The coldness and the silence have changed Zhong Jing Hall from being one of the most lively halls inside the palace into a dying place. The imperial taiyi reported negative effects on the bloodstream but no one found any poisonous meals or things within Zhong Jing Hall. Therefore the imperial taiyi that was appointed by The Empress, emphasized that the burden of Jing Gui Fei's mind might have caused Jing Gui Fei's condition to worsen.

After Duan Qin Wang departed with King Kan's entourage, Ding mama surreptitiously entered the palace. Duan Qin Wang specifically gave her a few orders to follow. One of them was to be at Jing Gui Fei's side along with Jia mama and He Lu gonggong.

Although The Emperor provided capable people to help Jing Gui Fei's health improve. Currently, The Emperor's attention was occupied with Li Xi Shi's whereabouts. No one seemed to care about Jing Gui Fei's condition. Right now it seemed like all the qin Wangs were in competition to save Li Xi Shi gulun gongzhu to gain The Emperor's favor.

Naturally it was obvious that Duan Qin Wang needed to be in search of his wife and his older sister. Because two of the qin wang were already leaving their post in the imperial city, The Emperor rejected Rui Qin Wang and Ning Qin Wang's request to follow the other qin wang. Based on imperial rules, at least one qin wang needed to stay behind in the imperial city.

"Gui Fei, this useless servant has just arrived to visit Zhong Jing Hall." Ding mama kowtowed in front of Jing Gui Fei, who was laying on a bed motionless.

Jia mama, who stayed close by the bed, quickly tied up the bed curtain to the side and eagerly spoke. "Gui Fei, look who is here. Wang ye must have sent Ding mama to your side while he is fetching Duan Wang Fei."

Ding mama dragged her knees closer to the bed. She looked closely at Jing Gui Fei who already opened her eyes. The moment their eyes met, both shed tears. Jing Gui Fei stretched out her hand and Ding mama caught the hand right away.

"How can this happen twice on Jiang Xi Yu?!", said Jing Gui Fei in tears.

"Gui Fei, please think about your health first. Wang ye has gone to search for wang fei. Wang fei is a sharp woman and has great luck on her side. They are destined to be together. Wang ye will rescue wang fei in no time. Meanwhile, as we are waiting for both of them to return to the imperial city, Gui Fei needs to improve your health." Ding mama squeezed Jing Gui Fei's hand warmly.

She continued on by pointing to her behind where two yahuan were bringing silver trays in each hand. "Wang ye, told me to present Gui Fei's all favorite snacks and also to bring in some precious medicine that Gao Xian gongzhi made since Gao Xian gongzhi was not suppose to enter the palace."

Hearing that, Jia mama took the initiative to approach one of the yahuan and picked up one of the snacks. She returned to the bedside, next to Ding mama.

"Ding mama, please help Gui Fei to sit straight up so I can show this snack that was prepare by wang ye." Jia mama said intentionally so Jing Gui Fei has the urge to wake up and be fresher.

But Jing Gui Fei shook her head and stopped Ding mama before she completely stood up. "My taste palette is bitter. Ben gong cannot swallow anything. My time will soon end."

"Gui Fei…." Both senior mama once again kowtowed after hearing that alarming statement.

"One could never predict life and death." Ding mama shouted in tears.

"Do not fill this place with your sorrow and tears. Ben gong will not leave this place until ben gong is sure that wang ye and wang fei will return to the imperial city alive." There was confidence in her statement. Even though she was lying on bed helpless, Jing Gui Fei still had power in her will.

"Tell them to go away." Jing Gui Fei pointed to the yahuan behind Ding mama and Jia mama.

The two mama signaled them to follow the instruction. After all were gone, Jing Gui Fei stretched out her hand once more for Ding mama to hold. The three of them knew each other for so long. They knew each other's struggle before they reached this point.

"There is a traitor inside Duan Wang Fu who helps unexpected competitors. Did wang ye acknowledge that?" Even though Jing Gui Fei was in her critical condition, she ignored her own health and tried to understand the situation to take control back.

Hastily nodding, Ding mama answered, "Wang ye assigned General Lou Sheng to stay in fu. Beside that, nubi has a classified message from wang ye to be delivered to Gui Fei. It is about fuma and Marquis He."

Jing Gui Fei gazed at Ding mama then a little bit pulled Ding mama's hand as a sign that she wanted Ding mama to come close to her to convey the message. Ding mama leaned over the bed and lowered her mouth next to Jing Gui Fei's ear.

