Take the salt.

[Sorry for the delay, but the chapter was deleted by some shit, I was pissed off ******.]

Julio looked suspiciously at Jin, thinking what the little one planned to dare to say would make them rich men.

"But before!" Jin then took a paper out of his pocket and showed it to Julio.

Reading the contents of the paper, Nero almost spit blood and said:

"Little leech! Are you kidding me?"

"Don't do so much drama, you must have predicted something like that. How do you think I would handle all this stuff?"

Taking a deep breath, Nero said:

"Those materials already cost a small fortune, if you don't explain to me what you plan, don't even think about doing anything!"

Jin sighed on hearing this and said:

"But that would ruin the surprise!"

"Fuck the surprise! If you don't explain to me, don't even think about spending a penny from that family!" Nero shouted.

Seeing Nero's seriousness, Jin knew he had no choice.

"Well, how can I get started?"

Jin plans to bring one of the miracles of modernity to this world.


Jin knew that for his goals, individual prowess is not enough, he needs this world to evolve as well.

He plans to first establish a foundation for his next plans, and electricity is indispensable.

He plans to create some simple generators first, which can generate power with mechanical force.

Air or water, he plans to design a generator that works on the basis of wind or water movement.

It is not a simple thing, but it is not very complex for Jin.

If he couldn't even do that after so much study, he could just kill himself to keep the stupidity from spreading.

Many materials are needed to create a generator. First of all to be able to manufacture a generator it is already quite problematic, Jin needs a large industrial building with adequate equipment and molds.

This is just the first phase!

The amount of money needed can be imagined.

Jin does not plan to make energy popular so quickly in this world, he must first obtain several other resources at hand and acquire power to protect his own integrity.

Jin believes that it is enough, for now, to give a sample of modernity to this world. For this he will also manufacture lighting lamps.

Jin sometimes dreams of creating his own industrial park, but he knows that it will take a while for this to be possible. Too much wealth attracts bad guys.

Jin tried to explain in simple terms what electricity is and its uses to Nero.

Nero seemed a little skeptical, but he still asked nothing and signed the paper.

"I hope this isn't just bullshit. I'm not going to ask where you learned about this ... electricity, but I hope your efforts and mine are not in vain." After saying this, Nero left.

Jin blew out a long breath.

-If the old man's reaction at that point was already so intense, I imagine what it will be like if he finds out the true costs of the entire project.

Jin thought for a while and decided.

-There is no way, I will need other investors or the old man will freak out.

Elsewhere in Braavos, Titor and Jan felt a slight chill down their spine.

Jin then went to his room, and, sitting in front of a desk, started to draw and write something on some papers.

Even when a maid called him for dinner, he didn't stop and continued until sunrise.

Seeing that the sun was already rising, Jin let out a slight sigh.

No matter how efficient his training is, his body is still that of a child, going without sleep for one night made him feel a little tired.

Jin then went to one of the gardens and sat down with his legs crossed, and began to circulate the soul energy through the body in a cool way.

The tiredness was slowly gone, and a feeling of vigor filled Jin's body.

He breathed in a controlled manner with his eyes closed, and stayed that way for half an hour.

Soon after he got up and started doing some exercises, kicks and punches.

This is a daily routine that Jin developed to accelerate the maturation of the body.

After a while, he finally finished and went to the mansion's bathtub and took a shower.

Looking at his reflection in a mirror, Jin thought about his appearance.

He thought that when possessed the baby, he would inherit his characteristics, but he didn't. He is developing his original features(from when he was in Earth) in the baby's body.

Black hair, green eyes, and the same facial features. He started to think about why this was happening, but he didn't come to a conclusion.

He just thought that his soul directly influenced the baby's DNA in some way. He will have to study this slowly in the future.

Another thing is his current musculature, although it is not excessive, it is strangely defined, as if his small muscles were polished.

Jin then decided to start wearing clothes with long sleeves.

After showering, Jin decided to wear a long-sleeved red robe.

After drinking coffee, Jin arranged the papers on his desk and put them in a small bag.

"Let the old man know I'm going to be late today." Jin said to one of the mansion's maids.

After that, he left with his personal guards.

"Now ... where should I start?" Jin murmured with a twinkle in his eye.

He then went in search of a real estate agent, finding one after the recommendation of one of the guards.

Arriving at the establishment, Jin noticed a sign at the entrance, that sign had a palace designed.

"Can I help you with anything? Little one." An attendant asked with a smile.

"My name is Jack, successor to Nero Xurz."

"I would like to buy a shed." Jin replied.

The attendant looked a little surprised and asked:

"Where's your guardian?"

"I have his authorization to buy land." Jin replied briefly.

The attendant frowned for a brief moment, but then smiled and guided Jin inside, letting the guards wait outside.

After a few steps, the attendant arrived in front of a large book in the center of the establishment and asked:

"And how big is the shed you want?"

