Shoukang Hall has always been plain and quiet. Yan Huang Fei did not lavishly decorate her living hall and preferred to stay low inside her living quarter. Her title was not low for her to start living her life inside the palace. It was just that her background made her always uncomfortable.

As a daughter of a previous royal prisoner family of the past dynasty, Yan Huang Fei being one of The Emperor's women was only for political reasons. The Late Emperor granted Yan's maiden household the third rank of nobility. Her relatives and direct family members were given the chance to be the low level government members but they all declined the opportunity. The Yan clan has decided to not have any of their hands involved on political matters. Followed by the birth of Lin Jin Qiu, The Emperor was satisfied with Yan clan wise move. Therefore The Emperor granted her the title as Yan Huang Fei and gave Li Jin Qiu the fourth prince title.

The day before her son's wedding day, but the sight of Shoukang Hall did not change much. Her living hall was decorated with some red banners and red candles. But besides that, there was nothing more.

Like his mother, Li Jin Qiu preferred to visit his mother and have a nice quiet supper with her instead of having a huge celebration at his newly bestowed residence. His surprise visit made Yan Huang Fei frantically order a more varied array of dinner menus that evening.

"Mufei, erchen just wants a simple dinner." Li Jin Qiu smiled faintly at Yan Huang Fei who was arranging several menu options to get closer within Li Jin Qiu's reach.

"Duan Qin Wang spent the night before his wedding day with his brothers, including you. Rui Qin Wang made a buzz by spending the night before his wedding day by getting drunk and getting around the capital city with his close confidants. How come Chen Qin Wang chose to come here instead of partying at his own residence?!" Yan Huang Fei ngged at her son.

Yan Huang Fei's facial expression was completely different from her nag. It was obvious that she was happy to see his son that night. She carefully picked up and then put his son's favorite dish on top of his rice bowl.

"Da ge and da sao are busy entertaining King Kan and his family and they will be busier tomorrow since the morning procession will be starting from Duan Wang Fu. Erchen cannot invite da ge for that reason. If erchen only invites the other brothers and other relatives, that would be inappropriate as da ge helps a lot to be the host for King Kan. Beside, Erchen feels more comfortable to spend the night before erchen's wedding day with mufei beside me."

Li Jin Qiu grabbed his mother's hand to stop her from adding more meat on top of his rice bowl. Yan Huang Fei became satisfied and proud to hear his statement. Her handsome son put her hand back on top of the table and started to fill the cups between them with wine.

"Let this son show gratitude towards mufei." Li Jin Qiu gave the cup to Yan Huang Fei and took one for himself.

Yan Huang Fei did not hesitate to gulp it down. After she finished her cup, Li Jin Qiu started to pour his and hers cups again. Making Yan Huang Fei laugh at him.

Yan Huang Fei waved away her mama and yahuan to leave her alone with her son. There was something that came across her mind to discuss it with Li Jin Qiu.

For the second time, Li Jin Qiu offered her a full cup of wine. This time Yan Huang Fei did not receive it. She stared at his son lovingly.

"There are rumors that said that originally King Kan gave Princess Duva away to Duan Qin Wang. Since Duan Qin Wang is afraid of his wife, he refused the offer and suggested to King Kan to appeal to The Emperor to bestow a marriage degree between Princess Duva with you instead." Yan Huang Fei carefully started her concern.

Li Jin Qiu just faintly smiled and put his hand back on the table.

"If mufei concerns about my dignity to accept the woman who got rejected by da ge, erchen assures mufei that erchen never even once fell disgrace by this marriage degree." Li Jin Qiu said sincerely.

"Even though your maternal background is not exceptional, you are still a qin wang. You have the chance to continue the dragon line in the future.", said Yan Huang Fei undisguised.

That moment Yan Huang Fei found her son's facial expression turned serious.

"Erchen never wanted to use that little chance to turn over the table." Li Jin Qiu stated fully honest.

