Blood and fire

Jin woke up to an intense smell of smoke, sounds of swords clashing and people shouting.

Getting up quickly, Jin picked up a small dagger that he had hidden under the bed since he was strong enough to lift one.

After going to the bedroom door, Jin opened it slowly and looked at what was outside.

There didn't seem to be anyone around, but the smoke and the smell of blood was stronger.

Jin didn't leave the room immediately, however, he first packed all the most important belongings he had, and, of course, his recent gifts on a sheet along with some Braavosi coins.

He went to the bedroom window, and, as he lives on the ground floor of the mansion, he jumped and hid his belongings in a bush.

After that, Jin ran to the great hall, where the noises came from.

There, he saw a scene that he would never forget in a long time.

Several masked men ceaselessly killed the guests who tried to defend themselves while the fire consumed everything around them.

Jin without hesitation sought out the only people he cared about in Braavos, Nero and Raeq.

It's not like he's ungrateful and doesn't care about Titor and Jan, but they, as Nero himself said, never visited him in those three years, making it difficult to bond with them.

After searching again and again, Jin did not find them in the hall or the rest of the mansion's ground floor, so he ran for the stairs, but before he could reach them, a masked man swung his sword towards Jin.

Jin was nervous that this was his first real battle in a mortal physical body, and he stagnated for a moment before he came to his senses.

He quickly activated his soul energy and attacked the masked man spiritually.

The masked man suddenly stagnated and missed the target.

Jin then aimed the dagger in the direction of the man's neck, however, being in a childlike body, he did not do it long enough for the man not to return to his senses.

The masked man kicked Jin away and shouted:

"There is something strange about that boy!"

The other men looked at him as if they were looking at an idiot, and continued the killing.

Jin stood up quickly, enduring the pain.

-It seems that I have no choice.

Looking at the man, Jin concentrated all his soul energy and attacked the man with full force.

The man suddenly spit blood and fell without light in his eyes.

Jin bled out of his nose and got red eyes.

A total gross attack is different from just a spiritual disturbance, it is as if you and someone else collide their heads against each other with maximum force. If you are not strong and tough enough, you can just pass out or even die!

If you and the other person use only part of your strength, at most you will get a headache.

Even before having the baby, Jin didn't like the idea of ​​using a total attack because it was exhausting.

Although Jin has a soul far superior to that of an ordinary human being, his body may not be able to withstand the shock, perhaps no ordinary human can fully support the full use of his soul's energy.

A mortal physical body can be compared to a channel of the soul to the mortal world, but that channel grows over time with the growth of the soul, adapting to the circulation of its energy.

But what happens if a greater amount of energy that the channel can support is forced into it? The Channel can crack and the energy will overflow, causing damage to the mortal body.

Luckily, the opponent didn't have a strong enough soul to impose a stagnation on Jin's soul energy flow, or else Jin could have simply died on the spot.

Regardless of the bleeding, Jin ran to the stairs and went up to the top of the mansion.

After getting there, Jin heard screams coming from several places, but he headed towards a room, Nero's room.

As he got close, Jin saw the door to the room open and he entered without hesitation.

Inside were three masked men fighting two guards from the mansion.

Behind them, Nero was sitting on the bed with his leg bleeding.

Jin quickly disturbed the spirit of the three masked men at the same time, causing more blood to come out of his nose.

Seeing the opportunity, the guards pierced two of the masked men with their swords.

When the last masked man came to his senses, he saw the men turning their swords towards him.

The man started to retreat without understanding what had happened, but before he could escape, a dagger penetrated his spine.

The guards were surprised that the little boy stuck a dagger in the back of the masked man, but one of them quickly reacted and cut the man's head off.

Without paying attention to the look of the guards, Jin went to Nero to see his situation.

"Why are you still here, Jack?" Nero asked with a bitter smile, he saw Jin's action.

"How could I just run away after everything you did for me?" Jin replied

"Where's teacher Raeq at?" He asked.

"She left early, and the two clowns escorted her to her home." Nero replied while wrapping a cloth around his leg

"What is really going on here? Why are these men attacking us?" Jin asked confused.

"I don't know, they just arrived and started killing all the guests and asking where Raeq was."

"After learning that she was not here, they set fire to the mansion and continued the killing. These two are the only surviving guards."

After hearing Nero's explanation, Jin frowned but decided to leave his thoughts for another time.

"Other men are coming, there are dozens of them out there. We need to escape." Nero said as he got up with the support of the guards.

"We will need to go through the stairs, where the bastards are concentrated." Jin said.

"There is another way." Nero said as he pulled out a chandelier on the wall.

Suddenly a secret door opened and revealed a small staircase.

"Come on," Nero said.

After they descended the stairs, sounds of chase soon followed.

