
The other day, Jin met with all the guards and went to the mansion that Jord recommended.

After settling in at the hotel, Jin started to organize the papers where he had written all the way to Volantis and said to the guards:

"I want you to take these papers to the city clerks and tell them to make several copies and create books with the pages. The pages are listed to facilitate organization and I want at least a hundred copies of the best quality books to be made."

He then put a bag of gold on the table.

"I also want you to secretly hire as many mercenaries as possible, make sure they have at least some reputation and that they will keep their word."

One of the guards frowned and said:

"I don't think the money will be enough."

Jin laughed and shook his head.

"This bag of gold is for the clerks, the money for the mercenaries ..." He took a paper from his pocket and handed it to the guard.

"Cross the Long Bridge to the east of Volantis and go to any moneylender with a high reputation you find."

Jin then turned to leave and added:

"No one with the least bit of information about Braavos will deny this offer."

The guards looked at each other for a moment and laughed strangely.

Such a small child acting so confident and mature is strange enough, and they are even starting to get used to getting worse.

"The little Lord is really a wise child." The guard who received the paper sighed.

"It doesn't matter, we just have to serve him well. The Xurz family will definitely take off on the free city scene."

The two guards who had served Jin before just left.

They've seen so much about Jin that they wouldn't be surprised if he was actually an old dwarf in disguise.

In the next few days, Jin focused on getting information. He slept in the afternoon and at night he left the hotel for the great black walls where the nobles of Volantis responsible for the expedition stayed.

Only those with the ancient lineage could live beyond the black walls of Volantis.

The place is well guarded, with several guards scattered everywhere.

Jin speculated that the security level of the place should be higher than that of the sea lord's palace.

The black wall guarded several palaces, towers, temples and other buildings.

With the help of the magic arts, Jin was able to pass the wall and hear a lot of interesting things with some effort.

For example, the ancestral sword of the Lannister house!

It had been brought in by the survivors of the previous expedition, and now Tywin L. himself was on his way to Volantis with a fleet of ships to retrieve it.

Upon hearing something so interesting, Jin was tempted to stick his nose where he was not called.

He also discovered several details about the previous expedition that should have been kept secret.

The captain of the shipwreck boat made several stops throughout Valyria as if in search of something, only after getting that something did he go to the center of Valyria, which is the place marked on the map that the captain showed Julio and Jin.

After hearing several things over the course of days, Jin finally started to conjecture the situation.

The papers that were brought in by the survivors certainly had some extremely relevant news, and this may even impact the entire known world.

To prevent the information from being leaked, the nobles involved blocked the flow of information about the expedition as much as possible and even chased people who were investigating.

Jin was unable to find the papers and did not hear much about them, so he decided to adopt a more aggressive instance to obtain information.

He started to attack some nobles and cast some spells to read part of his memories.

Although the spell is not very efficient, since it cannot extract exactly what Jin wants, and can only extract some recent memories, it is better than nothing.

Upon waking, the nobles were apprehensive but had no clue as to who had attacked them.

After several days of trying, Jin finally got some useful information.

Apparently, the papers were taken by the two most powerful nobles of all involved to some secret place.

After doing some research, Jin discovered that these nobles were Doggong Kyn and Jormun Korv.

They did not live inside the black wall and had large mansions outside Volantis.

After discovering this, Jin decided to wait until mercenaries were hired to look for the papers.

The books would take some time to be ready, since in this world there are no printing machines yet.

He's tired of using so much soul energy over and over, so he'll just rest for a few days.

While resting, the moneylender paid a visit. He wanted to see Jin to make sure that the deal was not a fraud and that he was not losing money.

Certainly, Jin did not disappoint the man and proved to be Nero's heir.

On the paper he handed over to the guard, Jin wrote an irresistible offer. The opportunity to cooperate with a future branch of the Xurz family industries in Volantis.

Who in this known world has not heard of newly invented electricity?

The fact that the Xurz family opens an industry in Volantis is certainly attractive enough, since the potential profit from cooperating with it is immense.


The hot wind from Volantis came from the horizon and made the dwarf's hair float.

"It is exactly as they say, a hellish paradise." Tyrion Lannister said.

Tywin, who was on the side, just looked at the city on the horizon, Volantis.

After several weeks of travel, they finally arrived.

"Milord, should we dock far from the port?" A man asked.

"Dock on the coast, a few hundred meters from the port. The waters of Volantis are deep enough to approach. Look for a place on the coast that is cleared and if not, deforest!" Tywin replied.

The man bowed slightly and left.

"I want you to go to the bloody nobles of ancient Volantis and negotiate with them." Tywin told Tyrion.

"Heh." The dwarf scoffed and said:

"But how convenient, now I understand why you called me on this trip." He then left to put on suitable clothes.

Tywin didn't care about Tyrion's speech and just looked at the horizon.

-This involves the glory of our family! I cannot fail, our sword must return home at any cost!

After they landed, Tyrion went with some Lannisters soldiers and a translator to Volantis in a small canoe.

"The smell of war really sucks, but it doesn't compare to the smell of death." Tyrion said to himself.

After disembarking at the docks, Tyrion's party went to the eastern part of Volantis, where the black walls were.

Once there, they were stopped by several soldiers who spoke in a language that the Lannisters did not understand.

Tyrion understood a little, but he still brought a translator with him to help.

