From the beginning of their marriage, it was difficult enough for them to share a bed. Han Yao Ying had to keep reminding Li Qing Feng that they need to have an heir to have more stability. What offended her more was that Li Qing Feng had to do it unwillingly.

Before Jiang Xi Yu appeared in the picture, Han Yao Ying got used to being the belle of the season. Li Fei Long and Li Qing Feng adored and spoiled her. Han Yao Ying was the prettiest and she was being fought over the most. But after her wedding day with Li Qing Feng, the adoration was gone.

Jiang Xi Yu seemed loved dearly by Li Fei Long and the affection between the two of them looked very much adorable to the outsider. In comparison, Li Qing Feng did not have any affection towards her. The deed on the bed was implemented under compulsion. It always started with force, done crudely, and it always ends up hurting both, physically and mentally.

Since Duan Qin Wang returned to the capital, the atmosphere inside Rui Wang Fu became dark. Li Qing Feng vented his anger on Han Yao Ying. He did not care that at that time Han Yao Ying actually was not feeling well. They kept their distance from each other. Until The Imperial Taiyi delivered the good news Han Yao Ying was waiting for.

She gave a big reward to the Imperial Taiyi, sent out a messenger from Rui Wang Fu to deliver the news to the Palace and The Grand Chancellor's residence. She could not wait to share the good news to Li Qing Feng, and especially to Duan Wang Fu.

It was a common believe that once a young lady got miscarriage, it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again. Han Yao Ying has the intention to discourage Duan Wang Fu after the report about her pregnancy officially comes out.

Enjoying her afternoon meal at the terrace of her courtyard, accompanied by the scenery of the falling leaves, Han Yao Ying has set her mind on something. She put down her chopstick and broke the silence.

"Xiao Ya Zi gonggong…" Han Yao Ying called out the head house steward of Rui Wang Fu.

"Here." Xiao Ya Zi gonggong answered her swiftly. He came forward at the side and bowed down.

Xiao Ya Zi gonggong was of the same age as Xiao Gan Zi gonggong. Both joined the palace almost around the same time. They used to be a close ally when they served the palace until the day they got their separate assignment. It was a huge advancement for both as they joined the two powerful Gui Fei but a painful destiny for their relationship.

"All sons of the qie shi need to leave this residence to keep this pregnancy away from a negative aura. I need Xiao Ya Zi gonggong to manage the placement of all qie shi's sons away from Rui Wang Fu." Han Yao Ying commanded.

Han Yao Ying picked up the cup to rinse her mouth. One of the yahuan who carried the bassin, quickly stood beside her. She caught Xiao Ya Zi gonggong kneeled down in a hurry after she gave him the command. Her irritation made her spit out of place and spurted onto the young yahuan.

"Wang fei, this issue needs to be discussed together with wang ye. Nucai would start managing the placement that is required after wang ye joins this discussion." Xiao Ya Zi answered carefully.

Han Yao Ying turned peeved. "My words are final. There is no need for more discussion or permission from wang ye. I am the daughter of The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess. The child that I bear has holy lineage that must be guarded until the day I deliver him into this world. All bad influences must be removed."

She turned her head to watch over Xiao Ya Zi. The eunuch was useless. By then she started to have an idea to remove him from his post and replace him with someone who would only listen to her.

"What is going on?!" Li Qing Feng arrived right in time before her plan on removing Xiao Ya Zi came out of Han Yao Ying.

Li Qing Feng has not changed from his formal outfit. Han Yao Ying looked up and met his gloomy face and she realized Li Qing Feng never again seemed eager to meet her. He always gave her his gloomy face then they would talk until they both turned annoyed at each other.

But after this news, Han Yao Ying was sure Li Qing Feng would become as excited as she was. They were one step closer to their target. Han Yao Ying stood up and walked around the stone table to get a closer look of Li Qing Feng. She stopped close to him and smiled cheerfully. She pulled one of his hands and placed it on her belly that was slightly puffed up.

"Congratulations, wang ye, I am pregnant with your child." Han Yao Ying announced dearly.

Han Yao Ying startled as Li Qing Feng's reaction was pulling his hand away from her. Li Qing Feng glared in surprise but quickly back to his senses. He kept his distance from her and acted indifferent.

