Even though Jiang Xi Yu only got to spend one night at Jiang Gong Fu. Li Fei Long has pleased her by staying the whole week at his mansion in Luoyang City. It felt like a short honeymoon in ancient times for Jiang Xi Yu. Her new husband acupy her night and day. In between, they also got to spend time around Luoyang city.

To be back at Duan Wang Fu , it felt like a modern blue collar worker going back to the office on Monday morning. Jiang Xi Yu knew what to expect from her new household. A senior mama who worked to spy her ass for her mother in law, three other jealous women, and a bunch of people who work at the fu.

Her mood was completely different from Li Fei Long who eagerly returned to be active again at the court. Maybe, for Li Fei Long, the week they spent at her hometown felt like a whole year off from the political world.

Ding mama and Xiao Gan Zi gonggong welcomed them at the front gate. Yu Wan ce fei led the two qiè shì to welcome them at the inner courtyard. Li Fei Long left her straight away to his study room along with Ming He and Qian Chang Xin. After his withdrawal from the scene, the awkward atmosfer started to gather there.

Jiang Xi Yu took her seat in the inner hall. She did not get tired after the long journey because Li Fei Long kept her to be always comfortable during the trip back to the fu. Her sigh came from all these people in front of her. All have their own motive to tackle her as soon as she shows them her weakness.

"Jie jie, how was Luoyang?" Yu Wan ce fei opened up the conversation after a full awkward atmosfer since Jiang Xi Yu decided to keep in silence.

Yu Wan ce fei shared the look with Zheng yiniang and Qing yiniang. Smiled at them just like the four of them were best friends having a chit chat on a lazy afternoon.

"Since I joined this fu, never even once I got the chance to visit my hometown. To be honest, jie jie. I very much miss my parents." She continued while the other two noded in harmony. Their facial expressions looked envious which made Jiang Xi Yu feel that they were fake.

"If all of you miss your hometown dearly, then you can go back." Jiang Xi Yu blurted it out spontaneously. "Ben wang fei can help to appeal to wang ye so three of you could go back freely to your hometown and could erase all your miseries."

The shock on their faces was something that Jiang Xi Yu never expected. Originally she was just annoyed by the fake envy, then she was annoyed because Yu Wan ce fei tried too hard to get close by calling her older sister which she hated to hear. Who knew that after she just sarcastically answered Yu Wan ce fei, all the people who were there inside the hall were shocked.

Yu Wan ce fei dropped her knee on the floor. A moment after that Zheng Wan'er and Qing Yu Fei copied her move.

"Wang fei, please condone my words. Nu did not mean that the life after joining Duang Wang Fu is miserable. Nu's maiden household has been assisted greatly by Duan Qin Wang. Living in this fu is the greatest grant that nu gets." Yu Wan gave her kowtow and the other two beside her also did the same. Jiang Xi Yu sured enough that Zheng Wan'er and Qing Yu Fei might bite their lips and curse Yu Wan inside their minds.

"Get up." Shouted, Jiang Xi Yu was irritated.

Even though she pitied them who could never visit their maiden home freely, she knew she also had the same fate as them. Jiang Xi Yu knew Yu Wan just wanted to start a conversation.

After the trio sat back on their chairs, Jiang Xi Yu sighed with relief. She still needs them to be respectful towards her but she also did not has the intention to be harsh on them.

Luckily, Ding mama entered the room and joined them. Bowed half hearted for Jiang Xi Yu, Ding mama informed her new challenge. "Wang fei, Xiao Gan Zi gonggong informed that tomorrow wang ye will take wang fei to visit Zhong Jing hall. Nu bi here to assist the preparation for tomorrow."

Visit Zhong Jing hall meaning she will have her first encounter with Jing Gui Fei. Ding mama still bowed at her, waiting for her response. Meanwhile the three qie shi were watching her, secretly curious about her reaction.

Noded, Jiang Xi Yu waved at them. "Ben wang fei thinks it is enough for the day. Let Yu Wan ce fei leads Zheng yi niang and Qing yi niang out of here. Ding mama can start to advise what proper gifts for Jing Gui Fei."

