At that time, almost all the invited guests were in a drunken state. Before leaving the estate, Li Fei Long told Jiang Xi Yu to keep Lou Che's affairs confidential between them. Her husband wanted to catch Lou Che red handed and brought him and the male lover straight away to The Emperor and The Empress in private to not further embarrass the royal family's image.

Therefore, Jiang Xi Yu quickly sent off Xiao Gan Zi gonggong to prepare a chamber that was far from the guest's and secluded from the hou yuan. Jiang Xi Yu did not want the cefei to gossip about Li Xi Shi the first thing in the morning.

Jiang Xi Yu held Li Xi Shi's arm and walked with her to the hall that was instantly prepared for Li Xi Shi to rest that night. Dai Mao mama went away with Xiao Gan Zi gonggong to prepare the hall ahead of them.

"Jie jie, the room may not be as comfortable as your own room. But jie jie can let Xiao Gan Zi gonggong know what jie jie needs to get a comfortable rest." She patted Li Xi Shi's hand while Ru Ming and Ru Qing passed them to bring some new clothes and some refreshment inside.

"It is cold. Mei mei, wear a thicker outer. You still need to go back to be the host. I know I will be comfortable in your place. I have Dai Mao mama with me, so mei mei do not need to worry too much about me."

Both of them stood in the middle of the pathway. The living quarter was close to the side gate of the mansion. The choice of placement was carefully thought out because if it was necessary for Li Xi Shi to leave the residence, they could use a passage to get out of the residence without many people knowing.

Jiang Xi Yu felt bad because she could not accompany Li Xi Shi that night. She needed to go back to the reception to make sure no one knew Li Xi Shi even there. Even though Li Fei Long assured her before that most of the guests might think they left the reception early than anybody else for sexual needs, Jiang Xi Yu still thought it was better for her to get back to the reception as soon as possible to bid farewell to the last guests standing.

"I have never had a friend who was worried about me even though they themselves were in trouble. Jie jie, you are too kind to still think about me getting cold when you yourself are having a broken heart." Jiang Xi Yu immediately hugged Li Xi Shi. She brushed Li Xi Shi's back while whispering. "Embrace your sadness for now. I assure you, in the future you will meet a man who will truly return your love."

Jiang Xi Yu let her go when she heard Li Xi Shi began to sob. Her hands were about to wipe off Li Xi Shi's tears when she spotted about four men approaching them stealthy. She ended up holding Li Xi Shi's hands when her eyes turned to one side to check why the men who were obviously not taijian wandered inside the inner part of the residence.

The two men wore Duan Wang Fu's house guard emblem while the other two wore other house guard's emblem. Jiang Xi Yu recognized the last two men too late. Four of them were already in front of them and the two men that she recognized already caught both, Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi.

The disgusting prisoner who made Jiang Xi Yu dread in horror, pulled her and covered his filthy hand on her mouth. The fatty Pan Tai Hao did the same thing with Li Xi Shi. Both women had a little scream before both prisoners blocked their mouths and carried them away.

The foul smell made Jiang Xi Yu feel sick. She bit the hand who covered her mouth but that prisoner just laughed at her. He dragged her easily even though she tried very hard to break off. Jiang Xi Yu saw Li Xi Shi did the same with Pan Tai Ho but that fat bastard ended up hitting her head with something that was not clear on her sight.

Jiang Xi Yu moved her body more violently but the fouled man did not budge at all. She noticed that they dragged her to run away. Ru Qing and Ru Ming apparently went back to their spot but were surprised to see they were not on the same spot any more. The dark night blocked their sight as the prisoners and the traitors dragged them to the passage that was covered by lush plants.

Jiang Xi Yu tried to bite the hand, she tried to scream but it was useless. The foul breath made her terrified.

"Duan Qin Wang has the great taste of a woman." That voice made Jiang Xi Yu get goosebumps on her neck. A huge blow struck her neck right after that. Without her realizing it, Jiang Xi Yu already fainted.


The house guards who got the night shift at the fuma's residence, knew something was going to happen when they saw Duan Qin Wang's guards rushed in by force. The head guard did not withstand the force after he saw Duan Qin Wang step down from his horse.

Li Fei Long walked calmly entering the mansion before the head house steward rushed to kneel down on the ground to stop him.

