After secretly studying the pattern of life in Duan Wang Fu, Ding mama found a secluded yard where rarely passed by the servant of the fu. The courtyard on the back of the fu was known as the haunted area that almost every servant there was afraid of. The courtyard was surrounded by rows of bamboo plants. During the day the area looked leafy but at night, the area was completely dark.

Ding mama hid herself behind the rows of bamboo plants. Her outfit merged with the greenish color of the bamboo plants. After she made sure she was in complete hiding, she looked down at the incense burner in her hands. The incense burner was in egg shape and inlaid with gold turquoise and carnelian. It was one of the things she brought when she moved from Jing Gui Fei's side to Duan Wang Fei's side.

Carefully, she squatted and put down the incense burner to the ground. Her hands pulled out a pouch from her inner pocket. She sprinkled the contents of the pouch into the incense burner. After making sure the estimated amount inside the incense burner, Ding mama kept the pouch back in her inner pocket.

Her eyes stuck at the mixture of incense cedars inside the incense burner. The burner was a gift from Jing Gui Fei for Duan Wang Fei. It seemed like Jing Gui Fei was generous towards her erxi, but no one knew besides Ding mama, that the ingredient and even the pouch inside her clothing was a special 'gift' from Jing Gui Fei for Duan Wang Fei.

Jing Gui Fei has an ill intention prepared for Duan Wang Fei. Therefore Jing Gui Fei bestowed Ding mama to Duan Wang Fu. Therefore Ding mama needed to act fast before it was too late.

Ding mama carried the burner up and quickly returned to Falun Hall. Today was the day when she started to give an etiquette lesson for Duan Wang Fei. The burner was for Duan Wang Fei to smell.

Ding mama was not nervous at all. All her life serving the royal family, she was used to seeing tricks done until it ended in death. This time, Jing Gui Fei wanted to get rid of Duan Wang Fei as soon as possible before the wedding of Rui Qin Wang and Han Yao Ying gong gege.

Ding mama passed by the back kitchen. She walked confidently toward the main area but accidentally collided with a young servant who came into her way in a hurry.

Both nearly fall down. Ding mama swiftly held the burner while managing her balance. Meanwhile the young girl fell down to the ground. Ding mama glared at the young careless maid. From her outfit, Ding mama acknowledged that she must be one of the cefei's servants.

"Which lady are you serving?! Did your lady never teach you to look to your front when you are walking?! You almost made me drop this precious incense burner that was a gift from Jing Gui Fei to Duan Wang Fei." Yelled, Ding mama pointed her finger to the girl.

The young girl quickly kneeled and put both her hands on the ground.

"Ding mama, nubi is guilty. Please pardon me. Nubi was in a rush as nubi forgot to serve a morning snack for Qing yiniang. It is nubi's fault for acting reckless. But, nubi begs for mercy from Ding mama. Nubi promises that nubi will be more careful in the future." The young girl continued with giving kowtow to Ding mama.

As much as she wanted to give this girl a lesson of manners, Ding mama knew she had a bigger task than she needed to do at that moment. She sighed in annoyance.

"You are lucky because wang fei is waiting for me. But do not take this as I am giving you a pardon. I will still report this matter to wang ye." Ding mama warned her. After that Ding mama walked past her arrogantly.


"My Lady… my lady…"

The same girl rushed to enter Qing Yu Fei's chamber. She obviously ran her way to her lady's room as she panted heavily.

Qin Yu Fei wanted to scold her at first. But her eyes landed on the thing that was offered to her. The yahuan handed her a pouch that was embroidered beautifully. Qing Yu Fei took over the pouch and examined it carefully.

"Nubi….accidentally...collided with…. Ding mama." The yahuan explained while panting. "Nubi found this pouch laid on the spot where Ding mama almost fell down. What should nubi do, my Lady?"

Qin Yu Fei glanced at her for a second before returning her eyes to the pouch which was as big as half of her palm. The material was thick and looked expensive. The thread that was used was made of gold. She squeezed the pouch to find out that the pouch was half full and not a money pouch as it was pillowly.

"Why did you not chase Ding mama and give it back to her?" Qin Yu Fei answered her casually.

Qin Yu Fei still stood by the same spot. She brought the pouch to the tip of her nose. The pouch has a fragrant scent. It was not too bold but it was addictive for her. The scent made her feel relaxed.

"Ding mama scolded me for making her almost drop the incense burner that was a gift bestowed down from Jing Gui Fei for wang fei. Nubi was scared to chase her at the Falun Hall. As Ding mama warned nubi that she would not forget nubi's careless attitude and will report to wang ye." The yahuan answered her in fear.

Qin Yu Fei did not completely hear her maid talking. She smiled as she turned her face to her young maid.