"What will we do, sir Nero?" Jin asked

"They may have the audacity to attack us here, but I doubt if they dare enter the iron bank." Nero replied and added

"But I doubt that they will just leave it at that, they will most likely continue to pursue us, we have to find out who is behind this and root out the evil."

Jin nodded in agreement.

After hurrying down the staircase, they left in one of the Gardens.

Jin quickly fetched the belongings he had wrapped in a bush and reached Nero.

Three masked men were in a nervous chase.

As Jin had gone to get his belongings, he is now after the men. However, he cannot take the opportunity because of his physique, he was almost unable to endure all these tiring exercises.

Even so, his soul as a grown man gave his body strength so that it could continue on the verge of collapse.

(Something like fighting spirit, and Jin really has an adult's motor control)

The men started to distance themselves, and Jin knew he was losing them, as he looked back, Jin also saw that two men were chasing him.

-Shit, why does this have to be happening while I have such a fragile body?

He knew he had to make a choice, and it wouldn't be long before he was reached.

First, he can drop his belongings and continue running, which can make his body a little easier.

Second, he may decide to stop and make total attacks on both men, but this is quite risky and he may end up collapsing.

Third, there is a water channel just in front of Jin, in the canal there are some boats that can help you out of the mess.

Out of time, and since Jin thought he couldn't be without anything in this medieval world, he decided on the third option.

Reaching the edge of the channel, Jin took aim at a boat and jumped.

There was a height of five meters between the edge of the channel and the boat.

Jin just bet on luck that he wouldn't lose consciousness and put his belongings in front of him.


The boatman looked back in fright, only to see a boy lying on top of the small cover the boat had in the back.

The boat was actually a pleasure barge.

"Brat, look what you did with my cover." The boatman was furious, but before he could say anything else, Jin spoke with green eyes shining:

"You better row if you don't want to die, old man."

The boatman felt a chill in his spine, an unknown pressure affected his mind and it seemed that he would die at the exact moment the child wanted.

Seeing Jin's ghostly bright green eyes, as well as the blood on the child's face, the boatman swallowed his own saliva and began to row, not daring to look back.

At the same time, Jin lost consciousness.

Jin used everything he had to pressure the old man's spirit, and if the old man still didn't start rowing, Jin planned to kill him. Perhaps that was what made the boatman row. The intention to kill.

The boatman heard noises coming from the edge of the channel and looked over there.

Two masked men watched the boat go away, little by little.

The boatman swallowed his own saliva when he saw the men's masks, he had seen them before, a long time ago.

If his memory does not fail, those masks are worn by members of the cult of one of the gods of the far east, rumors say he is a God of Witchcraft.

The boatman then regretted rowing, but the men have already seen him do it. They may think that he is helping the boy. So he just has no choice but to paddle as fast as possible.

After half an hour rowing non-stop, the boatman stopped the boat in an obscure place under a bridge that connected two islands.

After that, he looked at the boy and secretly cursed.

-I hope this kid has at least some backer, or else I will have no choice if I don't run away from this city.

Now that the boatman looks closer, he realized that the boy looked to be around 3 years old.

He felt ashamed to feel threatened by such a small boy.

The boatman took the boy from the boat and placed it on the floor beside where the boat stopped.

Then he threw the remaining pieces of cover into the water, making sure the boat has no remnants of it.

-There are numerous pleasure barges in Braavos, and some of them were not covered. I think at least they don't recognize this boat that way.

-Luckily, I turned my face quickly so that at most they saw part of my face, even so I think it is better to cut my beard and hair.

While he thought that, he looked angrily at the passed out boy.

-This boy ... He will die without a doubt if he continues like this.

The boatman sighed and started walking up the stairs beside the bridge with a boy with the (sheet) bag.

He tried to be as stealthy as possible, walking through the shadows of moonlight and lamps and avoiding people.

Until it finally arrived in his house.

Upon entering, an angry woman's voice said resonated:

"You rascal! Have you finally decided to come back? Tired of seeing others date after you?" A woman who appeared to be almost middle aged appeared, but, before she could continue, she noticed the boy carried by the boatman.

"Nartt, I need you to help this boy or he will die." The boatman spoke simply and took the boy to a bed in one of the bedrooms.

"Rascal, what happened?" The woman named Nartt asked.

The boatman simply explained what happened.

After listening, Nartt looked at the boy in silence and asked:

"Wouldn't it be better to just hand them over?"

The boatman shook his head and said:

"They saw me paddling away with the boy, they must have thought I was helping him."

"And why the hell did you do that?" Nartt asked irritably.

The boatman shook his head and didn't want to answer, but he looked at the boy and said:

"What has been done has been done, now we have only one choice. Help this boy and hope that he has someone powerful enough to support him. Or else we are lost."