"This was expected. We have been trying all this time. It is about to happen soon or later." Li Qing Feng answered her in a flat tone, then he turned to Xiao Ya Zi. "Raise."

But Xiao Ya Zi did not follow the command. "Wang ye, congratulations. Just now wang fei expressed the concern on negative influences that might impair the pregnancy. We waited for wang ye to resolve this."

"All the shu sons need to leave this residence immediately. I want Xiao Ya Zi gonggong to manage the placement of them outside the residence. They will not lack for anything, Xiao Ya Zi gonggong will make sure all needs will be well taken care of." Han Yao Ying added before Li Qing Feng questioned her.

"No one will leave this residence." Li Qing Feng shouted in anger all of sudden. Everyone around him was shocked, including Han Yao Ying. His personal taijian and even Han Yao Ying's po zi and yahuan, all kneeled down in fright.

Han Yao Ying was taken back by Li Qing Feng's anger. It was like a slap on her face because Li Qing Feng seemed to hate her so much and did not have any affection towards her and her pregnancy as she wanted him to be. To shout at her in front of that many servants, some more the qie shi were close by and always eavesdropping, Li Qing Feng made her feel disgrace.

She stepped one step closer and challenged Li Qing Feng with no fear. She bluffed him in a lower tone while glared at him angrily.

"I am Han Yao Yin gong gege of The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess. I am also Rui Wang Fei, the lady of this fu. Now, I am carrying the first legitimate heir of Rui Qin Wang. This child has the holiest bloodline over all of the sons in the whole empire. I have the right to say who stays and who's not." She snapped at Li Qing Feng between her teeth.

But Li Qing Feng did not falter one bit. He just looked down at her. Took a deep breath and replied loudly.

"If wang fei feels this residence contains negative energy on the pregnancy, ben wang will help wang fei's own placement at other residences. This holiest son…" Li Qing Feng paused there and grinned at her sinically. "...if it really is a son… ben wang encourages wang fei to stay away and focus on this pregnancy away from the negative environment here."

Li Qing Feng did not wait for her to get back at him. He turned around and left her. She was watching his back side moving away and followed by his personal taijian. Han Yao Ying was left furious. Her ethics disallowed her to act ridiculous but her mind really wanted to scream furiously.


There were two paintings, each close to zhang length and making the main hall of Zhong Jing Hall look full. One painting showed the beautiful scenery of summer in The Imperial Summer Resort. The other painting showed the beauty of the first snow seen from the highest place in the whole palace. Both paintings were extremely detailed.

Under the request of The Emperor to capture the beauty of the summer retreat that year, Jing Gui Fei has become determined to create a masterpiece painting to win back The Emperor's heart. Ever since she came back from the summer retreat, Jing Gui Fei spent her days finishing both paintings and did not want to be disturbed.

But the smell of the painting oil was too disruptive, making Jing Gui Fei only allow her trusted mama and one senior yahuan to enter her main living place only when it was time to serve her needs. Other than that, Jing Gui Fei was too focused on finalizing the paintings, ignoring her own health which decreased from day to day.

By the time the paintings were done, Jing Gui Fei laid on the cushion which was prepared there as a base for her to sit every day. She admired her work and forbade her servant to open the window as she did not want anyone to steal the look of it before The Emperor and her son.

"Gui Fei, your health has deteriorated. Nubi will request The Imperial Taiyi to come and check gui fei's condition. Nubi will help you lay down on the bed first." Jia mama was only a year junior than Ding mama. But she was able to follow Ding mama's agile attitude right away after Jing Gui Fei bestowed Ding mama to Duan Wang Fei.

Wearing a mask to cover half of her face, Jia mama helped Jing Gui Fei to stand up and walked her to the main chamber. The smell of the oil has been much reduced because the painting has dried but Jia mama was already used to wearing a mask.

"Gui Fei, after refusing to welcome Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fei a few times when they visited the palace, how about if nubi sent an invitation for them to come to visit Gui Fei? The painting is done. Gui Fei can admire it together with Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fei." Jia mama persuaded Jing Gui Fei as they entered the bedchamber.

Immediately shaking her head, Jing Gui Fei held tight to Jia mama's hands as she was lowering herself on the bed.

