a strong animal smell in the air?"

Syrio laughed and said:

"It looks like you have sharp senses, we are passing by Sealord's menagerie, so the smell here is intense."

Jin was surprised, he didn't know that Sealord had a menagerie.

After walking through several corridors, they arrived at a training yard. There were several targets for arrows and many other wooden equipment.

In the courtyard, there was a boy who looked about 10 years old and a girl Jin's age.

They noticed his arrival, and looked at him with a ... strange look.

"Let me introduce you, this is Jack ..." Syrio stagnated and looked at Jin.

"... BlackGold." Jin said.

"Jack BlackGold, he is the successor to Nero Xurz and will accompany us through training sessions from today onwards."

"Jack, these are Alyn Antaryon and Riner Antaryon, children of Ferrego Antaryon, the current lord of the sea."

After Syrio introduced them, Jin went to the courtyard and approached.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I hope we can get along."

Alyn and Riner were silent and continued to stare at Jin.

Syrio noticed the strange atmosphere and then said:

"I think that in time you will get along, there is no need to rush." He then went to a stand and took a black stick that looked like a sword and tossed it to Jin.

"This will be your sword for a while, now, let's start." After saying this, Syrio raised a wooden sword and said:

"Try to imitate these movements, Jack." He then started to make some simple movements with the sword, but Jin knew it wasn't that simple.

While looking at Syrio, Jin then started trying to imitate him, encountering an unexpected difficulty.

Alyn sat on the patio and Riner started to imitate Syrio.

Jin started to understand the movements, they were the basic fencing, but they were extremely solid movements and difficult to repeat.

Over time, Jin started to sweat and get tired, but seeing that the girl Riner showed no signs of sweating, he continued and began to apply the method he had thought of.

Slowly, Jin visualized his insides, he can induce soul energy anywhere in his body, feeling the pressure in his muscles, Jin gently channeled soul energy through his body's veins and arteries.

The energy started to flow with Jin's blood, as if it belonged to him from the beginning.

This was possible because the way he applied the energy was different than before. Before he applied it directly to his body tissues, and it caused bleeding, Jin didn't understand why at first but he thought of a possibility.

That soul energy could serve as a tonic for the blood, increasing its circulation and efficiency. But at the same time, it can have extremely negative effects if used carelessly, the masked man was an example.

When applied to body tissues directly, what was clotted suddenly became liquid again, and even if the tissue is normal, it is as if the soul energy makes a path between the blood and the tissue, causing bleeding.

Jin suddenly felt great happiness for some reason, something that came from the bottom of his being, the tiredness disappeared and was replaced by great vitality.

However, Jin's nose started to bleed.


Jin cursed.

Syrio noticed and stopped.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he knelt in front of Jin to see the nose.

"I'm fine, please, let's continue." Jin said.

"What? But you are bleeding." Syrio said.

"Do I look like I'm in pain?" Jin asked with a sigh.

Syrio stagnated and said:

"It is my responsibility to ensure your safety during training, we will stop today, you should go to a doctor."

Jin sighed and acted instead of speaking.

He continued to imitate Syrio's movements, ignoring him.

After a while, Syrio sighed and said:

"You're doing it wrong, that's how it is." He then went back to making the moves.

Jin laughed secretly.

Riner and Alyn looked at Jin with interest, the boy's nose just started bleeding and he still doesn't want to stop training.

But seeing that Syrio no longer seemed to care, they also decided to "ignore" that.

As he repeated the movements, Jin began to feel a change in his body, the blood was simply circulating faster than he ever thought possible, his heart was beating so fast that even his chest was deformed a little.

The nose, however, did not continue to bleed, it stopped after a few minutes.

But Jin knew that this was only temporary, when his blood returns to normal, his body will continue to be unable to fully support his soul.

The training that consisted only of repeating movements continued for half an hour.

Syrio then stopped and looked at Jin, he continued to repeat the movements and did not look tired.

Seeing that his nose was no longer bleeding, Syrio relaxed.

Syrio then started training with Alyn, who was waiting for the training of the little ones to finish.

Riner sat tired on the patio floor and looked curiously between Alyn and Jin.

Jin did not care what happened around him, he had already instinctively memorized the movements and Syrio no longer needed to demonstrate them.

His blood seemed to reach an acceleration peak, his heart beat at 300 bpm.

Jin did not feel pain or fatigue, but he knew that this was only because he was using his soul energy over and over.

His breathing was fast and efficient, his lungs seemed to want to come out of Jin's mouth.

After another half hour, Jin slowly began to decrease the infusion of soul energy into the blood. If he just stopped it is likely that he had cardiac arrest.

Gradually, his heart started beating normally and his blood circulated normally.

The moment he stopped channeling soul energy, Jin felt tired like none before. He fell on his ass on the patio floor while breathing heavily.

"How did you do it?" A girl's soft voice resonated in Jin's ear.

Looking to the side, he saw Riner looking at him with innocent eyes.

Riner had blue eyes, brown hair and fair skin. Like your brother.

Jin didn't answer and continued to take a deep breath, he just didn't have the strength to answer.

The girl seemed to be irritated as she asked again. Jin did not answer.

She seemed to be annoyed as she started to swing Jin by the shoulders and shout:

"How did you do it?"

Jin almost ran out of air because of this, and he was struggling to breathe.

Seeing Jin still not answering, the girl started to cry and shouted:

"Brother, he is making fun of me!"

Hearing this, Alyn stopped training with Syrio and looked curiously at Jin. He saw that Jin struggled to get air while the girl shook him non-stop.

Suddenly Jin's nose started to bleed to make it worse, and the girl, as he was swinging, got bloody and cried louder.

Alyn then sighed and went over to the girl, making her move away from Jin.

Jin was almost purple and drawing air without stopping while holding his nose.

Syrio smiled bitterly and went to Jin:

"Weren't you tough? What happened to you to run out of breath with a little girl's swing?"

Jin wanted to shout "motherfucker" but he couldn't.

After a few minutes, Jin's breathing started to normalize and he was finally able to speak.

"I think ... it's enough ... for today." He said as he took a deep breath.

Syrio nodded and carried it out of the palace.

From there, the soldiers took Jin to the Xurz mansion.

Nero, seeing Jin's situation, asked what had happened, and Jin said that a small accident happened and didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Nero then asked the guards but they said they did not know what had happened.

Nero was furious and went to the lord of the sea's palace, only to find that Jin ran out of breath because of a little girl.

When questioned by Nero, Jin can only smile bitterly and secretly criticize Syrio for spreading unsubstantiated rumors.

The days went by, and Jin grew, literally, his body was growing rapidly because of the training method he discovered.

After 2 months of training, Jin had hair as long as a girl's and his muscles were getting more and more defined.

A strange sight, said Nero.

His 4th birthday was approaching and he then decided to ask Nero about the iron bank library.

"I've been working on it, but it's not that simple to let someone other than the keyholder enter that library, even if you're my successor."

"It is necessary to obtain the permission of most of the current keyholders, you must imagine the difficulty."

Jin nodded.

"But shortly after your birthday it should be possible to visit the library." Nero comforted and added:

"But then, do you know what you want as a gift this time?"