Chapter fourteen: 'You're hopeless'

~~~If you take me wherever you go, I wanna learn the things that you know. Now that you made me believe, I want you to take me 'cause I long to be able to see the things that you see. Know that whatever you do, I'll follow you...~~~

-Toni G.-


"Are you sure about this, Sam?"

This has been Jack's question for the fifth time since I told her about the wedding next week. It's Saturday today and I invited her to come to be able to share my thoughts with my best friend. And even though she refused it at first... ( well, you already know the reason )... but when I told her that Dale isn't at home and that he's having a practice for their finals, I didn't wait an hour and she has already appeared right in front of our house.

"As if I still have a choice, Jack." I sighed, taking the leftover pizza from the oven and went back to the long wooden table.

"Of course, you have! You can simply tell them that you don't want to get married to him." She followed behind me with a pitcher of orange juice in her hands.

"I did it and you know what?"


"They didn't listen!" I took the first bite of my pepperoni pizza.

"Hmm..." She raised an eyebrow, placing the glass of juice in front of me and occupied the seat next to me. "Why don't you run away? I'll help you."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, I am! I know a place where you can escape and--- ouch!" she didn't get the chance to continue what she was saying as I hit her arm.

"Haist, Jackeline, you're not helping!"

"Well, I'm just trying to find a better solution so you can escape the wedding!" She shrugged.

"Haha... a better solution?" I repeat with a sarcastic laugh. "I can't do that. I'm pregnant and I don't want to make another mistake, because Luke will certainly not be able to forgive me if I do."

"Ohh... so that's it! You don't want to think of any other solution because the truth is that you don't really want to stop the wedding, am I right?"


"Okay, you don't need to answer, I got it."

I sighed, biting my lower lip.

"Sam, just a piece of advice, entering into a one-sided relationship or marriage is difficult because dreaming of someone you love, yet you can never have is a nightmare itself. What I fear most is that if he really does what he said and he will make you pay for every single day while his name is being tied with yours."

"Don't worry about it, Jack, I'm ready for the consequences of what I did, besides, I have his child. I can do everything--- anything and even if it includes living in hell while living with him, it's fine as long as my child grows up with a father."

"Oh, goodness, Samantha! Where are you from--- 14th century? You don't have to be with the man who doesn't know your worth just to make your dream of having a complete family come true!"

"Come on, Jack, we're not yet married, you're overreacting. What if because of this baby he'll eventually learn to accept me and appreciate me? I'm still not losing hope."

"Huh!" She sneered, shaking her head. "Tsk.tsk.tsk... you're hopeless." then she rolled her eyes before taking the last piece of pizza from the plate.

Yeah... 'you're hopeless'... that's exactly the same word Luke had told me. But since I'm having his child, he's wrong. They're all wrong because this baby is the only hope--- no, the right word would be 'my new found hope' that I will hold on to no matter what happens.

Maybe for them, I am the most stupid, foolish, insane--- whatever they can call it for making such a stupid mistake, but I promise not to be that person in my baby's eyes. I will be a good mother like the way my mom did while raising me.


"Congratulations, Sam." Luke's mother or should I say my mother-in-law starting today greeted me as soon as we entered the wedding reception.

"Thanks, Lilian," I said giving her a smile that didn't even reach my eyes. Luke is nowhere to be found after receiving a call and I didn't have to ask who the caller was based on his subdued expression.

"Oh, come on, just call me mom, sweetie. You're now my daughter-in-law."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, anyway, where is your husband? I haven't seen him around since you two came from the church."

I silently pulled my breath. How am I supposed to answer her question? That his son left his wife on the day of their wedding just to be with his girlfriend? Or how am I supposed to tell her that his 'unico yho' isn't breaking up with his girlfriend yet, that he's still seeing her and exchanging phone calls with her?

"H-He's just receiving a call." and I smiled.

"I see. Well, just call me if you need help entertaining your guests, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks, Lilia--- I mean, Mom."

She kissed my cheek before leaving my side.

"So, how did you answer her question, Mrs. Williams? What did you tell her? " I turned around when I heard Jack's voice from behind.

I ignored her question. I know she heard us talking and I'm sure she just wanted to tease me. I took a glass of wine from the waiter who's wandering around and walked towards the window to have some fresh air, but my bitch of a best friend followed me there.

"Don't tell me, you lied to her?"

I breathed. "Nope, I told her the truth," I replied which caused me to earn a frown from her.

"You mean to say, you told her that his son got a call from his 'real' girlfriend and left you here alone?"

"I just told her he's taking an important call."

"Ohh... I wonder what is he doing right now... tsk.tsk.tsk."

"Jack, please?" I closed my eyes when she stressed the word real'.

"Please what?" she asked, pretending to be innocent.

"Please stop it. Do you think I have no idea what he's doing right now?"

"But why are you not doing anything? You are now his wife and he's supposed to be here with you right now!"

And again, I chose to ignore her. I know she's right but instead of wasting my effort to stop my husband from going to his girlfriend who is now his mistress, I would rather keep my mouth shut and pretended to be okay than to receive another rant from him.

I felt her hand on my shoulder and I forced a smile.

"Sam, I just want to remind you that I'm here and that I will always be here." She said, her eyes mirroring my expression.

"Thanks, Jack."

I don't how many times I swallowed the knot inside my throat just to prevent my tears from flowing. This is just the first day. And I'm not even getting into what he called hell... I know this is just the beginning and I'm sure there are still lots of pain and hardship through my journey.


After the extended celebration in the reception, Jack and Dale were the ones who accompanied me home... if that's what I can call it. It's the new two-storey house that my father-in-law law gave us, three days before the wedding. I have already brought all my things and arranged them in my own room. Well, what do I expect? Of course, Luke would never want to sleep in the same bed with me.

"He still isn't home?" We both turned to Dale as he asked confused. He had just parked the car and we didn't find Luke's car in the garage.

"Haha! As if you're really expected to see your best friend here, duh!" Jack rolled her eyes that made me chuckle and shake my head.

If you're wondering how did these two agree to ride in one car? Well, the only answer is that they both love me.

"Am I asking for your opinion?" Dale snapped at her.

"Oops, are you talking to me? I don't remember mentioning your name, so why are you so affected?"

"Yeah, you didn't mention my name but it's too obvious that you're referring to me!"

"Haha... talk to my hand!" Jack sneered, rolling her eyes again.

I couldn't help laughing at the two... they always complete my day every time they fight.


"Haist! Can you stop fighting even just for tonight?" I tried to be serious so they would listen to me.

"I think we should go and wait for your husband inside," Dale said as he opened the door to the driver seat, but he stopped immediately when Jack snaps back at him.

"Why does she need to wait for her ungrateful husband? Don't you remember that he left her at the reception earlier?"

"Tss! So we can ask for his explanation!"

"Oh, God, Sam doesn't need his explanation anymore! It's as if she didn't know the truth why he left the reception."

"Yes, but---"

"Guys, I think I'll go ahead, just follow me inside if you're done with your 'lovers quarrel," I emphasized the last two words before opening the door to the passenger side and left the two alone.

I sighed as I walked towards the entrance. I can't believe that this would be my house starting this day. This is where I'm going sleep, serve my husband every morning, raise our kid or maybe kids and fulfil my dreams.

"Sam, wait!" I heard Jack calling me but I didn't stop nor turning my head to see her. And with a faint smile painted on my lips, I pushed the double wooden door.