Aggressive enough

After obtaining the sword, Jin stealthily left the place.

He was tempted to keep the sword, it was really beautiful and perfect, but Jin thought it best to wait until he was big enough to use it.

The sword was the size of an adult man, and Jin had no way of handling it.

Jin went back to the hotel and went to his room, there he started to write a letter to Tyrion.

When morning came, Jin ordered two of his guards to deliver the letter to the dwarf, who was due to return for a second round of negotiations.

Jin doesn't plan to hand over the sword so easily, but he believes the Lannisters can come to terms with him.

Elsewhere, Tyrion received Jin's letter and frowned.

"Do any of you know this Jack Xurz?" Tyrion asked the men in his party.

Everyone shook their heads.

Tyrion shrugged but opened the letter to read.

As he read the letter, Tyrion's expression became a little uncertain.

Seeing the dwarf's expression, the men of the party looked at each other with doubts.

"You, look for information about this Jack Xurz, now!" Tyrion pointed to two men and ordered.

"Is there a problem, Milord?" The translator asked.

"I don't know ..." The dwarf murmured, he has little information about this guy Jack ...

After an hour of waiting at the docks, the men finally returned with the information.

"They say he is a little boy from Braavos. He is quite famous in the free cities, known as the little genius of the Xurz family, one of the wealthiest families in the free cities." The man said.

"I heard several strange rumors about him, but I can't say what is true or what is a lie." The other man said with a strange expression.

"What types of rumors?" The dwarf asked.

After hesitating slightly, the man said:

"They say he is a monster disguised as a child, who uses magic to kill and deceive people. And that he is extremely intelligent and resourceful for his age, which raises suspicions that he is not a real child."

After hearing this, Tyrion frowned slightly and thought for a moment.

-A figure so illustrious and strange suddenly sends me a letter claiming to have critical information about our ancestral sword ... It couldn't be better.

The dwarf then smirked and said:

"Very well, I think we are going to visit this" little monster ". But I hope he is not just a dwarf. It would be interesting if he had three heads and six arms."

After hearing Tyrion, the two men paled a little, but quickly returned to normal.

At the hotel, Jin was sitting on the bed with the sword lying on his knees.

Although so many years have passed since the rock king lost her, she has no marks left by time.

Feeling the cold steel in his hands, and looking at the ripples of the Valyrian steel, Jin sighed slightly and took out the piece of Valyrian steel he had received for his birthday.

The small bar could at most be used for forging a dagger.

"Well ... It's not like I don't have the opportunity to have a sword like this in the future." Jin murmured.

He then channeled some soul energy into the sword, and felt the magic imbued with it.

Jin had noticed it before with the steel bar, but even so, the magic imbued with steel is so amazing.

Even though he learned several things from the gray book, Jin does not have the least amount of ability to make Valyrian steel.

"Little Sir, Tyrion Lannister is in the hall waiting for you." A guard said from the other side of the door.

Jin then put the sword away carefully and went down to the hall.

The meeting between the westeros dwarf and Jin was nothing extraordinary, they just stared at each other for a while until Jin said:

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, Lord Tyrion."

"So you're the famous Jack Xurz, huh. I think it's my honor to meet you." The dwarf said as he sat down and filled his glass with wine.

"The honor is all mine, Lord Tyrion." Jin replied with a slight smile.

"So, despite your size, I think you're astute enough to negotiate with this dwarf?" Tyrion spoke sarcastically.

"Despite my young age, I have learned many things in this world, Lord Tyrion. One of them is that certain things cannot be bought with gold and silver." Jin said as he sat down.

"Hoh? I imagine you already drink wine too?" Tyrion tested it.

Jin shook his head.

"So it looks like you're already outnumbered." The dwarf said as he drank.

Jin realized that he would hardly be taken seriously that way, and decided to get to the point.

"Lord Tyrion, since you accepted my invitation, must be aware that your negotiations with the nobles of Volantis are doomed to fail."

Upon hearing this, the dwarf was a little surprised and looked at Jin with a funny expression.

"And why do you think that?" Tyrion asked.

"Because I heard you entered old Volantis yesterday. And that your father's fleet is in high gear."

"This does not mean that my negotiations are doomed to fail." Tyrion continued to drink.

Jin was silent for a moment, until he stood up and said:

"There is no need for further testing, Lord Tyrion. I just offer an opportunity to prevent bloodshed. If you change your mind, you know where I am staying."

Tyrion was a little surprised by Jin's attitude, but got up and left the hotel with a strange smile.

Jin frowned a little, but was not discouraged, if Tyrion's personality is no different from the series, he will definitely try his least to avoid bloodshed.