"There is no need to be scared. If I am not wrong guessing what it is inside this pouch, I am sure we have a chance to kill two birds with one stone." Qin Yu Fei threw the pouch on top of the side table by the window. She turned around just to find her maid was looking at her acting in confusion.

"Take my permission to go out of fu." Qin Yu Fei gave her name a plaque made from wood to her yahuan. "Do you still remember my uncle's house which is a taiyi in the capital city?"

The young girl nodded while she held the plaque with both hands.

Qin Yu Fei smirked at her then waved her hand to signal her to get out as soon as possible. "Go and ask him to visit me. Tell Xiao Gan Zi gonggong that I need a health check up from him but do not ever mention this pouch."

Her finger pointed to the pouch on the table then she moved her finger to warn the young girl. "Remember! Do not mention to anyone yet that you found this pouch. We need to make sure my guess is right first before we are making the first move."


"My Lady, gege is playing with wang fei again at the garden. Wang fei's personal attendant informed us that they will play together until midday." The young yahuan lowered her hand as she conveyed the information to Yu Wan ce fei.

Hearing that information, Yu Wan ce fei can only knead her handkerchief with annoyance. She just nodded at her yahuan then continued to enjoy her leisure time daydreaming as she was facing her small courtyard view.

Yu Wan ce fei accustomed an habit for Anle duolun gege to greet her father every morning before Duan Qin Wang went to work. The motive behind this was to make their bonding grow stronger and also to maintain memories of her times with Duan Qin Wang. Yu Wan kept hoping that someday Duan Qin Wang would visit her in her room.

Ever since Duan Wang Fei started her palace etiquette lesson with Ding mama at Yongkang pavilion on the east side of the mansion, everytime Anle duolun gege came back from give her greeting to Duan Qin Wang, that daughter of hers would ended up playing with Duan Wang Fei and be back to her quarter just nice before midday meal.

This was the fourth time Yu Wan ce fei learned that her own daughter was with Duan Wang Fei and Yu Wan ce fei grew jealous of the fact that her own daughter got close with her rival. Instead of diverting Duan Qin Wang's attention towards her, the closeness between Duan Wang Fei and Anle duolun gege made Duan Qin Wang become even more pleased to always be with Duan Wang Fei. This warm relationship between stepmother and step daughter made Duan Wang Fei's reputation inside and outside fu become even greater.

With her mind wandered around on how to plan a new strategy to bait Duan Qin Wang's affection to be back on her, Yu Wan sat down on the reclining bamboo chair and slowly dozed off. Her senses only went back when her yahuan suddenly nudged her and sounded panic.

"My Lady, it has already passed midday and gege has not come back yet. Nubi has sent other yahuan to look after gege at the garden but no one was there. Wang Fei has already gone back inside Falun Hall and according to their attendant, gege has already come back with her yahuan before Wang Fei went back to rest."

Both her eyes widened as she heard her daughter was missing all of a sudden. Her blood and flesh that she loved dearly to pave her future was more important than anything else she has.

In the past, when she was still carrying her inside her, she was over the moon. She was the first one of the qiè shì who got pregnant in the fu. Her pregnancy was also slightly ahead of other qin wang's ce fei. Some more, at the same moment she gave birth, the empire won a battle to conquer a neighboring country.

The Emperor was very pleased and firmly believed that Anle duolun gege held the lucky star. Her maiden family line was bestowed greatly. The official title and name for her baby daughter was granted by The Emperor. The next childbirth by Rui Qin Wang's ce fei did not get much attention like hers. Duan Qin Wang was proud of her and Yu Wan was swell-headed until Duan Wang Fei came into the picture.

"What do you mean by gege has not come back yet?!" Yu Wan snapped furiously. Quickly stood up, Yu Wan walked in a hurry to the garden. "You people have looked everywhere? The main quarter? Wang fei?! They played together for some time. She should know where gege is."

Yu Wan continued to ask while the yahuan followed her steps.

"Wang fei ordered Xiao Gan Zi gonggong to find gege and her yahuan. Nubi has ordered the same thing from other servants." The young yahuan explained to her.

Suddenly stopping her feet, Yu Wan turned her body to her yahuan. A fast hard slap hit that yahuan's in the face. By that time Yu Wan realized what she just did, her tears already wet her cheeks. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

If anything happened to her child, Yu Wan did not have any other thing that could connect her with Duan Qin Wang. It was already difficult enough to make Duan Qin Wang plant his seed inside her. That lustful 'accident' was because she carefully mixed a stimulant to make Duan Qin Wang become uncontrollably heated.

"You fool! Why did you not wake me up before midday?!" Yelled, she kicked hard on the yahuan's ankle until that yahuan fell on the ground, crying and asking for forgiveness.

