1095 days

After the shipwreck boat's crew and Julio left, Jin spent the rest of the first year of his new life living 'comfortably' in Nero's mansion.

In the meantime, he finally discovered the timeline he was in.

Due to the hearing on the iron bench, he already knew that Robert's rebellion had already occurred, however, he did not know exactly what year BC he arrived in this world.

284 AC, that was the year he was "born" again. About a year after the death of the mad King and coronation of Robert Baratheon.

After discovering this, Jin started making plans for the future.

If before Tyrosh he only thought of growing calmly until he could venture alone into the world in search of the source, after having visions in his dream at R'hllor's altar he changed his mind.

That made Jin get rid of the illusion that this universe is just what is shown in the books or series.

A universe is impossible to be just a planet because, according to what he learned in the library of the great tower, to achieve temporal balance, a universe cannot concentrate all its energy in such a small point, even if the universe in question has exotic operating principles.

Certain laws do not change completely even after the great transition, and gravity is an example of a law that remains at least similar to the standard.

Focus all your energy on a small spot like a planet ... Hot death is more than obvious.

The sight of the red space rock was like a bucket of cold water thrown at Jin's head.

Karth and Corin are impossible to send him to a place far from the source, and with the help of the consciousness of that universe it should not be difficult for them to make him appear at least close to the source.

The problem is that "close" can vary in different points of view.

One example is that if the source is currently on the moon, Jin is fucked. Despite being close to a being like Corin.

Jin cursed all the gods after thinking about the possibility that the source was actually in space.

He's in a fucking medieval world, how the hell would he go to space?

Even so, Jin was unmoved, he knew that even though the damn source was in the far reaches of the solar system he had no choice but to try.

Now how to try? The answer came simple for Jin.


According to Jin's memory, even with magic, this universe has many laws and principles similar to that of the earth, and this has made Jin's life a little simpler, although it remains difficult.

All he thinks he needs to do is write and teach whatever is necessary to the damn men of this world, even if it means fucking with all the original chronology of that world.

At this point, Jin was shitting the original chronology, his life is at stake.

If he doesn't use his time efficiently, his mortal body will eventually die and his soul will be shattered by the universal rebound.

But Jin does not plan to simply release his knowledge to anyone, even though he is not the wisest of men, he knows that to even get something close to a rocket he needs an incalculable amount of resources and time.

Many of which are key resources for any free kingdom or city in this world.

Before advancing his plans, Jin needs to know more about this world, since he hasn't even read the original books and only knows one or the other of them because he was a fan of the series.

After spending a year just thinking and growing up at the mansion, Jin realized something interesting.

His soul energy gave slight signs and increase.

He soon thought it was because his soul was in the "ripening" phase. As he returned to a living being, it is possible that his soul will be strengthened a little by the growth of the mortal body.

In the year that he spent at the mansion, Jin discovered a small library, but he did not dare to read the books so "early".

One day, suddenly, Jin's peace was interrupted when Nero hired a nursery teacher for Jin.

-Another humiliation to endure.

Jin thought bitterly.

Her educator was a middle-aged woman with brown hair who had a severe facial expression, her name was Reaq Daq, she had a slightly tanned skin and black eyes.

Every day, the educator came to harass Jin, teaching him things like doodling or fitting pieces.

But little by little, the educator started to like Jin because he didn't have much work like other children, and even seemed to be extremely intelligent for his age.

Day by day, Jin grew up and the educator started adding other things to Jin's education when he turned two.

As Jin seemed to be extremely intelligent, she decided to try to teach the boy to read slowly and, to his surprise, he showed great ease when reading something written in a common language. And, although not with the same impetus, he began to gradually learn to read something in bastard valyrian.

To the greatest shock, one day she arrived early in the room where she usually taught Jin and saw him writing easily in the common language.

When she asked how he did it, Jon replied:

"I don't know, I just know that I know."

After hearing this, the corners of the educator's mouth twitched. But what bullshit was the brat saying?

After that incident, Reaq Daq started to question Nero about the child's origins, but Nero didn't speak the truth and she knew it.

Helpless, Reaq can only continue teaching the boy.

