After escaping out of the capital city, Ashina Helu led the small group toward the west side. He drugged the two noble women during the escape so both women would not be their obstacle. He only stopped when he reached a small village within Fengxiang County.

He found small houses with a shared lawn in the middle which was the farest inhabitation from the other families in the village. One of the houses was occupied by a farmer husband and his newly wife. The three other houses should be inhabited by the farmer relatives but due to the landslide disaster in the past, the relatives died, leaving only the old farmer named Boqin to survive.

Ashina Helu used one house that was on the north side as a place where he kept Duan Wang Fei and Gulun gongzhu. He himself occupied the empty house on the east that was the closest one to the house where he was keeping the captives.

Inside the two room hut house that was made of dirt, mud bricks and wood with thatched roofs, Ashina Helu and two other men sat down near the fireplace to warm themselves. All of them were wearing peasant clothes with hemp as the outer.

"The two women slowed our way to meet up with the west delegation. Brother, I think we should rape and kill them both then continue our journey west." The first man who opened conversation between them was a guard called Ah Wei.

The second man called Ah Tui aghast by the idea. He frowned and turned scared at his fellow friend. "Are you mad? One of them is the daughter of Heaven while the other one is a wang fei of the possible future crown prince. You could rape both of them right now but the sins and the consequences you will get if the vanguards catch you would be even worse than death."

Ah Wei scorned his fellow friend and then he still tried to persuade Ashina Helu who sat comfortably with his eyes staring blankly at the fire flame. "When else do we have a chance to enjoy these women? Besides, we would not get caught as we have this mighty brother beside us."

"I do not want to participate in that. I only will do what our master ordered us to do, guide the shad out from Duan Wang Fu and to accompany the shad to meet up with the west delegation that collaborates with our master." Ah Tui moved his hand in rejection.

He did not bother to feel offended when his friend booed him for the second time. Ah Tui leaned back at the wooden chair that has calfskin covering the back of the chair. Ah Tui knew this mission which he carried was extremely dangerous and possibly was a suicide mission. His master assigned him and Ah Wei to do something unexpectedly but they had to do it as the loyalty they have towards their master.

Ah Tui tried to ignore his fellow friend who still eagerly tried to persuade the shad Ashina Helu. Ah Wei leaned closer to the table and lowered his voice as he spoke.

"Bringing the two women was never part of the plan. I guess…. may I call you jueshi?!" Ah Wei asked nicely but Ashina Helu did not reply to him. Ah Wei did not give up his chance and continued, "I guess jueshi might have interest in both women. That's why jueshi insisted to bring both women along through the escape. I heard the barbaric people in the north have a very big appetite just like a wild horse. As we are merely a private guard of a qin wang, why not let these women serve jueshi first and we only will have the women after jueshi done with them?"

Then Ah Wei took the time to turn around and winked at Ah Tui. He laughed but did not notice Ashina Helu moved from his chair. Ah Tui was the one who witnessed how fast Ashina Helu pulled a dagger that was newly made of mountain sheep's bones. Ashina Helu stabbed the dagger into Ah Wei's hand until the dagger stabbed solid into the wooden table.

Ah Wei's blood splashed and he screamed in shock and pain. Ah Tui stood up after seeing that scene while Ashina Helu went back to his seat. He stared back at the fire flame and did not bother Ah Wei who was screaming and trying to pull out the dagger off his hand but could not.

"The barbaric people have a big passion for everything. Just like a wild horse, I did not accept command from anyone. Just because your master helped me escape Duan Wang Fu, it does not mean I have to follow your master's command. Why does your master want me to meet up with his allies from the west?!" Ashina Helu talked in a calm manner.

While enduring the pain and also holding his hand which stuck on the table, Ah Wei snapped at Ashina Helu. "The west delegation is from Tibetan Empire. The official that my master lobbied for sometime to get a political relationship for both sides in the future. The message from my master for jueshi was to meet and discuss the possibility of having beneficial liaison between the empires."

Hearing that Ashina Helu turned around and stared back at Ah Wei. "Your master made alliance with Tibetian Empire and hoping me to join the alliance?!"

Ah Wei nodded right away. Sweat flowed down as profusely as the blood flowed out of his hands. He was still not able to draw his hand free off the table. The dagger was amazingly strong.

Seeing his friend stuck in a condition like that, Ah Tui did not know what to do. Even though he did not really like this fellow friend, Ah Wei still was his sole partner appointed for this mission. He needed to help Ah Wei out.

"Jueshi, as long as Tibetian Empire and Turkic Khaganate join alliance with my master and support my master to seat on The Dragon Seat, all the three empires would be at peace." Ah Tui helped out by explaining the real intention of his master. Then he put his hand on the dagger and tried to pull it out from Ah Wei's hand.