"Nubi thought gege might just play hide and seek like usual. After wang fei gave orders to search around the fu, by then Nu started to feel the urgency. My Lady, please spare me." The yahuan knocked her forehead on the ground in between her cries.

"Greeting Yu Wan ce fei." Xiao Gan Zi showed up and did not properly greet her. Yu Wan ce fei ignored it and found his expression was somewhat drained.

Instead of responding to Xiao Gan Zi, Yu Wan's feet already weakened. Her mind immediately set to the worst case of all. Fortunately, her yahuan caught her before she hurt herself. Xiao Gan Zi reacted fast by giving orders to the other taijian to carry Yu Wan.

"Yu Wan ce fei, wang ye and wang fei requested your arrival at the central hall. Let's rush to go there." Xiao Gan Zi was about to lead her but Yu Wan grabbed his hand in lightning.

"Gonggong, did something happen to gege? Did wang fei find gege?" Crying, Yu Wan half pulled Xiao Gan Zi's hand.

Xiao Gan Zi lashed off his hand easily. His eyes gave silent warning to the two taijian who held Yu Wan to be more stern. Yu Wan cannot do much after she felt the power beside her. She only gazed at Xiao Gan Zi with sorrow, waiting for his answer.

"It is best for us to be at Yongyou hall immediately." Then Xiao Gan Zi turned around and led her and her yahuan. Yu Wan could not feel her own feet. The taijian helped her until she reached Yongyou hall.

When she entered the hall, Duan Qing Wang and Duan Wang Fei were already in their seats. Beside them, Zheng Wan'er and Qing Yu Fei were also there in their seats. Zheng Wan'er and Qing Yu Fei dressed perfunctory. It was obvious that this was an urgent audience.

Yu Wan did not even take her seat. She stood in the middle of the hall and faced Duan Wang Fei with full hatred. That angelic face looked sad as if Anle duolun gege was her child, which made her anger filled up even more. How could this woman sit there in front of her with a graceful appearance and wet eyes?!

Her eyes went down from Duan Wang Fei's face to her hands. Duan Wang Fei twisted the rare bangle that she gave her daughter the next morning after the Grand Wedding. Yu Wan lost her balance and fell down. She sobbed painfully as if she knew something bad just happened to her only child.

"Wang ye… our precious daughter….." Yu Wan wailed on the ground.

"Jie, please sit down first. Wang ye has ordered all servants and guards to look for gege. Soon, gege will be back on your side. There is no need to be worried. Wang fei has been in close harmony with gege, for sure, wang fei will make sure gege is fine." Zheng Wan'er quickly jumped from her seat to help Yu Wan to stand up.

The last sentence burned Yu Wan's mind.

Yu Wan got back on her feet but her eyes glaring in anger towards Duan Wang Fei. Yu Wan lost her senses. She did not budge when Zheng Wan'er pulled her to the empty seat. Instead, she pointed her finger toward Duan Wang Fei.

"Wang fei, Anle duolun gege is the lucky star that The Emperor fonds dearly."

"Yu Wan…." Duan Qing Wang warned her in a deep tone. "Sit down on your seat and get yourself together!"

This time Yu Wan's yahuan came forward and along with Zheng Wan'er, they basically pulled Yu Wan to her seat. Reluctantly taking her seat, Yu Wan purposely did not stop her glare at Duan Wang Fei. She ignored Duan Qin Wang's exasperation. At this moment, Yu Wan has no fear at all. Anyone who did any evil thing towards her daughter would pay for it and in this case she believed Duan Wang Fei was not innocent.

It was like lightning struck her when Ming He abruptly entered the hall, carrying a body in his hands. A junior taijian laid down a blanket before Ming He let down the body on it. No need to ask further, she knew. She recognized the clothes, the body figure, the shoes.

Yu Wan screamed her heart out. The daughter who was the lucky star of the empire turned out not to have much luck. Ming He and his junior taijian kneeled down beside Anle duolun gege's body while Yu Wan stormed at it, crying. She hugged her dead daughter and continued wailing.

"Wang ye, we found gege inside the well behind cui you yuan." Ming He did not dare to lift up his face as he was reporting to Duan Qin Wang.

Yu Wan heard it! Cui you yuan was the yard where Duan Wang Fei occupied before that bitch became wang fei. That two-faced bitch must got her precious child to play there and drown her. Duan Qin Wang would blindly think Duan Wang Fei was an innocent woman.

Holding the stilted body of her child, Yu Wan growled at Duan Wang Fei. "Wang fei! What sin that I have done towards you until you have to kill my only daughter?!"

"Yu Wan!" Shouted, Duan Qin Wang pounded the table between him and Duan Wang Fei.