Over time, Jin started to form some bonds with some people, mainly Nero who always acted politely with him despite the age difference and with Reaq because of the amount of time they spent together.

But it was when Jin turned three that he gradually decided to put his plan into action.

Nero, seeing little Jin's talents, decided to bet more and more on him, and when Jin turned three, he told Jin that he would give him the gift he wanted.

Jin, who is not a sucker, asked for something he needed more than anything.

"Knowledge." Jin spoke seriously with his little green eyes shining.

"...Eh?" Nero was taken aback by Jin's request, he expected many things but not that word.

"Why do you want knowledge?" Nero asked with interest.

"Because it is the most valuable non-material thing there is." Jin spoke in his childish voice.

Nero replied:

"Books are material, and sometimes very expensive. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Jin nodded his head.

"Very well, you must have already seen the mansion's library, right? From now on, all of these books are yours and, moreover, I will get permission for you to enter the secret library of the iron bank."

"Secret library?" Jin's eyes lit up, he never heard of it before on earth.

"The name may sound cool, but it's really just a pile of dusty books that have been accumulated over the centuries by the various KeyHolders, who deposited the books in a warehouse as a means of preserving them, although only a few keyholders still care enough to do some maintenance on the library nowadays"

Jin's eyes lit up ghostly, taking on Nero a little.

It is interesting to note that Jin has spent thousands of years in libraries, and this has kind of caused a problem along with Jin's innate curiosity. An obsession with knowledge about the unknown.

Jin has spent millennia studying, but he knows that it doesn't even reach Karth's feet when it comes to raw knowledge. The entire library of the great tower was created by Karth after all.

"And when will I be able to go to that library?"

The corners of Nero's mouth twitched, and he said:

"Shouldn't you look at what's in front of you first? The books in our mansion's library number in the dozens, you should start exploring it."

Jin then became slightly discouraged when he heard Nero, but nodded.

After Reaq saw that he knew how to read, Jin no longer bothered to be seen reading, and has read most of the books in that library ever since.

Jin managed to force the maid who accompanied him to be silent about this, as he threatened to make her demote her from being a personal maid to "mansion shit cleaner" or even unemployed.

The mansion's library had some interesting books that spoke of the lands in the west of Essos, such as Yi Ti and the Shadow lands.

The world of ice on fire is much bigger than that portrayed in the series, he knew that, but when he read the books he realized that it was possible that the original author of the story did not know its true dimensions.

As he remembered his visions, Jin shivered with excitement.

Seeing Jin shiver a little, Nero asked if he was okay.

Jin was about to say yes, when he remembered something.

"Mister Nero, is it true that the last Targaryens are in that city?"

Nero was a little surprised and asked where he heard this. Jin replied:

"I heard one of the maids saying that they managed to escape the rebellion and are now taking shelter in Braavos."

Nero slowly nodded and said:

"One of my colleagues at the iron bank told me that they took refuge in the suburbs of Braavos in a house with a red door."

"But why are you asking this?" He looked at Jin with a thoughtful look.

"Just curious ..." Jin replied.

"Hmph! Do you think I'm just like these maids? Whatever you're up to, you better not get too close to the little dragons, they have a lot of enemies."

After saying this, Nero got up and left while saying:

"Jack, those two are coming tonight to bring you some presents, get ready so they don't think you're not being rude."

After Nero left, Jin plunged into his own thoughts, wondering if he should intervene so early in the Targaryen's life.

After night came, Titor and Jan arrived and went to the main hall.

Jin, who was dressed in red clothes, received them with Nero.

"Mr. Titor, Mr. Jan." Jin greeted the two while bowing slightly.

"It looks like Nero isn't spending our money for nothing, look at that hair, smooth as silk." Titor said while patting Jin on the head.

"I hope his education is as good as he looks." Jan said as he looked at Jin sharply.

"Hmph! You guys just send the money and you didn't even bother to visit the child in those three years, what right do you have to judge the boy?" Nero suddenly spoke up angrily.

"Our money is entitled!" Titor and Jan spoke at the same time.

Suddenly, Reaq came through the front door, she was charming, in a long red dress and braided hair.

