
After resting, Jin woke up and performed his routine as usual.

It would take a few days before everything was ready, so he doesn't have much to do.

He decided to spend his free time writing some plans and other things that will be useful in the future.

In the afternoon, he went to the palace of the Lord of the Sea to train, meeting the Sealord a few times

The Sealord appeared to be a somewhat charismatic person, but Jin could see his wisdom behind his words and expressions.

Jin's training, since he started, brought great changes to his mortal body, and gradually he was able to gradually withstand the pressure of his soul.

But Jin knew he shouldn't be absorbing anyone else's soul for a few years.

Jin also started to do some experiments with soul energy.

He would take some wooden sticks in the garden of the Xurz mansion and inject some energy into them.

Without exception, they all broke into pieces in a few seconds.

Jin tried to control the energy input on the stick, but this proved to be more difficult than he imagined.

"Is my energy control that bad?" Jin asked himself.

He didn't have any difficulties using soul energy before, so he thought he could manage the energy efficiently.

But this seems to be a mistake, he just can't control the output of soul energy efficiently.

He uses soul energy at exaggerated levels and in an almost uncontrolled way, and that may be why he always bleeds when he uses soul energy aggressively.

He then decided to include training in his routine to efficiently control soul energy.

Day after day, Jin gained some results from his new training, and now he manages to power a stick for a minute before it explodes.

"Little Lord!" A housekeeper knocked on Jin's bedroom door.

Jin, who was writing, got up and opened the door.

"Mr Nero has called his presence in the Main Hall." The maid said.

Jin frowned a little, but went to the lounge.

Nero was sitting and with a paper in hand.

After seeing Jin approach, Nero waited for him to sit and said:

"I have obtained the necessary authorizations for you to enter the Iron Bank library."

Jin was surprised, and Nero handed the paper over to him.

After reading the contents of the paper, Jin was a little excited.

"That's what I called you for." Nero spoke and withdrew, causing Jin to tighten the corners of his mouth and shake his head.

-This old man is really complicated to deal with.

-But he really kept his word. I think I will have something to do before everything is ready.

He wasted no time and immediately went to the iron bench with the guards.

After arriving at the iron bench, he showed the authorization to the gate guards and one of them guided him.

After walking through several rooms and corridors, Jin arrived in front of a large steel gate that looked more like the door to a safe.

In front of the gate, there was an old man with a long beard.

"Mister Turad, the boy ..." The guard murmured a few words in the old man's ear.

After the old man named Turad heard the guard, he looked at Jin with an expression that was difficult to read.

"So you're little Jack. I heard about you, the little genius of the Xurz mansion, it's a shame that your teacher was such an evil person." Turad said and shook his head.

"Malignant?" Jin asked confused.

The old man just shook his head and said:

"Come, I will take you to the library." He then put several keys in several openings of the steel gate, and opened it after a while.

Jin, seeing the thickness of the door, opened his eyes wide. The gate was at least a foot thick, made of pure steel.

After walking inside, Jin was guided by the old man to stairs that seemed to lead to the underground, having to light a lamp because of the darkness.

After coming down, Jin twitched the corners of his mouth. The "library" looked more like a pile of books, there were only a few shelves, and there were cobwebs everywhere.

Jin was afraid that moths had eaten all the pages of the books before he could even read any.

The old man noticed Jin's expression, and said:

"You don't have to worry about anything, I and some other key stakeholders take care of this library so that moths or humidity don't destroy books."

Jin just fell silent, soon he would find out if that was true or not.

The old man then lit several of the chandeliers to light the library.

"You are allowed to stay in the library for as long as you like, but you are absolutely prohibited from taking any of the books out." After saying this, the old man started up the stairs and left Jin alone.

Jin then looked around, books and books, lots of them. Jin doubted that there would be a similar guide in the big tower, and started to pick up some books and read a few pages.

He soon realized that the library was not as disorganized as it appeared to be.

Each of the heaps of books was related to some kind of subject or theme.

With a small sigh, Jin focused on finding something related to the language in the gray book. That is your main objective at the moment.

Jin found books of the most varied types of subjects and stories, perhaps much about this world could be known here.

After spending several hours searching, he finally found something related to Yi Ti's language.

It was a book that translated the words of that language into the high Valyrian.

Although Jin doesn't fully understand the tall valyrian, he does know something.