Ignoring the sad cries Duan Wang Fei made, Yu Wan turned to Duan Qin Wang. Begging him to not lose his common senses. "Wang fei used to reside in cui you yuan before formally entering this fu. No one from all the qiè shì here ever steps on their foot there. Who else knows better about that part of the fu besides wang fei?!"

"Wang ye, look at this body." Uncontrollably crying, Yu Wan shook her child as if she could wake her up from that shake. "Not even once gege forgot to greet you every morning, every single day. This beautiful little angel is the lucky star this empire has. Wang ye, please uphold the justice for her."

Her sorrow covered the atmosphere inside the hall. Duan Wang Fei was also crying on her seat but that act just painted more grudge inside Yu Wan's heart.

"Wang ye…" Rushing to report, Qian Chang Xin's dramatic appearance stole everyone's attention. "Nucai has delivered the harrow news to the palace. By now, The Emperor must have known of this matter. Aside from that, General Lou Sheng is still trying to locate gege's yahuan but he gave updated information that the scoundrel has not traversed the imperial city gate which means she is still inside the imperial city."

"What about the chances she has accomplices inside and outside the fu?" Duan Qin Wang threw the question towards his people.

Hearing that question, Xiao Gan Zi replied carefully. "Nucai kept two yahuan who were sharing a room with the suspect. For now, it seems they are innocent."

"What about Ding mama?" Qing Yu Fei threw the question out of nowhere.

Everyone inside the hall changed the focus on Qing Yu Fei who kept her mouth shut the whole time before. Ding mama who stood behind Duan Wang Fei looked dumbfounded. Still with tears on her face, Duan Wang Fei turned around to check on that old woman.

Qing Yu Fei stood up and gathered her hands as if she asked for permission first before she explained her question. "Wang ye, a few days ago my servant accidentally collided with Ding mama when she was about to collect some pastry from the back kitchen. By chance it happened near cui you yuan which is also located near the back kitchen."

Qing Yu Fei took out a small pouch and threw it to the ground right in front of Xiao Gan Zi who was still on his knee. "My servant found this fell off from Ding mama after they separated and reported it to me. To be honest, wang ye, at first qie thought this was the expensive tea leaves that Jing Gui Fei might have given to wang fei. But fortunately at that time my uncle taiyi was visiting qie. He was shocked to see this."

As Qing Yu Fei pointed at that pouch, Xiao Gan Zi took it and opened the pouch. Some kind of grass poured into the palm of his hand. It has nice light fragants.

"According to the taiyi, this thing has the ability to slowly weaken the body's resistance. But qie did not dare to confront Duan Wang Fei or even Ding mama. Qie kept this pouch and waited for the chance to report to wang ye. But, before qie has a chance … this horrible accident happened."

Qing Yu Fei stopped and turned to glance at Yu Wan who was still hugging the body of her child. As she did that, Xiao Gan Zi offered the pouch and the grass for Duan Qin Wang to examine closely.

Yu Wan watched closely as Duan Qin Wang touched the pouch and the fragrant grass on his hands.

"Wang ye, come to think of it, lately our daughter's appetite has decreased. She felt tired easily and fell asleep faster than usual and woke up later than usual." Yu Wan turned her eyes and glared once more to Duan Wang Fei. "How could you?!! Wang ye!! Please do your justice."

Ding mama rushed to kneel in front of Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fei. She kowtowed a few times as she spoke, "Wang ye, wang fei, nubi never has any intention to do harm to Anle duolun gege. It is correct that nu possesses that grass but this has no relation at all with the death of Anle doulun gege."

"Wang ye, please investigate this." Qing Yu Fei cut the act as she bowed lightly.

"Qian Chang Xin!" Duan Qin Wang shouted angrily. "Bring Ding mama out for investigation. Ming He! Properly arranges for gege's funeral. Ben wang will wait for Lou Sheng in the study room."

Yu Wan waited for Duan Qin Wang to continue but he did not say anything to put Duan Wang Fei under investigation. She was angered by it. With the obvious hint that led towards Duan Wang Fei but nothing from Duan Qin Wang's command touched her. Yu Wan disproved it.

"Wang ye…." She wailed. Duan Qin Wang just stared at her. Yu Wan muttered, "A servant only does what the master says."

But Duan Qin Wang kept his mouth shut. His furious face disappointed Yu Wan's heart. The man was blind. Her child would not get any justice. Wailing sorrowfully, Yu Wan could only hug the wet corpse of her child once more.


She wanted to stop the tears that streamed down but could not. The beautiful kid that just played with her and became her close friend, all of sudden lied breathless inside a coffin.

Jiang Xi Yu wiped her wet cheeks roughly. All kinds of scenarios ran inside her head. All kinds of possibilities she could imagine filled her mind. Jiang Xi Yu was restless the whole day. Her breath was stuffy as she realized Duan Wang Fu was not as safe as she thought it would be.