Ding mama straightened her back then gave a huge smile at her. After the qie shi left her quarter, Ding mama gave her a long lost of gifts then continued the session with strict palace rules which Jiang Xi Yu needs to learn.

As time went by, the nervousness got inside Jiang Xi Yu's mind. What would Jing Gui Fei do towards the unwanted daughter in law?!


A bumpkin just entered the Grand Palace.

For the first time, Jiang Xi Yu saw the glamourous Palace. From the point where they entered the gate, Jiang Xi Yu could not stop admiring every single thing she saw. The walls characteristic, the meaning behind each decoration, the many levels of servants that were passed over and over again. Jiang Xi Yu was on cloud nine.

"I am walking on the air." Whispered, Jiang Xi Yu accepted Li Fei Long's hand after she stepped out from the palanquin.

The special palanquin stopped right in front of Zhong Jing hall. The announcement about their arrival was clearly heard. That made Jiang Xi Yu back to reality. The person inside the quarter might be or might be not good towards her.

He Lu gonggong welcomed them at the front door. Ding mama, who represented Duan Qin Wang, responded to him politely. Then, the two led the way for Li Fei Long and Jiang Xi Yu to enter the inner quarter.

Jing Gui Fei waited for them with a poise pose. The elegant interior of Zhong Jing hall became more enamored with the presence of her in the center. Sat there with her green silk outfit. The embroidery pattern of peonies embellished the dress. The one thing that made Jiang Xi Yu become nervous was her eyes.

Jing Gui Fei has observant eyes just like Li Fei Long. It felt like Jing Gui Fei scanned her to her bones. Jiang Xi Yu bowed properly beside Li Fei Long. For the whole process until she was seated, Li Fei Long helped her so she would not slip and fall. Jing Gui Fei noticed that for sure.

"Ben gong sees the two of you being in love with each other. This is good to see."

The smile was not clear whether it was sincere or just a hint of innuendo. Jiang Xi Yu glanced at Li Fei Long who clearly laughed in satisfaction. Acting very happy with his mother's expression. Like he had never considered Han Yao Ying before their wedding.

"Mufei, this lovely wang fei of mine has prepared some gifts." Li Fei Long said it dearly. His hands tapped Jiang Xi Yu like a cue for her to start her move to steal his mother's heart.

Ru Qing and Ru Ming came forward to present the gifts. Jiang Xi Yu gave Ding mama a hint to help her.

"Beside some souvenirs erxi found while at Luoyang, erxi brings some natural creations for skin face and not forgetting this one to complete the set." Jiang Xi Yu let Ru Qing move closer in front of Jing Gui Fei so she could reach the new tools that Jiang Xi Yu requested to be made.

Two pieces of jade attached on both ends of a handle. The model was also similar to the modern one. Jiang Xi Yu tested it and was satisfied with it. Especially after Ru Qing and Ru Ming succeeded in making her some skincare products based on her knowledge.

In the modern days, Jiang Xi Yu was addicted to skincare and makeup. Since in ancient days things were different, Jiang Xi Yu tried to mix some natural products and found out the result was even better than modern products.

"The jade roller is gently run across the face to promote blood circulation as well as reduce puffiness and wrinkles. Jade is traditionally known for its cooling properties. After a few times of using it before sleep, the skin would glow on the next day." Jiang Xi Yu realized her excitement was high enough after Jing Gui Fei put down the jade back on the silver tray.

Li Fei Long looked very much proud of her explanation. Meanwhile, Jing Gui Fei flicked her fingers for Ru Qing to step back. The sighed came out from her lips and got caught up by Jiang Xi Yu.

Jing Gui Fei did not like her.

Gulped, Jiang Xi Yu sat back in her seat. Her nervousness gradually turned into umbrage. Her back as stiff as wood. To think that she has to butt licking Jing Gui Fei when the marriage degree was enforced by The Emperor, irritated her. She made a promise to herself that she would ever again try to impress Jing Gui Fei.

"Mufei, erchen …." When Li Fei Long tried to open a conversation, Jing Gui Fei decided to talk.