"They are asking who we are, Milord." The translator said.

"Tell them that I am Tyrion Lannister, and I have come to represent my family in negotiations involving the ancestral sword of our home."

After the translator spoke to the soldiers, they finally allowed them to enter.

Upon entering, Tyrion was impressed by the black wall, which looked more like a great fortress, and also the great palaces it guarded.

The black stone that was used in the construction is proof of its past.

"Welcome to Volantis." Suddenly, a man in colorful robes arrived and greeted Tyrion.

"I hope you had a good trip here, can I find out the reason for the visit?" The man asked.

"Cut the bullshit, why don't we get to the point?" Tyrion spoke.

The man laughed lightly and led Tyrion into a room with a table to negotiate.

"I need to know, is the sword still with you?" Tyrion asked.

"Certainly." The man answered briefly.

Seeing that the man was in an indifferent instance, Tyrion went straight to the point:

"My father wants to take the sword back at any cost, he brought a fleet and many soldiers with him, but he knows that we are at a disadvantage."

"At the same time, I believe that no one in this world would like to make themselves enemies of one of the most powerful families of Westers."

"I am not going to ask you to give the sword away for free to its rightful owners, I know this is impossible. But I ask you to accept my father's offer, a ship full of gold, to prevent bloodshed."

The man was silent after hearing Tyrion's proposal, but the dwarf knew it was just an act.

"A ship full of gold ... wouldn't buy a third of that sword."

"How about two gold ships?" Tyrion spoke simply.

The man shook his head and said:

"No amount of gold would be enough to buy that sword."

Tyrion frowned and asked:

"What do you propose?"

The man thought for a moment and said:

"You must know about the expedition that we are planning. We want your fleet of ships to participate in the expedition and that ten times the weight of the sword in precious stones be paid."

Tyrion was surprised and stood up abruptly.

"My dad won't agree." He then started to leave.

The man did not stop Tyrion, but just shook his head as he watched the dwarf leave.

What neither knew was that there was a person listening to the whole conversation without them being aware.

Jin was lurking in the corner of the room, using a spell as before.

-It seems that my intrusion into this world has started to bring about great changes in Westeros. If I'm not mistaken, in the original story there was no such event.

Jin already knows the location of the sword, which was in a palace inside old Volantis.

Jin decided to return to the hotel and think of a plan, since a war is likely to break out soon.

The other day, he received word from one of the guards that a hundred mercenaries were hired using the moneylender's money.

Going out of the hotel, Jin climbed on a small platform and looked at the mercenaries.

Some of them were young, others were old. Some had imposing armor while others wore light clothing. But they all had the same aura, the aura of freedom.

These men are not bound by oaths or anything like that, their loyalty lasts as long as the money also lasts.

This is exactly what Jin wanted.

"My name is Jack Xurz, I am heir to Nero Xurz de Braavos." Jin spoke loudly.

Some of the mercenaries murmured among themselves, while others remained silent.

"You were hired to provide services for an entire year, but you still don't know exactly what to do."

"It so happens that I don't need you for now, so my order at the moment is for you to stay close to the hotel I'm staying at, until some other order. Dismissed." Jin then got off the stage and surprised the mercenaries, how come they don't have to do anything?

Some of them frowned and looked away at Jin.

Those who had heard of the reputation of the little genius Xurz were left with a bad feeling.

They say that the boy is simply a monster, that he masters the magic arts and that he is extremely creative and intelligent, having killed countless men even though he was a small child, among other countless rumors.

With so many rumors about Jin, some of the mercenaries did not look at him as if they were looking at a child.

After returning to the room, Jin took a deep breath.

-Now there are only books left for me to leave.

-But in the meantime ... I think it's best to delay this expedition as much as possible.

Jin then smiled wickedly.

The other day, Jin set off towards the black wall.

Already familiar with the task, Jin easily infiltrated and headed for one of the palaces.

The palace was thirty meters high with several gardens around it. It was green in color, and appeared to be made of jade.

Jin quickly located the palace's various entrances and guards, and began to infiltrate.

After fifteen minutes, Jin had successfully entered the mansion undetected.

He started looking for something like a main hall, to locate himself, since the pattern of Volantis mansions is no different from other regions.

After finding the hall, Jin headed for the palace's lord's room. A nobleman named Vorash Olenqar, not that the name really matters to Jin.

-What better place to keep a treasure if not under your nose?

Jin quickly found the nobleman's room and knocked on the door a few times to test the waters.

Seeing that no one answered, Jin entered the room and started looking for the sword.

He did not find the sword immediately, but discovered a large chest hidden below the floor.

Despite not having the key, Jin was not nervous and put a finger in front of the lock on the chest.

-Andora cinvetrus tōmura.

A flame lit on Jin's fingertip and started to heat the lock.

After a few minutes, Jin put out the flame and cast another spell.

-Andora cinvetrus Wēit

Water gushed from Jin's fingertip and caused a violent thermal shock to occur in the lock.

Of course, thermal shock alone would not be enough to break the lock, but what about the surrounding material?

The chest was made largely of wood, which means that the thermal expansion of the lock would, at one time or another, damage the surrounding wood.

So, after a few repetitions, Jin finally managed to open the chest, and found the blessed sword.

Brightroar, the ancestral sword of the Lannister house!