Piano Genius

The lunch break has always been a happy moment for the majority of students. At this moment, Shen Tianyun had followed the stream of the crowd towards the cafeteria. It was his first time in this life to go there.

Upon reaching the luxury decorated cafeteria, Shen Tianyun shook his head slightly as he took out 10 RMB note out of his pocket. Huayun High school's cafeteria was well-known as the number one school's cafeteria in this province. Of course, the price per meal was also ridiculously high, a simple meal could cost around 25 RMB already. As for Shen Tianyun, he could only buy a single cream-bread and 1 milk.

In his previous life, he was always busy at work and never had time for his lunch. His secretary had always bought a simple meal for him and it would be a waste in the end as he rarely ate it.

However, in this weak body, he felt very hungry right now. He knew that he could not skip this meal thus, he managed to buy a cream-bread and strawberry milk. Got his foods, Shen Tianyun found a vacant seat to sit and started eating it without care countless eyes were fixated on him at this moment.

"Look, isn't that poor bastard, Shen Tianyun? How could he dare to sit here in the cafeteria?"

"That's right, just looking at his dirty shirts makes me feel like to vomits."

"Perhaps, his brain already damaged, I heard that yesterday, Young master Zhou knocked him out with the balls."

Countless people whispering and jeering at him, though Shen Tianyun heard all of it but he has completely ignored it. He did not want to lower himself to argue with these idiots. His mind was occupied by the thoughts of gaining money and Fame points.


Suddenly, a tray of foods appeared in Shen Tianyun's sight with a loud thud. He was surprised a little because it was Lin Xueyue who put her food tray on the table loudly and she sat down opposite him afterward. Everyone stopped whisper as they shocked at the scene.

"Do you like strawberry flavor? I always saw you bought chocolate flavor in the past." She asked and prepared to eat her meal.

"Mhm, I just want to try something new and it is really delicious. People couldn't always staying as the same all the time right?" Shen Tianyun smiled meaningful at her, the latter seemed to understand the meaning behind his words.

"That's right, I believe one day you will make people who looking down on you completely shut up." Although her voice was not loud but several people had been focused on her all this time could hear about it. If it has not come from Lin Xueyue's mouth, perhaps everyone would start laughing already.

"Ah you thinking highly of me, do you believe me that much?" Shen Tianyun squinted his eyes staring into her eyes.

"We have been desk-mate for almost 2 years, I know that you are really good at study but you deliberated to hide it from everyone. Can you tell me why did you hide it and why did you reveal it now?" She always believed this man in front of her kept hiding his true ability all this time. However, what she did not know that her words made Shen Tianyun became speechless.

I didn't hide it, the former Shen Tianyun is just really not that good, He thought.

"Erm… Well, actually I don't want to hide it but as you know, I'm really poor and I don't have any background. Think about it if I manage to get top scores above everyone what would happen to me? You should know that envy and jealousy are the nature of humans." A quick-witted Shen Tianyun went with the flow smoothly. He paused for a moment and continue, "Yesterday I got knocked out by someone and I thought that I was going to die at that time. There are countless things that I want to do yet I didn't manage to do it. Why should I hide about my ability? Why should I care about those people opinions? these questions popped up in my mind. At that moment, I vowed that if I don't die today, I will do everything according to my ability so I don't have to leave with regret." As expected of glib tongue bullshitting master Shen Tianyun. He could keep acting cool along with his nonsense perfectly.

Lin Xueyue looked at him and nodded her head slightly in an understanding manner.

"Che… what a load of bullshit."

"That's right, trying to act cool. A poor is a poor he will never change his fate for the rest of his life."

A jeering sound came out again. Lin Xueyue's expression immediately turned frosty, Shen Tianyun did not know whether it was his imagination or not but he could the temperature around him instantly dropped. He shook his head hurriedly to told her that she did not have to mind them.

"Let's eat, we have something to do after this." Shen Tianyun said and instantly wolfed down the last bite of his cream-bread.

Lin Xueyue's expression loosened a bit and started eating her meal. After they had finished their meals, both of them walked side by side out of the cafeteria with a jealous and malice gazed at them from all directions.