On the way to the black wall, the translator asked Tyrion:

"Milord, what do you think of that boy?"

"I think that perhaps the rumors are not so unfounded, a normal child does not act so firmly on this type of complex matter." The dwarf said nonchalantly.

The translator nodded and said:

"I also thought it was a bit abnormal, but maybe he's just a genius, he didn't seem to be evil or anything."

"...Who knows." Tyrion said.

After arriving at the black wall, Tyrion was received by the same nobleman of the previous day, and a new round of negotiations began.

"First Lord Tyrion, I would like to ask you something." The nobleman said.

"Go ahead." The dwarf waved.

"... You already have the sword, don't you?" The nobleman asked.

Tyrion, who was drinking wine, spat out everything and looked at the nobleman with confusion.

He is not an idiot, for such a question to be asked, it only means one thing, the nobles are not in possession of the sword or are pretending not to be.

"Do you really think I would come and waste my time here if I were with her?" Tyrion replied.

The nobleman nodded in agreement, already waiting for such an answer.

"So ... I think we can change the focus of the negotiation." The nobleman said.

Tyrion frowned slightly and heard what the nobleman had to say ...

After several hours, Tyrion finally finished negotiations with the nobleman, and now he was going to pass on both their proposal to his father, Tywin.

On the way to the docks, however, Tyrion suddenly remembered the little boy who had invited him earlier.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to go to the hotel where Jin was staying.

It was late, but Tyrion didn't care, and ordered Jin's guards to wake the boy if he was asleep.

However, much to Tyrion's surprise, he received the news that Jin was already waiting for him in the hall.

Upon entering the hall, Tyrion was asked to sit down.

"I see that your attention has finally been stimulated by me, Lord Tyrion." Jin spoke while taking a pot of soup.

"Do you have the sword?" Tyrion asked.

Jin smiled slightly and replied:

"Perhaps now I am the main target of your fleet?"

After a brief silence, Tyrion said:

"If I have the sword, I think it's best that we reach an agreement to avoid ... unnecessary deaths."

Jin sneered internally but kept the smile on his face.

"I don't think your father thinks of me as someone qualified to do business with the noble Lannister. Perhaps you won't pay me the fair price if I have the sword."

"Maybe, if my dad was here, you really wouldn't have any qualifications. But look, the pacifist dwarf is here." Tyrion said.

Jin just continued to eat soup, ignoring Tyrion.

Seeing this, Tyrion said:

"You may never have heard our motto. A Lannister always pays its debts."

After hearing this, Jin finally stopped taking the soup and looked seriously at Tyrion.

"Well, it looks like you finally decided to negotiate seriously with me. In that case, I think I can begin to explain better why I called you." Jin started to speak.

"I don't have your sword right now, but I know very well where it is and how you can get it."

Words can easily be misunderstood, and Jin knows that the dwarf is skilled with them. So he plans to throw a bait first.

"What do you mean" right now "?" Tyrion asked with a serious expression.

Jin shrugged and didn't respond.

After some time of deliberation, Tyrion asked:

"How can I trust you, if you don't even seem willing to prove that you're telling the truth?"

"Well ... I'm quite rich, my fame resonates in the free cities, and my family is very powerful. I think if it were in Westeros that would be enough." Jin replied sarcastically.

Upon hearing this, Tyrion sighed and said:

"Even though I want to trust you, I doubt my father does."

"This is quite simple to resolve." Jin said.

Tyrion frowned and looked doubtfully at Jin.

"Well, I think a hostage exchange is all that our negotiation needs." Jin spoke with a smile that sent chills down Tyrion's spine.

Jin's plan was simple, he wanted to delay the expedition as much as possible, until he was ready to leave for Valyria.

Having decorated the map when he was still a baby, Jin somehow knows where to go.

The most efficient way that Jin saw to delay the expedition is to destroy at least part of the nobles' preparations. And for that, he needs Lannister's help.

While arguing with Tyrion, Jin invented a story where he and one other aide stole the nobles' sword in secret and without being identified.

However, Jin was betrayed by this partner, and the sword was taken to a well-protected place.

Jin wanted the Lannisters to destroy at least part of the expedition's preparations before they left, and in return, he will tell you the location of the sword.

Tyrion said that a nobleman had proposed an expedition alliance, where the Lannisters could partially help.

After talking for a few hours, Jin and Tyrion finally reached consensus and Tyrion left to speak to his Father.

"How long before the books are ready?" Jin asked one of his guards.

"The clerks said it would take a few weeks." The guard answered.

Upon hearing this, Jin thought he was making the right decision. The expedition is scheduled to leave in a week, in which case, he would not be fully prepared, as his plan includes a "large painting".

