Jin's Fury

Jin got up with Terj's help and went to the living room, there he realized it was night.

After a while, Nartt made a vegetable and meat soup and the three ate dinner.

After finishing eating, Jin felt a strong urge to sleep and asked Terj to help him go to bed.

"I still wonder how you even managed to get away from those guys." Terj spoke.

Jin didn't answer, he knows he can't explain it.

After putting Jin to bed, Terj left the room.

Taking a deep breath, Jin thought about what he should do in the current situation.

As he delved into his thoughts, he briefly remembered a passage he read.

"The soul is one of the essences of life."

"No matter how small and simple life is, it has a conscience of its own. People on earth didn't think that, they thought they were unique."

"A conscience is nothing more than a program, sometimes it is more sophisticated and sometimes simpler. The source of this is the original genetics or foundation of the living being, which determines its growth and evolution."

Jin already knew this even when he was on earth, but this time it means something else.

-Because they are both products of the same origin, can the soul directly interfere in the mortal body?

Looking at his left leg, Jin decided to try.

Concentrating a small amount of energy, Jin induced the energy up to the wound.

Hiss ~

Jin almost cried out in pain, yet he smiled.

-It seems that this is really the case.

But Jin didn't rush, he first waited a while and made an assessment of the injury.

Frowning, Jin again induced some energy into the wound.

Bearing the pain, Jin kept this up for five seconds.

He then assessed the wound again and sighed.

-It seems that soul energy can actually directly affect the mortal body. Still, I don't know what it really means.

Jin had thought about speeding up the recovery process but it didn't work. The wound actually gave slight signs of bleeding.

-It seems that I will have to study this more patiently when I am recovered.

Shaking his head, Jin then slowly fell asleep.

Day by day, Jin slowly improved with the help and care of Nartt and Terj.

He also started to like they way a little, since they don't seem to be any hypocritical people and even confessed after a while that they didn't like having to take care of him.

Jin apologized and asked for their forgiveness, as he really involved innocent people.

The couple liked Jin's way and became warmer with him.

After a month the wound on Jin's leg was completely healed and his broken arm started showing good signs of improvement.

Jin was starting to get bored of being trapped in the couple's house and decided to take a walk to locate himself, however Terj only allowed this after cutting Jin's hair.

Jin had straight, big hair, as he never cut his hair. Terj made Jin's hair very short with a small tuft.

After that, Nartt asked Jin to wear less 'noble' clothes. He was still wearing the red birthday robe.

Nartt brought some clothes that matched someone with no status. A plain brown T-shirt, long pants and a pair of slippers.

Jin didn't care and put them on.

After that, Terj took Jin for a short walk around the area during the day.

Jin soon located, he was in the suburbs of Braavos in a lower middle class region.

"Don't go too far, little Jack" Terj said as he guided him.

Soon they arrived at a small market that sold all kinds of things.

"Fresh apples, the cheapest in Braavos!"

"Freshwater fish, come before it runs out!"

Several vendors advertised their products. Some sold food, others carpets, and some even sold swords.

"This may be a remote region, but it still has everything we need to survive," Terj said as he stopped in front of the apple tent and bought some.

"Have one, little Jack, I guarantee they are sweet." Terj said as he bit into an apple.

Jin also bit one and really found it sweet.

"Sir Terj, how far are we from the iron bank?" Jin suddenly asked.

"If you plan on going to the iron bank, it is best to cancel that idea. If your adoptive father really went to there, fanatics should be in the vicinity watching." Terj said in a low voice.

Jin nodded and agreed. It looks like he can only expect news from Xurz.

"I keep paying attention to the news, don't worry, when he finally gets out of there, he will definitely spread the news and look for you." Terj said comforting.

Jin agreed and asked:

"Sir Terj, what religion do these men follow?"

"... I only know that he is a God of the Far East, and they say he is a God of Witchcraft." Terj replied.

After walking around the fair a little more, Terj decided to return home.

On the way back, Jin noticed something that caught his eye.

A large house by local standards with red doors.

There are probably several houses with red doors all over the city of Braavos, so Jin just shook his head and moved on, but did not plan to forget the location of the house.

After a few minutes of walking, they finally got home, but something was wrong, the smell of blood was in the air.

Jin's face went stiff, and he had a bad premonition.

Terj ran into the house, and Jin soon heard him scream.

Arriving in the kitchen, Nartt was lying ... without her head.

Jin's heart went sour and he went on high alert.

He didn't notice anyone else in the house when he entered, but he is sure there is still someone here, and he knows the most likely place.

Jin took a knofe from the counter andwalked slowly towards the room he was in and stopped in front of the door.

He slowly opened the door and saw two masked men inside the room waiting for him.

"The little bastard has finally appeared." One of them said.

"Do you know how much we look for you?" The other said.

"You bastards!" Terj shouted as he ran towards the room, but before he got close he saw Jin staring at him with shining green eyes, like the night he met him.

Terj fell and lost consciousness, Jin then slowly turned to the men and said:

"I'm really tired of it..."

The men noticed the wrong thing and drew swords.

