Bloodstone Emperor.

Jin smiled mysteriously and said:

"You will have to bet to see it."

Titor and Jan twitched the corners of their mouths, the Sealord looked at Jin in confusion.

"Anyway, what do you have to lose? I already gave up much of the profit that should be rightfully mine." Jin spoke.

The only reason why Jin wants such a small slice of the total profit, is that he needs investments right away, he can't wait until the drug can be mass produced and make a big return.

Titor looked at Jin and asked:

"Why is Nero not participating in the production of this medicine?"

"..." Jin didn't answer and just looked at him with a serene expression.

After thinking for a long time, Titor nodded to Jin, soon after, Jan did the same, much to Sealord's shock.

Hesitating, the Sealord asked:

"And what guarantee do I have to-"

"You do not have." Jin replied briefly, cutting off the Sealord's speech.

Titor and Jan smiled bitterly.

The Sealord looked at Jin for a while and said:

"Very well, I will put my trust in you ... But words prove nothing to anyone who has not heard them."

Everyone understood what he meant and nodded.

A contract explaining the profit sharing of the medicine for each of them, as well as the direction of the related businesses and Jin's condition.

After everyone signed a contract, Sealord warned:

"I'm going to need another witness, because of Jack's young age ... Where's Nero?"

"Is this really necessary?" Jin asked with a tired expression.

Titor laughed and waved to the Sealord, who shrugged.

"Really, Jack, can you explain to us what exactly this medicine is and what it does?"

Jin explained the concept of antibiotics, and their effectiveness briefly.

After hearing that the remedy could treat almost all infections, varying the fungus used, everyone kept their mouths open.

Especially Titor and Jan, who regretted coming to negotiate with Sealord. They could simply create unimaginable wealth even without his support.

Either way, the feat is done, and now they are looking towards "little Jack's" next projects.

Jin then explained that he urgently needed funds for his current project.

The three quickly agreed to support Jin and "invest".

Sealord said it would help Jin with the tax issue.

After that, Jin left the palace satisfied and went to the smithy, not to make molds, because this time, he will hire employees!

Jin hired several blacksmiths and other workers at well above average wages in order to attract even a few more experienced blacksmiths.

Jin explained to them the location of the shed and the terms of the contract.

Everyone was surprised, they would only need to work 11 hours a day! Apart from that accommodation would be built next to the shed for those who do not want to be coming and going from Braavos.

After finishing this, it was already night and Jin was a little tired.

He decided to go to the mansion to rest, and continue the next day.

After having employed the necessary employees, Jin needed to start assembling the molds, which were just positioned, checking all materials, and finally teaching employees how they were supposed to work in the factory.

Jin decided to name the shed as a Factory between worlds. He put a big sign above the main gates.

After several days of work, it was time to explain the procedures to employees.

He intended to manufacture some simple lamps and some simple, yet versatile, energy generators. He also planned to expand production at the factory to make copper cables, but that would have to wait a while.

He settled for some copper cables made amateurly by some blacksmiths in Braavos.

It took a few months for everything to start working efficiently.

The employees ended up wasting a lot of materials in the learning process, but this could not be avoided.

Jin calculated that it would not be long before the first power generator started up, and the first light bulb illuminated this medieval world.

It is a noteworthy fact, the generators that Jin planned are different from ordinary ones on Earth, they are simpler, they do not need magnets, they have stable electromagnetic fields with simple materials and a crude design.

The lamps are also simpler and more efficient, despite using the same principles as those on Earth.

As the factory started operating, Jin continued to translate the Gray Book, which was now teaching rituals and necromancy spells, to Jin's surprise.

Some rituals were evil even from Jin's point of view, while others were milder.

Week after week, Jin was getting closer and closer to translating the book completely, and even his Yi Ti writing skills were well advanced, although he had no idea how to pronounce the words.

After reaching the last page, Jin translated what appeared to be some notes.

{"Written by Priest Pymon, with the support of the High Priest, the great God-Emperor Bloodstone."

"May the stars of magic and the hidden Gods bless those who follow what is written in that book."}

After translating this, Jin frowned for a while.

Because Jin only translated, he did not fully understand the content of the book, he will need to read it thoroughly and study each sentence and ritual.

Seeing the papers used in the translation, Jin smiled slightly and started reading immediately, there was no reason to wait.

But before he could start, old Turad called out to him as he descended the stairs:

"Xurz Boy! Nero texted. He wants you to go immediately to the" Factory between worlds. ""

After hearing this, Jin was a little surprised but quickly got up, put the papers and the gray book in a bag and hid them between some books in the library.

He felt that there was no safer place in this world to hide that knowledge available to him.

Jin then ran to the stairs and started to climb, making Turad almost fall.

"Little Bastard! Don't you know how to respect your elders !?" Turad shouted as he held on to the wall.

Jin then saw a guard waiting outside the large library gate.

After the guard took him out of the iron bench, his personal guards escorted him to the factory.

Once there, Jin saw a crowd of employees around something.