"On the royal family banquet before Chen Qin Wang's wedding day, I want to present the paintings. The Summer Retreat is for The Emperor, while The First Snow is for Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fei. These two paintings would be my last masterpieces that I made and I want it to create an awe that night." Jing Gui Fei explained in eagerness. Her eyes looked far away as if she was already imagining the scene that night.

"Have you prepared the gifts for Chen Qin Wang and his future wife?" Only after thinking of that matter, Jing Gui Fei turned her gaze towards Jia mama. The latter nodded right away.

"The treasure from Jing Gui Fei's maiden household was prepared to be presented at the banquet. For now, nubi will prepare Jing Gui Fei to be ready for the royal banquet." Jia mama said with full concern.

"I am sure you have done your tasks really well. Make me beautiful that night, dress me with the finest dress you have prepared for me, and put on some makeup that Duan Wang Fei has sent to me." Slowly, Jing Gui Fei loosened her grip on Jia mama's hands.

She laid down on the bed and let Jia mama cover her with a thick blanket. Jia mama brought the bronze heating bowls, one close to Jing Gui Fei's feet, one close to Jing Gui Fei's body.

"Do not leave me. Come closer and tell me any news about what happened around the palace." Jing Gui Fei waved her hand as a sign for Jia mama to come closer. She closed her eyes as she felt tired.

"Gui Fei…" Jia mama sounded hesitant but she still came closer and ended up sitting next to the bed.

Jing Gui Fei smiled, still with her eyes closed. "I can bear any bad news. I have been joining the royal family for more than twenty year and staying inside the palace for ten years now. I have witnessed many affairs inside the palace. Both Ding mama and you have accompanied me that long and helped me to survive inside hòu gong. Do you still think that I am that weak?!"

Quickly shook her head, Jia mama held in her cries. "Nubi knows very well. All the scarification and the struggle that Gui Fei made. Duan Qin Wang is a devoted son. Gui Fei should be proud of him."

With eyes closed, Jing Gui Fei nodded in agreement.

Jia mama came closer and continued to whisper. "Gui Fei, Rui Wang Fu has sent news to The Emperor and to Zhao Xiang Hall, announcing the first pregnancy of Rui Wang Fei."

Hearing the news, the smile on Jing Gui Fei's face disappeared right away. Jia mama found tears running down from Jing Gui Fei's closed eyes. Once again, Jing Gui Fei lifted up her hand and Jia mama caught it right away.

"I have made a huge mistake." Jing Gui Fei sobbed gently. "I have killed my own grandchild. If I never give that order, Duan Wang Fu would be having an heir by now."

Jia mama squeezed Jing Gui Fei's hand. "Gui Fei, please stop suffering. It was true that we tried to prevent Duan Wang Fei from getting pregnant and luckily Ding mama stopped our plan before it was even work on Duan Wang Fei. No one knew at that time Duan Wang Fei was already carrying a child. Both Duan Qin Wang and Duan Wang Fei knew it was not Gui Fei who delegated the taiyi who performed the deathly acupuncture. Gui Fei has to be strong and healthy to help Duan Wang Fu repay whoever made Duan Wang Fu lose an heir and almost killed Duan Wang Fei."

But Jing Gui Fei has fallen too deep in repentance. As her tears dropped even more, Jing Gui Fei continued to whisper. "I was too blind to see that Jiang Xi Yu is the perfect woman to hold the title Duan Wang Fei. The Jiang family might not be as powerful as The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess but they have greater wisdom to support Duan Qin Wang."

Jing Gui Fei stopped to take a deep breath. Ever since her health got worse, she has had a difficult time with her breathing.

"I learned that greed has blinded me and caused me a great deal. I almost lost my own son. I have lost two grandchildren. After getting to know Jiang Xi Yu and The Jiang Family, I learned that they can support and teach Duan Qin Wang wisely towards the top. It is fated." Jing Gui Fei whispered.

"That is right! Gui Fei, it is fate." Jia mama chimed in. Once again, she tried to persuade Jing Gui Fei. "Nubi will ask The Imperial Taiyi to come and then nubi will prepare meals for Gui Fei. Health is the most important as Gui Fei needs to support Duan Wang Fu."