As Ding mama whispered everything into her ear, gradually Jing Gui Fei's face got paler. She already did not have any appetite, after hearing what Ding mama told her, Jing Gui Fei even felt worse. Her grip on Ding mama's hand got tightened.

"With ben gong's authority and last auspices, ben gong will withhold any plot The Grand Chancellor and The Grand Princess are planning to do."


"Wang fei, nu bi just found out that wang ye is preparing a small group of people to follow him to leave fu to join Duan Qin Wang." The mama that rushed into Han Yao Ying's personal chamber, quickly informed Han Yao Ying.

Han Yao Ying was already under the thick blanket and ready to rest that night. Hearing that, she lost her mind. She opened the blanket and got help from her yahuan to stand up.

"That foolish…." She was about to curse and walk to the door but the old mama stopped her.

"Wang fei, you do not dress properly…." The old mama was blocking Han Yao Ying from strooming out of the chamber.

The yahuan acted fast to help out Han Yao Ying but she quickly dodged her angrily.

"I do not have time to change! Get me the winter cloak!" Han Yao Ying snapped at the young yahuan. Then she turned to the mama that stood in front of her. "Where is he now?"

"Wang ye is at the carriage yard." The old mama answered right away.

The carriage yard was in front of the entrance gate. It was inappropriate for her to go there with her current attire. But Han Yao Ying knew she did not have the time to get change. The foolish Li Qing Feng was ready to leave the fu and she knew he would not wait for her.

Ignoring the etiquette, Han Yao Ying stormed out of her chamber. Even the cold winter night could not bother her. The anger inside her was boiling up until she did not feel the cold.

With a yahuan and a mama following behind her, Han Yao Ying ignored the gasp from the servants that she passed. No one dared to stop her as everyone inside her fu knew her character so well.

Han Yao Ying did not even hesitate to stop when she reached the main gate. She saw Li Qing Feng was ready to mount his favorite horse. A few selected guards were around him and all were waiting for him to sit on the saddle before they mounted their own horse. Xiao Ya Zi gonggong stood near them, carrying Li Qing Feng's special made sword.

"Li Qing Feng!" Han Yao Ying shouted from the top of her lungs. She ran out and stopped in front of Li Qing Feng who was stunned at her sudden appearance.

"Get back inside!" She shouted louder than before.

But Li Qing Feng just stared at her coldly. The guards around them quickly turned their back after they realized that Rui Wang Fei was wearing only night clothes underneath her heavy cloak.

It was Xiao Ya Zi gonggong who replied to Han Yao Ying. He bowed deeply and said. "Wang fei, please return inside. The blizzard will soon arrive and wang fei is currently fragile. Wang fei needs to think about the heir inside the body that cannot be harmed by the cold."

Han Yao Ying slapped Xiao Ya Zi's head until the sword in his hand fell into the snow. "Tell that to your master."

Li Qing Feng quickly took the sword from the ground and then he waved at Xiao Ya Zi before he kneeled down to ask forgiveness from Han Yao Ying. "He is my trusted steward who has been managing my household ever since I became Rui Qin Wang."

"And I have been gong gege ever since I was born. Now, I am Rui Wang Fei, everyone has to follow what I say, including your head steward, your house General house, and of course, including you." Han Yao Ying blurted her anger wildly. She even did not think what she said made sense or not. She just wanted Li Qing Feng to listen and follow what she said and what she wanted.

All this time, Han Yao Ying imagined she would become like her mother, Li Liang Rong. Dignified, glorious, sovereign. But to be like that she needed Li Qing Feng to support her just like her father, Han Xiu Wen, supported her mother, Li Liang Rong.

Li Qing Feng was supposed to adore her like Han Xiu Wen adored Li Liang Rong. Why now after they were together, Li Qing Feng lost interest in her and even cannot be tamed at all?!

Han Yao Ying lost patience with Li Qing Feng. She needed him to be controllable.

"I say, keep your horse back in the stable, store back the sword, and return inside with me." Han Yao Ying glared at Li Qing Feng and emphasized each word slowly.

But Li Qing Feng just returned her gaze coldly. He stayed quiet for two second and then opened his mouth. "Xiao Ya Zi, lead wang fei back to her chamber."

"Li Qing Feng!!!" Han Yao Ying thunderously screamed at him.

Right away Li Qing Feng cupped his hand to Han Yao Ying's chin violently. He lowered his face and stopped around a few inches in front of Han Yao Ying's face. "You are talking to Long zi, The dragon's son. How to make you aware of it?!"