The translated text seemed to speak of a past period in history, since it cited Valyria as still existing.

Jin started to study the words in the book, and time flew by.

Several hours passed and Jin was never tired of reading.

It was only when old Turad came down to find out why Jin didn't come up after all this time, that Jin then stopped.

"Mr Turad, do you know if there are any Yi Ti language translation books?" Jin asked. He had looked in the pile of books that he found the text, but there was no other one with Yi Ti translation.

The old man frowned and pointed to a bookshelf a little away.

"That bookcase has some translation books, but I don't know if Yi Ti's language is included."

Jin then started walking towards the bookcase, to be stopped by Turad.

"Do you have any idea how much time you spent down here?"

Jin then stagnated and smiled bitterly.

"Twelve hours?"

"Exactly, and you still knew it!" The old man spoke in disbelief.

"Is not tired?" He asked.

Jin nodded his head.

"Come on, it's time for you to go home." Turad guided Jin to the entrance to the Iron Bank, where Jin's guards waited with a tired, yawning look.

It was night, it must be past midnight, Jin thought.

Jin went with the guards back to the mansion, where Nero waited with a concerned look.

After hearing some curses from Nero, Jin went to sleep.

After waking up, Jin did as usual and then left straight for the library, with the gray book, this time.

He spent the next few days studying Yi Ti's language, and Jin found it more difficult to learn than bastard Valyrian.

Thanks to Jin's special soul, which guaranteed him a superior memory, and his experience in studying, Jin gradually and quickly learned the language of Yi Ti, and within a week, he was able to read a few sentences without difficulty.

He also started to translate the gray book, with papers, ink and a feather that he brought from the mansion.

As he translated the book, he also understood its content little by little. It was really about magic and religion.

After several days, when he had translated an eighth of the book, however, he received the news that the templates he had requested were ready.

Jin then went over his guards to organize the molds in a temporary warehouse. After that he went to Viz to ask about the work process, and was told that the work would still take a month to complete.

Knowing this, Jin decided to return to the library, but changed his mind when he received the news that Titor and Jan were asking for his presence at the Xurz mansion.

Upon arriving at the mansion, he saw Titor, Jan and Nero sitting at the table in the main hall.

"Brat!" Titor and Jan spoke first.

Jin saw their expression and smiled wickedly.

"May I know the reason for your honorable visits?" Jin asked.

"You tricked us!" The two spoke at the same time.

"Did I cheat?" Jin asked surprised.

"Do you know how much gold we spent to produce your" revolutionary "medicine? Still, it didn't work!"

Jin was shocked for a while but then asked:

"May I know how you tested the medicine?"

Titor and Jan looked at each other and said:

"We made tea with him and gave it to sick people. None has improved."

A vein appeared on Jin's forehead and he said:

"But of course it wouldn't work, stupid!"

Titor and Jan widened their eyes and got angry, but were cut off by Jin who said:

"Wasn't it written that the medicine needs to be administered intravenously?"

Titor and Jan looked at each other with a confused expression and Jin understood:

"Don't you two know what that means?"

They then shook their heads.

Jin sighed and explained.

After hearing Jin's explanation, Titor and Jan looked strange and said in one voice:

"Are you sure this should be managed in such a way? I've never heard of anything like this."

Jin looked at them with a strange expression and said:

"I'm sure there are at least some doctors who know that term, so how did you end up making tea?"

"We met a doctor, and he said something about" ridiculous this and that "and said to make tea." Titor said.

Jin sighed deeply and said before leaving:

"Look for another doctor who knows what it means and test it properly on someone with infected wounds."

Nero suddenly said:

"Why the hell are you listening to a child?"

Titor and Jan just stared at Nero, who thought of something and was silent.

After leaving the mansion, Jin went straight to Iron Bank, to the library.

He decided to focus on translating the gray book as much as possible until the building of the shed was ready.

Day after day, while translating the book, Jin also learned many interesting things.

The book taught some magic rituals, some somewhat sinister ... It also told a little about the past story.

Long ago, there was an emperor in Yi Ti, called Bloodstone Emperor, he was the founder of the Church of starry wisdom, and he made "great strides in the area of ​​magic".

Then the book talked about a black stone, described as oily, and its advantages in being used in buildings.

Jin was very interested in magic, he wondered if he could use magic.