Getting closer, Jin's eyes lit up.

"Get away, little lord to pass!" One of the guards shouted.

After Jin finally managed to get closer, Jin saw Nero beside the Generator he designed.

"Finally you arrived, the employees, after so much effort, finally managed to build this thing as it is in the plans, so what? How the hell does it work and what exactly does it do?" Nero asked and the employees around him also looked at Jin with a confused expression.

Jin frowned a little and asked:

"What about the lamps? I can't demonstrate anything without them."

Shortly after Jin spoke, one of the employees brought a large box full of lamps to Jin, who opened his eyes wide.

"Come on boy, I want to know if my money was well spent or not!" Nero urged.

Jin shrugged and started explaining how to get the generator to work, and asked employees to bring some copper cables from inside the factory.

Jin had ordered relatively thin cables, as, for now, the generators would only power a few lamps.

There was a river a few miles from the factory, but Jin wanted to take advantage of the strong winds of the day.

He had asked some workers to build a structure similar to a windmill, but with some changes, so that it was possible to fit the generator in the back and make the movement of the mill rotate the main axis of the generator. The mill was also made so that its shovels were extremely light, facilitating circular movement.

Transforming mechanical energy into electrical energy was the most basic principle of the generator.

After several minutes, they managed to fit the generator firmly behind the main axis of the mill, and connected the cables, positive and negative, to the generator.

Jin was careful to cover parts of the cables with insulating material, to avoid accidents, and also bought some insulating gloves.

After everything seemed okay, Jin then had the shovels of the mill released, and they started to spin with the force of the wind.

Seeing everything seem to be right, and with the generator showing no problems he then started some preparations to turn on the lamps.

He knew he couldn't connect the lamp directly to the current, so he prepared some small equipment that would adjust the electric current and the ddp.

It didn't take much effort to manufacture them, so Jin didn't put in much effort and just explained a blacksmith from Braavos how they should be made.

After that, Jin finally plugged a lamp into the chain, and it exploded.

Everyone went wide-eyed and looked at Jin.

Jin was a little surprised and quickly checked that everything was regulated correctly, finding some errors in the resistors, and corrected them.

He then took another lamp ... and it exploded.

It was only at the eighth lamp, when everyone was wondering if it would work or not, that the lamp finally lit, to Jin's relief.

Seeing the light coming out of the bulb made in an unsophisticated way and more like a science fair job, Jin felt satisfied.

Everyone marveled at the lamp, especially Nero.

"Come on, we should make the lamps illuminate the front of the factory! When night comes, I promise it will be a beautiful view!" Jin shouted excitedly.

The men were interested and then started to fix the lamps.

After verifying that the available cables would be sufficient, Jin was delighted to have the wind tower built near the factory built.

He then planned to expand production at the factory, the ten thousand square meters guarantee plenty of space for now.

It was at sunset that everything was finally fixed. And Jin then waited for the sun to go down to turn on all the lamps with a homemade breaker.

When all the lights went on, everyone's eyes widened. The darkness of the night was completely gone, it was on a different level than candles and torches.

Even a few miles away, the light was brighter than anything on land.

Jin smiled in satisfaction, and Nero's mouth was open.

"Didn't I tell you? We will be the richest men in Braavos ..." Jin murmured to Nero.

"Candle makers will definitely want to kill us." Nero then spoke with a small smile.

"They can try ..." Jin murmured with a strange gleam in his eyes. He was just in need of guinea pigs for the spells and rituals he read in the book.

Jin then went inside the factory, more than half of the space was still empty, since the molds for making the lamps do not take up much space and the molds for the generators are simple.

It was dark with only a few torches and chandeliers lighting up part of the space.

Jin looked around and shouted at the employees:

"Don't you want to see what it would be like if the entire interior of the factory was also lit? Finish the lamps for that in three days and everyone will get a bonus!"

The employees looked at each other and nodded.

Nero decided to have a party in celebration and ordered them to bring a feast of Braavos, with good wine!

Everyone turned into the night while drinking and eating, and admired the lights in front of the factory.

Jin took advantage of his free time and wrote and drew some plans for the next molds, which will be used to manufacture the cables.

Nero watched Jin write over and over with a distant look.

It was not long that he thought the boy was an evil spirit, or several other things as an envoy of the gods, evil or benign. He remembers it as if it were yesterday, the little baby speaking in an extremely strange way in the arms of the late Julio.

He saw Jin grow little by little, and quickly noticed Jin's singularities, and he set high expectations.

However, he never imagined that the little one would fulfill and even exceed expectations a little so quickly.

The boy may look like a child, but his behavior doesn't fit with age.

Often, Nero wonders about Jin's true identity, but he never thought to ask Jin directly. For him, all that matters is that Jin will honor the name Xurz.

Jin caught Nero's eyes, and smiled at him strangely.

A vein formed on Nero's forehead, and he sighed bitterly.

"It looks like the brat still has something to stress me out." He said with a small smile.