"You will not sit on The Dragon seat if you are without me." Han Yao Ying threatened him.

Li Qing Feng hissed furiously at her. "I regret I diffused the information about dage and Jiang Xi Yu."

"Do not say it." Han Yao Ying did not want to hear that confession. She knew ever since she witnessed a couple of times Li Qing Feng stared blankly at Jiang Xi Yu. But she did not want to admit it or even hear it. She gave him a death glare. "I say do not say it!"

But Li Qing Feng ignored it. He even looked satisfied as he spoke. "I regret making Fuhuang switch the marriage degree as now I see you are completely incompetient and not suitable to sit at The Phoenix seat beside me."

Then Li Qing Feng pushed his hand slightly and gave Han Yao Ying a shock. The yahuan and old mama quickly helped Han Yao Ying before she fell down. They held Han Yao Ying securely as Li Qing Feng continued on.

"I will still be going to rescue Jiang Xi Yu. I am taking my capable men with me and I do not care what you will do against me or on your effort to cover up my departure so that you are not ashamed of it."

After that Li Qing Feng turned around and quickly jumped on his horse. After he sat at the saddle, his men followed his action. Li Qing Feng stomped on his horse and soon his horse started galloping away.

Han Yao Ying stared at his back and did not shout anymore. She was mad. She turned crazy. At that moment her hatred towards Jiang Xi Yu had reached the top. Jiang Xi Yu managed to blind not only Li Fei Long but also Li Qing Feng. Han Yao Ying felt lost. She did not like this kind of losing feeling. She wanted to win. She wanted to be the only one that both qin wang adored. She wanted to be the next Phoenix standing next to The Dragon.

She stayed at the same position with both yahuan and the mama each on her side, holding her arms to give her support, even after the shadow of Li Qing Feng's back was lost in the snowdrops. She swore inside her heart, the day Li Qing Feng returned to the fu, he will regret what he did to her.


The next morning, Rui Wang Fei summoned Xiao Ya Zi gonggong to report to her. The taijian rushed to bow to her at the main hall where Rui Wang Fei already waited for him. Inside the hall, beside Rui Wang Fei, there was a muscular guard that Xiao Ya Zi never knew before.

The guard stood on the side as if he was protecting Rui Wang Fei, he wore a uniform with the emblem of Rui Wang Fu. His face was hideous, one would never dare to ask whether he was born that way or it were traces of war.

"Nucai is here to fulfill wang fei's needs." Xiao Ya Zi bowed in respect towards Rui Wang Fei and tried his best to ignore the new guard's existence there.

Rui Wang Fei made a strange noise. Xiao Ya Zi did not dare to lift up his chin since he already knew Rui Wang Fei's true nature. Especially after what happened last night, Xiao Ya Zi predicted that Rui Wang Fei was still frantic over Rui Qin Wang's secret departure.

"The departure of our wang ye is confidential information for the people outside our fu. Since wang ye brought along our head General house with him, ben wang fei has requested The Grand Princess to send someone who will fill the empty position temporarily until wang ye return back to the fu. For the time being, General Jun Hui will protect Rui Wang Fu." Rui Wang Fei explained the identity of the guard by her side.

At that moment, Xiao Ya Zi dared to lift up his chin and give a polite bow toward the new appointed head general guard of the fu. The latter did not budge at all to accept his greeting. Soon after that bunch of guards dragged in all Rui Qin Wang's shu children. Behind all of them were all the qie shi of Rui Qin Wang.

Xiao Ya Zi was shocked at the scene. The group of guards that he did not recognize dragged all the shu sons and made all of them kneeled in front of Rui Wang Fei. Even the pozi who carried the youngest daughter of Rui Qin Wang, got kneeled in front of Rui Wang Fei.

Rui Qin Wang has two shu sons and one shu daughter by one cefei and two yiniang. Both sons were around five years old and the daughter was only ten months old. All of them were crying as they scared the guards. The same thing happened to the qie shi that got blocked by a few guards to approach the center of the hall.

"Ben wang fei has mentioned this before." Rui Wang Fei started her speech. Calmly sitting on her seat, Rui Wang Fei adjusted her thick fur blanket to keep herself warm. The two huge bronze burners next to her somehow fired sparks, perfectly adding the chilling ambience around the hall.

"All the bad influences have disrupted Rui Wang Fu. At first ben wang fei wanted all the shu sons to temporarily leave Rui Wang Fu, but wang ye disagreed with this idea. Now, wang ye is in his confidential mission, therefore ben wang fei as the family head of Rui Wang Fu until wang ye returns back, will keep all the shu children away at the secluded yard inside the fu." Rui Wang Fei's speech created an emotional explosion at the back of the hall.

