The four qin wang and Lou Che fuma rush into the palace at almost the same time. The five of them waited inside the Zichen hall, as Du Yun gonggong announced their arrival and the urgency of the matter to The Emperor.

"Da ge, what is the matter to have to hold this meeting all of a sudden?" Li Jin Qiu asked Li Fei Long, bewildered as Li Fei Long and Lou Che seemed strange at that time.

Li Jin Qiu has to enter the palace on his wedding night. He was wearing modest clothes, the same as Li Qing Feng and Lou Che while Li Fei Long and Li Jin Sheng still wore their formal banquet attire.

"Something happened to Duan Wang…" Li Jin Sheng was too excited to tell his younger brother about what just happened but Li Fei Long halted half way.

"I will explain what just happened after Fuhuang arrived." Li Fei Long cut right away and seemed very much irritated with the current situation.

Li Qing Feng, who kept quiet, studied Li Fei Long's expression that might have seemed like he was restless. After Li Jin Shen mentioned Duan Wang, Li Qing Feng became worried if something bad was happening to Jiang Xi Yu. His hand was about to shove Li Fei Long to demand an explanation but Du Yun gonggong's voice stopped him.

With his high-pitched nasal voice, Du Yun gonggong announced the arrival of The Emperor. The five of them lowered their heads as The Emperor was entering the Hall, wearing a semi formal robe on top of his inner clothes as the audience were only The Emperor's sons and son in law. The five of them waited until The Emperor took the seat on the Dragon Throne and said one word for them to be at ease.

"What made all of you join together and request an urgent audience with Zhen in the middle of the night like this? Isn't today the wedding day of Chen Qin Wang and Princess Duva? What are you doing here instead of celebrating Chen Qin Wang's wedding?" The Emperor asked irritatedly.

Li Fei Long quickly kneeled down on the cold floor of Zichen Hall. His voice echoed as he explained what was happening with Duan Wang Fu.

"This is my fault for interrupting Fuhang's resting time and sidi's wedding night. But something just happened at Duan Wang Fu and this matter also involves my wang fei and also with da jie." Li Fei Long even lowered his head as he spoke.

"What happened?" The Emperor replied right away and he sounded unhappy.

"The high profile that erchen kept inside Duan Wang Fu's dungeon managed to escape in the middle of the banquet and in the process he also abducted my wang fei and da jie." Li Fei Long answered while lifting his fists high enough as if he prepared for the worst.

"Abducted?!" The Emperor yelled and at the same time he hit his fist onto the armchair of the Dragon's seat. The echo of his yelling voice combined with the sound of his fist delivered jitters to anyone who heard it.

Li Qing Feng shocked half to death even though he had guessed that Li Fei Long would deliver bad news into the palace. Li Qing Feng turned his head to his side to glare at Li Fei Long. Within his sight he found the difference between Li Fei Long and Lou Che's state. Lou Che was very nervous and looked very scared while Li Fei Long seemed to be pressing down his anger.

"You said Duan Wang Fu is as safe as Yong'an Palace and your dungeon is as tight as the official prisoner. Zhen let you keep that felon as you gave a grandiose statement that you could use him to advance the empire expansion. Because of your recklessness, your wang fei and Xi Shi got taken away. Now, how will you take responsibility for this?!" The Emperor hit the armchair once again and raised his voice in anger.

Lin Qing Feng could not help but to demand further explanation as he did not understand who the hell the felon that Li Fei Long kept inside Duan Wang Fu.

"Who is the felon we are talking about and how could he run away and abduct Duan Wang Fei and da jie at the same time?" Li Qing Feng realized that he already stood facing his older brother who was still kneeling on the ground. Li Fei Ling did not raise his head and was still lowering his head in front of The Emperor.

"It was Ashina Helu, er ge." Li Jin Sheng butted in beside Li Qing Feng. With his ridiculous face, Li Jin Sheng, who from the start wanted to spill the beans, continued his explanation by lowering his voice to Li Qing Feng. "The high profile prisoner who was kept in secret inside Duan Wang Fu was Ashina Helu."