"Ben gong sees Ding mama has poorly done her task of serving Duan Wang Fei. Duan Wang Fei cannot even stand properly. How to even give proper respect to His Majesty?!" Calmly cutting her own son, Jing Gui Fei picked up her tea cup not to drink it but just to scent it.

Jiang Xi Yu did not pay attention to both as she dwelt in her own mind. The rough sound of Li Fei Long cough made her turn her head.

"Perhaps, sending Ding mama back to Zhong Jing hall is preferable instead of giving Ding mama a punishment." Li Fei Long sounded as vicious as his own mother.

Ding mama kneeled and kowtow in mercy soon afterwards. "Please spare this lowly person. The unworthy one is asking for a second chance."

Jing Gui Fei turned uneasy. Her own son preferred to defend his new wife. The table has turned back at her. Li Fei Long avoided the eye contact her mother made and Jiang Xi Yu was in an awkward position.

"The kidnappers kept erxi for almost two weeks. Beside the memory loss, ever since that accident, erxi gained weak bone caused by the tightness of the rope. Erxi never has any intention to give poor respect. It is never Ding mama's fault. It is erxi's fault for being weak." Jiang Xi Yu got back on her feet. In a split second Li Fei Long already stood up and took her hand on his so she would not fall.

"It is never wang fei's fault." Li Fei Long asserted his seriousness. "Ben wang wants to torture all the perpetrators who had make my wang fei surfer for the rest of the life. No need to feel inferior after this. Wang fei's weakness is ben wang's responsibility to accept and protect."

"Stood up!" Shouted, Jing Guì Fēi quickly butt in. Her stiff face has loosen up. "The perpetrators already got their punishment. Ben gong never knew the impact from that accident would be heavy."

"He Lu gonggong…" Jing Gui Fei called her trusted taijian. "Take Ding mama along to serve midday meals and to summon imperial taiyi to examine Duan Wang Fei's health."

Ding mama quickly expressed her gratitude before walking out with He Lu gonggong. To follow along the act, Jiang Xi Yu bent her knee as she held tight Li Fei Long's hand.

"Mufei is magnanimous. Erxi is fortunate." She praised her new mother-in-law while putting a nicest smile on her face.


The day was long. Jiang Xi Yu kept her mouth shut most of the meal time with Jing Gui Fei and Li Fei Long. She let the mother and son have their own light conversation while she herself enjoyed some meals that Jing Gui Fei stated was Li Fei Long's favorite.

By the time the imperial taiyi examined her wellness, Jiang Xi Yu already had some outlook for her own well being. Her weak foot was once again mentioned for being her frailty point. Other than that, she was fine.

Withdrew from Zhong Jing hall, sat back on the palanquin towards the palace gate where she entered before, Jiang Xi Yu once again let herself enjoy the view of the palace. Her enjoyment ended soon enough when she heard a familiar voice greet Li Fei Long.

They were reaching the palace gate when Jiang Xi Yu found out who stood there with the smile she never forgot.

"Ge…" Ruì Qīn Wáng stepped closer. "I could see you smile from where I stand. I never saw da ge this happy before."

Who would know the meaning behind those words. Whether it was satire or Li Qing Feng really meant it. Li Fei Long laughed at him but instead of facing Li Qing Feng, he turned to help Jiang Xi Yu came down from the palanquin.

Attentively holding Jiang Xi Yu's hand, Li Fei Long made sure both Jiang Xi Yu's feet touched the ground before turning his head back facing his younger brother.

The cheeky smile on Li Qing Feng's face disappeared the moment he saw Jiang Xi Yu. This made Li Fei Long smile wider. The grip on Jiang Xi Yu's hand got tighter as Li Fei Long pulled her closer so Li Qing Feng could see more clearly who she was.

"One familiar face...," said Li Qing Feng coldly. His eyes fixed on Jiang Xi Yu.

His stare made Jiang Xi Yu retrieve back the memory when his hand gripped tight her face like he could crush her face in ease. Unconsciously, Jiang Xi Yu shuddered in cringe.

Li Fei Long brushed his thumb on her hand and made Jiang Xi Yu's eyes move to her side. Li Fei Long still held her hand tightly. As if what he did was to ease Jiang Xi Yu's fear.