Ashina Helu just stayed in silence as his mind pondered. It did not take a minute for him to decide. Ashina Helu stood up and pulled a sword that belonged to Ah Wei. Ah Tui knew what Ashina Helu was thinking. He was sure Ah Wei also understood what Ashina Helu planned to do.

"My mighty shad, please do not do it. I can pull this out of his hand." Ah Tui earnestly asked.

Ah Wei shook his head and begged. "Please, shad. I cannot lose my hand."

Ashina Helu came closer with his flat expression. He pointed the tip of the sword in front of Ah Wei's hand that got stuck on the table.

"Even though you were able to remove the dagger, your hand would be useless. The dagger is fragile. I only made it sharp and only for one time use. The more you force to pull this dagger out, the bones will shatter and make your hand in even worse condition." Ashina Helu aimed the sword upright so that Ah Wei and Ah Tui saw half his face covered by the sword.

The shad was one crazy barbarian, Ah Tui got goosebumps all over his back. He stood behind Ah Wei and could not do anything else to help his fellow friend. At the same time, Ah Wei cried and could not say a word.

"A barbaric like me not only has a thirst for women. Sometimes I do have a thirst for blood." In a split second, Ashina Helu moved the sword so fast. He swung the sword so easily and cut Ah Wei's wrist without warning.

As the blood spurted out and got to his face and body, Ashina Helu laughed devilishly. Ah Wei's screams accompanied his laugh and sent a chill to anyone who heard that. Ah Wei fell down to the ground while lamenting his hand.

Ashina Helu swung the sword again and left it pierced next to Ah Wei's palm which was still stuck on the table.

"These women are my bargain tool." Ashina Helu added casually as he returned back to her seat. "Another thought of having them would cost other body parts to be cut."


"Mei mei, it has been a few days we have been here. I become pessimistic that we can be found and return to the Imperial City." Pan Xi Yin leaned on the wall and no longer fussed about the unpleasant smell around them.

Both of them now were wearing thick peasant clothes which were covered by a hemp outer. The material felt rough on the skin but there was nothing they could do since Ashina Helu forced them to wear it.

Pan Xi Yin and Pan Tai Hao never appeared again since the last time Pan Tai Hao tried to rape Li Xi Shi. The one who always came regularly to check on them was only Ashina Helu. He always delivered food and replaced their waste pot two times a day. Everytime he did it, both Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi had to sit nicely and quietly on the bed.

Jiang Xi Yu felt Ashina Helu treat her just like a pet. She was peeping through the gap between the door. She was studying the house plot. To escape from there was difficult since both have lotus feet.

"Da jie, do not be pessimistic. Ashina Helu uses us as his tools to assure his way back to his tribe. He will not kill us and soon or later he will start his journey to the northwest. I am sure he will bring us along the way.", said Jiang Xi Yu as she pressed herself against the door.

Li Xi Shi turned her head and found Jiang Xi Yu stayed at the same position for some time already. "I do not know what you are doing but don't you feel sore for so long in that position?"

"I just wonder what he did to Pan Xi Yin and Pan Tai Hao." Jiang Xi Yu answered while changing her pose to something like a lizard on the wall. "Pan Xi Yin hates me so much. She would not give up the chance to bully me to death. But she did not try to bully us again, jie."

"Maybe Ashina Helu already killed her and her brother. Why do you want her to come here again?" This time Li Xi Shi already straightened her back and shifted her body to the edge of the bed.

"Because if she comes here again, that will be the chance we have to run away." Jiang Xi Yu said in low voices. She had a plan that she thought might work. "From this gap I see that this house is just a small house. I can see the main door of this house clearly. The room after this door is just an unused room. The household appliances have not been used for a long time."

Li Xi Shi got interested to see. She quickly stood up and came closer to Jiang Xi Yu's side. Because Jiang Xi Yu did not want to shift away to make room for her, Li Xi Shi just forced a peek through the gap on the other side.

"There is a movement outside…. I think." Li Xi Shi was unsure of what she saw but she could feel Jiang Xi Yu nodded in agreement.

"Is it Ashina Helu or Pan Xi Yin?" Jiang Xi Yu whispered. She did not really ask, she was just saying it as she hoped it was Pan Xi Yin.

The movements outside their captive house created noises that gradually sounded clearer into their hearing. Li Xi Shi withdrew herself because she was scared but Jiang Xi Yu stayed in her position because she wanted to make sure who was coming into the house. With heart beated faster than before, Jiang Xi Yu hoped it was Pan Xi Yin.