Li Qing Feng stunned in disbelief. He turned to his younger brother to find his stupid face and to confirm that this was just Li Jing Sheng's inappropriate jokes. But apparently, it was not. Li Jin Qiu also lowered his head as if he also knew that Li Fei Long has been keeping the barbaric turk man and only Li Qing Feng who seems to did not know that fact.

"Erchen believes that there was an insider that helped him escape and took advantage of the moment tonight where many guests had come to Duan Wang Fu. As for the matter of abducting my wang fei and da jie, erchen believes that it happened outside their plan. Da jie's existence in Duan Wang Fu tonight was unplanned. Da jie made a decision to come to my fu in secret to discuss her personal marriage matters with Xi Yu. While I made my way to pick up Lou Che Fuma for him to make up with da jie. The abduction happened when I was not around to protect both of them." Li Fei Long explained in length.

After listening to the explanation, Li Qing Feng quickly dropped his knee on the ground. He gathered his fist towards The Emperor.

"Fuhuang, erchen will help to find and save Duan Wang Fei and da jie. If we do not move right away, it will be too late to catch them. If they have already passed the imperial city gate, we will have a hard time searching around the capital city which currently has the most population in the empire. Please give command to close all the city gates and to deploy enough men to screen all over the allies of the capital city and the borders of the city."

The appeal made Li Fei Long turn his gaze towards Li Qing Feng but Li Qing Feng ignored it. He waited for The Emperor to give out an order for a full search. Li Qing Feng cursed his older brother inside and built the presumption that it is possible Jiang Xi Yu was still inside the capital city.

"Fuhuang, erchen already deployed personal guards to keep watch at each imperial city gates. Erchen is also willing to help more." Li Jin Sheng informed The Emperor.

As Li Qing Feng and the rest were still waiting for The Emperor to react, The Emperor already closed his eyes and was thinking carefully about the next steps to take. The five of them were watching The Emperor in silence.

As the youngest of them all, Li Jin Qiu offered his thoughts as he was too kneeling in front of The Emperor.

"The safety of da jie and Duan Wang Fei is the most important thing right now. Erchen believes that da ge's trusted people are already in search by now. Besides that, san ge also already deployed his people. The imperial city gates must have been closely guarded, if we cannot find the whereabouts of da jie and Duan Wang Fei, it means that the aid who helped Ashina Helu escape also has considerable authority within the imperial city." Li Jin Qiu shared his thoughts.

"But Ashina Helu is a barbaric turk who is famous for being very intelligent at war. He could have been planning all along under da ge's nose. Dage's might have underestimated his intelligence." Li Jin Sheng argued.

"QUIET!" The Emperor shouted furiously. Li Jin Sheng automatically looked down like a scared dog.

Li Qing Feng knew Li Fei Long's capability. He also realized that Li Jin Qiu's way of thinking must be close enough to the truth but they had to act fast enough to find Jiang Xi Yu before it was too late for them to save her.

"This kidnapping case must be kept secret from the public." Apparently The Emperor just decided what to do. "Inform Duke of Lin and The Imperial Guard Commander about this matter. The five of you and them have to divide the task to search throughout the imperial city and the capital city. Inform the northwest side about this matter as Ashina Helu must have plans to return to his post. Meanwhile, Zhen wants any progress to be reported to Du Yun gonggong periodically."

The Emperor yelled out his order. Then he sharpened his sight towards Li Fei Long.

"Fei Long, you disappointed me again this time. You must bring back the two women into the palace safely and after that you have to deal with your punishment." The Emperor warned him severely.

Li Fei Long kowtowed The Emperor until his forehead touched the cold ground. "My priority now is to save wang fei and da jie. After erchen makes sure both return safely, erchen will present myself in front of Fuhuang to take full responsibility for this case."

The Emperor sneered at him. "Either way, you will still be punished. Now, how to explain this case to The Empress?!"

"Erchen and fuma will visit Kui Yuan Hall privately to explain about this after this meeting is done." Li Fei Long answered the right way while still on the ground.

"Begone!" The Emperor waved his hands.