On the ship, Tywin and Tyrion argued about the veracity of Jin's words.

"You disappoint me, do you really think that nobleman is telling the truth?" Tywin said with a cold look.

"I don't know, but if the boy hadn't sent me the letter just before, I might not have believed him." Tyrion explained:

"In any case, I think it is better to avoid unnecessary losses, and in addition, we are at a disadvantage because we are in enemy territory."

"You don't have to tell me that, but this issue is too important to be weak and indecisive." Tywin shook his head.

"Exactly! If we follow this plan with the boy, we will have nothing to lose anyway." Tyrion said.

Tywin was silent for a while while drinking wine, until finally asking:

"How can we trust that boy? Even though he is really a Xurz, we cannot blindly trust him."

"This is where things get even more interesting." Tyrion smiled and explained:

"He even suggested a hostage exchange."

Upon hearing this, Tywin frowned and said:

"This is not so simple, will you tell me that he himself will be the hostage?"

"There is no one else but him who can be." Tyrion laughed.

"And I will be held hostage by him." The dwarf drank wine with a funny expression.

Tywin was silent and blew out a breath.

"We will see what this will bring."

In front of the hotel, Jin summoned all the mercenaries who had been previously hired.

"I have a mission for you." Jin's solemn voice resonated.

The mercenaries looked at the small boy with a solemn expression curiously.

No matter how many times Jin tried to look serious, a child's cute body always got in the way a little bit.

With the Brightroar sword wrapped in the hands of a guard beside him, Jin shouted:

"I want you to take this object to the west bank of the river, where there is a hill with an abandoned mine a few miles to the north. There, you must protect this object with your lives."

"Five of my guards will go with you there with supplies for a few days, you must follow their commands, understand !?" Jin shouted solemnly.


"Cough cough." One of the mercenaries coughed.

"Okay, but can we know who we should protect this object from, which is obviously not a sword?" A mercenary with a scar on his face asked.

"Aside from you, from everyone other than me." Jin replied in an ironic tone.

The mercenary twisted the corners of his mouth on hearing this, but decided to remain silent.

"Listen to me, this mission is extremely important, if you succeed in protecting the object, you will get a big bonus!" Jin spoke with a sneaky smile.

The mercenaries were immediately inspired.

"What are you waiting for? Go ahead!" Jin waved a hand.

Not expecting questions from other mercenaries, Jin ran into the hotel.

The five guards who were charged with going with the mercenaries just sighed.

It seems that the problems will soon reach them.

Upon returning to the hotel, Jin began his daily training routine, and waited for Tyrion to bring news.

Hours after the mercenaries left, Tyrion arrived at the hotel.

After shaking hands, Jin offered Tyrion a cup of tea.

"I have no wine to offer you today, dwarf." Jin said with a look of regret.

Tyrion frowned and said:

"This is a huge lack of etiquette, denying a dwarf wine." The dwarf then drank and stagnated.

Looking at Jin with a strange look, he asked:

"Hot water tea?"

"My specialty." Jin said as he took a bottle of wine from the side of the sofa and filled his own glass.

After slowly drinking the wine, Jin smiled and said:

"A wine of such great quality is not worthy of being served to a dwarf."

Tyrion was speechless to Jin's twisted sense of humor.

"So, what did your father say?" Jin asked as he filled another glass with wine and handed it to Tyrion.

"He's hesitant to trust you or the nobles, but he thinks he can reach a consensus with you." Tyrion drank the wine and opened his eyes wide.

"What kind of wine is that?" He asked in surprise.

"I bought it from a merchant who came from Asshai." Jin replied.

Upon hearing this, Tyrion paled and spat the wine back into the glass.

Upon seeing this, Jin scoffed and said:

"Believing in baseless rumors and fearing ridicule. I didn't think you were that kind of dwarf, don't you see that I'm also drinking wine?"

Now that Tyrion paid attention, he realized that he was dealing with a child and that he was strangely drinking wine.

"For some reason, sometimes I think I'm talking to an adult dwarf and not a child." Tyrion said.

"Hmph." Jin snorted in response.

Looking at the glass, Tyrion drank the wine again.

"My dad said he was willing to meet you, if you know what I mean." Tyrion spoke.

Upon hearing this, Jin smiled and said:

"I hope you can stay with my guards until I get back."

"Do you really think five guards can prevent my father from rescuing me?" Tyrion asked.

"They are enough to kill you if they see a Lannister soldier approaching the hotel." Jin smiled.

Tyrion contorted the corners of his mouth.

-This kid is really aggressive enough.