"Get the water pot and stand by the door." Jiang Xi Yu whispered to Li Xi Shi. She can feel Li Xi Shi moving behind her and grabbing the water pot which was made from clay and then stood next to her.

"You hit her head with that, and I will hold her and then push her to the ground. If it is not her, we better not do anything." Jiang Xi Yu picturized her plan. Li Xi Shi noded and lifted up the water pot above her head.

Soon, it was just like Jiang Xi Yu's hope. Somebody opened the door and it was not in the regular timing when Ashina Helu came to deliver food for them. The door squeaked open and the shadow showed up.

"It is Tai Hao." Jiang Xi Yu pulled back from the door. Her heart beated even faster. She knew that the pervert fatso still have the gut to try to rape Li Xi Shi again.

The moment Jiang Xi Yu mentioned that name, Li Xi Shi started to be frightened. Her hands became weak and she almost dropped the water clay pot to the ground. Luckily, Jiang Xi Yu took it over and the timing was perfect as Pan Tai Hao was opening their door slowly.

Apparently Pan Tai Hao did not expect that Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi were already there waiting for him. Some more Jiang Xi Yu had held the water clay pot above her head and swung it right away after the door was wide open.

Pan Tai Hao's hand was still on the door when Jiang Xi Yu hit him with the water clay pot. The breaking sound filled the solitude of the place. The water pot shattered into pieces and the water inside it wet Pan Tai Hao's head.

He yelled out of anger while Li Xi Shi retreated behind Jiang Xi Yu's body. Jiang Xi Yu took one step back as she waited to see the reaction. She was already pessimistic that the low quality water clay could knock down the male opponent. That was why she targeted Pan Xi Yin in the first place. Pan Tai Hao was a big and fat man. This might only tickle his head instead of knocking him down.

Pan Tai Hao wiped his face and then looked at them furiously. He growled angrily at Jiang Xi Yu and made his way to attack her. Li Xi Shi held Jiang Xi Yu's waist and managed to pull her. Both hand in hand tried to get away from the fatso's attack.

"I will kill you, Jiang Xi Yu!" Pan Tai Hao growled again while pointing his finger towards Jiang Xi Yu.

Jiang Xi Yu wanted to attract Ashina Helu's attention. She pushed the wooden table toward Pan Tai Hao. The fatso launched his heavy punch towards the coming wooden table and created an even louder noise as the table wrecked.

As both women maintained a distance from that fat monster, Jiang Xi Yu realized her position was closer to the opened door now. She pulled Li Xi Shi's hand and directed her to the opened door.

"Run, Jie." Jiang Xi Yu shielded Li Xi Shi so she could escape as she knew she could not walk faster than Li Xi Shi. If she was being selfish and tried to run away first before Li Xi Shi, it would not work for both of them. It would be better if one of them at least can manage to run away first.

Pan Tai Hao attempted to catch Li Xi Shi but Jiang Xi Yu tried to kick him on his nut. Lifting her right foot to give a steady kick made Jiang Xi Yu lose balance. Her weak leg gave up and she flipped down to the ground as her right leg managed to kick Pan Tai Hao's crotch.

She did not hurt herself since she slid off on the ground nicely. Pan Tai Hao cursed loudly as he pressed his hands on his crotch. Jiang Xi Yu did not want to lose a chance, she raisen up and rushed to leave while Pan Tai Hao was still pressing his crotch.

A strong hand pulled her up suddenly. When Jiang Xi Yu looked up, Ashina Helu already pulled her in his arms. Jiang Xi Yu deeply sighed and did not even try to struggle out from his power.

With one hand holding Jiang Xi Yu securely on his side, Ashina Helu pointed out a sword towards Pan Tai Hao.

"I ordered you to stay away from this house and you did not listen to me." Ashina Helu said in low voices and flat expressions.

Jiang Xi Yu looked away behind them and saw Li Xi Shi was in the hand of a man outside the house. Pan Xi Yin passed them and rushed to come behind Jiang Xi Yu. She wore Jiang Xi Yu's dress and that did not surprise Jiang Xi Yu at all.

"My shad, please restrain yourself. My brother is a young fit man who had low experience with women. After being jailed and tortured, of course as a fit man he has uncontrollable sexual desire. Please, my shad, please give him another chance.", begged Pan Xi Yin as she came down on her knees and touched Ashina Helu's knee.

Pan Xi Yin did not look shabby at that time. Her hair was wet, like just being washed clean after sometimes. Jiang Xi Yu's dress seemed too loose on her as the sleeves dropped open and showed off her shoulders. Jiang Xi Yu frowned and pondered whether this accident was actually well planned by Pan Xi Yin in order to get Ashina Helu's attention.