The three qie shi cried as soon Rui Wang Fei finished her speech. The yard at the back of the fu was too cold during the winter. Rui Qin Wang has never been using that area as long as he started living in this property. All of them knew the intention behind this order.

The guards strongly held the qie shi so they all could not come forward and speak their mind. Xiao Ya Zi took initiative and kneeled down to the ground.

"Wang fei, please do think about this again. If wang fei means to move these children to the hua yuan in this cold winter time, it is the same as forcing them to freeze to death." Xiao Ya Zi pledged as he lifted his fist up.

Rui Wang Fei gasped. "Are you accusing ben wang fei of committing cruel acts while wang ye is unpresent?"

Xiao Ya Zi kowtowed to her. "Nucai did not dare to do that. It is only because hua yuan is a secluded yard and has never been occupied for so long. The area is not worth living in, especially in this cold winter time. Please reconsider the thought and let nucai prepared the yard after the winter pass."

"Xiao Ya Zi, wang ye mentioned many times about how good you are in managing this household." Rui Wang Fei spoke calmly.

Xiao Ya Zi stayed still in his position. "Nucai does not dare to claim that, wang fei. Nucai will do the best nucai could do to serve Rui Wang Fu."

"Then do your best taking care of all these children in hua yuan." Rui Wang Fei fastly concluded.

Spontaneously lifting his chin, Xiao Ya Zi witnessed Rui Wang Fei waving her hands at the guards. "Take all of them to hua yuan, including Xiao Ya Zi gonggong. From now on Xiao Ya Zi gonggong is in charge of the shu children's well being in hua yuan. After ben wang fei give birth then ben wang fei shall discuss shu children's living quarters with wang ye. In the meantime, ben wang fei will select a new head house steward."

Before Xiao Ya Zi could speak up, a guard already held him up and dragged him away. The children were crying and being dragged behind him while Xiao Ya Zi could only see the qie shi wailed asking for forgiveness to Rui Wang Fei.


The husband and wife, Han Xiu Wen and Li Liang Rong were making themselves warm around the coal burner at their main chamber. Both stay quiet for some time. Both felt comfortable like this since the beginning of their marriage.

Equally having the same ambition, Han Xiu Wen and Li Liang Rong had acknowledged their compatible fate for so long. They both enjoyed discussing politics as well as shared the same interest in physical and mind games.

After both their children left the house, the solitude surrounded the fu. For the outsider, The Grand Chancellor's residence seemed tranquil and peaceful. Only the one who worked there understood how abhorrent the way their masters lived.

The head steward came into the chamber and quickly bowed to both masters. "Laoye, furen, there is a report from Rui Wang Fei that Rui Qin Wang left Rui Wang Fu at midnight and now Rui Wang Fei are in effort to cover up Rui Qin Wang's absence by submitting official letter of temporarily leaving his office to the palace because that Rui Qin Wang needs to take care Rui Wang Fei to pass this harsh cold season."

Opening her eyes, Li Liang Rong sighed heavily. Li Qing Feng has failed her greatly this time. That young man lost to a woman. Soon, Li Liang Rong glanced at her husband.

"Man who fails at the temptation of a woman is not worthy.", said Li Liang Rong.

Han Xiu Wen only nodded and gazed back at the head steward. "What else did Rui Wang Fei say?"

The head steward bowed down even lower as his hands offered a piece of sealed letter to Han Xiu Wen. He added some information as Han Xiu Wen took the letter off his hands.

"At dawn, ex-general Jun Hui entered Rui Wang Fu under Rui Wang Fei's order. The ex-general now acts as Rui Wang Fu's head guard." The head steward hesitated for a second before continuing on. "Nucai heard that Rui Wang Fei ordered all the tongfang to be under General Jun Hui's observation and the ce fei and yiniang to stay inside their living quarter to keep the negative aura affecting Rui Wang Fei's pregnancy."

Li Liang Rong nudged her tea cup until it fell and broke in pieces on the ground. That was how she expressed her annoyance. "Jun Hui has a long crime record of rape and murder cases of female captive. He was expelled from the military for that reason but now what in Yao Ying's mind?!"

Meanwhile, Han Xiu Wen kept his mouth shut and ignored his wife's anger. No servant dared to move to clean up the shatters on the ground. Han Xiu Wen opened the sealed letter and quickly read it before handing it to Li Liang Rong who sat beside him.