"Wang fei, do you want to eat a little bit?" Ru Ming approached with a bowl of warm soup in her hand. "Wang fei has been crying all day long and did not touch your meals at all while the weather is humid. Nu scares wang fei would fall sick."

"I have no appetite to eat." Leaned back to be more relaxed, Jiang Xi Yu signaled for Ru Ming to retreat. After she pulled her blanket up to her chin, Jiang Xi Yu's mind went back to the cold body that rested well at Yu Wan's quarter. Once again she was back in tears.

"Is there any news from wang ye?" Jiang Xi Yu whispered while her eyes stared blankly out the window.

Ru Ming put the bowl on the side. She sat on the small stool under Jiang Xi Yu then started to massage Jiang Xi Yu's feet. "They are still interrogating Ding mama. General Lou Sheng entered the study room but still there was no instruction or update from wang ye yet. Let's wait for Ru Qing to come back and inform us of the latest status."

"My heart feels uneasy." Jiang Xi Yu whispered softly.

She leaned on the wall with the window opened. From her view, all she saw was just the darkness of the sky. Even the moon was nowhere to be found.

"Wang fei, let me close the window and put some lotion on your hands and feet. The lotion you made from aloe vera last time…." Ru Ming tried to distract her sadness by mentioning her favorite things to do before going to sleep.

"Ru Ming, I do not think Ding mama has any bad intentions towards gege even though they have found that mysterious grassy in her possession." Jiang Xi Yu butted in. She grabbed Ru Ming's hand to stop from massaging her feet.

"Ding mama might have intentions to use that on me but I do not think it was for gege. She lit the scents each time we were doing etiquette lessons. Anle duolun gege never planned to always join the lessons. As I remember, Ding mama just used that scent when I was always alone. Not when I was with gege." She continued with her point. Jiang Xi Yu noticed Ru Ming knew what she was trying to explain by the look of her face. The servant was hesitant to express her opinion.

"Wang fei…. nu thinks wang fei needs to be careful with Ding mama and also…." She stopped there and clearly did not dare to mention one name.

Knowing exactly who Ru Ming meant, Jiang Xi Yu nodded and understood. That woman inside the palace must have a plan for her.

"Nubi thinks that because of this case, we are fortunate because we have the chance to prevent wang fei from malicious schemes in the future." Ru Ming added.

"Ru Ming!" Raged, Jiang Xi Yu almost cursed Ru Ming. The latter was shocked. Ru Ming quickly kneeled on the ground and caused her stool to roll.

"Wang fei, nubi knows the death of Anle doulun gege is horrifying. But if this never happened, we would never find out what Ding mama has prepared for wang fei." Ru Ming explained.

Before Jiang Xi Yu could reply, Ru Qing entered the room. Her shoulders were slugged. Her expression was not good. When she saw Ru Ming kneeled on the foot of the seating area, she tried to learn what was going on there.

With eyes swollen badly, Jiang Xi Yu waited for Ru Qing to say something. Ignoring Ru Ming who was still kneeling next to her.

"Wang fei, Ming He gonggong told me that tonight wang ye will spend his night at Qing yiniang's living quarters. Wang fei should rest and not wait for wang ye." Ru Qing informed her carefully.

Jiang Xi Yu sighed while Ru Ming stood up, ignoring what just happened after the previous conversation between her and Ru Ming.

"Why wang ye staying there when every night wang ye usually sleep with wang fei?!" Ru Ming asked Ru Qing in anger. She could not believe what was going on.

"People would think wang fei truly has done horrible things to Anle duolun gege. Do you think wang ye truly believes Qing yiniang's accusation? Or did Ding mama give a confession that set a trap on wang fei?" Ru Ming chided with the questions.

Ru Qing just shook her head helplessly.

"There is still no confession from Ding mama. The pozi are still torturing Ding mama. Every servant who heard the screaming coming out from the torturing room, they ran away in fright. General Lou Sheng was inside wang ye's study room for sometime but nothing mentioned or announced after the general left the room." Ru Qing explained.

"They never caught the yahuan?" Jiang Xi Yu asked.

Ru Qing shook her head for the second time.

Jiang Xi Yu tried to calm her mind. She was devastated by the death of Anle doulun gege but she needed to be careful too because she did not know who was behind all of this. It seemed like this event was meant to hit two birds at the same time. First, to get rid of Anle doulun gege. Second, to frame the crime on her.

"Both of you will stay by my side tonight." Jiang Xi Yu gave her order to both of her yahuan.

She stood up and moved closer to her own bed. "I never expected wang ye to always stay beside me every single night. So, staying at qie shi's bed tonight should not bother me. But if Wang Ye truly believes that I have a relation in this case. That would be a problem."