"Erdi heard the story. The woman that I saved was none other than the woman bestowed by Fuhuang. It is fate after all." Li Fei Long seemed very proud of their love story.

"It is fate after all." Murmured, Li Qing Feng rewinded what Li Fei Long said as his sight never left Jiang Xi Yu.

"Visiting Zhao Xiang hall?" Li Fei Long continued to ask calmly.

"Yes. But then I heard Han Yao Ying is on the way back from Empress Dowager's palace. Therefore I am waiting here to at least take a glimpse of my future wang fei's face." Li Qing Feng's answer sounded like he was teasing his older brother. Like a kid who bragged that he got what the others cannot get.

Jiang Xi Yu cannot help but glance at Li Fei Long to keep an eye on his reaction. But nothing changed there and on the contrary, Li Fei Long looked content.

"Erdi has to wait a little bit more before erdi can feel what I feel." Li Fei Long replied sincerely.

Speaking of the devil, soon afterward the noise behind them made all three of them turn around and found a smaller palanquin than the one Jiang Xi Yu used, with few yahuan accompanied, getting closer. A young girl, around the same age as Jiang Xi Yu sat there and clearly noticed them.

Jiang Xi Yu remembered her small, pretty face. The same face who she met at the Small Wild Goose Pagoda when she intended to run away from Duan Wang Fu.

Han Yao Ying obviously was a fine lady. Her yellow silk dress has sparrows and daffodil flowers embroidered prettily. Her skin was as pale as snow in the winter. The green daffodil bù yáo on her hair made her amazingly lovely.

So, this girl who made these two men lost their mind?!

Jiang Xi Yu bitterly smiled as Han Yao Ying walked closer towards them. Politely bowed, Han Yao Ying waved her handkerchief. The fragrant scent pervaded around them, which made Jiang Xi Yu start to scan her new found lady rival's deficiency.

"Greetings for Duan Qin Wang, Duan Wang Fei, Rui Qin Wang." Han Yao Ying bent the knee perfectly.

"Do not be too formal. Han Yao Ying gong gege will soon be part of The Imperial Family. Please be at ease." Li Fei Long smiled at her.

Jiang Xi Yu waited until Han Yao Ying could see her face clearly. She could bet a whole lot of fortune that Li Fei Long did not know who Li Qing Feng with that night in Small Wild Goose Pagoda before Li Fei Long came.

To her disappointment, Han Yao Ying just blankly looked at her. Jiang Xi Yu scanned if there was any hint of surprise but it was difficult. Before losing any timing, Jiang Xi Yu just blurted it out without much thinking.

"One familiar face I recognize too." Satirically smiling, Jiang Xi Yu copied Li Qing Feng's words. She turned back to Li Qing Feng then said, "I believe wang ye would take care of this small matter too like she wanted that night."

Four of them tangled in an awkward atmosphere. Li Qing Feng stared at Jiang Xi Yu like the night when they met for the first time at Small Wild Goose Pagoda.

"Looks like Duan Wang Fei still holds grudges," said Li Qing Feng in seriousness.


Both of them kept silent from the moment they separated from Rui Qin Wang and Han Yao Ying gong gege. But even though they were inside their own mind, Li Fei Long's hand was still holding Jiang Xi Yu's hand.

Their grand carriage moved slowly and reigned along the main road which made the smell of fragrant foods from street food vendors linger on their nose. Jiang Xi Yu's mind gradually imagined the food those people sell outside. Her thoughts on Han Yao Ying changed easily as her curiosity on the main street vendors increased.

"Erdi and Han Yao Ying met secretly at the Small Wild Goose Pagoda that night?" Out of nowhere the question attacked her.

Jiang Xi Yu was about to lift the curtain to see people on the street. Her free hand dropped and she turned her face to Li Fei Long.

"Are you jealous?" Jiang Xi Yu replied without much thinking and soon she regretted it.

Li Fei Long let go of her hand then locked his eyes with Jiang Xi Yu. His aura turned dark. The memory of his anger made Jiang Xi Yu terrified of what could happen next.