Titor and Jan reacted quickly as they seemed to forget about Jin and quickly went to greet Miss

"Miss Raeq, I see that your splendor remains the same after so many years." Titor, who arrived first, praised her.

"Hmph! You are still a bastard as always, Titor. Isn't your wife expecting your child?" Raeq spoke coldly, making Titor's face stiff.

"You really suck, praising other women when your wife is actually pregnant, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Jan came to Titor's side and spoke mockingly.

Raeq then looked at Jan coldly and said:

"Jan, I heard that your reputation at the dawn brothel remains as explosive as ever." After saying this, Raeq passed directly through the two bankers who were stagnant at the entrance to the hall.

Nero bowed slightly and said:

"Miss Raeq, I'm glad you're here tonight."

Raeq's expression became softer after seeing Nero and she greeted him back while the two looked at each other.

Seeing this, Jin sneaked out of the place, he doesn't like the idea of ​​holding a candle.

Going to the two men at the entrance, Jin asked in an innocent voice:

"Sirs, I heard that you were going to bring me gifts, is it true?"

Seeing little Jin's innocent look, Titor and Jan quickly recovered and nodded while smiling.

"Jack, I heard about your extraordinary performance, so I decided to give it to you as a gift" Titor said as he took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Jin.

Upon receiving the small box, Jin opened it and saw what was inside.

A black bracelet with a blue stone embedded in the middle. The blue of the stone looked purer than anything Jin had seen on Earth before.

"This is a relic found on the edges of the known world, in Gray Waste. A group of adventurers found this relic in a tomb in the middle of nowhere, although no one knows the origins of this bracelet, the wizards of Asshai say that the blue stone is one of the last remnants of a lost civilization older than Valyria. "

While listening to Titor explain, Jin looked absently at the blue stone.

"Cough, cough." Jan suddenly pretended to cough, waking Jin from his Daze.

Jan took a box out of his pockets and said:

"My gift may not have such mysterious origins, but its value is undoubtedly greater!" Jan handed Jin the box with a triumphant look.

Titor just Hmphed and noted.

Upon opening the box, Jin was surprised. What was inside was nothing less than a metal bar, and that metal had some features that he recognizes very well.

Titor opened his eyes wide and spoke in disbelief:

"Valyrian steel !?"

Jin's eyes lit up, but he remained composed and thanked them both deeply.

"I just hope you don't forget that old man when you grow up." Titor said while recovering from the previous shock.

"I spent a good fortune on this Valyrian steel bar, I hope you won't forget that until your death!" Jan said while holding Jin's shoulders.

Jin smiled slightly and nodded.

After that, other guests continued to arrive and Jin realized that old Nero intended to throw a birthday party for him.

Jin secretly cursed Nero, how could he not know the old man's true intentions?

Suddenly, while they were all talking and drinking in the lounge, Nero went up a few steps from the main staircase and spoke loudly.

"First of all, I want to thank you for coming tonight in response to my invitation. I know that some of you have other business to attend to so I really feel honored to have you all here, ladies and gentlemen."

The people in the hall raised their glasses in response.

"As an estate in the invitation, today is the birthday of Jack, the boy I have raised since he was a little baby." He then called Jin, much to the young man's sadness.

After Jin went up the steps and stood beside Nero, people murmured a little.

"As you can see, he is a healthy and well-educated boy as well as a handsome little boy ... But that is not why I called you here." He said as he took a ring out of his hand.

"This ring has been passed down from generation to generation to those who are skilled enough to inherit the surname Xerz. Our family is not in the habit of passing on our wealth in a hereditary way, only those we think are worthy have the right to receive this ring and belong the Xerz family, inheriting everything the family has built since the founding of the iron bench. " After saying this, he looked at Jin and said:

"Today, I plan to put little Jack as my successor, as the successor to the name Xerz, if he accepts." He put the ring in front of Jin and waited for his choice.

Jin wanted to curse loudly but restrained himself, he had already suspected that the old man wanted to demonstrate his desire to have him as his successor, but he didn't think he would be so determined to pass the ring today.

After looking at the ring for a long time, Jin came to the conclusion that this may actually be a good thing, as he would really need resources in the near future.