"Duan Qin Wang, what is the occasion of this midnight visit? Please have mercy and let nu announce your arrival so that Lord He can prepare himself to welcome you." The old house head steward touched his forehead to the ground. His hands were shaken as he was frightened by the number of guards that Li Fei Long brought with him.

"Lou Sheng…" Li Fei Long stopped in the center of the front hall.

Quickly answered him, his trusted general came behind him and waited for his command.

"Detain him and the rest of the servants." Without waiting for Lou Sheng to command his juniors to carry out his command, Li Fei Long walked further away.

The voice of begging of mercy from the head steward and the other servants got into his ear but he did not have the empathy for them. Li Xi Shi Gulun gongzhu was the most favored daughter of The Emperor and that old head steward was brave enough to disparage her.

Count He's lineage was nothing but a commoner who worked as a successful merchant. The Emperor granted them the nobility status, wed his favorite daughter to Lou Che, and even set up a political post for Lou Che. Li Fei Long understood that The Emperor wanted Li Xi Shi to get a happy life, not like the other issues who become his political pawn. Apparently, Lou Che was not as smart as he thought.

Li Fei Long did not stop at all when he reached the main hall of the mansion. He broke in by one full blow and caused the door to bounce shattered. With some guards behind him, Li Fei Long entered the chamber.

Inside the chamber, Lou Che was already waiting for him. He sat on the chair, wearing his inner suit and his young servant who was also wearing his inner suit, stood behind him in silence.

"Today is Chen Qin Wang's wedding celebration. I thought Duan Qin Wang was in charge of hosting the reception on behalf of King Kan. Why suddenly break in here with guards?" Lou Che tried his best to stay calm but the young boy behind him was obviously nervous.

At that moment Lou Sheng entered the chamber and took the position right behind Li Fei Long. The chamber was not small. But since there were so many men inside there at that moment. The atmosphere became suffocating.

"Ben wang received the report from jie jie." Li Fei Long said while approaching Lou Che. He stopped behind Lou Che and then observed the young servant.

"Xi Shi should be attending the reception at Chen Wang Fu, I did not know she went to Duan Wang Fu instead. Was it because I refused to attend the reception with her so she came to Duan Wang Fu to complain about me?"

Lou Che turned away so he could see what Li Fei Long was doing with his servant. He stood up and awkwardly approached Li Fei Long.

"I was tired and had to prepare for the next trip to the south. I thought I should rest before the trip. I did not know my silly little thought made my lovely wife get sulky about it and complain to Duan Wang Fu. Ever since Xi Shi became close to Duan Wang Fei, she shares every little thing with her. Duan Qin Wang, no need to be worried and get enraged. This is merely husband and wife things. I will get prepared and pick her up to ease her bitterness."

Lou Che yelled to get his head steward. "Prepare the carriage to go to Duan Wang Fu!"

But the old man did not reply or even showed up. Lou Che looked back at Duan Qin Wang who still had his eyes fixed on Ah Ke, the young boy.

"Count He is a very intelligent man. He only has one wife and never fools around. The He household is also a humble family who are known as one of the richest families in the empire. Never imagined that someone could betray The Emperor's favor and even dare to give ill treatment to the most favored daughter of The Emperor." Li Fei Long put his forefinger under Ah Ke's chin. He lifted his face so he could see the sweat on Ah Ke's forehead.

"Duan Qin Wang, I never dare to betray The Emperor, some more give ill treatment towards Xi Shi. I provide every luxurious thing for her. I care for her and provide everything that she wants. Please, give me a chance to pick her up and settle this matter between Xi Shi and I in private as this matter was just merely a husband and wife thing." Lou Che pleaded and nervously looked back and forth between Li Fei Long and Ah Ke.

Li Fei Long snorted and pulled away from Ah Ke. "You dare to not admit your sin?!"

Then he turned to his guards. "Strip this servant and check his body!"

Ah Ke wailed and dropped to the ground the moment he listened to Li Fei Long's command. One of the guards held Ah Ke up while the other one immediately tore his clothes off. Seeing that, Lou Che quickly tried to block the guards but the third guard pulled him back and pushed him to the ground.

"Duan Qin Wang...please…" Lou Che desperately begged as his tears fell down as Ah Ke got stripped off and the guards bent him on top of the table that they were using before they all barged in.