Nartt sighed and came to the boy's side, seeing his situation, the woman frowned and put her hand on his head and then on his chest.

"His situation is not good, I don't even know how he is still alive."

"Can we save him?" The boatman asked nervously.

"Go get my supplies, and bring a bucket of water."

The boatman left the room and returned a while later with what Nartt asked for.

Nartt started by wiping the boy's face, and then applied a mixture of medicinal herbs to his nose.

She then started to dissolve the ointment in water and started giving it to the boy, who with difficulty swallowed it.

After that, she started checking the other parts of the boy's body, and everything was reasonably well except for the left arm that was broken and the left leg that had an open wound.

She then applied ointment to the wound on her leg and started putting the bones in Jin's arm in place, bandaging his arm soon after.

"What I can do is done, now he just needs to take the ointment dissolved in water every half hour."

"You brought him here, now you're going to take care of him. I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." After saying this, Nartt left the room and went to his own room, leaving the man with a bitter expression alone with Jin.

Jin was unconscious for a full three days, and could only take Nartt's medicine with the help of the boatman.

On the third day, his breathing finally seemed to stabilize and his facial expression finally stopped being stiff and pale.

"..." Jin slowly opened his eyes, only to feel pain all over his body.

Looking around, Jin realized he was in a closed room, with his belongings right by the bed.

Jin sighed in relief that it didn't look like a prison or something, it means he managed to escape.

And the belongings on the side mean that the boatman is not malicious.

Jin smiled bitterly as he thought he only parted ways with Nero because of them.

But originally he did not plan this, it was only after hearing that the men were looking for Raeq that he decided to fetch the belongings at all costs.

He thinks that the fact that Raeq left that gray book in his bed may have something to do with what happened, so he found it inadmissible to lose the book.

But now that he thinks about it, Jin understood that he made a mistake. He could have just left them in the bushes and hid somewhere nearby without being seen, and waited for an opportunity to escape.

The gardens had several bushes and small trees where a small child could easily hide.

But the situation was so serious and he was in such a hurry that he was only thinking of running away with Nero, and that caused his eventual fall on the boat.

Sighing bitterly, Jin looked at his left arm and left leg.

-At least I'm alive and whole.

He tried to comfort himself.

After checking his current status, Jin shouted:

"Is anyone there?"

After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing the figure of a woman with brown skin, brown hair and black eyes.

"Finally the little one woke up, huh." Nartt said and then asked:

"How are you feeling, boy?"

"I am alive, and whole." Jin spoke smiling and added:

"I think I should thank you and the ... boatman." Just as Jin finished his sentence, the boatman appeared.

He looked different, his beard was shaved and he had short hair.

Matching with his brown skin, he really resembled a colleague of his from the land.

While Jin was distracted, the boatman asked:

"Who are you, boy?"

Returning to the senses, Jin replied:

"My name is Ji- .. Jack."

"Is your name Ji Jack?" The boatman asked ironically.

"Don't disturb the little one, he must be scared by what happened." Nartt spoke.

"Hmph!" The boatman snorted and left the room.

"Don't mind him, he was always a moody man." Nartt said with a soft smile, trying not to startle the little child.

Jin was already a little used to dealing with people like that and said with an innocent expression:

"I'm really sorry for the boat's cover, but the bad guys tried to kill me and ..." Before I could continue, Nartt hugged Jin and comforted him.

The boatman's hmph could be heard outside.

"So Jack, my name is Nartt and the moody man over there is called Terj. I hope you understand but we really need to know who you are." Nartt spoke while looking seriously at Jin.

Jin didn't answer and just raised his right hand.

"?" Maybe because of the rush, but Nartt hadn't noticed the ring on Jin's finger before.

It was a thin ring and had details that quickly caught your eye.

-I never saw it in person, but is it possible that this is really Valyrian steel?

Nartt thought of shock.

"I am the successor to Nero Xurz, this ring represents that I am the heir to the Xurz family."

"Xurz family?" The woman was a little lost because she had never heard of this family before.

"Did you say Xurz?" Terj's voice was low.

Terj entered the room again and looked seriously at the boy.

"Are you from the Xurz family?" He asked.

Jin nodded his head.

After that, a brief silence dominated the room.

"How the hell did those fanatics end up chasing you?" Terj asked.

"(Sigh) Not even I know the real reasons behind this."

Terj thought it reasonable, since it is normal for a small child not to know important matters, perhaps the current head of the Xurz family has made enmity with the religious.

Rumble ~

The sound of an empty stomach resonated.

Jin, with his thick facial skin, ordered food.

Nartt and Terj looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"I'm going to do something to eat." Nartt said and left the room.