He continued, "Whether the rumors are true or false, erchen took this moment of life as a blessing. To have Princess Duva as wang fei, means that erchen will crave stability in the northwest. Whoever will be the next dragon in the future, erchen will have a safe station far away from the palace."

Yan Huang Fei taken back by her son's statement.

"Mufei, It has always been between da ge and er ge. Both have the same ambition but erchen does not have the same ambition like them. Erchen's ambition is just to live a peaceful life." Li Jin Qiu stated in seriousness.

Yan Huang Fei quickly nodded in agreement. How come she forgot her clan's decision to not pursue any political ambition. For the split moment, she almost caught up with greed.

"My love son, I almost forgot how mature you have become." Yan Huang Fei sincerely praised her son. She took the wine cup that Li Jin Qiu prepared for her and finished it in one go.

"Jing Gui Fei requested her family members to visit her alternately these days. She made a bold move all of sudden and even publicly announced it by giving The First Snow painting to Duan Wang Fei."

Before Yan Huang Fei continued her worries, Li Jin Qiu reached her hand. Yan Huang Fei turned her eyes to look at his young son's handsome face. Li Jin Qiu was the only one she had. She cannot bear to lose him for anything in the world. Her heart somewhat felt relieved by her son's thoughtful plan for the future.

"Do not worry so much. Erchen knows what to do. Erchen already set mind to whom erchen shall stand." Li Jin Qiu reassured her.

Yan Huang Fei nodded at him and thought that she raised him well.


In the middle of the night, the carriage that carried Li Xi Shi Gulun gongzhu was on the way home from attending Chen Qin Wang's reception, which Lou Che refused to attend, to her own residence.

Actually Li Xi Shi did not stay too long at the reception. She decided to leave the festive behind since she kept thinking about Lou Che who has been crouching inside his living quarters. Lou Che disallowed Li Xi Shi to enter his living hall and just send out his people to inform Li Xi Shi that he was combating a flu.

Beside Li Xi Shi feeling that Lou Che was getting away from her, Li Xi Shi cannot help but to feel worried if Lou Che was actually very sick. So to ease her mind, she rushed back home and set her mind that this time she will barge in even though Lou Che might end up angry at her.

After her carriage entered her residence, she quickly came out and passed her main gate. Her residence was quiet as usual. The head house steward might have thought she would not return until later because he was not there to welcome her.

"We go straight to lao ye's bedchamber." Li Xi Shi instructed her mama to follow her.

She hastened her footsteps as she did not want the head house steward to notice her arrival. If the head house steward noticed her, she knew for sure that the old man would try his best to lead her back to her main quarter.

Even though most of the people who served in her residence were picked by The Empress, Li Xi Shi realised as time went by most of them tended to side with her husband. From the beginning of her marriage, Li Xi Shi gave the start for Lou Che to become a perfect master of the house. She gave up all the control for Lou Che in the thought that she provided support for her husband to gain some respect.

Before she set foot on the main living quarter of the house, she glanced at Dai Mao mama. Like she could detect her loyalty just by glancing.

"Gongzhu, nubi will announce your arrival." Dai Mao mama thought that Li Xi Shi wanted her to inform Lou Che before she entered the chamber.

Instinctively, Li Xi Shi blocked Dai Mao mama with her hand. "I want to give laoye a surprise. Maybe tonight I can make laoye spend the night with me. Dai Mao mama, please wait here."

Dai Mao mama's eyes widened and Li Xi Shi found her becoming excited after hearing Li Xi Shi's plan for tonight. Dai Mao mama nodded and even took a step back to let Li Xi Shi continue her way.

Li Xi Shi continued forward with a nervous heart. She noticed dim light from the inside of the front hall. Lou Che might still be awake at that moment. Her feet got faster. She passed the front hall and heard Lou Che's voice. He seemed to be talking to someone.