The trace of the sex play was still on Ah Ke's skin. The young boy nonstop wailed and even streaked in pain as the guards did the humiliating and hurtful body check in front of so many men inside the chamber. When the guards finished their job, they let Ah Ke fall down to the ground and stay naked there.

One of the guards has a cloth with seminal fluid weeped off from Ah Ke's rectum. Li Fei Long nodded at him and then the guard left the room. Seeing this, Lou Che frantically dragged himself to Li Fei Long's feet.

"Duan Qin Wang...Duan Qin Wang...please spare me…. . I have never had any interest in women since the day I was born in this world. I never agreed to be fuma. But since my family could not decline the marriage degree, I tried my best to care and provide for Xi Shi. Never in my mind, I intentionally plan to hurt Xi Shi." Lou Che held Li Fei Long's leg and cried his heart out.

Li Fei Long did not kick him off. He looked down at Lou Che like he was some kind of dog. "You did intentionally hurt Da Jie by letting the servants look down at her, by letting people believe that she is barren, by letting her bear the embarrassment alone, and ultimately by bringing your affairs here under her nose."

Lou Che was shocked by his statement. To add up, Li Fei Long kicked him off strongly until Lou Che's body crashed the furniture and created a loud ruckus.

"Da Jie is a Gulun gongzhu. The daughter of The Emperor and The Empress. What made you think that you are worth enough to offend her?!" Li Fei Long turned his back furiously and commanded his guards. "Do not let a single word pass to the public. Ben wang will personally bring these worthless men into the palace and privately report to Fuhuang and Muhou. Therefore, Lou Sheng, you detain all servants and this resident's guards here until further notice from The Emperor."

"Duan Qin Wang…. Please spare me… I have vital information for you if you spare me..." Lou Che grabbed the air with his arm up. He was injured badly but still able to beg for mercy. Ah Ke was beside him, trying to block Lou Che from talking.

Li Fei Long turned around and watched Lou Che laying down on the ground with a naked servant beside him. Both in the same state of condition. Since Li Fei Long got interested, he waved his hand to signal his guard to pull away Ah Ke from Lou Che.

"Speak and let me judge whether it is vital information for me or not." said Li Fei Long while smirking at him.

"This boy was given to me by The Grand Chancellor. He knew my weakness and used this boy to intimidate me." Lou Che explained in a low voice. It was obvious that he was trying to endure the pain as he spoke.

"Lao ye, you cannot betray The Grand Chancellor!" Ah Ke tried to stop Lou Che. The boy tried to break free from Li Fei Long's guard but his effort was useless.

Noticing the boy acted rude, Li Fei Long pulled out Lou Sheng's sword in a flash second and swung it over to the boy, cutting his right hand off his body. Blood spurted out and some got to Li Fei Long's clothes. The boy fainted after he saw his own hand fall on the ground.

By then Li Fei Long pointed Lou Sheng's sword in front of Lou Che's eyes. No need to further ask, Lou Che revealed everything with fear.

"The Grand Chancellor wanted me to set up financial support for The Grand Princess's reinforcement against The Emperor if The Emperor bestows the crown prince title to you."

The room became dead silent after Lou Che made that statement. Lou Che cried in fear as Li Fei Long did not give any reaction. The guards were in shock and waiting for Li Fei Long to react.

One of the guards who posted outside of the main chamber rushed in and looked very much confused after seeing the silence between them inside the chamber. As he had urgent things to do, the guard gathered his fist and lowered his head to Li Fei Long's back.

"Wang ye, we need to rush back to the fu. Our two detainees ran away and kidnaped wang fei and gulun gongzu. Our guards have deployed around the city while Ning Qin Wang helped out with sending his guards head off to the city gates to block them from getting away outside the imperial city."


Because of the painful waddles, Jiang Xi Yu awakened with a cloth between her lips and tied around her head. At first her eyes narrowed while wincing in pain.Her whole body feels battered. The sight was dark but it smelled like horse dung around her. Then she realized her body still jounced. Her face was half covered with a rough sack because apparently her whole body was inside a rough sack.

At that time her eyes were completely open. She remembered what just happened at her own mansion. She wanted to look down at her body but she just could not do it. Her hands and legs were tied up inside the sack. She was tied up and being carried on the side of a horse!

The horse suddenly stopped. She heard some voices start to talk to each other.