Like getting inspired, Jing Gui Fei opened her eyes and looked deep into Jia mama. "Mama, summon my elder brother to come and visit me. Beside that, I want you to prepare a list of all the treasures that I possess."

"Gui Fei…" Jia mama whispered softly while looking at her. The determination in Jing Gui Fei's eyes moved Jia mama's heart. The old mama nodded while biting her lips to hold in her tears.


Jiang Xi Yu was already accustomed to attending The Royal Family Banquet. The nervousness was much less than in the past when she first attended a similar event. Currently, she was more concerned with her appearance than thinking about how she would deal with the characters that would be there at the banquet.

Jiang Xi Yu did not want to compete with Han Yao Ying. She just wanted to create a scene when she arrived in the palace and entered the banquet. Jiang Xi Yu wanted to carve out the surprise of the guests with her appearance that was always different from others. This was the only part of her pranks and only to satisfy her boredom.

One time she showed up with a very simple appearance at a royal event that was held by one of the nobles and created talks between the guests who attended the event with glamorous looks. At the next event, everyone came with a similar style that she had before and left stunned as Jiang Xi Yu showed up looking very much dazzling with so much luxurious jewelry on her and she wore thick makeup.

Her act made her the center of attention. The noble women became curious and waited to see what look Jiang Xi Yu would wear next. Luckily Li Fei Long never complained about her actions. In fact, Jiang Xi Yu was pretty sure that her husband very much enjoyed her play so far. Jiang Xi Yu felt that her husband had even put together the perfect timing so that the two of them could show up at the right time to get more attention.

Li Fei Long held Jiang Xi Yu's hand and led her to enter the Linde hall right after the last couple who entered the hall took their seats. For that night, Jiang Xi Yu prepared an aqua colored evening gown which was embroidered with silver threads. The embroidery was duplicated from the winter themed painting that Li Fei Long had in their residence. The color of the evening gown raised the meaning of the embroidered images.

Jiang Xi Yu wore a few bù yáo on her hair which was made of crystal with matching color. Everytime she moved, it sparkled and drew attention towards her light makeup combined with a bright red lip color. Beside her, Li Fei Long wore a matching color robe with their household symbol embroidered on the back side. The inner layer was pure white. Their appearance was like a living painting.

All eyes were on them from the moment they stepped in until they took their seats. All the attention shifted off from them when The Emperor, The Empress, and The Empress Dowager arrived at the hall and took their seats. Everyone in the hall stood up to greet The Emperor and sat back down after The Emperor invited them to sit down.

By then Jiang Xi Yu noticed Jing Gui Fei sat in front of them, together sharing the same table with Shu Gui Fei. Jing Gui Fei looked at the two of them with great pride even though she looked unwell herself.

Jing Gui Fei did not seem like she usually did. That night, she appeared glamorous to match Shu Gui Fei's appearance. The brown colored dress that Jing Gui Fei wore, has gold thread embroidery with a hellebores theme and it matched well with the hair accessories. However, the thick makeup on Jing Gui Fei's face could not cover up that her condition was decreasing.

Jiang Xi Yu turned to her husband to voice her concern and found him gazing at her too. From the look of his eyes, Jiang Xi Yu knew that he was too aware of the same thing. Jiang Xi Yu turned her gaze towards Jing Gui Fei once again and found her mother in law gave her a nod and smiled faintly.

A silent move that she understood.

As she took a deep breath, Jiang Xi Yu lifted up her chin and smiled back in confidence.

"Tonight we all gather to celebrate a lot of good things. Beside the marriage between Chen Qin Wang and Princess Duva, zhen will also deliver the good news from Rui Qin Wang." The Emperor gave a happy opening speech and everyone in the room turned towards Li Qing Feng and Han Yao Ying who sat next to Jiang Xi Yu.

Jiang Xi Yu glanced at the couple beside her. Li Qing Feng already stood up from his seat to receive blessings from everyone. Her eyes got caught by Han Yao Ying who stayed to sit down and proudly touched her slightly protruding stomach.