Agily helping Jiang Xi Yu to get dressed before she tucked herself in, Ru Ming and Ru Qing tried their best to cheer her up.

"Rest, wang fei. Nubi believes wang ye trusts wang fei no matter what happens." Ru Ming convinced her.

"We will fight our best to prove our innocence, wang fei." Ru Qing added firmly.

It felt weird since Li Fei Long never stormed into her chamber that night. The night was chiller than usual. Her feelings got mixed up.

A young innocent life got taken away. A mother lost her child. A husband drove away his loss in the warmth of another woman. So this was the day where her honeymoon phase started to erode away. Jiang Xi Yu needed to start being guarded of her actions for her life in the future.


The next morning Xiao Gan Zi gonggong came and requested Jiang Xi Yu to join Li Fei Long at the Yonghe Gong Hall. Everyone was already there by the time Jiang Xi Yu arrived. Everyone except Ding mama.

It might be common at the ancient time for people to get easily torture. Especially servants who did not have a worthwhile life. Ding mama was old. Her scheming might be one of the top notch but her body was not that strong any longer. Jiang Xi Yu thought Ding mama might have died after the torturing investigation.

Everyone wore their mourning clothes including Li Fei Long. Jiang Xi Yu spotted his under eyes had blackened. His expression was still the same, furious. Knowing this kind of person for some time, Jiang Xi Yu's feelings were in between. She was curious about what happened between Li Fei Long and Qing yiniang last night but also she was in sadness knowing that they had lost a pure hearted child.

Did Li Fei Long think that Jiang Xi Yu was to blame for the death of Anle duolun gege? Did he cry his heart out on Qing Yu Fei's shoulder? Did he listen to Qing Yu Fei's opinion on this misfortune? Did they make love?

Perplexed by those thoughts, Jiang Xi Yu tried to move her eyes away from Li Fei Long and her sight fell on Yu wan.

Yu Wan ce fei sat on her seat just like a puppet. Her eyes stared blankly to the ground. Zheng yiniang kept silent while Qing yiniang smiled at Jiang Xi Yu.

"Jie jie has arrived." Qing yiniang greeted her nicely.

Before Jiang Xi Yu replied on that, Qing Yu Fei continued her words, acting lousy like she had made a mistake on her. "Aah...Please forgive me, wang fei. Nu forgot that Wang fei does not like qiè shì to call you jie jie and to maintain our deep respect for you."

After slightly bowed, Qing Yu Fei went back to her seat. Her true color came out too easy for Jiang Xi Yu to ignore. Purposely mentioned that Jiang Xi Yu did not like to act like a two-faced woman, calling each other jie jie/mei mei, and keeping their rivalry under the surface. Qin Yu Fei wanted Li Fei Long to get the idea that his wang fei was an arrogant woman.

After making herself comfortable on her seat, Jiang Xi Yu threw her sarcastic mood right away. "You are not younger than me and you are not my sister either. Therefore, do maintain the etiquette by using a formal title."

It was obvious Qing Yu Fei was about to add some more words to counter Jiang Xi Yu, but Li Fei Long butted in. His rough voice made everyone there lower their heads.

"Lou Sheng!" He shouted all out suddenly.

His trusted General quickly showed up. Behind him, two house guards brought in a young girl, bound and in a tattered state. Jiang Xi Yu recognized her as Anle doulun gege's yahuan. That servant who used to be cheerful and warm hearted, Jiang Xi Yu cannot trace that any longer from her looks. So young but turned out to be cold-hearted.

Qing Yu Fei no longer kept her arrogant face while Yu Wan started losing her mind. Yu Wan jumped from her seat. She screamed at that servant, pulled her hair, gave her a couple of slaps, while also cursing and questioned the young servant's sanity for what she did to Anle duolun gege.

"You were there the day she was born. You have cared for her since then. You watched how she grew lovingly each day. How dare you?! How dare you?!!" Yu Wan was letting her grief and anger out and no one seemed to care to stop her.

Already gotten a severe wound all over the body, the servant begging for mercy as she cannot handle more of persecution. Jiang Xi Yu peeped on her husband. Li Fei Long quietly watched and from her side view this was how Li Fei Long expressed his grief too. By letting Yu Wan physically abuse the maid.

"Tell me who sent you. Who gave you the instruction?" As Yu Wan pulled the servant's hair, she was screaming right in front of that bitch's face.

The crying bitch lifted her hand weakly. She pointed in between Qing Yu Fei and Zheng Wan'er. Not only Yu Wan was shocked, Jiang Xi Yu gasped while Qing Yu Fei jumped up and stormed to her to add a slap on the servant's face.

"How dare you!" Qing Yu Fei shouted. She turned to face Li Fei Long. "Wang ye, this is unacceptable. Wang ye had listened to the witnesses last night at my chamber, this criminal is outrageous."

