
A riot broke out in the city of Braavos after news that Xurz's successor had been attacked.

Xurz can now be considered a very influential family among all free cities, due to the invention of electricity.

Nero was furious and, together with the forces of the Lord of the Sea, sought out the religious masked throughout the city, but found no one.

After recovering, Jin didn't seem to care much about the threat of the cult of starry wisdom, and started planning his next step, the trip to Volantis and Valyria.

Several months have passed since he received the news of Julio's death, and the nobles of Volantis must be finishing their preparations for another tour.

The industry is running smoothly, and Jin hopes it won't be long before the other factories are ready.

Nero didn't ask about the fact that Jin used magic, but his expression was without a shadow of doubt.

"You read that book, didn't you?" Nero asked Jin, who was just finishing packing.

Jin didn't answer and nodded.

Nero sighed slightly and said:

"I warned you not to, now the whole city must know that you practice Shadowbind."

Jin understood Nero's concern, as the successor to the Xurz family, he should not have a bad reputation.

"It doesn't matter ... In a few years, everything will change. You know that, don't you?" Jin spoke as he closed the suitcase and looked directly at Nero.

Nero was silent for a moment and said:

"I wish you luck on your trip." Nero then left the room.

Jin stood for a while, and smiled bitterly.

Shaking his head, Jin looked out the window and murmured:

"If I return ... I hope that Braavos is still ..."


Across the narrow Sea, at Casterly Rock.


"Lord Tywin, I hope you are successful on your journey." Some servants spoke, saying goodbye.

An old man with a dignified expression and a noble air set out on a ship with Lannister flags, alongside an armada.

-Our ancestral sword, must return to your home.

Tywin thought.

"Dad, do you really think our sword can be bought back?" A dwarf asked the man.

Tywin looked at the dwarf indifferently and said:

"We wouldn't need an armada if I believed that. If it can be 'bought', well, if not, it doesn't matter."

The dwarf nodded nonchalantly and started drinking wine.


After leaving Braavos with an escort made up of ten guards, Jin decided to spend time on the ship writing some books.

He knows that, despite appearing to have time, a technological revolution cannot be done quickly and simply.

Writing several books on general knowledge, physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology, he hopes he can accelerate the development of this world to the fullest.

Even after the last "conversation" with conscience, Jin decided not to let his guard down, and he doesn't want to be caught off guard later on to discover that the source is at the bottom of the ocean or in space.

He bought a lot of paper and ink before he left, enough to write all the way.

Listening to the waves hitting the bow, Jin remembered the Shipwreck boat, the lieutenant and the captain, and Julio.

He knew from the moment the captain showed him the map, that perhaps the expedition would end in failure.

So far Jin doesn't understand where the captain got the idea to show him the map, since even if talking, a baby in the end is a baby.

Shaking his head, Jin continued to write.

Sometimes he went to the deck to do some physical exercises, but most of the time, he was writing.

Several weeks passed, and Volantis was finally in sight.

The city seemed to be no less imposing than Braavos, and its great black walls looked majestic.

Taking a deep breath, Jin went to organize the books he wrote.

After the ship docked, Jin went on a small boat with his escort to the docks.

The air in the city is humid and warm, it feels a bit like the climate of your old hometown, New Revolution, on earth.

"Little Lord, are you Jack Xurz?" A man in armor came over and asked.

Jin nodded.

"My master, Jord Bolg, is waiting for you, please come with me." The man said.

Before leaving Braavos, Jin needed to make sure he had some contact and floor in Volantis, so he asked Nero to speak to someone reliable from Volantis.

Jord Bolg is a noble aristocrat from Volantis, and has some friendship with Nero. He must be able to help Jin to proceed with the plan.

After following the man, Jin arrived at a large mansion in the heart of Volantis.

Jin dispersed 8 of the ten escort guards, having only two guards accompanying him to the mansion, were the survivors of the last battle.

The rest of the guards will be staying in a special part of the mansion, designated for that.

After entering the mansion that was even bigger than Xurz's, Jin saw a big man in thin clothes waiting for him.

"Little Jack! I hear a lot about you!" The man said.

Jin was silent and just looked at the man.

"Cough Cough, Sorry for the lack of courtesy. My name is Jord Bolg, the owner of this mansion and some of the humble mines northeast of Volantis."

"My name is Jack Xurz." Jin simply greeted.

Jord smiled slightly and took a tour of the mansion with Jin, and asked why Jin was traveling.

"I'm here for the expedition." Jin replied.

Jord thought for a moment and asked:

"I think the only expedition that could bring you here is the one that is going to Valyria. Don't tell me that little Jack plans to go on such a dangerous trip?"

Jin looked strangely at Jord and didn't respond.

Jord smiled bitterly and took Jin to his temporary room.

"I imagine you are tired of the long journey, all your luggage has already been packed in your room while we were talking." Jord spoke with a small smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Jord." Jin thanked him respectfully.

After entering the room, Jin was impressed by the luxury, the silk of the bed and the carpet on the floor. The painting in the room is magnificent, with dragons painted on its ceiling.

"You can settle in too, you don't have to be so tense." Jin said with a slight smile.

The two guards looked at each other and remained rigid.

Jin just shrugged and jumped on the bed, the smell and softness were incredible.

Gradually, fatigue took over Jin's mind and he fell asleep.