As if on purpose to provoke jealousy from Jiang Xi Yu, Han Yao Ying slightly tilted her body so Jiang Xi Yu could see her stomach. The cutting of the dress was purposely made to accentuate her pregnancy. In addition to that Han Yao Ying acted fragile which amused Jiang Xi Yu.

Jiang Xi Yu made a gesture of a ball in front of her belly and then pointed to Han Yao Ying. Then she gave her thumbs up accompanied by nodding to Han Yao Ying as if she was giving her praise.

"Erchen is grateful for the blessing." Li Qing Feng gave his gratitude towards The Emperor then he continued the gesture to the rest of the people in the hall. "Ben wang accepts the blessings and could only show appreciation to all of you with this respect."

Li Qing Feng gave his respect before he sat down. When he was taking his seat back, he came between Jiang Xi Yu's interaction with Han Yao Ying. Jiang Xi Yu's silly act met Li Qing Feng's gaze and caused her to get extremely embarrassed. Jiang Xi Yu's expression turned flat right away. She turned her back to look away from Li Qing Feng.

"This night is full of blithes." The Empress Dowager added the opening speech for tonight. "Aijia still remembers clearly the night when The Grand Princess delivered the beautiful Yao Ying. It was a smooth delivery. Yao Ying is a pretty girl with good nature and her own charm that could capture everyone's heart. Does Huang di remember Li Fei Long and Li Qing Feng used to tag along behind Yao Ying when they were just a kid?!"

The Emperor laughed and nodded. The Empress Dowager sighed but still had that smile on her face. She pointed at Han Yao Ying and continued. "Now look at them. Soon Yao Ying will give me a great grandchild. How time flies so fast."

Even though Jiang Xi Yu gave the same nod with the same smile as other people there, her mind wondered why The Empress Dowager adored Han Yao Ying more than Li Xi Shi. They are both her granddaughter but Jiang Xi Yu felt The Empress Dowager tended to show more affection towards Han Yao Ying more than towards Li Xi Shi.

This thought made Jiang Xi Yu take a look to the other side of their seat. Next to Li Fei Long, Li Xi Shi sat down with Lou Che. The smile on Li Xi Shi's face was sincere. No jealousy nor hatred. In fact, Jiang Xi Yu found her getting even more beautiful glow lately. Jiang Xi Yu liked the calm Li Xi Shi. She considered Li Xi Shi as her well mannered older sister that she never has.

"Taihou exaggerates the same old stories."

All of sudden Li Fei Long muttered to her. Jiang Xi Yu lifted up her eyes to meet her husband's face and she found him leaned a little bit more towards her.

"Now I am only following you." Li Fei Long added once they were looking deeply at each other. It can only be heard by her. It was cheeky to the point Jiang Xi Yu felt her lower belly get ticklish. But Jiang Xi Yu somewhat liked it.

"First pregnancy is usually difficult. It is best for one to keep the body healthy and the fetus safe. Aijia thinks it is best to present Aijia's blessing tonight through this banquet." The chubby old grandmother called out her servants to bring out the favors she prepared for Han Yao Ying.

Jiang Xi Yu got the feeling of this chubby old grandmother purposely mocking her past experience of losing a child. Jiang Xi Yu watched how proud that chubby cheek was when the servants stopped in front of Han Yao Ying's table and showed off a few sets of baby boy clothes on top of one silver tray and a few sets of gold bracelets.

It would be useless if the baby was a girl, Jiang Xi Yu thought of it in her mind.

The Empress Dowager did not even give her blessing or prepare favors for Chen Qin Wang who was originally the main reason why they were having the banquet in the first place.

Jiang Xi Yu looked over to find Yan Huang Fei who shared the same table with Qu Huang Fei. Yan Huang Fei always appeared simple. She gave a sincere look as the other guests praised Han Yao Ying for being fortunate. If the smile that Jiang Xi Yu saw was fake, Jiang Xi Yu believed Yan Huang Fei could be a top world leading actress in modern times.

The overflowing admiration for Han Yao Ying soon smoothed out. The Emperor stole the attention once again by addressing Jing Gui Fei out of the blue.

"The other blessing tonight is that Jing Gui Fei can attend this banquet after a long recuperate period." The Emperor looked down to the side where his consorts sat. "Jing Gui Fei, are you really getting better? Did The Imperial Taiyi check your condition all this time?"