"Since when I arrived in this world, it seems that someone or something doesn't want to give me peace ..." Jin said as he dropped the knife.

He looked angrily at the men and shouted:

"Every time I seem to be finally adapting to something, something happens and everything changes ..." He started walking towards the men.

The men swung their swords towards Jin, but suddenly felt a strong headache and fell to the floor with their hands on their heads.

Jin walked slowly towards them with a bleeding nose.

"It's not like I really like that woman ... But she took care of me and I owe her a lot, maybe I would be dead if it weren't for her." He bent down and put his hand on the head of one of the men.

"I was really looking forward to testing something ... And it turns out that you are perfect guinea pigs for that." He then channeled a great deal of soul energy into the man's body.

The man then began to scream in pain as he bled everywhere.

The other man tried to attack Jin again, but lost consciousness after Jin launched a stronger spiritual attack.

Jin was also bleeding from his nose and eyes, but he didn't care and put on the pain.

He continued to channel the energy and the man continued to scream, until suddenly the screaming stopped, but Jin was not finished.

Jin put his hand on the dead man's chest and channeled soul energy into the man's heart, this time in a different way.

Before, he induced energy in a very direct and non-technical way, but this time he began to channel more delicately, making the energy flow slowly through the arteries of the man's heart.

Boom boom

The sound of a beating heart.

Jin smirked.

He took the man's sword and cut off his head.

He then came to the side of the passed out man and did the same experiment, successfully.

He did not, however, kill the man directly, and continued to experience other things.

But there came a time when the man's body could not take it anymore and began to fall apart.

Jin was looking like a blood child. He was bleeding through all the holes in his head and breathing heavily.

But he endured it, he looked at Terj passed out in the room and felt complex.

That man saved him once and if he stays here it is very likely that other masked men will come and kill him.

In that brief moment of hesitation, the sound of footsteps could be heard and Jin was enraged.

He took his belongings, and went to Terj's side.

Soon, three masked men entered the house.

Jin said nothing and just pointed at one of them, the man he had pointed out suddenly fell while spitting blood.

Blood shot up Jin's throat, but he swallowed it back.

"Who wants to be next?" He asked as he looked at the men with the ghostly bright green eyes.

The men swallowed their own saliva, but moved on nonetheless.

"Why don't you look at your two colleagues next door?" Jin asked in a dark tone.

The men then saw two men in pools of blood in the next room, and one of them seemed to have come apart.

"Evil spirit!" One of them spoke shakily and ran.

The other also prepared to run but Jin spoke before that:

"If you don't want to die, you better not run!"

The man froze.

Jin pointed at Terj on the floor and said:

"You are going to carry he for me!"

He then started walking towards the door of the house, making the man step back and feel as if his head was about to explode.

"You did not listen to me?" Jin spoke and went straight.

The man swallowed his own saliva and endured the pain, then went to Julio's side and put him on his shoulders.

"Come on" Jin said and started walking as quickly as possible.

Jin knew he didn't have much time to lose consciousness, the amount of blood he lost is not small.

As they walked, people looked at them but ignored them.

Jin had to think of a plan, he didn't want to leave Terj unless he had no choice.

But he was far from the iron bank, which would be difficult to reach, and there was no one who could support him.

Suddenly, the sound of an arrow made Jin jump sideways, narrowly dodging.

He then turned to warn the man, but what he saw was two arrows going through Terj and the man, which fell slowly while Jin watched.

Jin felt enormous fury at that moment, even if he had no deep feelings for that couple, they saved his life, and now they died for it.

Jin realized his own powerlessness to save those around him and was furious with men and himself.

He started running as fast as he could while trying to dodge the arrows, but his mind was starting to drift, he was running out of time.

Looking back, Jin saw three masked men chasing him, one with a bow and arrow.

He soon reached the market and his mind started to spin, he knew he had no choice but to bet all the chips.

He pretended to fall to the ground, and the men soon approached him.

Before men could react, a strange sensation hit them, it was as if the world was starting to spin and they lost consciousness, falling soon after.

Soon after that, Jin smiled bitterly.

Spiritual absorption. A technique that he had used shortly after arriving in this world, and very risky as well.

He knew he was going to fall asleep this time and he didn't know when he was going to wake up, but it would be longer than that time with Jack's aura.

This time he absorbed the soul of three grown men, he doesn't even know if he can really make it out alive. He can only enter a state of deep sleep and pray that his strong soul will purify their souls.

People stared at what happened, the child looked like he was going to be captured, but suddenly the men fell.

Some man at the scene approached the masked men and shouted after putting his hand on the neck of one of them.

"Dead! He's dead!"

People were astonished and looked at Jin in terror.

Soon, more masked men appeared on the horizon.

The population just watched.

When the men were about to arrive at the scene, a hooded person suddenly came out of the crowd and went towards Jin.

The person then took the bag of Jin's belongings and looked like he was going to steal the boy but stopped suddenly and also carried him into the alleys.

The masked men pursued fervently.

The hooded person seemed to know the place well and soon lost track of them.

The person then took Jin stealthily to a small residence away from the market.

There, she put Jin in a corner and opened the bag made by the sheet.