"What kind of small matter wang fei thinks erdi could take care of?" Li Fei Long asked her coldly.

"When Han Yao Ying gong gege and Rui Qin Wang realized qie was there, saw them together at the Pagoda. Han Yao Ying gong gege said she believed Rui Qin Wang could take care of me and Ru Qing at that moment. Qie believes that means she wanted me to be killed." Jiang Xi Yu answered honestly.

"Then Han Yao Ying left the scene before I arrived?" Li Fei Long continued. Jiang Xi Yu nodded.

Before Jiang Xi Yu thinks straight, Li Fei Long acted fast. He pulled her closer. Lifted her and moved her on to his laps. His big strong hand was already at the back of Jiang Xi Yu's head and pushed her head until their lips met. The other hand embraced Jiang Xi Yu closer.

Jiang Xi Yu moaned heavily as Li Fei Long forced her to accept his kiss. The kiss turned passionate as their tongues touted and his touches built passion between them. When Jiang Xi Yu started losing her mind, Li Fei Long pulled back his head but his hands were still strongly locked on her body.

"No one could harm my only wang fei." He whispered between his breaths.

Then he pushed back his lips against Jiang Xi Yu's lips. One of his hands wandered on Jiang Xi Yu's thigh. The other hand wandered on her bottom. Li Fei Long retreated from his kiss for the second time.

"There was no jealousy of their secret meeting." He growled.

When he was about to pounce back his lips on Jiang Xi Yu's, she stopped him by putting her point finger on his lips.

"That kind of beauty. The yellow sparrows with daffodil flowers." Jiang Xi Yu sneered on him.

Li Fei Long reacted fast by jokingly pretending to bite her finger. He turned her body easily and put her down on the soft seat inside the grand carriage that was still moving slowly.

"The sparrows cannot compete with my phoenix." Li Fei Long made sure she laid comfortably then his hands roamed inside Jiang Xi Yu's dress. His touch on her skin felt so smooth. The sensation he made on her inside the moving grand carriage with the sounds of bustling people on the street made Jiang Xi Yu thrilled.

She knew what he meant by phoenix as a hint on his ambitiousness on his political goal. With her hands holding each of Li Fei Long's hands, Jiang Xi Yu tried to remind him.

"But I am not Han Yao Ying." Jiang Xi Yu told him seriously. "Not Grand Princess and Grand Chancellor to support you. I did not learn anything about the Imperial Families' strict rule."

That second Li Fei Long stopped his moves. On top of Jiang Xi Yu, he just looked down and waited for Jiang Xi Yu to finish her words.

"I am the unwanted wife. The twisted fate. Even Jing Gui Fei thinks I am worthless."

Jiang Xi Yu thought her words had just killed their mood together. Li Fei Long's sharp eyes looked down on her like a hawk's eyes locking the target. Li Fei Long let go of his grip on her thigh, not to stop their action but to tear off her dress from her chest.

Shocked by his sudden moves, Jiang Xi Yu squealed in panic. The grand carriage stopped all sudden. The noise of the crowd outside the grand carriage seems like it toned down after they stopped.

"Wang ye, wang fei, was there any harm happening inside there?" Ming He asked in a hurry from outside the grand carriage.

"Proceed back to the fu!" Shouted, Li Fei Long then continued in a much calmer tone. "Be sure to go slowly and make a large round around the city center before going back to the fu."

Then Li Fei Long lowered his body right in front of Jiang Xi Yu's naked breast. "Ben wang needs to punish wang fei for being silly."

His hand locked her body so Jiang Xi Yu could not move away from him. His mouth was close enough in front of her bare nipple. The sensation of the view was killing Jiang Xi Yu. She lusted for him. Li Fei Long made her craving for his body. She began to enjoy his evilness.

Li Fei Long looked her in the eyes. "Jiang Xi Yu, you are my phoenix."

As the horses started to pull the grand carriage again, Li Fei Long's lips were already on the tip of Jiang Xi Yu's breast. Her loud moan soon got covered by his strong palm. The other hand of his covered her wet ending. And the shaking grand carriage became fun to ride for them.