Jing Gui Fei stood up with the help of Jia mama. She came forward and bent in front of The Emperor. Jiang Xi Yu observed how The Empress Dowager was scrutinizing Jing Gui Fei's appearance up and down with a frown face.

"Huang shang, chen qie is fortunate for the affection that chen qie gets." Jing Gui Fei straightened herself up and gave her very best attitude in front of The Emperor. "Chen qie is fully recuperated. Chen qie has lost some weight due to focusing on the main favors that chen qie prepared for Huang Shang. Unexpectedly, the favor that chen qie prepared was completed along with the return of Duan Qin Wang and Chen Qin Wang. In addition, the fateful marriage degree for Chen Qin Wang and Princess Duva and also the fortunate blessing for Rui Wang Fu. Therefore chen qie will make the use of the merry of the banquet to presents the favors which chen qie has prepared."

Jing Gui Fei succeeded to make not only The Emperor but also every guest that night feel excited. They discussed with each other and guessed what favors Jing Gui Fei had prepared.

"As long as Jing Gui Fei is healthy and able to attend and accompany zhen from time to time, zhen feels restful. Now, zhen gives a chance for Jing Gui Fei to present the favors." The Emperor was also curious and cannot wait to see what has been prepared for him.

Jing Gui Fei bowed respectfully and then waved for her servants. Two senior yahuan came out and each one brought out a tray in their hands. One yahuan stopped in front of Han Yao Ying and Li Qing Feng's table. One yahuan stopped in front of Li Jin Qiu's table. Each servant from each qin wang came forward to help lift up the cloth that covered something that seemed a bit heavy.

All stunned eyes stared at the quite big size wealth-beckoning toad that was well made from gold. Even Jiang Xi Yu's eyes got rounded in shock as she saw the gifts were pure gold that came in that size.

The Jin Chan has red eyes, flared nostrils and a total of three legs, sitting on a pile of traditional Chinese cash, with a coin in its mouth. On its back, it displays seven diamond spots.

"This Jin Chan is my maiden family treasure. It helps attract and protect wealth, and guards against bad luck. Ben gong presents this to Rui Qin Wang and Chen Qin Wang to complement the good luck that both possess.", said Jing Gui Fei in between talks among the guests.

Jiang Xi Yu saw Shu Gui Fei and The Grand Princess were in shock to see the very valuable things were given away. Even though Jiang Xi Yu was in shock too, she could not help to feel proud to have a rich mother in law. She only regretted not being able to give her mother in law an early advice to not give away that treasure to Han Yao Ying. It was better to give that gold heavy toad to her instead.

Li Qing Feng and Li Jin Qiu came forward and bowed in front of Jing Gui Fei.

"The treasure is too precious to become my betrothal gift. Erchen is grateful." said Li Jin Qiu in deep respect.

"Chen Qin Wang departed together with Duan Qin Wang to the northwest. Both went to war together and came back together. Both shared the same experience and protected each other. The golden toad is not as precious as the bond Chen Qin Wang shares with Duan Qin Wang." Jing Gui Fei said sincerely.

After saying that, Jing Gui Fei turned to Li Fei Long. She continued on, "Good events come together. Soon, Rui Wang Fei will give the first legitimate line for the empire. This is surely precious."

Jing Gui Fei did not say much more for Li Qing Feng. Both qin wang bowed once again and shouted their gratefulness then personally accepted the precious Jin Chan before coming back to their seats.

"And now let chen qie present the favors chen qie has prepared ever since chen qie returned from the summer retreat." Then Jing Gui Fei gave the signal for the taijian who were getting ready from the front door of the hall. All eyes followed along to the direction Jing Gui Fei was facing.

A group of taijian were rushing in. They were carrying a long board covered with long cloth. The first group stopped right behind Jing Gui Fei. The second group followed behind and did the same as the first group. They also were carrying the same length of board.

The first group of taijian tilted the board facing toward the main seat. Jing Gui Fei pulled down the cloth and showed off the massive masterpiece of The Summer Retreat.

Probably Jiang Xi Yu's jaw was widened by the time she saw the painting.