"We are from Ning Wang Fu." There was a pause there accompanied by a rustling sound. Then the same voice continued. "We were assigned to chase the two runaway criminals."

Then there was another silence. Jiang Xi Yu tried to scream but the tight cloth between her teeth blocked her voice. Instead of a voice coming out from her, saliva drooled onto her chin. She tried to move her body but the horse moved back and forth, making her unable to move.

She assumed the kidnapper and her were at the city gate. If they were able to pass the gate and pass the border. It would be alot more difficult for Li Fei Long to find her. Her heart raced fast. She hoped and prayed to the guards at the gate to acknowledge her existence there.

"Granted!" Someone shouted firmly.

What she was afraid of actually happened. The horse she was attached to, was moving forward. Then the voice she knew suddenly sounded very close to her.

"Your husband kidnapped me. Now, I kidnapped you."

That scary voice then laughed like a devil. A hard smack hit Jiang Xi Yu's buttock and sent a chill right through her spine. Jiang Xi Yu was scared to death. She was stunned and only could cry while the horse started to gallop.


Li Fei Long arrived at his estate with a furious face. Li Jin Sheng already waited for him and welcomed him home right in the front gate of Duan Wang Fu. The tall and skinny prince looked very much dumb with his thick lips which looked like about to droll every time Li Fei Long sees him.

"Da ge, I accidentally heard the unrest situation when I was about to go back to my own fu. Xiao Gan Zi told me what happened…." Li Jin Sheng was about to explain more but Li Fei Long lifted up his hand to stop him.

He continued to walk through his front yard while Li Jin Sheng followed him behind in silence. At the main hall, Xiao Gan Zi gonggong, Ding mama, and Dai Mao mama straight away kowtowed to him and cried.

"Tell me what happened! And where are Ru Ming, Ru Qing, Ming He, and Qian Chang Xin?!!" Li Fei Long yelled full of rage.

"Wang ye, the four of them are trying to find wang fei and Gulun gongzhu by scattering in the four directions of the imperial city gates." Ding mama answered in between her tears.

"Wang fei ordered us to prepare the chamber for Gulun gongzhu. Both of them were just walking behind while talking to each other. The reception was about to end as the last guests were about to leave the house. Nu bi heard Ru Qing and Ru Ming were confused looking for wang fei. But right after that, Ming He and Qian Chang Xin informed us that the detainees at the dungeon ran away and they found shoes and some hair accessories belonging to wang fei and gulun gongzhu lying around the passage before the east gate. The four of them quickly decided to try to catch the detainees while nu bi sent taijian to inform wang ye." Finishing with his quick explanation, Xiao Gan Zi knocked his head on the ground.

By then, Lou Sheng came along with Lou Che who was already fully dressed up and walked hobble.

"Da ge, why was da jie planning to stay here and why were you left out of the reception with Lou Che fuma?" Li Jin Sheng was looking alternately between Li Fei Long and Lou Che.

Lou Che turned his gaze to Li Fei Long nervously and did not dare to say anything.

"Da ge, Fu huang would be furious after knowing who escaped your dungeon." Li Jin Sheng continued on without considering Li Fei Long's anger. "I already sent out my personal guards to help out chasing them. No one would be able to escape the imperial city gates. But if they get to escape the imperial city gates, da ge and fuma need to mobilize your guards around the capital to search for da sao and da jie. My guards would help keep watch around the capital city border."

Even though Li Jin Sheng looked dumb and not serious for most of this time. Li Fei Long noticed his third brother's good will to help out in the current situation like this. Li Fei Long was staring intently at Lou Che. He was trying to think of the next wise step to do while trying to not be furious.

Ashina Helu was a wild man. Li Fei Long knew for sure Ashina Helu held so much grudge on him. Li Fei Long always thought his mansion was the safest place in the city but he failed.

"Ben wang will report to Fuhuang." Li Fei Long opened his mouth. He knew his subordinates had the intelligence to know what to do.

He turned to Lou Sheng. "This matter is not for public knowledge. Do like sandi said, search around the city stealthy."

Li Jin Sheng nodded instead of Lou Sheng. "All right, da ge. I will order my taijian to inform erdi and sidi to gather in front of Fuhuang."

Then Li Jen Sheng left the hall in excitement and was followed by Lou Sheng.

Li Fei Long turned away to face Lou Che. "This is the chance to keep your head intact with your body."