The Empress never had such a good sleep since the day she started living in Kui Yuan Hall. She was just entered into her subconscious when all of sudden Mu Tong mama carefully woke her up by whispering next to her bedchamber. Instinctively, she knew something bad just happened.

"What is it?" The Empress answered Mu Tong mama from her bed.

"Huang Hou niang niang, Duan Qin Wang and Lou Che Fuma request an urgent audience with Huang Hou niang niang." Mu Tong mama answered still with her low voice as if other people outside could hear their conversation.

The Empress opened her bed curtains right away. Duan Qin Wang and Lou Che Fuma have never been presumptuous before. Both also never request urgent audience like that before therefore The Empress knew something just happened to her daughter.

Mu Tong mama moved fast by catching The Empress's hands and helped The Empress to get ready. Four palace maids, who were on duty at that time, already prepared The Empress's clothes and robes. Four of them quickly put on the fresh clothes and followed The Empress's instruction to skip the make-up preparation for her face.

With a perfunctory hairdo, without any formal hair style, and formal robe, The Empress asked Mu Tong mama to lead her to meet the two men at the front hall.

"Has something happened?" The Empress still had time to ask Mu Tong mama while they were walking towards the front hall.

Mu Tong mama whispered to her. "Nubi does not know. But nubi heard they had just come to Kui Yuan Hall after reporting to The Emperor at Zichen Hall."

The Empress quickly looked ahead while raising the tip of her chin as soon as she entered the front hall of her palace. Duan Qin Wang and Lou Che stood up in the center as they were waiting for her to take her seat.

Duan Qin Wang was the first one who bowed and the one who dressed up formally. Meanwhile Lou Che Fuma awkwardly followed every move that Duan Qin Wang made while he dressed up perfunctory.

"What made you have to disturb bengong's rest time at night like this?" The Empress right away threw the question as soon as she took her seat. She purposely did not give both of them a pardon to be at ease from their pose. So both men stayed in their respectful pose towards her.

"Muhou, erchen is guilty for interrupting muhou's resting time but erchen and fuma have other guilts to submit to muhou." Li Fei Long answered.

His answer made Lou Che turn to him in fear. The Empress witnessed the action but Li Fei Long did not lose his stance at all. In fact, Li Fei Long looked very stern and harboring anger.

"Can't you wait until the sun comes up to deliver it to bengong?" The Empress replied with an obviously irritated voice.

"Unfortunately, muhou, for this matter, we need to inform you right away." Li Fei Long replied.

Li Fei Long always acted according to etiquette in front of everyone. The Empress noted that between the four qin wang, only Li Fei Long who always maintained an attitude in front of anyone. Li Qing Feng was too proud even though he shared the same capability with Li Fei Long. Li Jin Sheng has a foolish face and always acted guffy while Li Jin Qiu, although polite but always seemed to withdraw himself from any important matters unless The Emperor assigned him to.

"Be at ease and tell bengong about it." The Empress gave a glance to Mu Tong mama to assure that no additional ears were listening to their conversation.

Li Fei Long put down his hands and looked up as he spoke straight away. "Da jie accidentally discovered the affair committed by fuma tonight. Traumatized by the lewd affair that fuma is having with one of his male close attendants, da jie decided to visit my fu to ask for help from my wang fei and erchen."

Might be because Lou Che was overly surprised by Li Fei Long's sudden claim as Li Fei Long did not convey this matter in front of The Emperor before, Lou Che fell down on the floor while starting to shed tears.

Both Li Fei Long and The Empress turned their focus on him as he started to cry in fear. "Huang hou niang niang, please… I….."

Li Fei Long did not give him a chance and continued on. "Erchen decided to confront the act and bring fuma along with his male attendant to report the matter in front of Fuhuang and muhou privately but before it happened, something even worse was happening in Duan Wang Fu while erchen was away."

Li Fei Long took a deep breath before he continued. He knew The Empress was already furious by his short information about Lou Che's affairs. But he had to act fast so he could straight away continue to pursue Ashina Helu.

"The high profile prisoner, Ashina Helu, with a suspected aid, abducted my wang fei and da jie and ran away from Duan Wang Fu. Erchen has reported this matter to Fuhuang and now we are in full search of wang fei and da jie." Li Fei Long closed his report and was greeted by The Empress's reaction.