"Sit." Just one word but the effect was huge. The tone was stern enough to make everyone go back to their seats, including Yu Wan.

Jiang Xi Yu could feel the tension. Li Fei Long had this aura that could make the others feel intimidated. A simple tone and expression of him could either charm people or destroy their lives.

"Speak!" Li Fei Long directed that criminal to tell her side of the story.

The crying bitch was trying to speak in between her pain. "Gege… gege asked to play hide and seek… we played for a bit around cui you yuan. Nu closed eyes and counted…. Nu heard a faint brief cry…"

Covering her face and then crying, the servant could not handle her emotional state. Jiang Xi Yu wiped her tears as the imagination of the story played inside her mind. The hall soon was full with sobbing sounds.

"Gege has fallen into an abandoned well over there. By the time nu found her, gege already floated deep down in the well. At that moment nu freaked out and Qing yiniang's personal attendant happened to pass by. After she saw what nu saw inside the well, she said gege was already dead, it was too late to save gege. She brought nu to inform Qing yiniang."

"Impudent!" Qing Yu Fei screamed out of her lungs. She jumped out from her seat to attack that servant but Xiao Gan Zi gonggong caught her and skillfully directed her back to her seat.

"The best is to let her finish her words, Qing yiniang." Xiao Gan Zi gonggong warned her as he pushed her down to her seat.

The servant crouched as if she was in deep pain. "It was all just an accident, wang ye. Nu was scared that wang ye would give the death penalty for my negligence. At that time, Qing yiniang and her attendants gave an idea to frame wang fei. Using Ding mama who once accidentally collided with Qing yiniang's attendant and offered to help nu escape from the fu. The idea sounded like the best way out for Nu." The servant continued to sob. For Jiang Xi Yu, this story sounded more realistic. Putting the whole puzzle into a fit frame.

Qing Yu Fei broke free from Xiao Gan Zi. She kneeled in front of Li Fei Long. No more arrogance in her face. Like day and night, the table has turned on her side.

"Wang ye, she is lying. Qie is innocent." Qing Yu Fei begged in fear.

"Bring in the evidence." Li Fei Long ignored her and waved to the guards.

That command made Jiang Xi Yu and others stunned. Li Fei Long's short command meant that the whole time Li Fei Long actually already knew what happened the day before. He already got the report from his capable men. Finally Jiang Xi Yu leaned back on her seat. Her heart was no longer restless. The case has been solved even before this meeting started.

Qian Chang Xin brought in a piece of servant clothes and a pouch which has Duan Wang Fu's symbol and filled with silver and gold coins. Beside him, one of imperial taiyi also entered the hall.

"Wang ye, this is the clothes that this yahuan wore before we caught her, and this is the money we collected from her possession. The pouch was confirm belong to Qing yiniang." Qian Chang Xin presented the evidence on a wood tray and placed it on the ground for every eye to see.

"Wang ye, from examining gege's body, this lowly person found that gege passed away from collisions in the head. The seam on gege's fingers was due to her attempt to climb the well in panic. Most likely, gege tried to climb the well but got slipped and hit her head on the rough wall surface that caused her to bleed and pass away." The taiyi gathered his fist in front of his chest and reported to Li Fei Long.

"So the criminal has spoken the truth." Li Fei Long said in bitterness.

Hearing both explanations, Jiang Xi Yu's tears were back on the surface. Yu Wan ce fei fainted as she cannot take on the exact chronology explanation any longer. Seeing that, Jiang Xi Yu cannot help but to open her mouth.

"It is enough for a mother to hear all of this all in once." Jiang Xi Yu's hoarse voice sounded strange after she kept quiet before. She continued to order the two yahuan who already held Yu Wan in their hands. "Bring Yu Wan ce fei back into her living quarters. Taiyi, please follow them and check her health."

Qing Yu Fei did not wait until Yu Wan ce fei came out from the hall. She dragged herself to Li fei Long's feet. Before her hand caught the edge of Li Fei Long's pants, Xiao Gan Zi pulled her hand and gripped on her tightly.

"Wang ye, qie have served you the longest. We shared so many memories together. Please…." Qing Yu Fei pleaded tearfully.

"Anle doulun gege has a tragic death. For that, ben wang will forever be in grief. But to add salt on the wound, framing wang fei for a crime she never did, you tarnished not only ben wang's trust but also your own family name." Li Fei Long did not budge at all at her plea.

He waved his hand. "Ben Wang strips Qing Yu Fei's title and status from Duan Wang Fu. This fu no longer has any relation with the Qing family. Take Qing Yu Fei and her personal attendants to the court and report this matter to the palace."

The guard dragged the sobbing Qing Yu Fei. Out of curiosity, Jiang Xi Yu took a look at Li Fei Long's expression. Her husband sat still beside her with a stern face.