The landscape painting captured in detail the beauty of The Summer Resort. Jing Gui Fei used the master technique and surely has the master skill to be able to present the beauty of the plateau.

Even The Emperor was stunned. The Emperor stood up from his seat. He came down himself to get a closer look at the masterpiece. The Emperor stood beside Jing Gui Fei and ignored the rest of the people who did not get to see the painting.

"This…" The Emperor has lost his words. His eyes scanned from each direction.

"Does Huang Shang remember?! At the end of the summer retreat, Huang Shang requested for chen qie to put the beauty of the scenery into a painting." Jing Gui Fei came close toward The Emperor's side and softly whispered to him. "Chen qie wants Huang Shang to be able to enjoy the same beauty from the inner palace."

The Emperor turned and caught Jing Gui Fei's hand. Jia mama bowed down and retreated a few steps away from the two. Jiang Xi Yu found the change in The Emperor's eyes.

"Gui Fei…." The Emperor exclaimed in adoration.

"Let chen qie show the second one." Jing Gui Fei nodded to the head taijian. IImmediately, the first group which were carrying the first painting, put down the painting onto the floor. The second group tilted the second painting which was the same size of the first painting. The head of taijian pulled off the cloth and for the second time The Emperor, and the others who were able to catch the glimpse of the painting, gasped in awe.

The second painting represented the breathtaking view from the highest place inside the palace. It has a detailed beauty of the red walls and the detailed view of the imperial city.

"This is called The First Snow. Chen qie intends to present this painting for Duan Wang Fei. The bond that chen qie shares with Duan Wang Fei is getting stronger after Duan Qin Wang departed to the northwest. To have Duan Wang Fei on my side at that time made me feel as if chen qie touched the first snow at the beginning of the winter." Jing Gui Fei explained her intention as The Emperor quietly fascinated by the painting.

Naturally, Jiang Xi Yu stood up from her seat. Li Fei Long helped her out and together they approached Jing Gui Fei and The Emperor. Both kneeled down and kowtowed towards Jing Gui Fei and The Emperor.

"Erxi is abundant in fortunes and blessings. Erxi acknowledges Mufei's affection towards erxi. It is as pure as this masterpiece. Mufei, erxi accepts this masterpiece with full gratitude and piety."

Jiang Xi Yu amazed herself for creating such thoughtful words. She did not want to play phony, acting by refusing when actually inside she wanted. The painting was a true masterpiece. One for The Emperor and one for her. Of course she would welcome it with open arms and happiness. It was worth it to accept this very valuable work.

Jing Gui Fei got close to her and took her arms to lift her up. When their eyes met, Jiang Xi Yu caught pitiness on Jing Gui Fei's eyes.

"My pretty erxi has gone through alot of pain." Then Jing Gui Fei touched softly on Jiang Xi Yu's cheek. She came closer and continued whispering to Jiang Xi Yu. "I will make sure you will actually be there and see for yourself how pretty the first snow fell inside the palace."

As Jing Gui Fei retreated, Jiang Xi Yu was stunned while pondering the meaning of her words. The Emperor was too delighted at that moment. The masterpieces, the love act between his gui fei and his daughter in law, all made The Emperor reminisce about the affection he once had with Jing Gui Fei.

The Emperor shouted his happiness with a clear command for the group of taijian to put both the paintings on the floor in the middle of the hall for everyone to see before restoring it inside his study hall and Duan Wang Fu.

While every guest that night admired the painting, The Emperor himself, held Jing Gui Fei's hand and led her back to her seat with so much care. As Li Fei Long did the same with Jiang Xi Yu, he led her back to their seat, Jiang Xi Yu caught Han Yao Ying's expression. The pregnant lady was clearly not in a good mood. Jiang Xi Yu did not want to add more fuel into Han Yao Ying's jealousy, she avoided her gaze on her and pretended to get more affectionate toward Li Fei Long.

Li Fei Long wrapped his arms around her shoulder and lowered his mouth next to her ear. "Someone becomes even more spoiled after getting a special gift from mufei. You cannot wait to wreck your happiness, I cannot wait to eat you."

Purposely wanting to show off their affection, Jiang Xi Yu laughed and acted like a brat she once never was. Deep down inside her mind, she was thinking how she turned into an evil woman.