Smoke and blood.

The other day, after Jin had talked to his guards and made some preparations, he waited until Tyrion arrived at the hotel escorted by five Lannisters soldiers.

"Good luck to U.S." Tyrion said as he tapped Jin on the shoulder and then entered the hotel.

Jin smiled slightly and went with the Lannisters soldiers to the docks.

There, he saw an old man with a sharp look.

Tywin had a little turbulent thoughts after seeing Jin, after all, he was negotiating with a child.

But after all, he is an experienced man and quickly returned to normal.

"So you are little Jack." Tywin spoke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Tywin." Jin greeted.

Tywin seemed to be assessing Jin, as he said nothing more until everyone reached the ship.

Seeing the great Lannister fleet, Jin exhaled cold air.

-They really came prepared.

Jin thought.

"What do you think of this strength? Little Jack." Tywin asked suddenly.

After thinking for a moment, Jin smiled and replied:

"I think it is enough to kill a dragon."

That was a lie, dragons are almost absolute beings in books unlike the series, although they can be killed if they are very small or a spear crosses their eyes.

Tywin understood that this was Jin's way of praising the fleet and said while watching Jin's reaction:

"Fortunately, dragons are dead and it is easier to kill men in wars."

"Men or dragons, to kill any of them steel must be paid." Jin shrugged.

Tywin was silent when he heard Jin's phrase, but he internally agreed.

Wars are expensive, and it is better to avoid them.

"I've prepared accommodation for you, but before you can rest, we need to talk about the plan in general." Tywin said.

Jin nodded, as it is normal for both parties to trust each other more.

Tywin and Jack went to a dining room inside the ship, where they ate and talked until Jin pretended to be tired.

Tywin seemed to notice Jin's act, but he didn't care, giving permission for him to withdraw.

In his cabin, Jin lay on the bed and exhaled. The conversation was a little tense, but he thinks Tywin will at least trust him a little more.

According to Jin's plan, the Lannisters will destroy some supplies and vessels prepared by the nobles of Volantis and, soon after, Jin will tell the location of the sword.

After finding the sword, Tywin will send Jin with an escort to the hotel where Tyrion is, and there they will end the transaction.

Everything needs to happen quickly, before the nobles can react, so Tywin plans to send some emissaries to the black wall while he makes the attack.

Tywin said that for his plan to work, it is necessary to complete everything within an hour.

Attack supplies, retrieve the sword and exchange hostages.

Or else they will encounter strong resistance from the army of the nobles, who will have made their move and will attack the fleet directly.

For this, the Lannister force will be divided into two groups. A small elite group in disguise will attack supplies and vessels, and the other will wait at the mouth of the river, in a place near the location of the sword.

The attacking group will act quickly, creating a distraction before attacking, with an expected action time of 25 minutes.

After the other group notices the smoke, Jin will then reveal the location of the sword.

Although there was a short time left to get the sword and exchange hostages, Tywin told Jin not to worry.

According to Jin's estimates, the mercenaries he hired will not be able to withstand a direct attack, and then, his guards will surrender, handing over the sword without much resistance.

Jin chose guards who had not been seen by anyone when Tyrion visited him, so that Tywin would not have enough evidence.

After a few hours, the sky was beginning to darken, and the Lannister fleet was finishing its preparations.

On the deck of the ship, Tywin gave instructions to the captain who will command the soldiers to attack the nobles' supplies and vessels.

Jin just watched as the troops got ready.

After some time, Tywin gave the order for the fleet to divide and the operation to begin.

"It looks like your men are really loyal, Mr. Tywin." Jin commented.

Tywin frowned but was silent.

The men in the attack group are going on a suicide mission, everyone knows that. The fact that they accept the order proves their loyalty, or at least their fear.

Deserting has death as a punishment.

-Maybe they thought it was better to die with honor.

Jin thought.

After a while, the main fleet arrived at the location indicated by Jin, and everyone waited for the signal, smoke.

At the same time, the attack group was rapidly approaching the designated location.

Everyone had gotten rid of anything that could identify them as Lannisters soldiers.

With black clothes and shiny swords in hand, the men trembled as they watched the ship get closer and closer to their destination, death.

Lord Tywin guaranteed that their families would be well rewarded after their death, yet they would not stop shaking.

"Attention Men!" The captain shouted.

"The gates of glory await us, but make no mistake!"

"Glory is a bait put to death to attract fools or the weak!"

"Are you fools or weak?" The captain asked shouting.

"Not!!" The soldiers shouted.

"Then teach to death that you are fish!" The captain spat on the floor.

"None of you will stay alive, none of you MUST stay alive. Do you understand me?"

"..." The soldiers were silent.

"I swear to the Gods, all of them, that if I see any of you desert I will kill him with my sword across his ass."

"It is better to die with a minimum of dignity, don't you think?" The captain then drew his sword and waited for the ship to get close enough to the docks.