After thinking for a brief moment, Jin replied:

"The biggest one you have."

The attendant's professional smile stagnated for a brief moment, but she turned a few pages of the book for a few seconds and stopped, saying:

"We have a warehouse a few miles south of Braavos, it has an area of ​​about 500 square meters."

"It's too small ..." Jin murmured.

A small vein formed on the attendant's forehead, but she continued to smile and said:

"Sorry if we don't have a shed big enough for you, but I believe you won't find any bigger than himself if you look for it."

Jin frowned and asked why.

"It turns out that there is not much demand for larger warehouses than those in Braavos, and the biggest ones that have already been sold." The attendant explained.

Jin understood and thought for a brief moment.

"Can you make buildings bigger than them?" Jin asked.

"... We don't build, we just sell." The attendant replied.

"It's a shame, even though I'm allowed to buy a shed no matter what the cost ..." Jin said as he left.

After hearing this, the attendant opened her eyes wide.

"...Hang on!"

Jin stopped and turned around with a small smile.

"Cough Cough, we ... don't usually build, but we can make some exceptions!" The attendant said.

"ho?" Jin then asked:

"And what are the exceptions?"

"If by chance, our customer is not satisfied, we can contact some of our partners to build something that satisfies them." The attendant explained.

Jin narrowed his eyes and said:

"And what guarantee do I have that you won't just overprice the work?"

The attendant criticized the little one in the heart but replied with a smile:

"We can plan initial construction costs and, if you don't like the costs, we can ... negotiate ..."

"Ten thousand square meters."

The attendant thought she got it wrong and said: "Sorry?"

"Ten thousand square meters of area, that is my main requirement."

The attendant thought she was talking to a little idiot, and said:

"Do you or your guardian have any idea of ​​the costs of such a construction?"

Jin simply took Nero's authorization and showed it to the attendant.

After seeing the authorization, the attendant opened her eyes in shock for a brief moment, but quickly returned with a professional smile and said:

"I understand, I understand ... Well, I think that for something of this size, you need to speak directly to the owner of this establishment."

She then left and returned a few moments later with a fat man at her side.

Jin has never seen such a fat man since he arrived in this world. He could see the fat below his chin swaying as the man walked.

"Little Jack. This is Mr. Viz, the owner of our establishment."

"It is a pleasure to meet the little genius of the Xurz mansion, I heard some rumors about you." Viz spoke professionally.

The fat below his chin was shaking terribly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Viz." Jin said politely.

"My assistant said you are, proposing a rather interesting deal. Can I see Nero Xurz's authorization for a moment?" Viz smiled professionally.

Jin then handed the paper over to Viz, who opened his eyes for a brief moment.

"So, can you do it or not?" Jin asked nonchalantly.

Viz returned the paper and laughed.

"But of course, why couldn't we?"

Jin nodded and pulled some papers out of the bag.

"These are the details of the shed I want."

Upon receiving the papers, Viz's eyes widened once more.

The papers consisted of details and drawings of a shed. A construction plan.

"It seems that the little one has already come prepared." The attendant spoke bitterly.

Jin just said:

"I hope the masons will follow the instructions on the papers exactly. I don't care about the final price of the construction, but I will make sure to check if there was overpricing when it is ready." His eyes then shone a little as he added:

"If you are smart, you will be honest in these deals."

The attendant looked strangely at Jin, but Viz looked serious.

With so many years of experience, he knows when a business is important. He wouldn't be an idiot to look for minimal short-term gains just to lose big profits in the long run.

"Take it easy, little Jacks. But words are not guarantees, I hope you can sign a contract with a witness." Viz spoke slowly.

Jin nodded and called one of the guards.

"I don't care about the exact location of the building, but I hope you don't do it too far away." Jin spoke before signing.

After ending the deal with Viz, Jin then decided that it would take a long time to buy everything that way and sat on a nearby bench.

After that he took four blank papers from the small bag and started writing on them, copying Nero's signature soon after.

One of the guards saw this and sweated.

After finishing, Jin handed a paper to four of the guards and ordered them to buy these materials and rent a temporary warehouse to store them.

The four did not ask much, but were concerned about Jin's safety.

"Don't worry, I'm going to Xurz's mansion." Jin spoke.

The guards then said goodbye and Jin looked with a small smile at the remaining guard, he was the only one who saw him copy Nero's signature.

After that, he did not go directly to the Xurz mansion, but stopped at several blacksmiths to order the various industrial molds he will need.

To each smithy he handed some papers that explained how the molds should be.

Some blacksmiths were surprised by the complexity of some of them and almost denied the requests.

However Jin assured that he would pay whatever was necessary for them to manufacture the molds.

Some blacksmiths said they would need several pieces of equipment to make some of the molds, as they were too big. Jin simply said to pay for everything that was needed.

The guard was sweating profusely after finishing the contracts with the various blacksmiths.