Jin then took the ring and put it on his finger to Nero's happiness.

The people looked a little shocked, but they soon got up, raised their glasses and congratulated Nero.

Nero lifted Jin and put him sitting on his shoulders, carrying him outside while saying:

"Little Jack, I have something to show you as a way of showing my sincerity in having you as my successor."

"Even I am surprised by my own choice, but for some reason, I feel that this may have been the best choice I have made in my entire life."

Jin looked over at Nero and sighed.

After a while, Nero came to one of the small gardens.

In the center of the garden, there was a person sitting by a small table.

"So this is Jack." The person spoke.

Upon getting closer, Jin was able to discern the person's characteristics. He was a tall, thin man who looked to be in his thirties, was bald and had a sword in the scabbard at his side.

"Allow me to introduce you Jack, he is Braavos' current first sword, Syrio Forel."

Jin didn't recognize the man, but when he heard Nero introduce him, he couldn't completely hide his shock.

-One of the best living swordsmen.

He thought as he looked at Syrio.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself to him?" Nero scolded Jin.

Returning to his senses, Jin introduced himself after Nero put him down.

"I heard about you, the young genius of the Xurz mansion. Raeq talks a lot about you in the sea lord's palace."

Seeing the doubts on the boy's face, Nero explained:

"Raeq also works in the palace of the lord of the sea, educating his children."

"The lord of the sea got angry after Raeq talked about you nonstop in front of his kids, how smart and reserved you are and stuff." He said as he stood up and went towards Jin.

"The lord of the sea sent me to punish you." Syrio said with his hand on the hilt of the sword.

Nero was silent and watched Jin's reaction.

"Go ahead, I want to see how you plan to do this." Jin replied calmly.

A strange glow passed in Syrio's eyes and he drew his sword.

Jin however did not move and remained calm while distracted looking at the ring he just won.

Syrio, a little surprised, turned the sword towards Jin, stopping it just inches from the boy's face.

Jin however continued without caring and said:

"It seems that Syrio Forel only knows how to scare children, I'm scared to death."

After hearing this, Syrio was not irritated and put the sword back in its sheath.

"The sea lord really told me to punish you, but of course it was just to scare you."

"Your "adoptive father" paid a nice sum of money in exchange for me to teach you the basics of fighting."

Jin looked at Nero and then at Syrio and said:

"So I can hope you took into account that my body is that of a child."

Nero just looked at Syrio and Syrio replied:

"Can you lift a stick? If so, then you can practice. Can you run? Then you can practice."

"There is not just one type of training, there are several. I am going to teach you how to handle something that looks like a blade."

"Even so, your adoptive father and I have agreed to wait until you turn seven to start real training. For now, I'm just going to make you memorize a few things that will make training easier later." After that he gave Jin a small black stick.

The stick is very light and is 40 centimeters long.

"Twice a week, you should go to the lord of the sea mansion, there I will train you as far as I can." After saying this, Syrio said goodbye and left.

Jin then looked at Nero and spoke bitterly:

"I think that gesture of sincerity must have cost a good fortune."

"Hmph! It is good that you know that, it cost three full years of profit from my business. Let's go inside, the guests cannot be alone."

Jin shook his head and said:

"I'm tired, I'm going to my room." Before Nero could react, Jin ran.

Nero shook his head with a bitter smile and went to the hall.

As he headed for his room, Jin noticed Raeq had just left him.

He then hid in a corner and waited for Raeq to pass.

After that he went to the bedroom and there, he found a gray book on the bed.

Jin didn't recognize the language of the cover's writing and its content, but he felt something strange about the book.

It was as if the book had an aura unlike anything, it made Jin adopt an instance of alertness. But little by little he understood that the book was nothing dangerous, at least on the surface.

Without understanding what was written, Jin could just put the book away and wonder if it was Raeq who actually left the book here and why.

He suddenly remembered the Valyrian steel bar he got from Jan and the bracelet he got from Titor.

The steel bar seemed to have the volume necessary to produce a good dagger, and the bracelet was really beautiful.

Without realizing it, Jin fell asleep with the gifts on the side.

But in the middle of the night, Jin was woken up in the middle of Chaos.