Her nervousness turned into curiosity because she could not hear who Lou Che was talking to. As she got nearer, she heard a harsh noise from the back hall and then a soft male voice. She got goosebumps right away.

The conversation was not clear but the ambience from the intonation that she heard made her shivered. She walked slower as her intention now changed. She did not want Lou Che with his companion inside to know that she was there, listening to them.

The chuckles inside the back hall got more obvious. Li Xi Shi heard the sound of a whip which was followed by a soft moan from the inside. Instead of opening the door to the bedroom, Li Xi Shi approached the window on the side of the chamber.

The obvious sound of torture followed by a soft moan haunted her mind. She poked the window which was covered in waxed paper and peeped inside.

At first she saw a naked Lou Che who was facing the other side. While carrying a whip on his hand, Lou Che stepped aside and made Li Xi Shi witness a horrifying view. The young servant was lying face down on top of the table. She clearly can see his butt sticking out and got some red marks from the whip.

The young servant did not look like he was suffering at all. With his hand tied up under the table, he sticked up his butt check even higher and moaned wildly. The more painful thing that burned Li Xi Shi's emotion was that Lou Che was aroused.

She watched how Lou Che threw the whip away onto the ground before grabbing that young male servant butt and sticking up himself. Gasped in heartache, Li Xi Shi retreated herself.

She loved Lou Che with all her heart. She trusted him all along and even questioned herself why Lou Che never showed any attraction towards her. She let herself unconfident about herself. The rumours that spreaded all over the place saying that she was infertile. All of that began to fill her mind.

Li Xi Shi got emotional. She turned mad.

Still having trembling hands, Li Xi Shi withdrew herself from that place. She almost ran back to the front hall and saw Dai Mao mama still waiting for her at the same spot. Dai Mao mama looked very much disappointed when she saw Li Xi Shi approach her in a hurry.

"Gongzhu, what is wrong? Did laoye ask you to return back to your chamber? Does laoye have a serious illness? Should nubi go and fetch taiyi to check laoye's condition?" Dai Mao mama asked in full concern.

Approaching Dai Mao mama, Li Xi Shi did not even slow down. She quickly grabbed Dai Mao mama's hands and even dragged her along.

"Do not ask me anything and call back the carriage." Li Xi Shi said quickly.

The command was clear but the cold and trembling hands made Dai Mai mama confused and worried. The old mama tried her best to follow Li Xi Shi.

"Gongzhu…" Dai Mao mama sighed worryingly.

Li Xi Shi stopped when they reached the front yard. She turned and looked right at Dai Mao mama's eyes. "I saw something I should not see and I do not know how to handle this. Mama, we need to go to Duan Wang Fu."

It seemed like Dai Mao mama wanted to contest the idea to look for help from Duan Wang Fu but Li Xi Shi was too serious about it and looked very much alarming.

"I only trust Jiang Xi Yu. We should go there before anyone knows I was just at Lou Che's chamber." Li Xi Shi jerked her hands away from Dai Mao mama to get her move fast.

Dai Mao mama nodded even though she was still unsure about everything. Li Xi Shi let her run to the side while Li Xi Shi continued her way to the front yard.


When Xiao Gan Zi gonggong secretly informed her that Li Xi Shi had arrived there that late night, Jiang Xi Yu ordered Ru Ming to let Li Xi Shi to wait for her inside her personal quarter. She had to find a way to slip out from the wedding reception where she was hosting along with Li Fei Long without causing the guests to notice that Li Xi Shi was there inside Duan Wang Fu.

Before she was able to leave, Jiang Xi Yu made sure that Li Fei Long knew what was going on. Therefore, Li Fei Long can help her slip away by using the excuse that Jiang Xi Yu started to feel exhausted and supposed to rest.

Jiang Xi Yu left behind Ding mama to help Li Fei Long entertain both female and male guests. In the meantime, she rushed back to her private hall with Ru Qing just to find Li Xi Shi was crying while Ru Ming and Dai Mao mama were trying to comfort her.