Gradually, the vessel began to shake until finally colliding with a wooden structure.

"ATTACK!!" The captain shouted as he jumped off the ship.

The soldiers also began to disembark, with some carrying flammable liquid on their backs.

There were no guards at the docks, as a few other Lannisters soldiers created a distraction near the docks, large enough to attract attention.

The Lannisters soldiers wasted no time and began to burn various supplies that were scattered around the docks.

Others attacked the moored ships and burned them too.

After several minutes, however, a large force arrived at the docks and started a bloody battle with the Lannisters soldiers.

Their aim was not to burn all the nobles' preparations, just enough to delay the expedition for a while.

While some Lannisters soldiers held the soldiers of the nobles, the others burned as much as they could, until finally there was no more flammable liquid.

The captain was bathed in blood and was killing enemies furiously.

Even though the Lannisters soldiers fought well, since they were prepared to die, they were at a great numerical disadvantage.

One by one, the Lannisters soldiers fell dead to the ground, which was already completely covered in blood.

The captain realized that half the men were already dead, but he just smiled and kept on fighting.

-At least my family will never have to worry about money in this generation again!

The captain thought as a sword went through his heart.

Spitting blood, the captain fell to the ground, seeing smoke covering the sky, and blood covering the earth.

Across the river, the Lannister fleet had already noticed the smoke, and Jin said the location of the abandoned mine.

Tywin was an excellent military commander, and he had already organized the entire force for rapid movement.

Within minutes, the Lannisters soldiers discovered the abandoned mine, and the mercenaries in it.

Tywin did not want to waste time, and ordered a total attack.

The mercenaries reacted quickly, but seeing the number of enemy soldiers, some simply surrendered without even fighting.

The five guards were agile, and after fighting for a while and killing some soldiers, they gave the order to the mercenaries who were still fighting to surrender.

Upon seeing the enemy surrender, something that can be considered normal due to the difference in numbers, Tywin felt a little uncomfortable, but did not have time to think too much.

Tywin quickly ordered the search for the sword, which was quickly found.

Seeing the great ancestral sword of his family, Tywin had no time to admire and ordered Jin to be taken to the hotel to exchange hostages.

Tywin nodded to Jin from afar, but Jin was not fooled, the man he was dealing with is much more dishonest than he looks.

Five soldiers escorted Jin to a small boat, where they rowed into the city.

However, before they could react, Jin quickly inserted a dagger into their necks.

Blood spurted from the soldiers' necks, making Jin's vision turn red.

Jin wasted no time and ran quickly to the hotel, when he got close, however, he went in stealth mode to enter.

Walking to the room where Tyrion was supposed to stay, Jin noticed several soldiers hiding around the hotel.


Jin sneered internally.

Jin quickly found the dwarf, who was drinking and talking to himself, and Jin's guards, who were tied up in the corner.

Jin smirked and threw a bottle of wine in the air.

... 3 ... 2 ... 1. Bang.

The sound of shattered glass woke the bound guards and caught the attention of the dwarf and the soldiers nearby.

"Astonished?" Jin asked as he cut off the guards' bonds.

Tyrion thought he was completely over since he was seeing Jin in front of him. This means that Jin entered the hotel without being seen!

"How did you get in here?" Tyrion asked.

Jin then took out the dagger he used earlier and started to approach the dwarf.

"What do you think?" Jin asked with a sarcastic expression.

Tyrion paled a little and the soldiers began to surround Jin.

Jin kept walking, and the soldiers strangely did not move anymore, some even bled through their nose.

But Jin also started to bleed violently all over his body, yet he kept walking.

Upon arriving in front of Tyrion, Jin put the dagger to the neck of the dwarf paralyzed with fear.

"Tell your father that the Xurz are not a family that can move at will, at least while I'm in this world."

Shaking, Tyrion nodded as he saw the child covered in blood with a dagger pointed at him, with ghostly green eyes.

The soldiers who were paralyzed then finally recovered their movements, and began to breathe heavily, as they struggled to stand.

"Get the hell out of here before I change my mind!" Jin shouted, making Tyrion and the Lannisters soldiers run out of the hotel.

After seeing that they were gone, Jin blew out a deep breath and fell tired on the floor.

He had been using soul energy in his body nonstop since he entered the boat, afraid of the soldiers suddenly attacking him, and he also used a large amount of energy to go into stealth mode and paralyze all the soldiers, who were 12 in total.

But it also shows Jin's progress, as it is much more difficult to paralyze someone than to simply attack brutally with soul energy.

Although he is tired and has lost a lot of blood, Jin was satisfied with the result, as this will give him more time.

The guards tried to maintain their composure, but they were still trembling non-stop. One went to Jin and carried him to a nearby bed, while another went after a healer.

But as he fell asleep, Jin noticed a change, his soul seemed to be reacting in a strange way to the blood he lost.

But before Jin could understand what was going on, he fell asleep.