-The boy is determined to bankrupt Nero!

The guard thought and worried about his salary.

They still haven't headed towards the Xurz mansion even after that, much to the dismay of the guard.

After walking through several streets, they arrived at a mansion.

"I hope Lord Titor is home ..." Jin murmured.

A maid answered them and said that Titor was at the mansion.

After a while, Titor appeared in Jin's vision.

"How rare, what do I owe your visit to? Little Jack." Titor said with a big smile.

"Mister Titor, I see that you are healthy as always." Jin greeted.

"And you're still going strong!" Titor said as he tapped Jin's shoulders.

Jin smiled bitterly and said:

"I hope you can help me with something."

A flash passed through Titor's eyes, who asked:

"And what does little Jack need that old bastard can't help him with?"

Jin smiled shyly and said:


Titor stagnated and asked in disbelief:

"Did old Nero run out of money to not even be able to lend you?"

"That's not it ... It's just that he already has some debts for helping me." Jin shook his head and explained everything honestly.

Titor's expressions varied extremely while he listened to the story.

After Jin finished explaining, Titor's face was dark.

"You mean it isn't enough to fuck Nero's finances, you plan to fuck mine too?" Titor asked darkly.

Jin smiled bitterly and said:

"I know this sounds a little ... unbelievable. But if the Lord doesn't want to repent, you better invest now."

"... invest, you say." Titor murmured darkly.

Jin sighed and took out some of the last papers he had in his bag.

"I know you don't believe me, so I plan on giving you a little snack."

"These are plans for the production of a drug, which can revolutionize all current medicine!"

Titor looked at Jin suspiciously and began to inspect the papers.

A few minutes, Titor looked at Jin strangely and asked:

"What exactly is this? I've never heard of a medicine made this way before."

"If you had heard, it would be strange." Jin smirked.

Titor wanted to slap Jin, but he controlled himself and asked:

"And how the hell can I be sure this isn't just a child's invention?"

"You are not going." Jin replied simply and left while saying:

"Old Nero wasn't sure, either, but he still bet on me."

After Jin left, Titor looked at the papers for a while and shook his head with a sigh.

"That brat ... what is he really planning?"

After leaving Titor's mansion, Jin went to Jan's residence and delivered papers that had the same production plans.

Jan had a similar reaction to Titor's.

After saying goodbye to Jan, Jin finally started to return to the Xurz mansion.

It was already getting dark and he was a little far from the mansion, so he decided to pay a boatman to take them to a place closer to the mansion.

Upon reaching the edge of the channel, Jin saw a boatman approaching from a distance.

After a while, the boatman embarked and some passengers began to descend.

Jin suddenly stagnated, startling the guard who asked if everything was okay.

"...I am fine." Jin said as he looked at the passengers who were hooded.

He was sure he saw platinum hair, but he is not sure if that is what he is thinking.

Shaking his head, Jin boarded and spoke the destination to the boatman.

After the boatman dropped them off near the mansion, they did the rest of the way on foot.

Arriving at the mansion, he saw the four guards he had ordered to buy the materials outside, with a strange expression.

Jin manages to guess what happened, so he just ignored them.

After entering the mansion, Jin heard Nero shout:

"I smell disaster! Take the salt and throw it at the demon!" Nero then started down the main stairs while looking at Jin.

Jin was not intimidated and said:

"Good evening, I see that you are very energetic today."

"SCOUNDREL!" Nero screamed while slapping Jin on the face.

Jin stayed in the same place, but his nose started to bleed a little.

Nero felt no pity and began a series of curses and reprimands.

"You have no conscience? Do you know how much of the fortune you plan to spend?" Nero asked as he sat in a chair, tired of cursing Jin.

Jin simply sat on a nearby chair and wiped his nose.

Seeing this, Nero regretted hitting the boy a little, but before he could say anything, Jin said:

"If I hadn't been aware, I wouldn't have spent that much."

"I asked you to trust me, and you agreed. So I decided not to save resources and, besides, even if I didn't spend that much now, when I grew up and took over the family, I would spend it anyway."

Hearing this, Nero got angry again but controlled the urge to hit Jin.

"Even if I agreed, you should have the slightest awareness of what it means to be discreet!"

"And why would I be discreet? I don't think I have enough time for this." Jin replied shortly.

"What do you mean, you don't have time?" Nero asked with a frown.

Jin shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter to you. You only need to know one thing ..." He then stroked the ring on his finger.

"Three people ... Three people died because they took care of me. I will not let another one die or suffer because of me. Your fortune will not be wasted." Jin said and left, leaving Nero alone in the hall.

Jin was not annoyed by the slap he got on the face, he thinks it's silly to call a slap that came from a person who took care of him since he was a baby in this world.

Furthermore, Jin knew that his actions would anger Nero, so he was not surprised by this.

Now he just wanted to have a good meal and rest. That was an exhausting day.