It was like a chunk of lump suddenly appeared inside her chest. While pressing her chest, The Empress got Mu Tong mama helped to support her back. The Empress even did not realize that Mu Tong mama was already on her side.

"He took Xi Shi?!" The Empress rewound with a choking voice.

"Huang hou niang niang…." Mu Tong mama cried beside her.

The Empress turned her sight towards Lou Che who did not dare to lift up his head. Lou Che crouched on the ground and wailed.

"Did Huang shang sentence him to death? Did Huang shang order for his family to be dead by now?!" The Empress pointed at Lou Che in full hatred.

Her daughter became a laughing stock as people judged her as a barren lady in the royal family. So much effort The Empress and Li Xi Shi made just to get an heir. Even The Empress herself knew how strong will Li Xi Shi was to protect her husband's good name and reputation to get the same level of respect by the people.

"Muhou, erchen decided to not mention fuma's scandalous affair in front Fuhuang since the abduction is more important than this." Li Fei Long answered her.

The answer made The Empress turn her sight back to Li Fei Long. She wanted that man to be dead as he insulted the royal family's reputation and tarnished Li Xi Shi's pure heart feeling towards him.

"Bengong wants him dead." The Empress said it without mercy at all. Her words made Lou Che kowtowed for mercy.

"Huang hou niang niang, please have mercy…" Wailing, Lou Che hit his head on the ground. He stopped when Li Fei Long pulled him by his collar to stop.

"All this time da jie has endured a lot of shame for this man. Da jie is even willing to do anything to keep Lou Che getting the respect it deserves. In my humble opinion, let this scandal be a secret for now. Erchen's people hold the evidence of their love affair and also Lou Che's head steward and his male lovers." Li Fei Long held Lou Che by his collar and stared back at The Empress.

The Empress took into account the intention behind Li Fei Long's act. Li Fei Long was a man with intelligence. He has something to consider before he acts.

Apparently, Li Fei Long knew that The Empress was still considering the current convoluted situation. He released Lou Che harshly into the ground.

"Beside his scandalous affair, Lou Che has been doing another crime involving high profile people. Erchen was originally tempted to report this too in front of Fuhuang but it is still early as erchen has not carried out further investigations to obtain concrete evidence. So, how about we all keep da jie's reputation intact before we adjudicate Lou Che and all his family clan?!" Li Fei Long revealed his intention bluntly in front of The Empress and Lou Che himself.

"So Duan Qin Wang's intention is to seek Bengong's support from this incident ?" The Empress asked straight forward.

Li Fei Long smirked and replied. "Erchen invoke full support from muhou before erchen make sure da jie return to the palace safely and ensure da jie and muhou's to get the best life could give perpetually."

"Then what will we do about him?" The Empress pointed towards Lou Che who was still on the ground and crying.

Li Fei Long gave him a light kick on top of his bruised back. Li Fei Long said coldly, "It will be because of muhou's virtue if muhou lets him live. In exchange for his life and his family's existence, Lou Che can stay quiet and help us in the pursuit of saving da jie and wang fei to return back safely."

Hearing that Lou Che quickly kowtowed to The Empress and saying, "Huang hou niang niang, this sinful man will do anything to guarantee that Xi Shi will return safe and sound. This sinful man is fully under your command, Huang hou niang niang. Please let me live."


By the time Jiang Xi Yu woke up, she was surprised that she was lying down next to Li Xi Shi on the bed inside a small room which has a strong goat smell. The small bed was made of rough wood and covered with a body length cushion made of rough material cloth. Beside the bed, there was just an ugly wooden table where there were some cups and a water jug made of clay. Whoever left them there had been thoughtful enough to cover them with thick wool and kindled on the permanent burner made by clay near the bed.

"Da jie….da jie….da jie…" Jiang Xi Yu shook Li Xi Shi's body and used a low voice to wake her up as she was still unsure whether their abductors were outside the room or not.