"Jie jie, what is going on? You have me here. Why do you come stealthy in the middle of the night and cry your heart out?!" Jiang Xi Yu stopped in front of Li Xi Shi who jumped up to embrace her and cried even more.

"Did someone bully you at Chen Wang Fu? Did Lou Che Fuma not help standing up to save your face?" As she softly patted Li Xi Shi's back, Jiang Xi Yu waved her other hand as a signal for her yahuan and Dai Mao mama to wait outside.

Dai Mao mama obviously showed a little objection. But since Ru Ming and Ru Qing waited for her to walk before them, after a few seconds of thinking, Dai Mao mama bowed and walked away with them.

"Jie jie, now tell me what is going on." Jiang Xi Yu released herself from Li Xi Shi and brought her back to the chair. She took the chair next to Li Xi Shi and did not let go of Li Xi Shi's hand.

"It is Lou Che…." Li Xi Shi stopped there to wipe away her tears. Jiang Xi Yu gave her silk handkerchief that was part of the set of her dress that night. She did not care if Li Xi Shi affected it because she got curious about what actually happened.

"What did he do to you?" Jiang Xi Yu asked straight away.

Li Xi Shi looked deeply into her eyes, and could not help her tears flowing again. "Xi Yu, I saw him…. I saw him with the young servant inside his bedchamber."

Automatically pulling her back straight, Jiang Xi Yu can guess what that man did to this naive princess. The unfaithful husband cheated right in front of his wife's eyes. Jiang Xi Yu thought Lou Che was an intelligent man. This was the only daughter that The Emperor loved dearly and yet he chose to follow his itchiness and ignored the consequences that laid in front of him.

"Other people in this era might tell you to get yourself together and ignore the man's desire for the young girl. But I will not do that to you, jie jie. My policy is one man for one woman. If you cannot be loyal to me, you will be dead to me." Jiang Xi Yu stressed the last sentence. But the reaction from Li Xi Shi made Jiang Xi Yu even more confused.

Li Xi Shi shook her head and continued to cry her heart out. "If only he was having an affair with a girl… . I saw him naked and having torturing intercourse with a boy he brought back from his trip!"

By that time, Jiang Xi Yu was stunned and lost in words.

"Lou Che always treats me gently, but he never shows any attraction towards me, Not like what I just saw…" Li Xi Shi wailed in sadness.

Then she continued to let go of all her feelings that had been propped in her chest. "All these years I have been believing that I am infertile. I have to endure the embarrassment whenever everyone talks about how I am still not pregnant yet. How can I be pregnant if Lou Che did not spend much time sharing the same bed with me?! He is taking trips even more often until muhou even tried to help us by pleading a request to Fuhuang to let him have a post under The Ministry of Revenue. All of this effort is useless. Lou Che….Lou Che.."

Once again Li Xi Shi wailed and Jiang Xi Yu could only shake her head.

"I cannot say any words to ease your pain, Jie jie.", said Jiang Xi Yu gently. "But I know you chose to come to me and pour out your heart to me because you still have the heart to keep Lou Che alive. You hate him but at the same time you know you still love him."

Her words made Li Xi Shi turn her eyes back at her. Li Xi Shi tried to control her breathing as Jiang Xi Yu caressed her wet cheek.

"My pure jie jie, you knew if you race your carriage to the palace and report to The Empress, this matter would make Lou Che be in jail by now and waiting for him and every one in his family clan to get killed. But jie jie chose to come here instead. For that, I acknowledge that jie jie put your trust in me."

Jiang Xi Yu stood up and stopped in front of Li Xi Shi. She held Li Xi Shi's hand sincerely. "Jie jie, i want to help you but this matter is serious. If you trust me this much, will you let me invite Fei Long to come and help?"

The two looked at each other in silence before Li Xi Shi nodded in agreement.