Although the rituals are somewhat macabre, Jin thinks that many people in this world "deserve" to be sacrificed.

BloodMagic, Shadowbind, even elemental control, are all described in one way or another in the book.

Jin was looking forward to testing, but stopped himself as it was not the time for that.

Many of the rituals described include sacrifices or worse.

"Now I understand, it is no wonder that that cult was so frantic. This book can be considered one of the most valuable things in this world, with so much knowledge about magic." Jin murmured.

There was one word or another that Jin couldn't translate no matter how much he looked for it in the books, but he just left the space blank and continued the translation.

It was when Jin had translated 2/3 of the book that he received the news that the shed was ready.

With excited eyes, he went with his guards and Nero to his location.

The shed was located a few miles southeast of Braavos, in a flat area with few trees.

From a distance, Jin could see the grand building.

Nero just smiled bitterly, the construction cost several years of profit.

The shed was made mostly of stone and some pieces of wood.

The roof was made in such a way that the interior is as bright as possible during the day.

The shed floor is simply dirt, but it appears to be flat enough for Jin.

Several pillars with chandeliers are scattered inside the shed.

"It is not an easy thing to see a shed that big." Viz, who was expecting Jin, said.

Jin simply nodded, he doesn't remember sheds that big when he watched the GOT series.

Viz then gave a friendly smile and looked at Nero.

"Hello Nero."

Nero just smiled bitterly.

Viz didn't bother and said:

"Your successor has an entrepreneurial spirit, aren't you proud?"

Jin heard this and looked at Viz with a strange smile, saying:

"You are really a great man, to get a building of this size to be built so efficiently."

"Hmph!" Viz snorted.

The shed had three large furnaces, built at Jin's behest.

After analyzing the shed to see if the building had any problems with the structure, Jin then sent some of the guards to go to the warehouses where the materials and molds are stored, and hire carts to bring everything to the shed.

Jin then told Nero that he would spend time organizing everything, and that Nero was supposed to return to the mansion.

Nero seemed to be irritated and said:

"Little bastard, everything cost me my money, and you still want me to not see what you bought?"

Jin then shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

In the coming days, Jin and Nero organized all the molds with the help of the guards and also the materials.

After everything was over, Jin then decided it was time to put the next phase of his plan into practice. Titor and Jan must have already or almost discovered the use of the medicine.

Jin told Nero that he would need to return to Braavos, and recommended that he pay for more guards to guard the shed against bandits.

A mile away from the warehouse, there was a small village where it was possible to buy food and water, so there would be no problems in that sector.

Nero just nodded to Jin's surprise, who thought he was going to be cursed.

Upon arriving in Braavos, Jin went straight to Titor's mansion, but an employee of the mansion said he was not at home. The same situation at Jan's mansion.

With doubts, Jin thought for a while before thinking about a possibility.

He then went to an establishment that sold ... information.

Upon arriving, Jin heard two people murmur:

"Did you hear? They are saying that two bankers have discovered a new type of medicine, which treats and cures almost all infections!"

"I heard that they are negotiating with Sealord to make this medicine a unique Braavos spice."

Jin then smiled, it looks like his plan worked.

He then left for the sea lord's palace with two guards.

The other guards stayed with Nero and his guards in the shed.

Upon arriving at the palace, Jin saw a small crowd at the entrance.

Passing by, Jin managed to attract the attention of one of the palace guards, who knew him.

After the guard allowed him to enter, he was guided to the room where Titor, Jan and Sealord were.

They noticed their arrival and stagnated.

"Hello, I see that everything is going well for you." Jin spoke with a strange smile as he looked at Titor and Jan.

He then looked at the Lord of the Sea and greeted him.

"Sit down, little Jack." The Lord of the Sea spoke solemnly. The boy in front of him was said to be the source of the medicine! How could he not act solemnly?

After sitting down, Jin found the situation interesting.

He was in the body of a four-year-old boy, and around him were only old men with solemn expressions.

Jin's serene expression made the sea lord reassess the boy.

"I want only 10% of the drug's profits." Jin spoke, surprising everyone.

"Are you crazy, little Jack?" Titor asked.

"But I have a condition!" Jin continued, making everyone silent.

"I want you to invest in my next projects."

Everyone blinked for a few seconds, until Sealord asked:

"And what projects are these?"