After sleeping for several hours, Jin woke up only to see the guards sleeping on small puffs.

Jin smirked and approached one of them without making a sound.

Removing a small dagger from among his clothes, Jin put the blade on the guard's neck, who woke up immediately.

Seeing that the guard was sweating deeply, Jin started laughing internally and continued with the blade on his neck.

After several minutes, the guard realized there was something wrong and looked back, only to see Jin looking at him coldly.

"I think the message was very clear. You could have taken turns." Jin sighed and put the dagger away.

The guard nodded heavily and woke the other with a kick.

Looking angrily at the other, The guard was about to complain when he saw Jin looking at him.

"... Sorry, little sir." The two apologized.

"I hope you don't make the same mistake." Jin then left the room, only to see a waitress waiting.

"Do you need something? Little Sir." The maid asked as she bowed.

"Food." Jin spoke while salivating a little, hunger was eating at his mind.

The maid smiled slightly and said:

"Mr. Bolg has prepared a great feast for the guests, come with me."

Jin asked the guards if they wanted to eat, just to get hungry looks.

After going to a large hall, Jin saw a huge table full of food, with Jord eating as if there was no tomorrow.

A servant spoke into Jord's ear, and he then looked at Jin with his mouth full.

Jin contorted the corners of his mouth, but was silent.

After swallowing the food with effort, Jord coughed and said with a fake smile:

"I hope you had a good rest, little Jack, come on, the banquet is heavenly."

Jin then looked at the guards at the side, they had red eyes for looking.

He decided to teach them a lesson by the mistake of before and said coldly:

"You can't eat until I allow it, and you can't even sit."

The guards looked at Jin with throbbing eyes, but he just started to eat ignoring.

Jord and Jin ate without stopping, their noise chewing was like knives in the guards' minds.

After a long time, Jin finally felt satisfied and was impressed by the appetite of Jord, who must have been eating for a long time, seeing the remains heaped next to his plate.

The food was really delicious, the meat was much better than Braavos', and the spices were heavenly.

"It looks like you liked it." Jord spoke with a small smile.

"The food here is really incredible." Jin praised.

"Volantis' food is one of the few strengths of this city, in my opinion. Today, Volantis looks more like a lair of stupid men and prostitutes and slaves." Jord spoke with a bitter sigh.

Jin was silent, he didn't know much about Volantis and couldn't give his opinion.

"Your guards are going crazy, aren't you going to let them eat?" Jord asked with an amused expression.

Jin looked coldly at the guards and said:

"What is the use of guards who do not keep properly?"

The two guards only clenched their teeth when they saw the little demon's gaze.

Sighing, Jin said:

"I hope you understand. You can eat."

The guards looked at each other, and went to the table, and ate as if there was no tomorrow.

"So, can I know your real motivation for visiting Volantis?" Jord asked while looking shrewdly at Jin.

"I came for the expedition. You know what I'm talking about, why ask?"

"I just can't believe you plan on going on this expedition, so I think you came for something else."

"Mr Jord, Mr Nero said that you are a man to be trusted, and that you do not usually go about other people's affairs, maybe he is wrong?" Jin asked in a sharp tone.

Jord was not irritated and said:

"I really don't like to" tweak "other people's affairs, but that doesn't mean that I don't pay attention to what's going on around me."

Jin frowned at that.

"You must not know, of the great confusion that those shipwreck boat expedition papers have caused and cause. The waters of Volantis are more murky than I imagined they could be. Even I have to be careful since then."

"What is really going on in Volantis?" Jin asked.

Jord just smiled slightly at Jin.

"Cough Cough, sorry for the lack of education before." Jin spoke while criticizing in his heart.

"No problem. In fact, not even I know all the contents of those papers, but what I do know is enough for me to believe that dark times are approaching. If this expedition succeeds, perhaps the world will enter another turbulent era."

"Everything related to this expedition is extremely covered in mysteries, several nobles died trying to discover these mysteries, I don't want to be the next one. Do you understand what I mean?" Jord looked at Jin sharply.

Jin thought for a moment and said:

"If things are so problematic, I don't think I have a choice."

"Sorry, I received you in good faith. But if what you're going to do involves this expedition, I can't keep you in my house any longer."

Upon hearing this, the guards looked at Jord in amazement.

-I heard it right?

The two wondered.

After talking for a little while longer, Jin decided to leave the mansion the next morning for some hotel in the city.

Jord recommended a luxury hotel near the port, saying it is the safest and most comfortable in the city, and that he would help with hotel expenses as an excuse.

Jin didn't seem to mind that he was being asked to leave the mansion. In fact, he knows that things are not as simple as Jord said, but he doesn't have enough evidence to understand the whole situation.

Upon returning to the room with the guards, he said:

"Don't be surprised by this, even though I'm a Xurz, Nero doesn't have much power in Volantis. Jord really welcomed us in good faith, but it seems that Volantis' waters are deeper and more murky than I imagined."

One of the guards said:

"Little Lord, are we really going on this expedition?"

Jin looked at him strangely and replied:

"You even heard from Jord about the complication involved, do you really think we would be welcomed?"

"But then, what are we here to do?" The other guard asked.

Jin did not respond immediately and threw himself on the bed.

"What I came to do here. You guys are going to be here in Volantis waiting for me for a while."

The guards were confused and asked what it meant, but Jin was already asleep.