Ashina Helu shook her off. Still holding Jiang Xi Yu with one hand, Ashina Helu stepped in to get closer to Pan Tai Hao who was standing half bent as his crotch was still sore.

"The last warning was your only chance. You did not listen to it, that means you are asking for this." Ashina Helu did not wait for more explanation. He lifted up his sword and swung it vertically fast like a thunderbolt.

Spontaneously, Jiang Xi Yu closed her eyes and hugged Ashina Helu's body tightly. She thought Ashina Helu chopped Pan Tai Hai's head. She smelled the scent of blood and Pan Xi Yin's sad cry. Her body was shaken as she was afraid of Ashina Helu's ruthless trait. Li Xi Shi's pessimistic words came into her mind. Jiang Xi Yu was too afraid that Li Fei Long could not save her on time.

But the sound of Pan Tai Hao in pain can still be heard clearly. With tears in her eyes, Jiang Xi Yu peeped over Ashina Helu's shoulder. Pan Xi Yin was no longer on the ground beside Ashine Helu's feet. She might have ran to save her brother but Jiang Xi Yu was too frightened to turn around to check on both siblings.

"I cut his genitals. If I meet you both next time maybe I would not be as generous as I am now." Ashina Helu said in calmness. Jiang Xi Yu was stunned and kept listening. Apparently Ashina Helu talked to Pan Xi Yin who already ran to Pan Tai Hao's side.

"What sin did we do to you that you have to do this to us?" Pan Xi Yin yelled between her tears. "My brother even safed you from the prison and helped you out to get away from the capital city. He just has a lust for a woman and it does not cause you harm."

"I did not owe him anything. Your brother did not save me, woman. In fact, I am the one who brought him free." Ashina Helu laughed at her. "I heard everything when I was there. He is just a dumb spy that your old master placed him there and you are a low born maid who has high desire and possess a huge jealousy against this royal ladies."

Ashina Helu chuckles in a sarcastic way. Jiang Xi Yu stayed quiet under his arms. Outside the house, she saw one man take Li Xi Shi away. There was a small carriage prepared nearby the house. The man took Li Xi Shi inside the one horse carriage before standing on guard around it.

"You are asking what sin you did?!" Ashina Helu still continued his speech. "Do you think I did not notice that both of you killed your old husband? Purposely trying to make me tempted by your body is a dump act. I am barbaric. Being barbaric does not mean that I am stupid, woman."

Jiang Xi Yu was shocked to hear that statement. She remembered the old man who slapped Pan Xi Yin and called her his wife. Pan Xi Yin must have thought to seduce Ashina Helu after getting rid of her husband. What a snake!

"We are leaving this place right now.", said Ashina Helu in the end. His hand pressed Jiang Xi Yu's head to his shoulder and he easily held her up. His action buried Jiang Xi Yu's sight so she could not lift her head.

Was he doing this so Jiang Xi Yu would not accidentally see the bloody scene in that room?!

Jiang Xi Yu thought so.

Ashina Helu turned around and walked out towards the door. Pan Tai Hao no longer made any noise. He could have died or passed out. The next thing Jiang Xi Yu heard was Pan Xi Yin's angry scream.

She sounded very furious and was launching an attack. But Ashina Helu was fast. He let go of his hand over Jiang Xi Yu's head. He turned around, facing back to Pan Xi Yin who already jumped out and threw a meat cutting knife that she hid somewhere under her clothes.

This time Jiang Xi Yu witnessed everything. She saw Pan Tai Hao lying on the ground motionless. A small pool of blood was around his waist. She saw the knife fly toward Ashina Helu and Pan Xi Yin who already stood by the door.

One move and the knife got knocked down by Ashina Helu's sword. The second move after that was the same fast as before. A swung and the sword slashed Pan Xi Yin's right shoulder until her right arm fell to the ground. The blood splattered and Jiang Xi Yu was taken back by the scene.

She was too shocked until she did not realize that Ashina Helu took steps back so the blood did not get them. Her eyes stuck at Pan Xi Yin who wailed and dropped to the ground.

Ashina Helu resumed his plan. Still holding Jiang Xi Yu, he walked out to the horse carriage. One man without right palm was behind the saddle. The other man quickly opened the hemp behind the horseman so Ashina Helu could place Jiang Xi Yu inside.

Even after Ashina Helu put her down inside the carriage beside Li Xi Shi, Jiang Xi Yu was still stunned. Ashina Helu watched over Jiang Xi Yu's face for a second then he pulled thick fabrics that were prepared there and covered Jiang Xi Yu and Li Xi Shi's half bottom body. Before he retreated out, he patted Jiang Xi Yu on her knees.