"Wan'er, go back to your quarter." He ordered Zheng yiniang with a much calmer tone than before.

Zheng Wan'er stole a glance at Jiang Xi Yu before she nodded to Li Fei Long. Quietly, she walked out from the hall and left Li Fei Long, Jiang Xi Yu, and their closest attendants.

Jiang Xi Yu waited nervously. Like waiting for something to happen, Li Fei Long did not open his mouth even after Zheng Wan'er had gone for some time. Ming He served each of them a cup of tea. Li Fei Long took a sip but Jiang Xi Yu did not have the desire to do so.

For some moments, Jiang Xi Yu noticed why Li Fei Long asked Zheng Wan'er and the other servants to leave the hall. Held by two senior pozi, Ding mama entered the hall slowly.

Ding mama who usually fit for her age, turned into a weak convicted old woman. There were traces of blood all around her fingers. One of the pozi must have done a pulling finger torture method on her. Her hair arrangement was messy. There was a slight wound under her eyes. When Ding mama kneeled down, it seemed like she needed to use a lot of effort to do it.

"Wang fei, Ding mama has committed a crime towards you." Li Fei Long opened the conversation. For the first time since the drama started, this was when Li Fei Long finally turned around and looked deep in her eyes.

"This worthless life confesses to planning and preparing the grassy wood aromatherapy to be used on wang fei. This worthless life confesses to causing harm for wang fei and solely acts alone without anyone being suppressed." Ding mama kowtowed to the ground and admitted her deed.

Ding mama was an example of a loyal accomplice. Until the end of her life, Ding mama proved to be defending her master all she might. Jiang Xi Yu realized Ding mama already knew what was waiting for her when she had this mission assigned to her. To give death penalty was just too easy for Ding mama and whoever behind her.

Li Fei Long grabbed Jiang Xi Yu's hands and her mind stopped calculating. The gentle tap on her hand made Jiang Xi Yu move her attention to Li Fei Long.

"Ben wang pledged that no one will put wang fei in danger again." He said firmly.

Even though it seemed like Li Fei Long really meant what he promised, Jiang Xi Yu warned herself to not easily believe in that promise. She pulled back her hands from Li Fei Long, leaned back on her chair, and took a calming breath.

"Ben wang fei gives a pardon for Ding mama. Get a taiyi to take care of Ding mama. While recovering, Ding mama needs to contemplate which residence she would like to serve in." She said calmly.

To give someone death penalty was never been in Jiang Xi Yu's mind. She was not a killer or a judge. She was safe and alive. It was her fortune. If Li Fei Long wanted Ding mama to accept death penalty, Jiang Xi Yu thought it was unfair since Ding mama was just a puppet. So she decided to gave Ding mama a chance to be back to Zhong Jing hall. Out from her sight, far away from her.

But the other party did not think that way. Ding mama was astonished by her words and who felt the same way were not only her.

All eyes were bugged out on her. Jiang Xi Yu glanced at Li Fei Long in confusion.

"What?!" She yelled back to Li Fei Long in annoyance.

"If you kill her, your mother will keep trying to get back on me." She waved at Ding mama impatiently. "Ming He, Qian Chang Xin, Xiao Gan Zi, Lou Sheng, Ding mama, all were Jing Gui Fei's elected people. Killing one of them for trying to harm me would just make the other one take turns doing the same thing until I am running out of luck and be completely dead."

Ignoring the ancient manner, Jiang Xi Yu unknowingly revealed her true nature. "Just let the old woman be. The torture already punished her serverely. To stand still on her own feet after that is already good enough. Let her decide where she would like to be."

No one including Li Fei Long stopped staring at her. Both sides have different thoughts about each other. Jiang Xi Yu realized they all might be taken back after she spoke informally and without any manner at all.

Calmly, she tried to ease the tension. "Qie is still grieving over Anle doulun gege's death. Please do understand."

Ming He, Qian Chang Xin, Xiao Gan Zi, Lou Sheng, Ding mama, all servants and guards inside the hall were in tune to give kowtow towards her.

"Wang fei, even though Jing Gui Fei elected us. Nu's only master is Duan Wang Fu." Pleaded in harmony, the others were saying similar things like what Ming He said.

Jiang Xi Yu took deep breaths at them. Her swollen eyes made her uncomfortable to watch them, especially for Li Fei Long to see her like that. She badly wanted to be back inside her chamber to grieve therefore she turned to Li Fei Long.

"Wang ye, let me rest inside." In her heart she said you take care of this for me. Without waiting for Li Fei Long to answer her, Jiang Xi Yu stood up and reached Ru Qing's hand to guide her back to her quarter. Leaving her husband still stunned on his seat.