"Hmph! this poor bastard! How could he dare to get close to my Xueyue! It looks like I need to give him another lesson!!" At the corner of the cafeteria, A good-looking youth gazed at the disappearing back of Shen Tianyun. His face was contorted with hatred.

"That's right Young master Zhou, I think yesterday we gave him too light." A lackey did not miss the opportunity to bootlicking his Young master.

"Shen Tianyun just you wait!!" Young master Zhou Feng said then crushed the soda can in his hand. If Shen Tianyun were to see this he would probably clap his hand applaud to him, this was a truly classic villain young master's performance.


Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue were arrived at the music room, as they walked in, the music class teacher, Lou Hao quickly greeted Lin Xueyue politely. Shen Tianyun could easily see how powerful Lin Xueyue's family was, from the memories he knew that her father was the secretary of the prefecture-level city. It could be said that he was the number one in this prefecture.

Suddenly, Shen Tianyun felt a headache coming, if he managed to successfully seduce this little girl, he would have to face her powerful father with a rich background and that would bring him the classic drama, father-in-law versus son-in-law. With his little background right now, he could only hope her parents to be more reasonable persons.

"Young miss Lin what can I do for you today?" Teacher Lou rubbed his hand and asked Lin Xueyue with a flattered smile.

"Please teacher, I am a student here, don't call me Young miss. I want to borrow a piano for a while." Lin Xueyue replied with a cold expression.

"Ah, you can use it as you like, please." Teacher Lou sweats profusely as he made inviting gesture. He then shot a disdained glance at Shen Tianyun.

"Alright, you can play it." Lin Xueyue said to Shen Tianyun, the latter nodded and was about to sit down, suddenly, teacher Lou came to interrupt him.

"Student Lin, how could you bring this poor brat here? And you want to let him touch the piano? I don't know how could he manage to deceive you but I don't think he could play it." He said out loud and pointed at Shen Tianyun.

Lin Xueyue's expression turned cold, she hated people who looking down others the most, "Teacher Lou, please show some respect to him. You shouldn't look down on people."

Teacher Lou did not dare to retort her, he only glared at Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun smiled and said, "How about we make some bets teacher Lou. Do you believe or not, I can play the piano better than you?"

"You? Hahaha! I don't know where is your confidence comes from. I bet that this is the first time for you to touch the piano for sure. A poor brat like you can't afford to find a piano anyway." Teacher Lou laughed out loud as if he heard the best jokes in the history of mankind.

"I'm asking you here, do you dare or not? If I lose you can do whatever you want to me, if you want to expel me I won't refuse it but if I win, I want 10,000 RMB. Do you dare teacher Lou?" Shen Tianyun said in a provoking tone, Lin Xueyue on the side, started to concern about him as she knew that Teacher Lou was a level 8 pianist master.

"Heh... Of course, I dared! Hahaha! Student Lin can you be a witness here in case he goes back on his words." Teacher Lou smiled confidently and asked Lin Xueyue. She did not know what to do and looked at Shen Tianyun, the latter nodded his head in reply with a confident smile.

Lin Xueyue bit her lips slightly and said, "Okay, If teacher Lou win he can do anything to student Shen Tianyun but if he loses, he has to pay 10,000 RMB to student Shen Tianyun. I'm here to witness this bet."

Teacher Lou was overjoyed and he turned to look at Shen Tianyun with a sinister smile, "brat you dead for sure!"

"We will decide by the song that we choose for each other, you can choose whatever song for me and I will choose one for you to play. Is this alright?" Shen Tianyun suggested.

Lin Xueyue's face went paled after she heard his words, she wanted to stop him but she already accepted to be a witness on this bet. She could not help but worried about him.

Teacher Lou smiled widely, "Alright, I choose 'Fantaisie Impromptu' by Chopin for you!."

Lin Xueyue's face turned white, she knew that this song was one of the most difficult songs in the world.

Shen Tianyun smiled as he said, "I choose 'The entertainer' by S.Joplin for you, you can start first."