A gray book, some bags of coins, a bracelet with a valuable stone, a Valyrian steel bar, etc ...

The more he looked, the more the person thought he had hit the jackpot.

She then lowered the hood, revealing the figure of a young boy who looked to be around 16 years old. The boy had black hair, fair skin and green eyes.

He looked at Jin. The little boy was all bloody and seemed to be in his last breaths.

He was in doubt as to whether he should help the boy or not, but looking at the fortune he had just made, he thought it would not cost anything to help the little one.

Jin was dressed in ordinary clothes, so the boy thought he must have stolen something from the masked men, but when he saw the ring in Jin's hand, he decided to bring the boy.

"A successor's ring." The person said while stroking a finger of his right hand.

He also had a ring, and it appeared to be Valyrian steel as well.

The boy shook his head and went to Jin's side to check his condition.

He was startled to see the pallor and blood all over Jin's body.

He also noticed that Jin appeared to have an injured left arm, but he appeared to be almost healed.

He then thought for a while and started making tea to give Jin.

He wiped Jin's face with a cloth and gave the tea slowly.

Jin appeared to have lost a lot of blood, but he had no obvious wound on his body.

All the boy could do was give him food (crushed) and water until he recovered.

But the boy would soon regret deciding to help Jin.

Day after day, Jin seemed to recover from the loss of blood. After two weeks he appeared to be completely recovered.

But what made the boy have headaches is the fact that Jin doesn't wake up.

He already shook Jin, shouted in the ears and Jin was still unconscious.

The boy then decided to leave Jin if he didn't recover in a week.

A week passed and the boy, for some reason, did not abandon Jin.

He just cursed Jin, if he was awake the boy could have already gone to sell these things and live the rest of his life as a rich man.

Day after day, the boy started to get used to Jin and wondered if it was right to just leave someone like he wanted to do.

He knows that Jin is not an ordinary person due to his ring, but still ...

In the morning, the boy fed Jin and went around to see if a masked man was around, when night came he did the same thing. He followed this routine for three whole months.

At that time, the boy was wondering if he was not looking out for a "dead" boy. That could never wake up.

One day, after returning to the residence, the boy suddenly noticed some masked men nearby.

Lurking through the alleys, he returned to where Jin was.

"We cannot stay here for long."

He started to prepare to leave and take Jin, but before he could do that, the door to the residence opened abruptly.

The boy reacted instinctively and launched a knife towards the door, hitting a masked man.

The boy then looked at Jin bitterly and prepared to leave the boy, but he saw Jin's eyes slowly open.

-Fuck !! At a time like this you decide to wake up!

The boy cursed in his heart.

Looking around, Jin saw an unknown boy holding his belongings and a masked man lying at the entrance.

Jin closed his eyes and sighed, and then laughed.

The boy did not understand why the boy was laughing, but he thought that perhaps he was in shock.

The sound of footsteps came from all sides and one of the masked men shouted:

"You are surrounded, surrender!"

Upon hearing this, Jin stopped laughing and looked at the boy.

"Hey you, did you take care of me?" Jin asked.

The boy didn't understand why he was asking this, but he nodded instinctively.

Jin then smiled slightly and stood up.

"How many do you think you have out there?" Jin asked.

The boy looked at him as if saying "And why do you want to know this? Can you do anything about it?" and was silent.

"It doesn't matter, they're all going to die." Jin shook his head and headed for the exit.

The boy ignored Jin's words thinking he went crazy and thought of a way out of the mess.

Jin walked slowly to the exit, and, arriving there, said:

"You really don't want to leave me alone."

"You can have something we want, boy, just surrender." One of the men shouted.

Jin shook his head and said:

"I wasn't talking to you." He then pointed to the sky and added:

"I'm talking to them."

The masked men thought that Jin went crazy and one of them swung his sword towards Jin.

Before the sword came close to Jin, however, the man fell without light in his eyes.

The men were startled and stood on alert.

"You ... are really an evil spirit ..." One of them said as he shivered.

Jin smiled slightly and started bleeding from his nose and eyes.

After waking up, Jin realized something interesting, his soul energy had increased considerably and he had some fragments of memories that did not belong to him.

He soon understood that this must have occurred because he purified and completely absorbed the three souls in some way.

-I'm really lucky.

Jin thought bitterly remembering the couple who took care of him.

Perhaps this has not happened previously because the baby's soul was as pure as a blank paper, and Jack's evil aura was just a kind of energy.

Leaving thoughts aside, Jin's nose continued to bleed and one by one the men continued to fall.

Six men dead, in the blink of an eye.

Their souls will serve as fertilizer and source of information for Jin.

The boy looked at Jin in terror, and heard him say:

"Thanks for taking care of me, and I'm sorry ... I ask you to take care of me for a little while longer." Soon after saying this, Jin went into a state of deep sleep.

Seeing Jin fall, the boy only thought about running away, but something inside him said not to do it.

Even so, the boy didn't have the courage to get close to Jin.

Suddenly he started to hear footsteps from afar, he had to make a decision.

Gritting his teeth, the boy went to Jin and carried him away from the place.