But Li Xi Shi did not seem bothered by the shake and by Jiang Xi Yu's voice. This made Jiang Xi Yu worried if Li Xi Shi might have passed. Her heart skipped a beat as she carefully put her fore finger under Li Xi Shi's nose.

"My God… da jie… please do not die. I do not know what to do if you leave me alone in this rough world." Jiang Xi Yu prayed as she was confused whether Li Xi Shi was breathing or not.

Jiang Xi Yu's second attempt was by staring at Li Xi Shi's chest to find any movement there. She stared for some time until suddenly Li Xi Shi squirmed a little bit. This time Jiang Xi Yu was too relieved until she forgot about etiquette and did not act timid again.

She hugged Li Xi Shi in happiness with tears on her eyelids. As she exclaimed, Jiang Xi Yu patted Li Xi Shi's cheek. "Da are alive….."

Like a person who was being disturbed from her deep sleep, Li Xi Shi opened her eyes slowly. Her face was clearly annoyed. Li Xi Shi caught Jiang Xi Yu's hands to make her stop patting her face.

"Xi Yu?! What…. are you doing?" Li Xi Shi complained with a soft voice. She squinted before completely widening her eyes. Apparently Li Xi Shi just remembered what happened to both of them.

Jiang Xi Yu retreated back and sat beside Li Xi Shi who by then tried to sit down. "Do you not remember what happened to us?" Jiang Xi Yu asked while she observed Li Xi Shi.

At that moment the strong smell hit Li Xi Shi's sense of smell. She frowned and then covered her nose while her eyes scanned the entire room like what Jiang Xi Yu did a moment ago.

"Now I remember." Li Xi Shi answered. "But...where are we? The smell…"

Jiang Xi Yu nodded and could not do anything else. "They must have an animal farm next to this room. But da jie, are you completely alright?"

Her concern must have touched Li Xi Shi. The princess who had never been in this kind of situation turned her gaze back to Jiang Xi Yu. Both their eyes had held tears and tried not to cry out.

"Please do not cry… I am afraid our abductors are outside and can hear us talking if you cry." Jiang Xi Yu grabbed Li Xi Shi's face as she got closer and whispered.

"You do not cry too." Li Xi Shi sucked her own snot and wiped tears on Jiang Xi Yu's face. Both tried to be strong to each other while they themselves were afraid of the situation.

"Did you wake up even once when they had us tied up on a horse, da jie?" Jiang Xi Yu asked her.

"We got tied up on a horse?!" Li Xi Shi frowned then shook her head. Jiang Xi Yu let off her face and sighed deeply.

"I guess they might have drugged you, da jie. That might be the reason why it was not easy to wake you up just now." Jiang Xi Yu mumbled.

"Did they not drug you into sleep? Did you get to recognise who abducted us?" Li Xi Shi asked in shock.

Jiang Xi Yu shook her head slowly. She was still dizzy from the effect of the jolts when the horse galloped. Half of her body was numb as the result of the tightness of the robe tied before.

"I recognize him as one of the prisoners in Duan Wang Fu, but I do not know who he is until Fei Long has to hold him inside the dungeon at our residence. He must have had huge resentment towards Fei Long and kidnapping da jie is just a coincidence because da jie happened to be in Duan Wang Fu with me." Jiang Xi Yu explained.

Then she patted Li Xi Shi's hand to assure her. "No need to be worried, da jie. I am sure Fei Long would immediately rescue us. I do not think these villains will hurt you as I know for sure this bad guy especially hates Fei Long so much. His target is Fei Long therefore he will use me to get back to Fei Long."

Just then there was a creaking sound and the door slowly opened. Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi shifted their bodies to the wall and facing the door. Both held each other tightly in fear.

A woman in shabby clothes walked into the room. She brought a wooden tray in her hands. She was quite tall and made Jiang Xi Yu remember the familiar person with the same figure she once saw at Luoyang.

The woman stayed composed when her eyes met Jiang Xi Yu. She put down the tray on the table and gave Jiang Xi Yu a devilish smile. The woman put her palms on her hips and acted arrogantly in front of Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi.

"Fate brought us to meet again, Jiang Xi Yu." The woman mentioned her full name in confidence.