Lou Hao and Lin Xueyue could not believe in their ears, this song was well-known to be a practice song for an amateur. Did Shen Tianyun's brain was damaged? Did he want to lose that badly? They were confused.

Lou Hao chuckled and sat on the chair prepare to play the song, "brat, don't regret it later."

Hehe, old man I just dug a pit for you to jump in, you should be ready to be slapping on the face later. Shen Tianyun snickered in his heart.

Teacher Lou began to play the piano, Shen Tianyun admitted that he really deserved to be at level 8 master. His movement hardly fell off the note and rhythm but Shen Tianyun could hear a bit off-notes perhaps, he was too confident and made a simple mistake like this.

On the side Lin Xueyue also heard the off-notes from teacher Lou, thinking about the song that Shen Tianyun has to play, she could not help but worried about him. This was the result that Shen Tianyun wanted, she probably did not know that her heart already opened a little.

Teacher Lou finished his song, he clicked his tongue lightly as if he dissatisfied with his performance. However, he was more confident Shen Tianyun could not play 'Fantaisie Impromptu' for sure.

"Brat, your turn. Good luck hehe." Teacher Lou laughed disdainfully to Shen Tianyun, the latter did not say anything as he slowly sat down in front of the piano.

He took a deep breath and placed his fingers on the piano, the notes shown in his mind. He began to play 'Fantaisie Impromptu Op.66', it started with a slow melody and gradually increased the speed. Shen Tianyun was calmly playing it like a fish in the water. His finger's movement was so smooth, the melody he produced was so perfect.

Lin Xueyue and Teacher Li were dumbfounded, Lin Xueyue's little mouth wide open, disbelief appeared all over her face.

Teacher Lou immersed himself into the beautiful melody, he already forgot about the bets. A time passed by until Shen Tianyun finished his last note, a silence covered the room. He turned to look at both of them and smiled brilliantly. This was the first time Lin Xueyue felt he was very handsome. As she realized her weird thoughts, a faint pinkish layer appeared on her cheeks.

Hmph!! This guy just plays the pig eating tiger, So hateful!! I'm worried about him for nothing! Lin Xueyue said angrily in her heart.

Teacher Lou was the first one to open his mouth, "Student Shen Tianyun, please represent the school in the province competition next week!" He sincerely invited Shen Tianyun. He had to admitted that Shen Tianyun was a genius.

"Ah? What about my money?" Shen Tianyun was stunned for a bit, he already prepared for face slapping this teacher Lou but ended up gaining a new admirer all of sudden.

"Here is the money, I admitted defeat. You are already a grandmaster level. I sincerely apologize and I want you to represent our school for the competition. Please considering it." Teacher Lou said with a very polite tone, although he despised Shen Tianyun before but he was truly loved the music and a grandmaster-level genius appeared in this school, how could he ignore it.

"That's right, Student Shen Tianyun, I heard that the first place will be rewarded 100,000 RMB. This is your opportunity to earn the money!" Lin Xueyue encouraged him, she already imagined about Shen Tianyun winning the first place.

Actually, Shen Tianyun wanted to accept immediately because this was the opportunity for him to gain Fame points and money was just a bonus, it just that he had to act cool before reluctantly accepted it.

Shen Tianyun received 10,000 RMB from teacher Lou, he also surprised that teacher Lou brought so much cashes on him. He thought for a while and nodded his head, well, it was obviously acting, "Okay, I will do it but you have to guarantee that no one will cause trouble for me as you know, several people despised me and want to eat me alive. I feared that they will do something if they know I'm representing the school."

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to ensure that no one object on this matter." Teacher Lou said confidently.

"I will tell my mother about this, rest assured I will help you find a suitable part-time jobs for you." Lin Xueyue smiled faintly.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Also I don't have time to practice every day but I will try my best to get the first place for our school." He said righteously brimming with heroism aura but in his heart, he knew that it just another bullshit, for the school? Haha, dream on!

"It's fine, You just prepared the song for the competition, I will send the detail to you later." Teacher Lou replied, his eyes lit up and stared at Shen Tianyun as if he saw a priceless treasure.

『 You have earned 1 Fame points!. 』 The system notification sound rang in his mind.