Chapter ten: Confession

~~~I know you haven't made your mind up yet, but I will never do you wrong. I've known it from the moment that we met no doubt in my mind where you belong. I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. There's nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of this earth for you, to make you feel my love... Oh yes, to make you feel my love~~~



I slumped my back on the bed the moment Dale left the room. He didn't say anything except that he told me to take rest. I really wanted to ask him, no, the right word is to tease him of why he's being quiet but I immediately changed my mind.

What if he returned my question with another question and asked me about my condition? Hmm... I'd rather watch him leave quietly than start a conversation with him. I'm still not ready to confess everything. I still need time.

Because of tiredness, I haven't noticed that I slowly drifted to sleep.

After almost two hours...

I was woken up by the sudden movement I felt in my room. Someone is inside. And based on the sound passing through my eardrums, this someone is pacing back and forth. Then the sounds of his or her feet stopped suddenly... exactly before I felt my bed immersed on the left side.

I slowly opened my eyes only to be surprised to see my brother sitting on the edge of the bed. His hands rested on his lap as he stared blankly on the wall. He seemed to be in his own world at the moment.


His head snapped instantly, but instead, he said nothing, he only gave me a long deep sigh which I noticed he kept on doing.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I'm getting confused by his strange behavior. I also tried to get up but he stopped me, so I just leaned on the headboard.

I waited for a few more minutes before he finally opened his mouth.

"Who is he?" He asked me, the seriousness in his eyes didn't seem to change.

I frowned. "What do you mean by who is he?"

"The father." he shrugged.

I gulped. Why do I feel I already know his next words?

"Who's the baby's father?"

"D-Dale..." I bit my lower lip, nervousness started kicking in me.

"Who did this to you?"

H-How did you know about... a-about it?"

"I wasn't born yesterday, Samantha not to notice your sudden change these past few days."

"B-But why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I was waiting for you to tell the truth but you haven't. And even until now, you're still hiding it from us."

I lowered my heard not knowing what to say.

"Who is he?"

"Dale... I - I ---"

"Don't tell me you can't mention his name because I swear I'm going to do anything I can just to find out who he is."

"It's not what you think, Dale. Honestly, he didn't do anything, it was all my fault."

"Then tell me who the father is."

"You're going to be mad at me."

"Well, I'm trying not to, Samantha, but don't push my patience!" He said full of conviction that made me close my eyes.

"Did mom and Dad already know about it too?"

"No, that's why I'm covering you until you came home with Paul and looked so pale this afternoon."

"But why did you do that? Why didn't you just tell them when you had the chance?"

"This is not about why I didn't tell them or not, and don't answer me with another question. I will ask you again, who is the father of your baby?"


"Samantha, I'm losing patience! Are you going to tell me or---"

"It's Luke!" I breathe, waiting for his reaction but I got nothing. "My baby's father is Luke."

Clenching his jaws, he suddenly punched the bed that made me gasp in shock.

"I knew it!"

"Dale, it wasn't his fault. I-I did everything. I planned everything---"

"What the fucking hell did you do and why are you telling me it wasn't his fault? How can you be pregnant if it wasn't his damn fault?"

I looked at him with tears forming around my eyes. I don't how to start telling him.

"You can trust me if that's what you're afraid of. I know I'm not the sweet kind of brother, I always make fun of you and always annoy you but no matter what happens, I will always be here for you because I'm your big brother and you will always be my little sister."

That's what made my tears flow. He's right, for me he's the most annoying person in the world, but despite everything that he does, he still my big brother. The brother who shows me his love not with words, but with his actions.

And a few seconds later, I just found myself telling him what happened that night. At first, he couldn't believe that I was capable of doing those stupid things, but since the evidence was already in front of him, he has no choice but to believe it.

"I told you to stop chasing him and stop your stupidity over him, didn't I? He's getting married right after his graduation, but what did you do? Don't you know that because of what you've done, you're going to ruin everything? When Cherry happened to know about this, their relationship might end."

"Honestly, at first that's what I wanted. I wanted their relationship to end. I wanted him to be mine, Dale, but that night, God knows I changed my mind. I just didn't know the bartender would put a sex-enhancing drug on Luke's drink and would also put something on my drinks."

"Forgodfucking sake, Samantha! What will happen to you if he continues to marry her? Wait---does he already know about that?" He asked, pointing at my belly.

I shook my head.

Looking up to the ceiling, he deeply sighed.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled while still watching him. "I won't bother him anymore, Dale."

And he looked at me, giving me a weak smile. "You won't bother him anymore? Tss! You should have done it the day I told you to do it, but you didn't."

"Then I'll do it now. I'll start it right now."

"How? How would you do that when he already has an obligation with you?"

"No, he has no obligation to me, it's just for the baby."

"That's bullshit, Samantha! Do you think Dad will let this slide just as simple as that? He wouldn't!" He shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"You'll have to wait for it when they already know the truth. When they know you're pregnant."

"Please don't tell them, Dale, I'm begging you."

"What? Are you just gonna hide it---"

"No. What I mean is that, let me be the one to tell them. I promise I'll do it, just give some time."

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me for a few seconds and then gave me a long sigh.

"Fine. How about a Luke, when are you going to tell him?"

"Actually, I was really going to tell him, but he didn't come to the coffee shop yesterday."

"You mean to say the coffee shop in front of our school?" I nodded. "So it's true that Paul just met you there yesterday?"

I nodded again.

I don't know how long Dale stayed in my room. And for the first time, we discussed a lot of things without bickering or me being annoyed with him. He agreed to give me the table on telling our parents about my pregnancy and even talking to his best friend.

And the moment he left my room, I know that the relief I felt after telling him the truth would now his burden. Neither he nor I, we're not sure what would happen if I speak to my parents and to Luke. Maybe I'll succeed on stopping Luke's wedding, but Dale may lose his best friend.

I closed my eyes and let the tears flow freely down my face, remembering what Dale said before finally closing the door.

"I could lose everything, including my best friend, but I won't let anything bad happen to you. I won't let anyone hurt you. And maybe I don't say this often, but believe me or not, your brother loves you, Sam."
